Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Management, Business and Economics Conference (AMBEC 2021)
113 authors
- Susilowati, Kartika Dewi Sri
- Correction to: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Management, Business and Economics Conference (AMBEC 2021)
- Tri Istining Wardani, Rr.
- The Effect of Green Product Attributes and Eco Label Information on Green Purchasing Decision
- Utomo, Heru
- The Progress of Marketing Model Based on Electronic Marketing for UKM of Sanan’s Tempe Chips in Malang City
- Wahyuni, Hesti
- Analysis of Global Sharia Mutual Fund Performance and Benchmarking Using Dow Jones Islamic Market Index
- Waris, Abdul
- Semantic-Based Chatbot Application Development to Improve Online Store User Service
- Widodo, Saniman
- The Effect of Information Quality and Experience Quality on Trust and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty
- Wijaya, Riesanti Edie
- The Meaning Taxpayer Compliance in Tri Hita Karana’s Perspective
- Winata, Lanita
- The Effect of Non-financial Performance Measures on Role Clarity and Procedural Fairness
- Wiyarni, Wiyarni
- Leverage’s Effect on Corporate Performance Using Firm Size as a Moderating Variable
- Yaya, Rizal
- The Performance of Village Owned Enterprises in Cianjur During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Factors that Influence Their Success
- Zaini, Achmad
- The Role of Entrepreneurship Orientation in Mediation of Social Capital and Innovation to Augment Marketing Performance of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
- Zaini, Achmad
- Does Information Technology Affect the Marketing Performance of Exporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Which Depend on Intermediaries?
- kurniawan, Dediek Tri
- What are Determinant Factors for Master Student (Gen Y) to Join on Indonesia’s Giant Digital Startup?