Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES 2018)

201 authors
Abubakar, Herminawaty
The Role of Human Resources and Information Technology on Implementation of Business Process Reengineering Strategy
Adhariani, Desi
Application of Combined Assurance as a New Approach to Integrate Internal Audit, Governance, and Risk Management: A Case Study on Indonesia Financial Service Authority
Adhariani, Desi
Family-owned and State-owned Firms Disclosure: Comparative Analysis of Indonesia Public Firms
Adi, Khofifatu R.
Transformational Leadership and Team Performance: The Role of Innovation in Indonesia Property Agent Industry
Ady, Sri Utami
Trading Activity Against Political Event (Event Study of the So-Called 212 Peaceful Demonstration)
Agustin, Atut Frida
An Evaluation of Regional Development in Gender Perspective: Study in East Java Regional Development Process
Agustini, Aisa Tri
Why Accounting is Important for SMEs? (Case Study of Tape Madu Jaya Jember)
Alam, Muhamad Nur
The Influence of Sharia Compliance and Customer Experience on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Muslim Tourist who Visited Sharia Hotel
Amin, Firqiyatul Makhfudloh
The Effects of Occupational Health and Safety on Employee Performance Through Work Satisfaction
Amin, Saiful
Coaching of Student Cooperation To Be “Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin”
Ampri, Aulia Natasya Irfani
Application of Combined Assurance as a New Approach to Integrate Internal Audit, Governance, and Risk Management: A Case Study on Indonesia Financial Service Authority
Andriyani, Fitriya
Profit: A Denotation and Connotation Meaning in Rolland Barthes Perspective
Apriyanto, Ferry
The Effect of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Auditor Independence with Spiritual Intelligence as A Moderation Variable
Ardiantono, Dewie Saktia
The Effect of Different Argument Quality and Religious Symbol to The Muslim Consumers' Attitude and Intention Toward Halal Food Products
Arifin, Atwal
Reconstruction Model of Social Justice Water Management For Society In Sharia Economy Perspective: A Study of Literature
Arindha, Prianka Tiersa
Intellectual Capital to the Firm Value With Profitability as Intervening Variable
Arisandi, Debby
The Role of Digital Marketing in Improving Sales to SMEs in Dealing with ASEAN Economic Community
Aryo, Bagus
The Impact of Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh (ZIS), Unemployment and Poverty on the Economic Growth in Indonesia (2011-2017)
Asiyah, Siti
Building Loyalty Based Sharia in Financial Services Companies (Study on BMT Sidogiri Pasuruan)
Auliyah, Robiatul
Strategy of Selling Price, Innovation, and Values Contained in Business of Batik Genthongan
Azzahra, Farida
Analysis of Rupiah or Yen With Hooper Morton Exchange Determination Model Approach
Baihaqi, Jadzil
Entrepreneurial Intentions and Its Influencing Factors: A Survey of Student Cooperative Members in Indonesia
Bashith, Abdul
Coaching of Student Cooperation To Be “Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin”
Berlianto, Margaretha Pink
The Influencing Factors on Coffee Shop Customers' Revisit Intention
Bramanti, Geodita Woro
The Effect of Different Argument Quality and Religious Symbol to The Muslim Consumers' Attitude and Intention Toward Halal Food Products
Effect of Income Rate, Education, Religiosity to Muzakki Interest to Pay Zakat; Case Study of National Amil Zakat Board Central Java
Coryanata, Isma
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Competence, Entrepreneurship and Learning Orientation Toward Sustainable Competitive Advantages in Improving Managerial Performance on Medium Enterprises in Bengkulu Province
Darmawan, Andre Pupung
Impact of Non Tariff Policy on Indonesian Coffee Exports To Main Importer Countries
Dewi, Miranti Kartika
Maqashid Shariah-Based Performance and Islamic Social Responsibility; an Empirical Study of Islamic Bank in Asean
Diyanty, Vera
The Effect of IFRS Convergence on Accounting Pay for Performance Sensitivity with the Role of Audit Committee as Moderate Variable
Djakfar, Muhammad
Revitalization and Actualization of Religious Values to Realize Civilized Wasathiyah Economy
Djalaluddin, Ahmad
Biogas as A Solution for Sustainable Energy Development in Maqashid Syariah Framework
Ekowati, Vivin Maharani
The Effects of Occupational Health and Safety on Employee Performance Through Work Satisfaction
Emestine, Indira Emmelina
CEO Characteristics and Firm Performance; Empirical Studies from ASEAN Countries
Erlando, Angga
Analysis of Rupiah or Yen With Hooper Morton Exchange Determination Model Approach
Erlando, Angga
The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Indonesia's Exports
Erlando, Angga
Impact of Non Tariff Policy on Indonesian Coffee Exports To Main Importer Countries
Fajriyanti, Silva Nur Rizha
The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Indonesia's Exports
Faramida, Yessy Ethiza
Trading Activity Against Political Event (Event Study of the So-Called 212 Peaceful Demonstration)
Farida, Lailatul
The Effect of Mobile Banking On User Satisfaction and Loyalty through the Quality of Mobile Banking Service (Study on Banks in East Java)
Fatmawatie, Naning
The Financing Role of Sharia Banks Toward the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia on Era Revolution Industry 4.0
Febriandika, Nur Rizqi
The Application of Wadiah Contract on Islamic Banking Savings Products Through Branchless Banking (Conformity Analysis on Fatwa DSN-MUI and POJK)
Febriandika, Nur Rizqi
The Role of Government in the Zakat Management: The Implementation of A Centralized and Decentralized Approach (Comparative Study in Indonesia and Malaysia)
Febriandika, Nur Rizqi
Implementations of Sharia Business Strategy Development through Sharia Multilevel Marketing Schemes In Hajj and Umrah Travel Agencies
Febriyantoro, Mohamad Trio
The Role of Digital Marketing in Improving Sales to SMEs in Dealing with ASEAN Economic Community
Firmansyah, Fani
The Concept and Steps of Personal Selling
Fitriany, F
Impact of Family Ownership on the Firm's Abnormal Audit Fees
Hafizi, Muhammad Riza
The Existence of Flight to Quality: Evidence From Indonesia
Hajarsari, Nofian Deastuti
P2P Lending Schemes for Funding Student SME Business
Handoyo, Rossanto Dwi
Analysis of Rupiah or Yen With Hooper Morton Exchange Determination Model Approach
Handoyo, Rossanto Dwi
The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Indonesia's Exports
Handoyo, Rossanto Dwi
Impact of Non Tariff Policy on Indonesian Coffee Exports To Main Importer Countries
Hardaningrum, Tri Wahyu
The Application of Blue Economy Principle Through Local Wisdom of Seaweed Farmers in Labuhan Kertasari Village, West Sumbawa Regency
Hariyadi, Annissa Nurhanifah
The Implementation of Risk Management in Zakat Institution; Case Study of Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta
Haryono, Agus
Implementation of Sustainable Business Strategy Change and Entrepreneurial Capacity Building through SMEs Empowerment
Hasan, Fahadil Amin Al
The Influence of Sharia Compliance and Customer Experience on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Muslim Tourist who Visited Sharia Hotel
Hasan, Nida Nadya
Maqashid Shariah-Based Performance and Islamic Social Responsibility; an Empirical Study of Islamic Bank in Asean
Herliana, Tri Yeni
The Effect of Liquidity and Profitability to Dividend Policy with Asset Growth as Moderating Variable (Study on Property Sector, Real Estate and Building Construction Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange)
Business World and Alternative Solutions on Achieving Sustainable Development Objectives
Hidayati, Nur Aini
Efficiency of Micro Entreprises in Using Banking Capital for Poverty Alleviation
Huda, M.Dimyati
Financial Report Enhances Character in Actualizing Good Governance
Transformational Leadership and Team Performance: The Role of Innovation in Indonesia Property Agent Industry
Insawan, Husain
Business World and Alternative Solutions on Achieving Sustainable Development Objectives
Irawati, Zulfa
Hajj Financing With Sharia Pawnshop
Isa, Muzakar
Exploration of Entrepreneurial Skills for SMEs Development
The Effect of E-Filing Implementation, Level of Tax Comprehension, and Tax Sanction on Formal Compliance of Individual Taxpayer
Khusniyah, Nur
The Concept and Steps of Personal Selling
Riba in Cognitive Behavioral Theory
An Analysis of Maqashid Syariah Devotion to the Profit of Syariah Commercial Bank in Indonesia
Kustono, Alwan Sri
Why Accounting is Important for SMEs? (Case Study of Tape Madu Jaya Jember)
Kusumawardani, Deni
Industrial Emissions in Java Island of Indonesia: A Convergence Analysis
Lemy, Diena M.
Client Satisfaction Levels at Microfinance Institution: An Empirical Research
Lestari, Wuryaningsih Dwi
Hajj Financing With Sharia Pawnshop
Listyorini, Tri
Trading Activity Against Political Event (Event Study of the So-Called 212 Peaceful Demonstration)
Luo, Jennifer
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Ratio to Company’s Value (Case Study of Companies Listed in LQ45 of IDX for the period 2011-2015)
Lusmeida, Herlina
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Ratio to Company’s Value (Case Study of Companies Listed in LQ45 of IDX for the period 2011-2015)
M., Masyhuri
Halal and Healthiness of Snacks Analysis for Creative Economic Business and Potential A New Business Opportunity
MG, Neneng Alghina
The Impact of Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh (ZIS), Unemployment and Poverty on the Economic Growth in Indonesia (2011-2017)
Maguni, Wahyudin
Business World and Alternative Solutions on Achieving Sustainable Development Objectives
Maharani, Satia
Reconstruction of Performance Measurement Models for Islamic Bank
Mangifera, Liana
Exploration of Entrepreneurial Skills for SMEs Development
Mansur, Muh.
Halal and Healthiness of Snacks Analysis for Creative Economic Business and Potential A New Business Opportunity
Profitability and Leverage to the Value of Companies With Dividend Policies as a Moderation Variable
Mawardi, Ahmad Imam
Riba in Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Meidiati, Safira
Analysis of Implications Related to New Decision on the Procedure of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement at PT FM International
Meilani, Yohana F.C. Palupi
Identifying Micro-Entrepreneurs' Perception toward Financial Training: a Support for Economic Empowerment
Mubarok, Faizul
An Analysis on the Effect of Performance Factors and Technology Aspect on Market Share of Sharia-Compliant Banking in Indonesia
Muhalling, Rusding
Business World and Alternative Solutions on Achieving Sustainable Development Objectives
Implementation of Sustainable Business Strategy Change and Entrepreneurial Capacity Building through SMEs Empowerment
Reconstruction Model of Social Justice Water Management For Society In Sharia Economy Perspective: A Study of Literature
Mukaffi, Zaim
Competitive Strategy for Micro, Small Business and Medium Food Industry Sector
Mulazid, Ade Sofyan
An Analysis on the Effect of Performance Factors and Technology Aspect on Market Share of Sharia-Compliant Banking in Indonesia
Mulazid, Ade Sofyan
Analysis on the Effect of Location, Brand Image, And Word of Mouth on The Customers’ Decision Process in Choosing Hajj Saving in Sharia-Compliant Banking
Murwanti, Sri
Hajj Financing With Sharia Pawnshop
Najiyah, Faridatun
The Role of Government in the Zakat Management: The Implementation of A Centralized and Decentralized Approach (Comparative Study in Indonesia and Malaysia)
Noerman, Teuku
Industrial Emissions in Java Island of Indonesia: A Convergence Analysis
Nurhasanah, Elis
The Effectiveness of Zakat Utilization Program Based on Integrated Community Development in West Bandung Regency (Case Study of Assisted Village by Rumah Zakat)
Nurhayati, Siti Fatimah
Hajj Financing With Sharia Pawnshop
Nurzaman, Mohamad Soleh
The Influence of Sharia Compliance and Customer Experience on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Muslim Tourist who Visited Sharia Hotel
Nurzaman, Mohamad Soleh
The Effectiveness of Zakat Utilization Program Based on Integrated Community Development in West Bandung Regency (Case Study of Assisted Village by Rumah Zakat)