Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Accounting, Banking, and Economics (ICBABE 2022)

115 authors
Agustin, Rini
Financial Ratio and Stock Returns in Indonesia Equity Markets: A Signaling Theory Approach
Andari, Eni
Satisfaction as a Mediation in the Relationship Between Service Quality and Price Perception to Customer Loyalty in Bantul Retail Store
Anisah, Tiara Nur
Contribution of Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Book Value to Stock Return
Anwar, Wakhid
Satisfaction as a Mediation in the Relationship Between Service Quality and Price Perception to Customer Loyalty in Bantul Retail Store
Apriani, Rani
Obstacles Advancing Msmes in Indonesia’s Coastal Areas to Support Economic Growth in the Digital Era
Apriani, Rani
Efforts to Save Cooperatives During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Support the Transformation of Cooperatives for a Sustainable Economy
Arafat, M. Rusli
Efforts to Save Cooperatives During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Support the Transformation of Cooperatives for a Sustainable Economy
Argojuwono, Angelina Dwi Astuti
Financial Ratio, Board Diversity and Financial Distress: Evidence from Indonesia
Avionita, Venni
Obstacles Advancing Msmes in Indonesia’s Coastal Areas to Support Economic Growth in the Digital Era
Avionita, Venni
Efforts to Save Cooperatives During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Support the Transformation of Cooperatives for a Sustainable Economy
Banda, Falentina Lucia
The Effect of Government Internal Control Systems and Organizational Commitments on the Performance of Regional Financial Management with Good Governance as the Intervening Variable (Empirical Study at the Ende Regency Regional Work Unit Service)
Bilqis, Lauda Khansa
The Effect of Financial Ratios and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Distress: Independent Commissioners as a Moderating Variable
Buditomo, Alas Satya
Community Based Tourism Approach Implements One Stop Services Tourism in the Development of Watuhadang Tourism Village, Umalulu District, East Sumba Regency
Byre, Rafael Octavianus
Analysis of Community Satisfaction Index for Services at PDAM Ende Regency Office in the First Semester of 2022
Eco-Friendly Based Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Empowerment Model
Djalo, Murfani Umar
The Effects of Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, Firm Size and Independent Directors on Tax Aggressiveness
Djou, Laurensius D. Gadi
Religious Tourism Destinations Samana Santa: Solutions for Economic Improvement for Tourism in East Flores
Dula, Maria Emanuella Mariani
Analysis of Expenditures on Neku Traditional Ceremonies in Bajawa District, Ngada Regency
Dwiwinarno, Titop
Satisfaction as a Mediation in the Relationship Between Service Quality and Price Perception to Customer Loyalty in Bantul Retail Store
Ermawati, Dina
The Dynamic Impact of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia
Faeruza, Nafida Alfi
Quality of Service, Company Image and Price Perception of Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty
Fakhruddin, Iwan
The Dynamic Impact of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia
Fizabaniyah, Rifza
Financial Ratio, Board Diversity and Financial Distress: Evidence from Indonesia
Ghifari, Setyawan Radytia
The Effect of Budget Participation, Asymetric Information, Budget Employment and Motivation on the Budgetary Slack on Hotels in Batam City During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hamid, Mansyur Abdul
Religious Tourism Destinations Samana Santa: Solutions for Economic Improvement for Tourism in East Flores
Handayani, Julia Rachma
Hexagon Fraud: Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statement in Indonesia
Hanum, Ayu Noviani
Does Board Diversity and Financial Ratio Predict the Risk of Financial Distress?? Evidence from Indonesia
Harnaji, Bimo
Generation Z: Entrepreneurs and Expectations in the Workplace (Case Studies in Some Provinces in Indonesia)
Herlina, Elin
Cooperative Model Based on Business Innovation of Local Wisdom in Increasing Economic
Hernawati, Retno Indah
Financial Ratio, Board Diversity and Financial Distress: Evidence from Indonesia
Hidajat, Taofik
Tax Compliance in the Perspective of Behavioral Economics
Ifada, Luluk Muhimatul
Moderating Effects of Institutional Ownership on the Relation Between Capital Structure and Firm Performance
Indriyani, Agnes R. A.
Generation Z: Entrepreneurs and Expectations in the Workplace (Case Studies in Some Provinces in Indonesia)
Ismail, Nuraini
Analysis of Expenditures on Neku Traditional Ceremonies in Bajawa District, Ngada Regency
Jamu, Maria Endang
Analysis of Community Satisfaction Index for Services at PDAM Ende Regency Office in the First Semester of 2022
Jatiningsih, Dyah Ekaari Sekar
Predicting the Risk of Financial Distress Using Intellectual Capital and Financial Ratio
Kader, Mukhtar Abdul
Cooperative Model Based on Business Innovation of Local Wisdom in Increasing Economic
The Effect of Employee Performance and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance: The Role of Work Motivation
Contribution of Organizational Commitment and Work Culture to Employee Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediator (Study in UPT Pemasyarakatan Yogyakarta)
Kurniasari, Putri Dwi
The Influence of Demographic Factors and Financial Planning on Financial Management Behavior with Financial Self-efficacy as an Intervening Variable in Pandemic Covid-19
Kusumastuti, Aprillia Elly
Factors that Influence Purchase Intention Through Customer-Brand Identification of Sharia Products in Indonesia
Laga, Yulius
Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality and Cooperative Image on the Satisfaction of Members of the Obor Mas Credit Cooperative, Ende Branch
Langga, Lambertus
Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality and Cooperative Image on the Satisfaction of Members of the Obor Mas Credit Cooperative, Ende Branch
Laras, Titi
The Effect of Employee Performance and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance: The Role of Work Motivation
Laras, Titi
Contribution of Organizational Commitment and Work Culture to Employee Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediator (Study in UPT Pemasyarakatan Yogyakarta)
Leha, Ernesta
Strategy for Recovery of MSMEs Conditions After the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ende Regency
Londa, Yulita
The Effect of Government Internal Control Systems and Organizational Commitments on the Performance of Regional Financial Management with Good Governance as the Intervening Variable (Empirical Study at the Ende Regency Regional Work Unit Service)
Lukiastuti, Fitri
Demographic Factors of Entrepreneurs as Predictor of Batik SMEs Performance Mediated by Entrepreneurial Orientation
Luthfiana, Della Nanda
Contribution of Organizational Commitment and Work Culture to Employee Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediator (Study in UPT Pemasyarakatan Yogyakarta)
Marselina, Apriana
Analysis of Expenditures on Neku Traditional Ceremonies in Bajawa District, Ngada Regency
Maula, Kholida Atiyatul
Legal Protection of Brands and Geographical Indications in the Framework of Strengthening Market Size, Market Place and Optimizing Economical Rights for Msme Products from Karawang, Indonesia
Mea, Maria Helena Carolinda Dua
Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Work Environment Influences on Educators’ Loyalty
Mulyatini, Nurdiana
Cooperative Model Based on Business Innovation of Local Wisdom in Increasing Economic
Mursid, Ali
Peer-Review Statements
Mursid, Ali
Factors that Influence Purchase Intention Through Customer-Brand Identification of Sharia Products in Indonesia
Muzayanah, Fety Nurlia
Obstacles Advancing Msmes in Indonesia’s Coastal Areas to Support Economic Growth in the Digital Era
Nabhan, Faqih
The Role of Work Motivation and Affective Commitment to Leverage Work Life Balance on Productivity
Nona, Reyna Virginia
Strategy of Woman’s Street Vendors at Ippi Ende Port in Supporting the Family Economy in the New Normal Era
Nona, Reyna Virginia
Food Security Model Based on Consumer Characteristics in East Nusa Tenggara Province
Nugroho, Wawan Sadtyo
The Effect of Financial Ratios and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Distress: Independent Commissioners as a Moderating Variable
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
Predicting the Risk of Financial Distress Using Intellectual Capital and Financial Ratio
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
The Dynamic Impact of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
Hexagon Fraud: Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statement in Indonesia
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
Financial Ratio and Stock Returns in Indonesia Equity Markets: A Signaling Theory Approach
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
Moderating Effects of Institutional Ownership on the Relation Between Capital Structure and Firm Performance
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
Financial Ratio, Board Diversity and Financial Distress: Evidence from Indonesia
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
The Effect of Financial Ratios and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Distress: Independent Commissioners as a Moderating Variable
Nurcahyono, Nurcahyono
Does Board Diversity and Financial Ratio Predict the Risk of Financial Distress?? Evidence from Indonesia
Contribution of Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Book Value to Stock Return
Penu, Yustina Paulina
Strategy for Recovery of MSMEs Conditions After the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ende Regency
Permatasari, Mega
The Effect of Financial Ratios and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Distress: Independent Commissioners as a Moderating Variable
Provita, Ilok Dhea
The Role of Work Motivation and Affective Commitment to Leverage Work Life Balance on Productivity
Putra, Pamungkas Satya
Obstacles Advancing Msmes in Indonesia’s Coastal Areas to Support Economic Growth in the Digital Era
Putra, Pamungkas Satya
Efforts to Save Cooperatives During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Support the Transformation of Cooperatives for a Sustainable Economy
Rachmansyah, Yanuar
The Influence of Demographic Factors and Financial Planning on Financial Management Behavior with Financial Self-efficacy as an Intervening Variable in Pandemic Covid-19
Rachmawati, Avianita
Community Based Tourism Approach Implements One Stop Services Tourism in the Development of Watuhadang Tourism Village, Umalulu District, East Sumba Regency
Rahayu, Kusmaryati D.
Generation Z: Entrepreneurs and Expectations in the Workplace (Case Studies in Some Provinces in Indonesia)
Rahma, Azzahra Mufida
Moderating Effects of Institutional Ownership on the Relation Between Capital Structure and Firm Performance
Saadah, Nailis
Hexagon Fraud: Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statement in Indonesia
Sagajoka, Estherlina
Strategy of Woman’s Street Vendors at Ippi Ende Port in Supporting the Family Economy in the New Normal Era
Sagajoka, Estherlina
Food Security Model Based on Consumer Characteristics in East Nusa Tenggara Province
Saputra, Putra Pratama
Eco-Friendly Based Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Empowerment Model
Sari, Desi Novita
The Dynamic Impact of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia
Sari, Santy Permata
Community Based Tourism Approach Implements One Stop Services Tourism in the Development of Watuhadang Tourism Village, Umalulu District, East Sumba Regency
Saripudin, Asep
Legal Protection of Brands and Geographical Indications in the Framework of Strengthening Market Size, Market Place and Optimizing Economical Rights for Msme Products from Karawang, Indonesia
Se, Hyronimus
Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Work Environment Influences on Educators’ Loyalty
Setianingsih, Wiwin
Cooperative Model Based on Business Innovation of Local Wisdom in Increasing Economic
Sinarasri, Andwiani
Financial Ratio and Stock Returns in Indonesia Equity Markets: A Signaling Theory Approach
Sinarasri, Andwiani
Moderating Effects of Institutional Ownership on the Relation Between Capital Structure and Firm Performance
Sinarasri, Andwiani
Does Board Diversity and Financial Ratio Predict the Risk of Financial Distress?? Evidence from Indonesia
Sinurat, F.
Generation Z: Entrepreneurs and Expectations in the Workplace (Case Studies in Some Provinces in Indonesia)
Soleiman, Iriany Dewi
The Effect of Government Internal Control Systems and Organizational Commitments on the Performance of Regional Financial Management with Good Governance as the Intervening Variable (Empirical Study at the Ende Regency Regional Work Unit Service)
Soliha, Euis
Quality of Service, Company Image and Price Perception of Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty
Sugiyanto, Eviatiwi Kusumaningtyas
How Do Market Orientation and Innovation Effect in Increasing Business Performance? Empire Study of MSMEs in the City of Semarang
Sukesti, Fatmasari
Financial Ratio and Stock Returns in Indonesia Equity Markets: A Signaling Theory Approach
Sukristiyana, Bambang Dwi
The Effect of Employee Performance and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance: The Role of Work Motivation
Susanti, Fatonah Eka
The Effect of Employee Performance and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance: The Role of Work Motivation
Sutanto, Himawan Arif
The Influence of Demographic Factors and Financial Planning on Financial Management Behavior with Financial Self-efficacy as an Intervening Variable in Pandemic Covid-19
Contribution of Organizational Commitment and Work Culture to Employee Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediator (Study in UPT Pemasyarakatan Yogyakarta)
Efforts to Save Cooperatives During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Support the Transformation of Cooperatives for a Sustainable Economy