Proceedings of the International Conference on Democracy, Accountability and Governance (ICODAG 2017)
133 authors
- Sulaksno, Tunjung
- Political Dynasty and Kinship Networking in Bantanese Pilkada
- Sulaksono, Tunjung
- Governing State Borders An Investigating "Collaborative Governances" in strengthening Social Welfare Development in Nunukan Regency, Indonesia
- Sulistyaningsih, Tri
- Integrative Tourism Policy Development Based on Agro-Tourism In The City of Batu Malang East Java Indonesia
- Sumaryana, Asep
- Innovation Towards The Effectiveness of Governance
- Suranto, Mr
- Political Dynasty and Kinship Networking in Bantanese Pilkada
- Suswanta, Mr
- Governing State Borders An Investigating "Collaborative Governances" in strengthening Social Welfare Development in Nunukan Regency, Indonesia
- Suwaro, Utang
- Governance of Forest and Peatland Fire Prevention in Riau Province
- Suwaryo, Utang
- Development of Technopolitan Region in Pelalawan Regency of Riau Province in Collaborative Governance Perspective
- Suwaryo, Utang
- POLICY OF REGIONAL DIVISION: Developing Closeness, Convenience and Accessibility of Service (Study about Impacts of Regional Division in Kabupetan Bandung Barat Propinsi Jawa Barat)
- Syahendry, Mr
- Reinforcement of Civil Socities in Democracy
- Syaprianto, Mr
- The Transparency of Public Service in Pelalawan District
- Tahwali, Nur Rosalia Juita
- Existence of Golkar Party in Banggai Regency 1999-2009
- Teguh, Priyo
- Development of Technopolitan Region in Pelalawan Regency of Riau Province in Collaborative Governance Perspective
- Ulfah, Irma Fitriana
- Mapping Model of City Branding Formulation In Indonesia
- Utomo, Setyo
- Reinforcement of Civil Socities in Democracy
- Vestikowati, Endah
- Influence of Management Information System on Health Care in Puskesmas Cigeureung Tasikmalaya Town
- Wahyudi, Rodi
- Relationship of Voters' Ideology, Disbelief of Political Parties and Disappointment in Government With Voter Disappearance In 2014 Presidential Election in Riau Province
- Wahyudi, Rodi
- Voter Absence Factors in Disappearance From Legislative Election and General Election of President and Vice President of 2014 (Study in Pekanbaru City, Kampar Regency and Indragiri Hilir Regency
- Wahyudi, Septian
- Application Promotion Mix of Political Marketing in General Election 2014
- Wardana, Data
- The Influencing Factors of Voters Level Participation of Regional Head Election in Pekanbaru City 2017
- Wedayanti, Made Devi
- Political Participation And Electoral Society
- Wicaksono, Baskoro
- Principles Governance In Management Water Supply and Community Based Sanitation (Pamsimas) In Banglas Barat Village Tebing Tinggi Subdistrict Meranti Islands Regency In 2014-2016
- Wicaksono, Baskoro
- Deliberation in Planning Development in the Village of Renak Dungun Subdistrict Pulau Merbau Regency Kepulauan Meranti Year 2014-2015
- Yogia, Moris Adidi
- Capacity Development In Realizing The Good Governance In The Era Of Regional Autonomy
- Yudha, Teza
- Sexuality and Governmentality
- Yulyana, Eka
- Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy in the Perspective of Good Government In Karawang Regency
- Yuningsih, Neneng Yani
- Participation of Y Generation in 2018 General Elections
- Yuslaini, Nina
- Political Participation And Electoral Society
- Yuslaini, Nina
- Political Participation And Electoral Society
- Yuza, Ahmad Fitra
- The Governance of Border Areas' Determination In Riau Province
- Zainal, Mr
- Governance of Forest and Peatland Fire Prevention in Riau Province
- Zainuddin, Mr
- Accountability of Simultaneous Village Head Elections in Sidenreng Rappang District (Case Study: Compong Village, Mattiro Tasi Village, Kanie Village and Bolu Bulu Village)
- Zamhasari, Mr
- Building Beginner Voter's Interest in Political Participation in Indonesia's Election