Proceedings of the 4th Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2022)

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105 articles
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Students’ Character Through Religious Extracurricular Activities

Rifa Anggyana, Kokom Komalasari
Changes in the educational model that are diverse in the realization of its urgency cannot be separated from the demands of the situation and conditions of society. The education in question must be in accordance with the achievement of the objectives that have been formulated in the Undang-Undang Republik...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Character Education Content in Indonesian and the Netherland National Curricula

Akhmad Fauzi, Mupid Hidayat, Susan Fitriasari, Dede Iswandi, Sri Maesaroh, Sarah Fadilah Zein, Mukhlisin
The purpose of this study is to compare how character education is implemented in Indonesia and the Netherlands. The study focuses on three things: the background, strategy, and issues of character education in the two nations. The research technique employed is a qualitative literature-based methodology...
Proceedings Article

Creative Board Game Based Design Pancasila and Civic Education Subject Material

Rahmat, Dede Iswandi, Akhmad Fauzi, Sarah Fadilah Zein
This study aims to determine the design of board games made by Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) teachers, as well as their use by students in improving learning outcomes based on Civics subject matter. The method used is experimental. The research was conducted in SMP N 3 Bandung. Board games aren’t...
Proceedings Article

Learning Design Democratic Education Model in Pancasila and Civic Education Base on Development Student Legal Literacy

Dadang Sundawa, Dwi Iman Muthaqin, Pitria Sopianingsih, Nisrina Nurul Insani, Baeihaqi
Indonesia as a country based on people’s sovereignty has implications for efforts to realize the constitutional mandate to form democratic citizens. One of the efforts to realize this goal is to increase legal literacy through education which is substantially included in civic education. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Pancasila and Citizenship Education in Shaping Religious Character Through a Values Approach for Generation Z

Inda, Muhammad Halimi
Pancasila and Citizenship Education are one of the lessons that have an important role in shaping religious character for Generation Z but the facts on the ground show several problems including the decline in moral values in the family, school, and community environment which is the reason for the importance...