Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Universitas Indonesia Conference (APRISH 2018)

In 2018, The 3rd APRiSH was organized by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia. It was held in JS Luwansa Hotel, Jakarta, on 13-15 August, 2018. The theme of this conference is Convention and Innovation in the Disruption Era. This theme is chosen as the huge and excessive development of ideas and technological innovations has accelerated the growth of worldwide economy, but has also disrupted the old common rules and order adhered in society, law, education, administration and economy. The innovative era has come and introduced new rules and order in the society. Commenting on recent development, Indonesia’s Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Ph.D emphasized that this era would be unstoppable and that advancement of ideas combined with digitalization were unquestionably needed to escalate the country’s productivity.

Considering the issue, The APRiSH 2018 conference is conducted to learn, share knowledge and disseminate findings from various views in multi-, and trans-disciplinary. Many researchers and academicians from different backgrounds will discuss about the impact of early stage of disruption era, positive and negatively. Analyzing how this era developed, will help to expect or forecast the negative effects for society that might occur in the future and formulate the prevention policy.

This conference was a collaboration between seven faculties, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Administrative Science, School of Environmental Science-School of Strategic and Global Studies, and also with the full support from KPPRI UI. Last but not least, this conference could not run well without the hard work of the organizing committee, scientific committee, reviewers, and also support by the Universitas Indonesia.

Beta Yulianita Gitaharie
Chair of Organizing Committee