Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science (ICAST-SS 2020)
109 articles
Proceedings Article
Business Feasibility Analysis of Citronella and Patchouli Essential Oil in Sawahlunto City
Afridian Wirahadi Ahmad, Randy Heriyanto
Lemongrass and patchouli oil are essential oil commodities that have the potential to be exploited. Batu Sandara Village, Barangin District, Sawahlunto City is an area that can be used as a place for investors to invest in the cultivation and refining of essential oil. The cultivation and refining business...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Accountability, Public Service Motivation, and Organizational Commitment to the Social Welfare Performance of the Elderly Budi Agung the Social Service of the East Nusa Tenggara Province
Yunelci Martha Seliamang, Jasintha Dessy Tapatfeto
This study empirically examines the influence of accountability, public service motivation and organizational commitment to the social welfare performance of the elderly Budi Agung the social service of the province Nusa Tenggara Timur. The data in this study are primary roomates data obtained by distributing...
Proceedings Article
Design of Accounting Information Systems of Cash Receiving and Expenditure in Improving Internal Control of Income of Weaving Tie MSME in the District South Central Timor
Clara M. Reinamah, Moni Yuniati Siahaan, Selfesina Samadara
Accounting information systems have an important role for MSME, because accounting information systems together with other information systems provide information needed by management as a basis for decision making. An accounting information system is required to process cash receipts and payments transactions....
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Online Class Amid the Pandemic of the Covid 19
Muthia Damaiyanti, Desi Yulastri, Sumira
During the Pandemic Covid 19 outbreak, online learning has become the only medium for learning activities. The face to face classroom has been moved to an online classroom instantly without preparing the readiness of students, teacher, and school. Thus, this research aims at investigating the barriers...
Proceedings Article
Quality Costs in Improving the Efficiency Production Costs
A Case Study in Beverage Company, Bandung, Indonesia
Riauli Susilawaty Hutapea, Savitri Nirmalasari Dewi, Carolina M. Lasambouw
Beverage Technic is a manufacturing company engaged in the machinery and food industry. Activities undertaken by Beverage Technic in the food and beverage division are processing the main ingredients of ginger and other supporting materials to become a finished product in the form of traditional instant...
Proceedings Article
Financial Statements Analysis of Tanah Datar District Government
Wiwik Andriani, Roni Putra, Desi Handayani, Dini Marisa
Transparent and accountable financial management on local government are demands and wants for all concerned. By carrying out a good financial management, the performance of local government would be increased. This research aims to analyze the financial performance of Tanah Datar District Government....
Proceedings Article
Community Participation in Tourism Village Development in Tungkal Selatan Village, Pariaman Utara District, Pariaman City
Sarmiadi, Yosi Suryani, Elni Sumiarti
Pariaman City as one of the cities in the coastal area continues to develop its city by making tourism a leading sector. One of the villages that is very active in developing tourism as a means to improve the welfare of its people is Tungkal Selatan Village, Pariaman Utara District, which in early 2020...
Proceedings Article
Managing E-learning
An Insight from Moodle Course Logs
Saiful Ghozi, Riklan Kango, Ramli
This study analyses the behaviour of students and lecturers activities in an e-learning using Moodle course logs and pivot table. Moodle course logs are mined and subsequently are integrated to be data pivoting toward visualization. The number of “view” and “update” activities are extracted from Moodle...
Proceedings Article
How the Inflation Affect the Commercial Bank Deposit Funds in Indonesia (2016 – 2018)?
Vindaniar Y. Putri, Dwinta Firda Purnama
The purpose of writings this research was to determine the condition of investment growth of commercial bank deposit products in Indonesia from 2016 to 2018 and to find out the correlation between inflation growth and the growth of deposit on-call funds, time deposits, and certificates of deposit in...