Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018)
The widespreadness of multimedia has a significant impact onto the style of communication. From the past to present, these changes can be seen from various and abundant resources of tools interacting with each other. It brings out into the view of hypertext with various media. And for the future technology, the disruption era with its overflow of information, human being will be surrounded by multimedia as their “part of the body”. How those phenomena affect language and literature in the context of education? Recently, audio, visual and audio-visual media have been modified in many fields including education. Language and literature which are known as the way to represent self (from the speaker and author) and to know others (from the listener and reader) are interested to be discussed, moreover in the future technology. It is not only about border-crossing the country but also the planet. Language and literature teacher, lecture, academician, researcher, practitioner, and student should be gathered and work together in bringing a significant contribution to undertake their role in this multimedia era.
Responding to this, the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (consisting of the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, and the Postgraduate Language and Literature Study Program in Indonesia with FORPROSI and IKAPROBSI) this year organizes an international conference on "Language, Literature, and Education in the Multimedia Age" for two days 10 to 11 October 2018.
In addition to the keynote speakers and main speakers, this international seminar is also attended by participants from various countries, including: UK, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Poland, Tanzania, Algeria and Indonesia. Our gratitude goes to a number of parties who have supported the preparation of this international seminar, including the Head of the Indonesian Language Development and Development Agency, speakers from various countries (Australia, Malaysia, Britain and Indonesia), Chair of FORPROSI, IKAPROBSI, PPBI, Rector of the Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Vice-Rectors, Deans, Vice- Deans, Heads of Departments and Study Programs at the Faculty Languages and Arts and the Post-Graduate Programs, and the entire organizing committee.
Hopefully this international seminar can contribute to the development of linguistics, literature and teaching in the multimedia era. We have tried to prepare this activity as well as possible. However, we realized, there are still shortcomings in this activity. Criticism, suggestions, and input are very much expected to improve the organization of future activities.
The Editors
Beniati Lestyarini
Kastam Syamsi
Tutut Herawan
Responding to this, the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (consisting of the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, and the Postgraduate Language and Literature Study Program in Indonesia with FORPROSI and IKAPROBSI) this year organizes an international conference on "Language, Literature, and Education in the Multimedia Age" for two days 10 to 11 October 2018.
In addition to the keynote speakers and main speakers, this international seminar is also attended by participants from various countries, including: UK, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Poland, Tanzania, Algeria and Indonesia. Our gratitude goes to a number of parties who have supported the preparation of this international seminar, including the Head of the Indonesian Language Development and Development Agency, speakers from various countries (Australia, Malaysia, Britain and Indonesia), Chair of FORPROSI, IKAPROBSI, PPBI, Rector of the Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Vice-Rectors, Deans, Vice- Deans, Heads of Departments and Study Programs at the Faculty Languages and Arts and the Post-Graduate Programs, and the entire organizing committee.
Hopefully this international seminar can contribute to the development of linguistics, literature and teaching in the multimedia era. We have tried to prepare this activity as well as possible. However, we realized, there are still shortcomings in this activity. Criticism, suggestions, and input are very much expected to improve the organization of future activities.
The Editors
Beniati Lestyarini
Kastam Syamsi
Tutut Herawan