Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Energy and Mining Law (ICEML 2018)
139 authors
- Sarumaha, Alpius
- A State Steps in the Market of Sovereign Mining on the Problem of Without Permission (PETI)
- Sibarani, Sabungan
- Law Enforcement to the Mining Crime of Class of C Without Permission Under Law No. 4 Year 2009 On Mineral Mining and Coal
- Sihabudin
- Mining Community Empowerment (A Study in Mine-Producing Areas of East Java Province, Indonesia)
- Silalahi, Ruth Caroline R.A.
- Liability of Mining Companies on Environmental Impact Issued by Law No 32 Year 2009 on Protection and Management of Environment
- Silapurna, Endah Labati
- The Law Enforcement Dilemma on Illegal Mining in South Kalimantan
- Siregar, Hamdan Azhar
- Utilization of Natural Resources in the Mining Sector Related to the State Welfare
- Siregar, Hamdan Azhar
- Mineral Business Permits and its Legal Implications to Improve Welfare of Indonesian People
- Siregar, Rospita Adelina
- Legal Protection for Consumers of Nitrogen Gas Users (Case Study of Inefficient Medical Gas)
- Southalan, John
- Mining the International Guidance on Mining
- Sudarsono, Prof
- Critical Analysis on Enforcing the sincerity exploration as a requirement in giving the Mining Business Permit (Licence)
- Sudarsono, Prof
- Construction of the Principle of Partisanship to the Interests of the Nation on Mineral and Coal Mining Law
- Sugiri, Bambang
- Corruption: Does Environmental Damage Constitute State’s Financial Loss?
- Sujoko, Heri
- The Legal Protection on Lands of Former Mines Which has Implications to the Environment
- Sukamto, Bambang
- Law Enforcement to the Negligent Entrepreneurs in Accomplishing Mining Reclamation in order to be Efficient according to its Function
- Suryokumoro, Herman
- The Protection of Mining Area in the time of Armed Conflict
- Susanto, Fransiska Ayulistya
- The Protection of Mining Area in the time of Armed Conflict
- Suwardiyati, Rumi
- Principle Of Freedom Of Contract In Public Contract
- Syahrin, M. Alvi
- Law Enforcement of Foreign Workers Abusing Immigration Residence Permit: Case Studies on Energy and Mining Companies
- Syamsumardian, Lisda
- Legal Enforcement on Environment Pollution in Elegant Gold Mining Activities
- Thaib, Wishnoe Saleh
- Tax Stabilization Clause in Oil and Gas Industry
- Ula, Hikmatul
- The Urgency of Human Rights Audit on Mining Company in Indonesia
- Untoro, Mr
- Utilization of Natural Resources in the Mining Sector Related to the State Welfare
- Untoro, Mr
- Mineral Business Permits and its Legal Implications to Improve Welfare of Indonesian People
- Utomo, St. Laksanto
- Land Policies for the Benefit of State, Investors and Indigenous People in the Natural Resources Exploitation
- Utoyo, Marsudi
- Local Government and Illegal Drilling
- Wasahua, Idris
- Reformulation of Corporate Criminal Sanction in the Mining Business Activities
- Wendhy, Sonder John
- Lowering Of Government Supervision Impact On Weight Of Criminal Legal Rules To Real Mineral And Coal Mining Business In Indonesia
- Wibawa, Aria Cakra
- An Analysis of the Marine Aggregate Extraction in Indonesia from Maritime Security Perspective
- Wicaksono, Setiawan
- Indonesia’s Transformation to Gross Split Contract: an Evaluation of Energy Worker Regulation
- Wicaksono, Setiawan
- Principle Of Freedom Of Contract In Public Contract
- Widhiyanti, Hanif Nur
- Change of Mining Business Working Agreements into Special Mining Business Licenses Under the Indonesian Mining Law
- Widiati, Ida Ayu Putu
- The Application of Local Law in Marine Environment Conservation
- Widiyono, Try
- Challenge of the Director of Pertamina in the Implementation of Corporate’s Independence Principles and the Legal Doctrine Fiduciary Duty
- Widorini, Raden Roro Theresia Tri
- Legal Status of the Holding Company of Mining State-Owned Enterprises Under the Context of Direct Capital Participation Sourcing from the Separate State’s Assets
- Wijayati, Herlin
- Quality and Validity Examination of Academic Paper in the Legislation of Local Regulation about Mining Management and Business
- Wiryadi, Uyan
- Complete Settlement Disputes to Content of the Mining Divestment Agreement (Case Study of Indonesian Government and Newmont Nusa Tenggara in Arbitration)
- Yanurwenda, Benny Oktis
- Shifting Informal Actors of Traditional Miners into Formal: Case Study Pasaman, West Sumatera
- Zakaria, Alfons
- Corruption: Does Environmental Damage Constitute State’s Financial Loss?
- Zulfikar, Mr.
- The Legal Protection on Lands of Former Mines Which has Implications to the Environment