Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2016 (ICCASP 2016)
316 authors
- Varma, S.
- User Log Based Image Re-ranking and Retrieval
- Vasani, Rupesh
- Actuation of Electro-Pneumatic System using MATLAB Simulink and Arduino Controller- A case of a Mechatronics systems Lab
- Vasudevan, Hari
- Application of Shainin DoE tool to Explore Unknown Variables causing 'Ghost Noise' in 5th Gear Cycle of Transaxles during NVH Testing
- Vijayalakshmi, S.
- Discrete Controlled Pulse Width Modulated Interleaved Boost Converter using Bilinear Transformation technique
- Vollala, S.
- A New Parallel Algorithm for EREW PRAM Matrix Multiplication
- Wagaj, S.
- A Two-dimensional Analytical Model and Simulation for Dual Material Gate Junctionless Transistor
- Wagh, Pranita
- Microscopic Analysis of Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) of Submerged Arc Welding (saw) Joint for 1018 Mild Steel Sheet
- Waikar, Rahul
- Experimental analysis of orthogonal micro-machined surface features and chip morphology of AISI1215 steel by using EBSD method
- Wankhade, S.
- Abrasive Assisted Electrical Discharge machining: An innovative hybrid approach
- Warhatkar, Hemant
- Influence of Manufacturing Parameters on Performance of Biodegradable Mg-Ca1.0 Implant
- Warhatkar, Hemant
- Review of Experimental Techniques used to Study the Mechanical Behaviour of Biological Soft Tissues
- Yadav, D.
- Towards Validation of UML Design Model
- Yadav, M.
- Numerical and Experimental Studies on Fixture-Workpiece Contact and Structural Deformations in Pocket Milling
- Yadav, P.
- Saliency Aware Resource Saving in Hand-Held Devices
- Yadav, Shivam
- Analysis of Undercut for SS304 in Photochemical Machining
- Yadav, Shivam
- Experimental analysis of orthogonal micro-machined surface features and chip morphology of AISI1215 steel by using EBSD method