Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Energy and Mining Law (ICEML 2018)

139 authors
Sarumaha, Alpius
A State Steps in the Market of Sovereign Mining on the Problem of Without Permission (PETI)
Sibarani, Sabungan
Law Enforcement to the Mining Crime of Class of C Without Permission Under Law No. 4 Year 2009 On Mineral Mining and Coal
Mining Community Empowerment (A Study in Mine-Producing Areas of East Java Province, Indonesia)
Silalahi, Ruth Caroline R.A.
Liability of Mining Companies on Environmental Impact Issued by Law No 32 Year 2009 on Protection and Management of Environment
Silapurna, Endah Labati
The Law Enforcement Dilemma on Illegal Mining in South Kalimantan
Siregar, Hamdan Azhar
Utilization of Natural Resources in the Mining Sector Related to the State Welfare
Siregar, Hamdan Azhar
Mineral Business Permits and its Legal Implications to Improve Welfare of Indonesian People
Siregar, Rospita Adelina
Legal Protection for Consumers of Nitrogen Gas Users (Case Study of Inefficient Medical Gas)
Southalan, John
Mining the International Guidance on Mining
Sudarsono, Prof
Critical Analysis on Enforcing the sincerity exploration as a requirement in giving the Mining Business Permit (Licence)
Sudarsono, Prof
Construction of the Principle of Partisanship to the Interests of the Nation on Mineral and Coal Mining Law
Sugiri, Bambang
Corruption: Does Environmental Damage Constitute State’s Financial Loss?
Sujoko, Heri
The Legal Protection on Lands of Former Mines Which has Implications to the Environment
Sukamto, Bambang
Law Enforcement to the Negligent Entrepreneurs in Accomplishing Mining Reclamation in order to be Efficient according to its Function
Suryokumoro, Herman
The Protection of Mining Area in the time of Armed Conflict
Susanto, Fransiska Ayulistya
The Protection of Mining Area in the time of Armed Conflict
Suwardiyati, Rumi
Principle Of Freedom Of Contract In Public Contract
Syahrin, M. Alvi
Law Enforcement of Foreign Workers Abusing Immigration Residence Permit: Case Studies on Energy and Mining Companies
Syamsumardian, Lisda
Legal Enforcement on Environment Pollution in Elegant Gold Mining Activities
Thaib, Wishnoe Saleh
Tax Stabilization Clause in Oil and Gas Industry
Ula, Hikmatul
The Urgency of Human Rights Audit on Mining Company in Indonesia
Untoro, Mr
Utilization of Natural Resources in the Mining Sector Related to the State Welfare
Untoro, Mr
Mineral Business Permits and its Legal Implications to Improve Welfare of Indonesian People
Utomo, St. Laksanto
Land Policies for the Benefit of State, Investors and Indigenous People in the Natural Resources Exploitation
Utoyo, Marsudi
Local Government and Illegal Drilling
Wasahua, Idris
Reformulation of Corporate Criminal Sanction in the Mining Business Activities
Wendhy, Sonder John
Lowering Of Government Supervision Impact On Weight Of Criminal Legal Rules To Real Mineral And Coal Mining Business In Indonesia
Wibawa, Aria Cakra
An Analysis of the Marine Aggregate Extraction in Indonesia from Maritime Security Perspective
Wicaksono, Setiawan
Indonesia’s Transformation to Gross Split Contract: an Evaluation of Energy Worker Regulation
Wicaksono, Setiawan
Principle Of Freedom Of Contract In Public Contract
Widhiyanti, Hanif Nur
Change of Mining Business Working Agreements into Special Mining Business Licenses Under the Indonesian Mining Law
Widiati, Ida Ayu Putu
The Application of Local Law in Marine Environment Conservation
Widiyono, Try
Challenge of the Director of Pertamina in the Implementation of Corporate’s Independence Principles and the Legal Doctrine Fiduciary Duty
Widorini, Raden Roro Theresia Tri
Legal Status of the Holding Company of Mining State-Owned Enterprises Under the Context of Direct Capital Participation Sourcing from the Separate State’s Assets
Wijayati, Herlin
Quality and Validity Examination of Academic Paper in the Legislation of Local Regulation about Mining Management and Business
Wiryadi, Uyan
Complete Settlement Disputes to Content of the Mining Divestment Agreement (Case Study of Indonesian Government and Newmont Nusa Tenggara in Arbitration)
Yanurwenda, Benny Oktis
Shifting Informal Actors of Traditional Miners into Formal: Case Study Pasaman, West Sumatera
Zakaria, Alfons
Corruption: Does Environmental Damage Constitute State’s Financial Loss?
Zulfikar, Mr.
The Legal Protection on Lands of Former Mines Which has Implications to the Environment