Proceedings of the 1st Economics and Business International Conference 2017 (EBIC 2017)
282 authors
- Rini, Endang Sulistya
- The Antecedents of Electronic Loyalty in Indonesian C2C E-Commerce
- Rosalina, Dhian
- Partnership Model Study To Batik And Ulos Craftsmen In Dealing With Global Competition
- Ruslan, Dede
- Analysis The Determination of The Stability of Exchange Rates In Indonesia
- Sadalia, Isfenti
- Are Men Or Women More Overconfident In Investment Decision-Making?
- Sadalia, Isfenti
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Competitive Advantage on Universities in Medan City
- Safitri, Junita
- The Role of Buying Motivation in Moderating Online Shopping Behaviour
- Salim, Dr. Sitti Raha Agoes
- The Effect of Interpersonal Relationships and Role Ambiguity on Job Satisfaction and Its Impact Toward Employees' Intention to Leave in Event Organizer Services Provider in Medan
- Salim, Sitti Raha A
- The Influence of Entrepreneur Competencies and Business Ethics on Growth Business (Case Study Local Food In Sumatera)
- Salim, Sitti Raha Agoes
- The Effect Of The Non-Physical Work Environment And Job Insecurity On The Performance Of Outsourcing Employee Business Support Through The Motivation As Intervening Variable at PT Telekomunikasi Selular Branch Medan
- Salim, Sitti Raha Agoes
- The Effect Of Education And Training (Total) On Education: Performance Through Education Competency With Organization Support As Variable Moderating On School Country Police (Spn) Polda Sumut
- Salim, Sitti Raha Agoes
- The Influence Of Work Satisfaction And Work Stress On Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through Organizational Commitment As Intervening Variable At PT Asabri (Persero), Sumatera Region
- Sambath, Phou
- The Influence of Firm Performance, Firm Size and Debt Monitoring on Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Earnings Management
- Sari, Raina Linda
- Economic Social Factors And The Effect of Criminality In North Sumatera
- Sembiring, Beby Karina F.
- The Antecedents of Electronic Loyalty in Indonesian C2C E-Commerce
- Sembiring, Beby Karina Fawzeea
- The Effect of Service Quality on Satisfaction and Impact on Loyalty User Transportation Service CV Sempati Star Medan-Banda Aceh
- Sembiring, Hendri
- The Effect of Product Innovation, Product Quality And City Image on Purchase Decision of Uis Karo Woven Fabric
- Setiawan, Nasrudin
- The Effect of Halal Destination Image and Visitors Satisfaction on Tourist Loyalty (Object In Bukit Tinggi City Of West Sumatera)
- Siahaan, Elisabet
- Investigating the Source of Employees' Intention to Leave: A Case on Outsourced Employees
- Siahaan, Elisabet
- Evaluation of Location Aspect in Buyer's Decision to Purchase Elite Residence in Medan
- Siahaan, Elisabeth
- The Influence of Individual Characteristics and Transformational Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance at Bank Aceh Sharia
- Siahaan, Elisabeth
- Foundation Lecturer's Performance Antecedents (Empirical Study on Private Universities in Medan)
- Sibarani, Magdalena Linda Leonita
- Evaluation of Location Aspect in Buyer's Decision to Purchase Elite Residence in Medan
- Sihombing, Marlon
- Regional Development Based on System Integration Paddy Rice Farming and Livestock Buffaloes in Humbang Hasundutan Regency
- Sihombing, Marlon
- Effectiveness of Market Results Diversified Palm Products and Constraints of Capital, Financing and Marketing
- Simanjuntak, Arthur
- The Influence of Firm Size, Export Ratio and Earning Variablity On Firm Value with Economic Exposure as Intervening Variable in The Manufacturing Industry Sector
- Sinaga, Adriani
- The Analysis of Employee's Work Accident Trend for Policy Making to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Participant in Medan Belawan Branch
- Sinaga, Suhana
- The Effect Of Education And Training (Total) On Education: Performance Through Education Competency With Organization Support As Variable Moderating On School Country Police (Spn) Polda Sumut
- Sirait, Ningrum Natasya
- Correlation between Competition Law Cases and Corruption(Case Study: Indonesia)
- Siregar, Farel
- The Role Of Sismiop (Information Management System Of Tax Object) In Land And Building Tax Revenues (A Case Study At The Regional Revenue Agency, Medan)
- Siregar, Hasan Sakti
- The Effect of The Existence of Large and Medium Industries on The Absorption of Labor in Sumatera Utara
- Siregar, Hasan Sakti
- Variaton of Industrial Type Contributions on Working Performance
- Siregar, Ikhsan
- Factors Affecting Capital Structure Of Go Public Manufacturing Companies In BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange)
- Siregar, Mahmul
- Correlation between Competition Law Cases and Corruption(Case Study: Indonesia)
- Siregar, Narumondang Bulan
- Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Size on Corporate Financial Performance with Good Corporate Governance as Moderating Variable
- Sirojuzilam, Mr
- Role of Planning and Budget to the Development of Agropolitan Area
- Sirojuzilam, Mr
- Antecedent Capital Structure and Its Effect on Firm Value :Case Study on Tourism Industry Sector Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Situmeang, Chandra
- Effect of Earnings Management on Cost of Debt Before and After International Standard Financial Reporting Implementation
- Situmorang, Syafrizal Helmi
- Influence Of Servicescape, Customer Satisfaction, WOM, and Social Media to Consumer Loyalty (study case bali beach)
- Situmorang, Syafrizal Helmi
- The Influence of Entrepreneur Competencies and Business Ethics on Growth Business (Case Study Local Food In Sumatera)
- Situmorang, Syafrizal Helmi
- The Effect Of Social Media Marketing On Value Equity, Brand Equity And Relationship Equity On Young Entrepreneurs In Medan City
- Situmorang, Syafrizal Helmi
- Effect Of Servicescape And Customer Experience On Social Location Marketing (Case Study At Caf, In Medan)
- Soeparno, Wahyu Sugeng Imam
- Economic Social Factors And The Effect of Criminality In North Sumatera
- Sofiyah, Fivi Rahmatus
- The Impact Of Innovation and Information Technology At Government Synergy Program On Micro, Small, Medium Entreprises (MSMES) Development In North Sumatra
- Sofiyah, Fivi Rahmatus
- The Influence Of Social Media On Buying Decisions On Women Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In North Sumatera
- Sofyardi, Mr
- The Effect of Rice Subsidyon The Expenditure of Public Family Consumption And Welfare of Poor Households
- Sospeter, Maganja Johanes
- The Impact of Regulations on Public Supply Chain Performance: Case of Tanzania
- Sridana, Ayu Lisa Cevianita
- The Role of Work-Family Conflict in Explaining The Relationship between Workload and Employees' Burnout in Tijili Hotel, Bali
- Sudardjat, Ilyda
- The Impact Of Innovation and Information Technology At Government Synergy Program On Micro, Small, Medium Entreprises (MSMES) Development In North Sumatra
- Sukaatmadja, Putu Gede
- Social Marketing in the Development of Tourism
- Sumaryati, Anna
- The Influence of Cost of Equity on Financial Distress and Firm Value
- Supriana, Tavi
- Regional Development Based on System Integration Paddy Rice Farming and Livestock Buffaloes in Humbang Hasundutan Regency
- Supriana, Tavi
- Effect of Earnings Management on Cost of Debt Before and After International Standard Financial Reporting Implementation
- Supriana, Tavi
- The Factors of The Infuence on Audit Quality at The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Environment and Foresty
- Surya, Elfitra Desy
- The Effect of Halal Destination Image and Visitors Satisfaction on Tourist Loyalty (Object In Bukit Tinggi City Of West Sumatera)
- Suryani, Wan
- The Analysis of Modern Retail Growth toward Traditional retail store in Berastagi as a Tourist City
- Syafitri, Isdiana
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Competitive Advantage on Universities in Medan City
- Syahwier, Coki Ahmad
- Effect Of Tax Avoidance, Size Of The Company, Leverage, Age Of The Company On Cost Of Debt In Manufacturing Companies Listed
- Tafsin, Ma'ruf
- Regional Development Based on System Integration Paddy Rice Farming and Livestock Buffaloes in Humbang Hasundutan Regency
- Tamba, Paula
- The Effect of Environmental Performance and Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance Moderated by CSR Disclosure on Manufacture Companies Listed in ISX
- Tambunan, Sari Bulan
- Partnership Model Study To Batik And Ulos Craftsmen In Dealing With Global Competition
- Tamimi, Muhammad Irsyad
- The Adversity Quotient (Control, Origin & Ownership, Reach, and Endurance) and its Relationship Toward Entrepreneurial Intention: A Study on Student in Faculty of Economics & Business Universitas Sumatera Utara
- Tanjung, Hendri
- Study Of Branchless Banking Business Model
- Tarigan, Jonathan I
- Utilization of The Sand from Mount Sinabung Eruption as Material for Planting Media
- Tawila, Lailan
- Increasing Organization Performance Through Competitive Advantage of Private University in Medan
- Torong, Zainul Bahri
- The Factors of The Infuence on Audit Quality at The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Environment and Foresty
- Tripriyono, Agus
- The Effect of The Political Environment and The Economic Environment on The Welfare of Community
- Tripriyono, Agus
- The Effect of Social and Legal Environments Toward Welfare with Economic Expennditures as Intervening Variables
- Tristiarini, Nila
- Leverage Capability in Controlling Free Cash Flow to Improve Financial Performance
- Tristiarini, Nila
- The Effect of Intellectual Capital Measurement on Profitability and Market Price
- Tristiarini, Nila
- The Influence of Cost of Equity on Financial Distress and Firm Value
- Wardana, I Made
- Social Marketing in the Development of Tourism
- Widyaningsih, Gusti Agung Ayu
- The Role of Product Innovation in Mediating Market Orientation with Marketing Performance
- Winarto, Mr
- The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Team Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Safety
- Yahya, Idhar
- The Factors Which Influence Accounting Students Understanding with Spiritual Intelligence as Moderating Variable (An Empirical Study on the student of USU, UNIMED, and UINSU)
- Yuliaty, Tetty
- Study Of Branchless Banking Business Model
- Yulinda, Mrs
- The Influence of Entrepreneur Competencies and Business Ethics on Growth Business (Case Study Local Food In Sumatera)
- Yulinda, Mrs
- The Influence Of Social Media On Buying Decisions On Women Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In North Sumatera
- Yusof, Yau'mee Hayati Mohamed
- Quality of Working Life among Nurses at a General Hospital in Malaysia
- Yuzir, Muhamad Ali Muhammad
- Zahari, Ahmad Suffian Mohd
- A Study of Determinant Factors Towards the Quality Teaching Among Teachers at Primary School in Bentong District
- Zen, Zahari
- A Review of Government Interventions Promoting Smallholder Development in Indonesia
- Zulkarnain, Siti Hafsah