Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)
613 authors
- Dadang Sudrajat, Dadang
- Early Detector Scale of Student Peace Level’s
- Darawati Maharani, Putri
- Analysis of Learning Outcomes in Different Cognitive Abilities of Students Using Electronic Games
- Darmaji, Darmaji
- Quality Management Education in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Darmawati, Endang
- Implementation of Literacy Programs in Basic High School Class
- Dea Stivani Suherman, Dea
- Identification of Olympiad Material in Elementary Schools
- Dedi Kriswanto, Hendra
- Development of Android-Based Information Systems Faculty of Education
- Desi Wulandari, Desi
- Implementation of Project-Based Learning Methods to Increase Students’ Creativity
- Desmawati, Liliek
- Homeschooling: Nonformal Education Learning Strategy 4.0
- Desyandri, Desyandri
- Analysis of the Mastery of the Nusantara Songs in 4th Grade Elementary School Students
- Desyandri, Desyandri
- Primary School Teachers Problems in Implementation of Curriculum 2013
- Dharsana, I Ketut
- Cognitive Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Intervene in Self Aggression
- Dharsana, I Ketut
- Psychological Data Information Specialization Services in Increasing Student’s Self Understanding
- Diah Noviana, Pipit
- Social Intelligence Contribution in Perspective Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Social Science Subject
- Dian Firdiana, Ade
- The Use of Visual Support of PECS and Schedule Based on the Characteristics of Student with Autism
- Dj, Juliana
- The Influence of Teams-Games-Tournament on Short Stories Learning Outcomes of Grade IV Students: A Study at Elementary School SDN 4 Kabila
- Djafri, Novianty
- The Use of Basic Data of Education (DAPODIK) in the Implementation of School Administration: A Study in Elementary Schools in Bilato, Gorontalo, Indonesia
- Djum Noor Benty, Djum
- Internalization of Character Values in Learning at Institution of English Course
- Dornauli Silitonga, Martini
- Community Participation within the Implementation of the Senior High School Equality Education Program in PKBM Cahaya
- Dwi Futesna, Amalinda
- Analysis of Factors that Form Teacher’s Discipline Behavior in Public Junior High School
- Dwi Lestari, Gunarti
- Children Motor Development with Authoritarian Parenting During the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Edidon Hutasuhut, Edidon
- The Effect of Organizational Culture in School Councellor’s Motivation In State Senior High School Of Medan
- Edy Purwanto, Edy
- Contributing Spirituality Account for Teacher Motivation at School
- Efendi, Muhammad
- The Use of Visual Support of PECS and Schedule Based on the Characteristics of Student with Autism
- Efrina, Elsa
- Differentiated Learning for Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Eka Handayani, Sry
- Development of Integrated Thematic Teaching Materials using Problem-Based Learning Model in Elementary School
- Eka Paramartha, Wayan
- Cognitive Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Intervene in Self Aggression
- Eka Sakti Yudha, Eka
- The Socio-Emotional Competences: Reorientation of Gifted Education in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Eka Titi Andaryani, Eka
- Develop A Love Culture Through Extracurricular Karawitan in SDN Slawi Kulon 1 Tegal Regency, Indonesia
- Eko Armidi, Indriana
- Develop A Love Culture Through Extracurricular Karawitan in SDN Slawi Kulon 1 Tegal Regency, Indonesia
- Eko Purwanti, Eko
- Social Intelligence Contribution in Perspective Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Social Science Subject
- El Fitri, Asnita
- The Effect of Cooperative Two Stay Two Stray Model on Civics Learning Outcomes of Primary School Students
- Eldarni, Eldarni
- Implementing E-Assessment for Formative Test in Introduction of Education Course: Students’ Voice
- Eliza, Delfi
- Development of Practical Life Exercise at Montessori Kindergarten Padang
- Elizon Nainggolan, Elizon
- Community Participation within the Implementation of the Senior High School Equality Education Program in PKBM Cahaya
- Elyasni, Rifda
- The Implementation of Discovery Learning Model for Improving Thematic Integrated Learning in Primary School
- Endang Pudjiasuti Sartinah, Endang
- The Use of Modified Index Card Match to Enhance Social Interaction of Children with Intellectual Disability
- Eri Kusumaningrum, Desi Eri
- Development of Planning and Organization Model of Community Participation in the Pesantren Based Junior High School
- Eri Kusumaningrum, Desi Eri
- Management of the Floating School Cafeteria
- Ermita, Ermita
- Teacher Prototype for Supervision Services Effectiveness
- Esa Oneika, Sri
- Development of HOTS Test Instruments as an Effort to Improve the Reasoning Ability of Elementary School Students by Using Edugames
- Estiastuti, Arini
- Cultural Heritage to Build History for Life in Social Science Learning at Primary Schools
- Fakhrudin, Fakhrudin
- Develop A Love Culture Through Extracurricular Karawitan in SDN Slawi Kulon 1 Tegal Regency, Indonesia
- Farida Mayar, Farida
- Development of Practical Life Exercise at Montessori Kindergarten Padang
- Farny Tiwow, Mieke
- Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
- Fauzan, Ahmad
- Development of Statistics in Elementary School Based RME Approach with Problem Solving for Revolution Industry 4.0
- Fauzan, Lutfi
- Adoption of People’s Game as a Modification Technique in KIPAS Model Counseling
- Febriana Wati, Ika
- The Implementation of Zapira Portable by Maximizing the Potential Source in Rural Area
- Febrina Sumampow, Zoya
- Indonesian University Management in 21st Century (Issues And Challenges)
- Febryan, Devi
- Development of Three Dimensional Media for Mentally Retarded Children
- Ferindistika Putri, Abida
- Teacher Function in Class: A Literature Review
- Fetri Yeni J, Fetri
- The Effect of Using The Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model Using Video on Learning Results of Class VIII State 5 Padang Middle School
- Firman, Firman
- The Effectiveness of Information Service in Improving Students’ Self Control Against Sexual Harassment in Vocational School in Padang
- Firman, Firman
- Anaysis of Delinquency Behavior in Adolescents and the Prevention By Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Counseling
- Fitri Hardianti, Aiza
- Reducing the Intensity of Students Bullying Toward Children with Special Needs Using Puppet Show
- Fitri Kholidya, Citra
- Development of Three Dimensional Media for Mentally Retarded Children
- Fitria, Yanti
- Development of Integrated Thematic Teaching Materials using Problem-Based Learning Model in Elementary School
- Flurentin, Elia
- Development of Peer Counselor Training Manual at State University of Malang
- Flurentin, Elia
- Developing E-Comic to Internalize Manners for Junior High School Students
- Gamar Abdullah, Gamar
- Student’s Self-Confidence and Their Learning Achievement on Elementary Schools
- Gede Nugraha Sudarsana, Gede
- Development of Self-Exhibition Through Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Models with Self-Management Strategies
- Giatna Saragih, Jhon
- The Utilization of Tailoring Women's Clothing Technology as an Effort to Empower immoral Women
- Gunarti Dwi Lestari, Gunarti
- Children Motor Development with Authoritarian Parenting During the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Gunawan, Imam
- Teacher Function in Class: A Literature Review
- Gunawan, Imam
- Informal Supervision Model “Managing by Walking About” in Improving Quality of Learning
- Gunawan, Imam
- Standards of Competency of Head of School Beginners as Leaders in Learning Innovation
- Gunawan, Imam
- Develop Educational Leadership by Applying Values and Ethics to Strengthen Student Character
- Gunawan, Imam
- Office Management of Educational Institutions: Theories and Applications
- H., Nurhikmah
- Analysis on Students’ Computer Self-Efficacy Instrument
- Habibi, M.
- The Implementation of Discovery Learning Model for Improving Thematic Integrated Learning in Primary School
- Hadis, Abdul
- The Development of Da’wah Based Islamic Guidance and Counseling Textbook and its Impact in Preventing and Resolving the Deviance of Students with Special Needs in Makassar
- Hairi Dilfa, Alriska
- Paradigm of Early Childhood Art’s Education
- Halida Hardono, Ichtineza
- Strategy for Decreasing the Rate of Stunting Through Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Training for Tutors/Parents of Early Childhood Education
- Hanif Al Kadri, Hanif
- Planning for Extracurricular Activities
- Hanim, Wirda
- Model Guidance and Counseling by Using Role Playing Technique to Improve Students’ Leadership Character
- Hans Pontororing, Hans
- The Influence of Social Guidance Services to Consumptive Behavior of Junior High Students
- Hariani, Sri
- The Application of Text Structure Mapping Strategy to Improve Speaking Skills for Student Class Fifth SDN Babatan 4 Surabaya
- Hariko, Rezki
- The Effectiveness of Information Service in Improving Students’ Self Control Against Sexual Harassment in Vocational School in Padang
- Haris, Ikhfan
- Integrated Library Information System in Managing School Library in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Haris Mahmud, Haris
- Increasing Student’s Ability to Make A Creation in Learning Process of SBK (Art, Culture, and Skill) Subject
- Hariyati, Nunuk
- Outbound Program Based Local Wisdom for Students in Pesantren Schools
- Hartati, Hartati
- Improvement of Read Aloud Skills for Elementary Students Through Literacy Corner
- Hartati, Sofia
- Evaluation of Learning Center in Kindergarten
- Hartati, Sofiah
- Assessment Models in Early Childhood Based on Android to Increase Competency of Pedagogic Teachers of Kindergarten
- Hartati, Sri
- Stimulation of Hearing Sensors for Toddler Children through Stuffed Stories in Early Childhood Education
- Harun Pamungkas, Alim
- Contribution of Entrepreneurship Attitudes to Work Readiness of Participants in Vocational Education Course at SKB Kota Padang
- Haryanto, Haryanto
- Specific Learning Difficulties and Their Assessment Models: A Study from Inclusive Elementary Schools
- Hasiana Tanjung, Salsabila
- Picture Based Problem Learning in Improving Children’s Communication Skills
- Hasiana Tanjung, Salsabila
- Picture Based Problem Learning in Improving Children’s Communication Skills
- Hasmidar, Wira
- The Effect of Using The Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model Using Video on Learning Results of Class VIII State 5 Padang Middle School
- Hasnawaty Paputungan, Hasnawaty
- The Effect of Caring Environment and Nutritional Status on Psychomotor Development of Children Under Three Years Old
- Helsa, Yullys
- Development of Integrated Thematic Teaching Materials using Problem-Based Learning Model in Elementary School
- Helsa, Yullys
- Elementary School Teacher Ability in Using Application Technology for Mathematics Learning Assessment in the 2013 Curriculum
- Helsa, Yullys
- Primary School Teachers Problems in Implementation of Curriculum 2013
- Helsa, Yullys
- Development of HOTS Test Instruments as an Effort to Improve the Reasoning Ability of Elementary School Students by Using Edugames
- Helsa, Yullys
- Learning Model and Higher-Order Thinking Skill in Advanced Mathematical Study
- Helsa, Yullys
- Educative Learning Media for Elementary School Students
- Helsa, Yullys
- Edmodo & Schoology Application in Mathematics Learning in Elementary School
- Helsa, Yullys
- Digital Class Model in Mathematics Learning in Elementary School Using Social Learning Network Schoology
- Hendra Dedi Kriswanto, Hendra
- Development of Android-Based Information Systems Faculty of Education
- Hendra Sofyan, Hendra
- The Identification of Implementation of Central Learning Models