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188759 articles

Strengthening the Human Rights Treaty Body System Today: Achievements and Challenges

Aleksandra Koneva
The article focuses on the ongoing process to strengthen the effectiveness of the human rights treaty body system. While demonstrating the growing significance of these mechanisms in the human rights protection, the author provides the historical legal analysis of the initiatives to address challenges...
Proceedings Article

Research on an Attribute Based Encryption Method Oriented IHE-XDS

Yanfeng Li, Runtong Zhang
IHE-XDS (Integrating the Healthcare Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing) is an interagency, involving multiple medical institutions and users, for the integration of medical information sharing framework. The medical information shared by the medical institutions in this framework is mainly electronic...

Mind Map and Information Surfing. Unity of Opposites in Education

V. Kutrunov, V. Shaptsev, N. Garkusha, L. Sizova
The article keeps analyzing the impact of the information explosion (IE) on a human ability to absorb information from its current carriers circulating on the Internet. This paper substantiates the inevitable use of Mind Maps (MM) in activating and supporting the thought process as a means of neutralizing...
Proceedings Article

Preparation of WO3 Nano-material Negative Electrode for Asymmetric Supercapacitor

Wei XU, Gui XU, Deng-Liang WANG, Jin-Tian LIN, Yu BAI, Li-Te ZHAO, Jing-Quan MO, Dong-Hua FAN
Tungsten oxide nanomaterials were deposited on flexible conductive carbon fiber sheets by a simple thermal evaporation method and compared with conventional hydrothermal tungsten oxide nanomaterials. The morphology and composition of the product were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron...

Influence of Parenting Styles toward Achievement of Theory of Mind in the Late Childhood

Istiqomah Aminin
The ability to understand the intention, beliefs, wishes or motives of others (theory of mind) is very important to be developed for the children. Caregiving is possible to contribute to the achievement of the theory of mind in children. The aims of this study are to examine the parenting influence on...
Proceedings Article

Ultrasound Pretreatment of Apple Slice Prior to Vacuum Freeze Drying

Ziying Ren, Yaxiang Bai
To improve the vacuum freeze drying rate and to reduce the energy consumption of apple slice, apple slice were treated with different ultrasonic frequency, time and temperature. The vacuum freeze drying rate of treated apple slice was determined and, meanwhile, the rehydration ratio of samples with pre-treatment...

Study of Piano Teaching during Preschool Education Based on Aesthetic Education

Qinna Xu
The cultivation of students in aesthetic ability is one of the important teaching objectives of piano teaching in preschool education. We should understand the nature of piano class in pre-school education, explore the influence factors of piano education on the cultivation of students' aesthetic quality,...
Proceedings Article

The correlation effect between two defects in one-dimensional photonic crystal

Lun Tan, Zhiguo Wang
Double defect modes are introduced in one-dimensional photonic crystal. Through studying the correlation effect between the two defects, explored new regularities of the change of the two defect modes with the transfer matrix method. Proposed a new implementation method in researching the photonic crystal...
Proceedings Article

Work Posture Assessment with Application (Quick Exposure Check) at Boiler Stations

Ikhsan Siregar, Ridhaul Fuad, Yusuf Hanifiah
This research is in farm manufacturing. The manufacturing is less aspect health and occupational safety (K3) for each worker, especially in the boiler workers. Element works at the boiler station the disposal of burning done manually and repeatedly. Activity manual work done this repeating if done in...

Asymptotics for the Tail Behavior of Total Claims for a Risk Model with Stochastic Returns

Yinghua Dong
This paper studies a two-dimensional risk model with stochastic returns, where the two kinds of claim sizes constitute a sequence of independent and identically distributed random vectors following a two-dimensional FGM distribution. When the two marginal distributions of the claim-size have dominated-varying...

The Influence of Customer Participation in Value Co-creation Activities on Consumer WOM Communication

Yue Liu
The development of network economy and vary O2O channels provides more ways to participate in the enterprise value co-creation for the customer, exploring the customer participation activities is important to study the consumer behavior. Through questionnaire analysis, this paper empirically studies...

Research on the Development of New Agricultural New Industry under the Background of Supply - side Reform

Yu He
Based on the summary of theory, policy combing and field investigation, taking Sichuan Province as an example, this paper analyzes the specific requirements of agricultural supply-side structural reform on the integration of agriculture and the secondary and tertiary industries and the development of...
Proceedings Article

Modeling Based on LS-SVM Method and Predicting Dewatering Ratio in Sludge Process

Fei Luo, Xinghong Qiao, Weihao Liao
The sludge produced by treating the urban sewage needs thickening and dewatering and it is important for improving environment to reduce the quantity of discharging sludge by increasing dewatering ratio in sludge process. This paper proposes a novel method that can model least squares support vector...

Psychological Counseling To Reduce Adolescent Stress In Child Development Agency

Rini Lestari
Adolescent is transition phase from childhood to adulthood. Recently, teenagers undergo significant change and development in all aspects, either physical, social, or psychological. One of the developments is on their sexual and hormonal organs, where they would be interested with their sexual counterparts,...

Challenges facing the multi-stakeholder partnerships in implementing SDG's goal: poverty reduction in Indonesia

Roy Andy Panjaitan
Despite of having a significant achievement in reducing the extreme poverty level before the year of 2015, there are many things yet to be done in Indonesia in order to reach the number one goal of SDGs, ending poverty in all of its manifestations, including extreme poverty by 2030. Due to the comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Performance Evaluation of Chinese Listed port companies under the "Belt and Road Initiative"

Wei Liu, Yi Zhang
With the proposed national strategy of "New Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" ("Belt and Road Initiative"), China's ports usher in new opportunities for development. In this paper, PCA method is used to extract the principal components index, and DEA method is used to analyze...

The Impacts of Permendag NO. 21/M-DAG/PER/10/2005 on the Structure, Conduct, and Performance of Motorcycle Industry in Indonesia

Aleknaek Martua Nababan, Ashintya Damayanti
This research analyzes the responses of firms to the oligopoly motorcycle industry after Permendag No.21/M-DAG /PER/10/2005 (Permendag No.21 / 2005 in 2005) on structure, conduct, and performance. Price cost margin ratio represents as performance; advertising and R&D expenditure ratio as conduct; and...

Problem based learning model assisted edmodo

Fitriana Sari, Mr. Supana, Sarwiji Suwandi
This qualitative descriptive research aimed to (1) describe the content of character education value viewed from the philosophical meaning of Javanese script, (2) improve the character of students through Javanese script. Semiotic system approach of Pierce was used to analyze the objects of research...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Short Routing on the Line Capacity of Urban Rail Transit

Yi Ge, Baohua Mao, Yao Chen
This paper established the composition of minimum interval of single crossover reentry station and double turn-back line station in different proportion of trains on long routing and short routing firstly. Moreover, the paper examined various factors which influence line capacity using quantitative analysis....

Teaching Methods of Modern Lettering

Guicai Fu
Modern lettering art is an emerging art form that has its own independent aesthetic language and can convey unique aesthetic conceptions. Based on the traditional lettering, it incorporates the technical merits and commonalities of printmaking, sculpture, decoration and other arts, cleverly combines...
Proceedings Article

Fast Wirelength-driven Partition-based Placement for Island Style FPGAs

Wentao Sui, Sheqin Dong, Jinian Bian, Xianlong Hong
In this paper, we propose a placement method for island-style FPGAs. This me-thod consists of three steps: recursive bi-partition with terminal propagation con-sideration, minimum-cost flow initial placement and low temperature simulated annealing optimization. Unlike the traditional partitioning-based...
Proceedings Article

The Toy Box Problem (and a Preliminary Solution)

Benjamin Johnston
The evaluation of incremental progress towards ˜Strong AI¨ or "AGI" remains a challenging open problem. In this paper, we draw inspiration from benchmarks used in artificial commonsense reasoning to propose a new benchmark problem—the Toy Box Problem—that tests the practical real-world intelligence...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating Consulting Firms Using a Centroid Ranking Approach based Fuzzy MCDM Method

Ta-Chung Chu
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and select consulting firms by suggesting a centroid ranking approach based fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) method, where ratings of alternatives versus qualitative criteria and the different importance weights among criteria are assessed in linguistic...
Proceedings Article

Observer-based Guaranteed Cost Control for a Class of Singular Time-delay Systems with Uncertainties

Na Zhang, Yuechao Ma, Jianyun Liang
The problem of guaranteed cost observer-based controller design for a class of singular systems time-delay with uncertainties is investigated. The design method of guaranteed cost observer-based controller is given. Based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, sufficient conditions for the existence...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Graphical User Interface of Digital STB

Rong Fang, Meng-shu Hou
regards the development of a digital Set-Top-Box(STB) as the background, through an understanding of developing environment of graphical user interface 'GUI', To have a general design of STB GUI system'and To realize the STB GUI, and give a realized example of building an GUI under this system.
Proceedings Article

Finite Element Analysis and Optimal Design of Portable Optical Fiber SPR food Detector based on SolidWorks

Chen Zhaoming, Huang Yu, He Jiming, He Shixuan, Liu Lijuan, Tang Dongyun
SolidWorks was used to create a three dimensional mechanical model of portable optical fiber SPR food detector. The total deformation and stress figures of the optical fiber SPR detector were analyzed by using SimulationXpress subjected to finite element analysis. In order to achieve the device’s portability...
Proceedings Article

Superpixels Based Interactive Image Segmentation Algorithm

Jianwu LONG, Xuanjing SHEN, ZANG Hui, Haipeng CHEN
A superpixels based interactive image segmentation algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly the initial segmentation is obtained by MeanShift algorithm, and then a graph is built using pre-segmented regions as nodes, finally min-cut/max-flow algorithm is implemented for global solution. In this process,...
Proceedings Article

Research of Teaching Mode Based on Art Design Major

Xiaorong Zhu
In this project, there are three teaching modes based on art and deign professional teaching in college. These are "scaffolding", "remote control" and "drift bottle" Analysis these teaching mode realization during teaching process. Education is servicing to students. Students are the main point of education....

Influence of Hedonist Behavior and Utilitarian Behavior toward Purchasing Decision on Oriflame Cosmetic Products at Politeknik Negeri Batam Business Management Department

Maryani Septiana
This study aims to determine the effect of hedonic behavior and utilitarian behavior on purchasing decisions of Oriflame cosmetics products at Batam State Polytechnic business management students partially and simultaneously. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach method using validity test,...

Influence of corporate social responsibility on intangible benefits in the project-based companies

Ivan Jovanović, Anđelka Stojanović, Nenad Milijić
In this study, the influence of three factors of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Ecological aspect, Voluntarism, and Social aspect on soft results, that is, on Intangible project benefits in project-based companies in Serbia has been examined. For this purpose, the conceptual model with three...

Pivot Feature to Identify the Strategic Issues of Elementary School Teacher Management and Distribution in Indonesia

Teguh Triwiyanto, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum
This research aimed to identify the strategic issues, new technology, of elementary school teacher management and distribution in Indonesia. In fact, the conditions of regions (either regencies or cities) in Indonesia are varied, however, by comparing two different locations, this research tried to reveal...
Proceedings Article

Energy-Efficient Path Planning: Designed Software Implementation

Vyacheslav Petrenko, Fariza Tebueva, Vladimir Antonov, Nikolay Untewsky, Mikhail Gurchinsky
The paper continues developing the method of a real-time quasi-optimal trajectory planning for anthropomorphic manipulator. Our goal includes software implementation of previously designed methods and algorithms of the quasi-optimal trajectory for anthropomorphic manipulator. The general structure and...

The Effect of Organizational Culture, Achievement Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Teachers of SMP Negeri in North Tapanuli

Torus Manuntun
This research aims to study: The Effect of Organizational Culture, Achievement Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Teachers of SMP Negeri in North Tapanuli. This study aims to determine, The Effect of Organizational Culture on Achievement Motivation, Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction,...
Proceedings Article

A Nd:YVO4/LBO Intracavity Frequency Doubling Laser Pumped by a Diode-laser

Lianju Shang, Zhenzhong Cao, Hui Xu, Mingsheng Niu
A Nd:YVO4/LBO intracavity frequency doubling laser end-pumped by a diode-laser was reported, and the parameters of this laser were theoretically analyzed. By using a type Ⅱ noncritically phase-matched LBO crystal, the operation of a red light laser is realized. The output power of 1.16W at 0.671μm and...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry

Imroatuz Zakiyah, Wahono Widodo, Tukiran Tukiran
Thermochemistry is one of materials that had low student’s understanding ability on National Examination in 2013-2015 which only gets 55.45%. This low percentage because of student still has misconception. Misconception can cause students having low ability to understand a concept. This misconception...

Problem-Solving based Teaching Materials: an Important Role in Enhancing Undergraduate Students Thinking Skills

Utiya Azizah, Harun Nasrudin, Rusmini Rusmini
Problem-solving is an individual's cognitive process to achieve the goals and solutions to the problem at hand. Problem-solving is a serious concern of the government of the Republic of Indonesia to prepare graduates who have high competitiveness. This study aims to describe undergraduate students' thinking...

The Portrait Of Women's Independence In The Family Resilience Program In North Purwokerto Subdistrict Banyumas Regency

Cian Ibnu Sina, Soetji Lestari, Tyas Retno Wulan
This paper aims to describe the Portrait of Women's Independence in the Resilience Program (PKH). The study is based on gender analysis with a qualitative approach. The research strategy chosen was descriptive narrative with the method of in-depth interviews with the research subjects. Based on the results...

Information Technologies in Education in Terms of Digital Economics

V.B. Dzobelova, O.V. Cherkasova, E.I. Fomicheva
A new stage of society development is closely connected with digital information processing and use. Digital economics influences all spheres of social relations in the world, including Russia. The authors of the article present the latest results concerning digital economics spread in different countries,...

Social Interaction Among Adolescents Who Use Social Media

Nabila Rizki Amanda
This study examines and discusses how social interactions of adolescents who use social media that carried out directly and indirectly, social interaction motives, and the impact on their psychological aspects. This research uses a qualitative approach. The research analysis used is the Interpretative...

Gamification of the Educational Process in Higher Education Institutions

N Lobacheva
The paper reviews the concept of “gamification” and its role in an educational discourse. In particular, the author focuses on studying a student’s competence model, focusing on those students studying philological disciplines. The key specifics of the “gamification” process are analyzed within gaming...

The Role of Cystatin C and Albumin in the Differential Diagnosis of Primary Chronic Glomerulonephritis and Hypertension-Induced Renal Injury

Shen Li, Changle Zhang, Ke Zhang, Jumin Song
Background: It was difficult to differentiate diseases in patients of Primary chronic glomerulonephritis (PCG) and Hypertension-induced renal injury (HRI). This study aimed to investigate the role of serum Cystatin C and Albumin in differential diagnosis of PCG and HRI. Materials and Methods: A total...

Research on the Cultivation Strategy of Applied Talents in Local Agricultural Colleges and Universities Against the Background of New Agricultural Disciplines*

Hui Liu, Liyun Bian
The new era comes up with new challenges to higher agricultural education. Against the background of the construction of “new agricultural disciplines”, it is worthy of in-depth consideration that how higher agricultural education serves the “poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, ecological civilization...

Relationship of Commitments to Teacher Performance

The teacher must have good performance so that educational goals can also be realized. However, several phenomena show that there are teachers who have low performance, one of the contributing factors is the lack of teacher commitment to the task. This study aims to analyze the teacher’s commitment to...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic System Modeling in the Selection of Regency Road Pavement Construction Types

A R Indra Tjahjani, Nuryani Tinumbia, Wita Meutia
The selection of pavement construction type is influenced by several factors, such as technical conditions, economic conditions and conditions in the area. These factors have different criteria in each region, resulting in a different selection of road pavement. This paper aims to model the most suitable...

Bullying Victimisation in Elementary School Students in Bandung City

Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Hedi Wahyudi, Sulisworo Kusdiyati
Bullying is a severe problem in Indonesia. West Java has a higher rate of bullying cases, where Bandung City is the highest rating among other districts in West Java. This study aims to explore school bullying in Bandung City from the perspective of the bullied students. This study will help to get a...

Law Enforcement Toward Obscenity as Livelihoods Through Information Technology Media

Siti Miskiah, Nur Aida
The current era of globalization is marked by the rapid development of technology. The presence of technology has given a new nuance to human life that touches all aspects of life. The development of technology makes it easy for people to carry out activities to meet their needs and interact with other...

Undergraduate Students’ Cohesion in Writing the Final Semester Test of Writing Class at English Education Department of IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Laila Safitri, Hamzah
Students are expected to have an writing skill when they are at university which can be assumed as a new skill to learn since they were not introduced to such skill during their high school period. Based on preliminary observation, students still lack of the textual from which they struggle with the...

The Effect of Taxpayers Compliance, Tax Socialization and Increase Untaxable Income on Personal Income Tax

Moh Yudi Mahadianto, Apri Dwi Astuti, Chintya Adella Nurhaliza
The purpose of this study was determine the effect of taxpayer’s compliance, tax socialization and increase untaxable income on personal income tax. This study used secondary data and quantitative research methods. The population in this study amounted to 48 (The data are retrieved per month from January-December...

A Summary of Research on Campus Bullying in China

Ruohan Yuan
Campus bullying is a universal problem in the world, and it is also the focus of attention of Chinese academia and all walks of life at present. This paper combs the important research literature about campus bullying in China, collates the connotation and types of campus bullying. In addition, this...