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188680 articles

Factors Affecting Sustainable Agro-tourism: A Review Study

Retno Santi Sumardi, Mukhamad Najib, Anuar Shah Bali Mahomed, Derry Dardanella, Radhwan Sneesl
Agro-tourism is a tourism concept that becomes an alternative to natural tourism which has an important meaning in improving and developing the local economy and social community in a country, and the concept of Agro-tourism is also important for economic improvement, especially for developing countries....

Implementation of Learning with the Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) Approach in Bringing Up the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Profile in Early Childhood

Ratu Yustika Rini, Moh Fikri Tanzil Mutaqin, Laksmi Evasufi Widi Fajari
he Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics (STEAM) approach was present in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the STEAM approach was able to stimulate skills 21st century Technology and Engineering can be introduced by considering the stages of growth and development of early childhood....

Javanese Culture Integration in Mangkunegaran on the 20th Century

Insiwi Febriary Setiasih, Singgih Tri Sulistyono, Dhanang Respati Puguh
Javanese culture was the foundation of human mental development in Praja Mangkunegaran. The formation of Praja Mangkunegaran embraces the basic philosophy of love for the motherland which is represented in various cultural forms. Interesting trends regarding the development of Javanese culture in Mangkunegaran...

Ecological Components of School-Based Positive Behavior Support for Responding to Students Problem Behavior in Inclusive Schools: A Literature Review

Aini Mahabbati, Edi Purwanta, Budi Astuti
Students with behavior problems experience personal, social, and learning problems. Their behavior problem can cause disruptions in learning and other activities at school. Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a framework for responding systematically and procedurally to students’ behavior problems in...

The Migration of Female Labor Force from the Southern Border Provinces to Malaysia

Raksiri Angchuan, Jiramet Maneekul
The migration of female labor from the southern border provinces of Thailand to Malaysia involves a complex interplay of economic, social, cultural, and network factors. Through semi-structured interviews with female laborers from the border provinces of Thailand who have moved to work in Thai restaurants...

A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development

Ariyatun Ariyatun, Sudarmin Sudarmin, Sri Wardani, Sigit Saptono, Ani Rusilowati, Triastuti Sulistyaningsih
The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the comprehension and engagement of higher education students with development issues, particularly focusing on environmental literacy. Environmental literacy encompasses an individual’s knowledge, awareness, and capacity to address concerns through practical...

Enhancing Behavioral Support for Change: The Role of Employee Participation and Change Self-efficacy as Predictors

Zulkifli Nurul Haqq, Haerudin, Suwardi
This study aims to investigate the effect of employee participation and change self-efficacy on two active aspects of behavioral support for change (i.e., cooperation and championing). Also, this study attempts to examine the mediating role of change self-efficacy those relationship between employee...

Analysis of the Correlation Between Urban Development and Population with the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in South Jakarta City

Hana Refah Shabrina, Jumadi, Umrotun, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim
Urban activities are highly complicated and demand a high level of mobility. The urban area is teeming with diverse activities, such as healthcare, offices, industry, commerce, and services. Those activities are influenced by the number of populations. It is because the populations are a subject that...

Profitability Effect on Smoothing of Income with Size of Firm as Moderating Variable in Manufacturing Corporates

Rini Tri Hastuti, Richard Andrew, Muhammad Bintang Prajogi
Empirically, this research examines the effect of profitability on income smoothing practices with the moderating variable of firm size in the manufacturing industry during the 2017 – 2019 period which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. 75 data used in this research were selected 225 data using...
Conference Abstract


Tatiana Felizardo, Nuno M. Neves, Albino Martins, Rui L. Reis
Pages: 80 - 81
There is still a pressing need to develop small-diameter vascular vessels for vascular reconstructive procedures. Tissue Engineering offers the prospect of being able to meet this medical demand, as it allows the development of structurally complex blood vessels substitutes 1. Accordingly, the ultimate...
Conference Abstract


Ye Li, Ashraf Khir
Pages: 80 - 80
Objective: PWV is an important indicator of arterial stiffness and cardiovascular diseases. Local PWV would provide a more accurate estimation of local stiffness than does regional PWV. Local PWV is commonly determined by loop techniques, such as the PU-loop method and the aim of this study is to examine...
Conference Abstract


Lydia Dux-Santoy Hurtado, Jose F. Rodriguez-Palomares, Andrea Guala, Raquel Kale, Gisela Teixido-Tura, Filipa Valente, Giuliana Maldonado, David Garcia- Dorado, Artur Evangelista
Pages: 80 - 81
Purpose: Different altered flow dynamics may influence ascending aorta (AAo) dilation morphotypes in bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) (1). Using 4D-flow CMR, we aimed to identify flow variables related to root or ascending dilation in BAV. Methods: One-hundred and one BAV patients (no severe valvular disease,...

Reducing Covid-19 Information Uncertainty Through Social Media

Descriptive Quantitative Study of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Students

Erika Fitriani, Dian Purworini
Social media, one of the developing technologies, has an important role in information dissemination, especially information related to COVID-19. One of the media utilized as the fastest information source related to COVID-19 is Instagram. However, behind the advantages of access and rapid distribution...
Conference Abstract


Ye Li, Antoine Guilcher, Samuel Vennin, Jordi Alastruey-arimon, Phil Chowienczyk
Pages: 80 - 80
Conference Abstract


Elizabeth Ellins, Kirsten Smith, Lucy Lennon, Olia Papacosta, Goya Wannamethee, Peter Whincup, Julian Halcox
Pages: 80 - 80
Background: Both the Sphygmocor (S) and Vicorder (V) devices can be used for pulse wave analysis (PWA). However, large studies comparing data from both devices are lacking. Methods: 1,722 men (78.5±4.7yrs) from the British Regional Heart Study underwent PWA with S and V devices. Brachial blood pressure...
Conference Abstract


Pedro Forcada, Carlos Castellaro, Jorge Chiabaut, Sergio Gonzalez, Carol Kotliar, Sebastian Obregon
Pages: 80 - 80

Simulation Modeling as a Tool for Ensuring Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of an Enterprise

Zaneta Simanaviciene, Evgeniy Kislitsyn, Lyudmila Shaybakova
The work performed is unique in its kind, since it represents the development of instrumental methods for studying an urgent problem – the increase in competitiveness and ensuring sustainable development of industrial enterprises. The purpose of the study is to develop a system for assessing the impact...

Pedagogical Education Modernisation in the University Context

Larisa Bykasova, Svetlana Garmash, Vladimir Podberezny, Valentina Panova, Yelena Pershonkova
From the essential approach position, the article examines the modern educational organisation formation and functioning as a scientific, educational, training, socio-cultural object that meets the needs of a society; the domestic pedagogical education development priorities and directions are determined;...

Hierarchy Based on Configuration-Reader about k-Neighborhood Template A-Type Three-Dimensional Bounded Cellular Acceptor

Makoto Sakamoto, Makoto Nagatomo, Tuo Zhang, Xiaoyang Feng, Tatsuma Kurogi, Satoshi Ikeda, Masahiro Yokomichi, Hiroshi Furutani, Takao Ito, Yasuo Uchida, Tsunehiro Yoshinaga
Pages: 80 - 84
Blum and Hewitt first proposed two-dimensional automata as computational models of two-dimensional pattern processing?two-dimensional finite automata and marker automata, and investigated their pattern recognition abilities in 1967. Since then, many researchers in this field have investigated the properties...

Multi-stage Optional Unrelated Question RRT Model

Anu Chhabra, B.K. Dass, Samridhi Mehta
Pages: 80 - 95
Sihm et al. (2014) introduced modified optional unrelated question RRT model in both binary and quantitative response situations wherein the prevalence of the sensitive variable and the sensitivity level of the underlying sensitive question could be estimated simultaneously without using a split sample...

Weighting of Features in Content-Based Filtering with Entropy and Dependence Measures

Jorge Castro, Rosa M. Rodriguez, Manuel J. Barranco
Pages: 80 - 89
Content-based recommender systems (CBRS) are tools that help users to choose items when they face a huge amount of options, recommending items that better fit the user's profile. In such a process, it is very interesting to know which features of the items are more important for each user, thus the CBRS...

An Intelligent Cross-Layer QoS-Aware Protocol with Traffic-Differentiation-Based for Energy Efficient Communication in WSNs

Jawad Ahmad Haqbeen, Takayuki Ito, Mohammad Arifuzzaman, Takanobu Otsuka
Pages: 80 - 92
Despite an increase in energy efficiency of WSNs research in couple of last years, still the key challenge in the design of WSNs remains to maximize the quality of service (QoS) and energy efficiency of network system. The layered strength and functionality collaboration is commonly considered as one...

Barriers to M-commerce Adoption in Developing Countries – A Qualitative Study among the Stakeholders of Bangladesh

Mohammed Mizanur Rahman
Pages: 80 - 91
The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the key factors that act as a barrier to m-commerce (e-commerce through mobile phone or any wireless device) adoption in developing countries, and to investigate the ways to overcome these barriers. 27 face to face in-depth interviews were conducted...

Cross-cultural Comparison of Subjective Well-being (SWB) Predictors Among the Elderly: The Difference Between China and the Other Western Countries

YuXuan Zhang
The current study has investigated the similarities and differences in the predictive effects of subjective well-being (SWB) predictors among the elderly in a range of countries, specifically between China and western countries. The results from a total of 12 studies across more than 20 countries have...

Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health

Yizhen Wang
With the intensively spreading COVID-19 epidemic around the world, people have faced problems and dramatic changes in daily life, being unable to work as usual and living normally as routines. The consequences in that situation may reflect on the mental health of people since they bring people chaotic...

Overview of Legal Assurance About Crimes Against the Dignity of the President and Vice President in Indonesia Post the Decision of the Constitutional Court

Fitria Esfandiari, Nur Putri Hidayah, Yaris Adhial Fajrin, Isdian Anggraeny, Sholahuddin Al-Fatih
In the Indonesian constitution, the President is the holder of government power as well as the head of state. The Constitutional Court in Indonesia through its Decision Number 013-022/PUU-IV/2006 and Number 6/PUUV/2007 stated that the articles contained in the Criminal Code are in principle contrary...

The Use of Politeness Strategy in Criticizing Speech Acts in Japanese

Amelya Septiana, Nuria Haristiani
Although Japanese language is one of the most quoted examples in speech acts and politeness research, current publications focus on distinct areas of criticism speech acts and politeness. Very few of them enquire into the varied aspects of politeness strategy in criticism speech acts. Furthermore, politeness...

Duchamp’s Influences on Chinese Modern Artists—the Example of Huang Yongping

Heyan Wang
As the pioneer of experimental art in the 20th century and the representative of Dadaism and surrealism, Duchamp plays a very important role in the development of art. His influence is all over the world, and Huang Yongping is one of his followers in China. There are traces of Duchamp in many of Huang...

Determining the Suitable Placement of Online-Based Public Transportation Shelters by Urban Network Analysis

Case Study: Bundaran HI Transit Development Area

Diah Fitria Ardani, Hadi Ilhami Imanullah
Shelters play a significant role in connecting public transportation providers and users. As online-based public transportation usage is rapidly growing, the urban spaces need to catch up to accommodate those online-based user mobility needs; for instance, by providing pick-up points or drivers’ waiting...
Proceedings Article

Modelling and Control of DC Motor Speed and Position for Wheel Mobile Robot Application

B. Supriyo, A. Suharjono, K. W. Atmaja
This paper presents the simulation works of PID based speed and position controllers for the DC motor used in mobile robot applications. The mathematical model of the DC motor modelling is developed using Matlab System Identification Toolbox based on its input and output signals obtained during open...

“Humanistic Care” of Contemporary Sculpture

Xiaobo Yu, Weichao Zheng
Contemporary art may be more closely related to personal life and social problems. From a simple visual point of view, people can only see the external modeling beauty or ugliness of contemporary art works, but identify whether they have certain cultural values from the psychological and social levels....

Analysis on South Korean Soft Power— Taking BTS, Parasite and Squid Game as Examples

Yihang Huang
South Korea’s soft power is a potential factor that can help the country achieve more. It can increase economic developments, technological advancements, and current policies. Effective implementation of soft power in South Korea will result in a democratic political system. This paper describes the...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Modeling Method on Space Robot Dexterous Hand Based on Finite Element Theory

Bohan Lv, Shan Liu, Jinshu Gu, Guangshang Zeng
Robot is a complex system consisting of multiple joints and connecting rods with complex coupling relationship between multiple inputs and multiple outputs, making it very difficult to establish the dynamic model of the robot. In order to realize the real-time control of the robot and improve the control...
Proceedings Article

Engineering Requirements for Social Sustainability

Maryam Al Hinai, Ruzanna Chitchyan
Software is no longer a passive tool, but is an active agent in shaping modern communities. Yet, to date, software engineers do not endeavour to explicitly state requirements which a software system must fulfil if it is to positively contribute to the well-being (that is the social sustainability) of...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of College Students Information System Based on Internet

Guangyu Peng
This paper focuses on the characteristics of Internet and explores the influence and countermeasures of Internet on the values of our university students. The Internet as an important invention in twentieth century, is affecting everyone's life, especially have an important impact on how to deal with...
Proceedings Article

Maintenance Design and Computer Simulation of A Certain Type of Gear Wheel Reducer

Shuhai Wang, Fenghe Tao, Guibo Yu, Xujun Su, Xia Tao, Zhanjie Yuan
The gear wheel reducer of self-propelled weapons is the final reduction gear drive in the drive system. Under the same ratio of transmission, using reduction gear can reduce the load of transmission, drive shaft, main reducer, differential mechanism and half shaft, the size becomes smaller and the drive...

Analysis on temporal and spatial differences of the water footprint of wheat in 30 years in Yellow River Basin

Xinshuang Song, Hongwei Lu, Jing Li, Li He
This paper analyzed on temporal and spatial differences of the wheat water footprint in the Yellow River Basin during 1984-2013. The results showed: (1) GWF and BWF both decreased, (2) the GWF proportion rose from 25.7% to 35.7%, (3) the BWF proportion decreased from 74.1% to 64.3%, (4) the highest WPWF...
Proceedings Article

Towards the Independent Spanning Trees in Conditional BC Networks

Bao lei Cheng, Jian xi Fan, Shu kui Zhang, Yan Wang, Xi Wang, Wen jun Liu
Independent spanning trees (ISTs for short) in networks have applications such as reliable communication protocols, the multi-node broadcasting, one-to-all broadcasting, reliable broadcasting, and secure message distribution. However, it is an open problem whether there are ISTs rooted at any node in...

RETRACTION: Emulation of the World Wide Web

Kun Li, Jingchun Zhang, Jinrong Guo, Qintao Dong
In April 2020, Atlantis Press was alerted to fake proceedings articles hosted on our platform. These articles, mostly in computer science and engineering, were generated by the SCIgen computer program and were all published between 2006-2018. Immediately after receiving the alert, Atlantis Press initiated...
Proceedings Article

Research on Exhibition Entity Evaluation Model Based on Green Design

Jingjing Chen, Jinchang Chen
The concept of green exhibition design points out that the main forms of exhibi-tion design are entity design and virtual design. The key variable of green exhibi-tion design is entity based on the "4R" principle. A new exhibition entity evalua-tion model has been proposed based on the energy recovery...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Competitiveness and Development Strategy of Rare Earth Industry in Jiangxi Province——Research based on improved "diamond model"

Jie He
There are many factors that influence industrial competitiveness in different industries or different stages of growth of the industry, and the decisive factors vary greatly. Based on Potter's "Diamond Model", this article is to build the theoretical framework of competitiveness analysis of rare earth...
Proceedings Article

Incorporation of Fuzzy Logic to the Black-Scholes Model in Exchange Option Pricing

Manuel Muñoz Palma, Ezequiel Avilés Ochoa
Since the introduction of the uncertainty theory, a new paradigm in economy and finance is formed with the in-corporation of new models that allow a greater degree of accuracy to the reality of the environment of organiza-tions based on the fuzzy logic theory. This article empha-sizes the importance...
Proceedings Article

Disparities in Economic Development:In South Sumatera, Indonesia

Maya Panorama
The purpose of the paper is to examine the economic development disparities between regional in the South Sumatera. The important things in economic development are the human resources and the productive capital with colaboration of the policy from government. This paper compares the condition of seven...
Proceedings Article

A Target-driven Framework for Distributed Software Test Automation

Jian-hua Gu, Xing-she Zhou
This paper presents a four-layer framework for distributed software test automation, which is composed of test component layer, test component management layer, test scheduling layer and test domain layer. According to the target of testing, the problem space of software test divide into several feature...
Proceedings Article

An Adapted Multi-way Tree with Holder-chain for Large Scale P2P VoD System

Liu Pingshan, Huang Guimin, Zhou Ya, Zhang Huibing, Liu Siyun
Peer-to-Peer Video-on-demand (P2P VoD) systems have attracted great interest in research community. Many hybrid methods have been proposed to provide high-quality video-on-demand services to support VCR-like operations, which can scale to large population of users. In this paper, we propose a hybrid...
Proceedings Article

Crack Identification of Drawing Parts Based on Loccal Wave Demomposition and Neural Network

Zhigao Luo, Qiang Chen, Xin He
This paper relates to local wave decomposition and back-propagation (BP) neural network.With local wave method, an arbitrary acoustic emission signal can be decomposed efficiently and accurately into a set of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and a residual trend. The energy feature parameters extracted...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Training of Innovative Talents of Electrical Information Majors by Science & Technology Competition and Innovation &Entrepreneurship Training Programs

Yansheng Zhang, Keyong Shao
Science and technology competition and innovation and entrepreneurship training programs are important methods to promote the students engaged in scientific and technological innovation activities and to train students' innovative ability of science and technology. Several measures are taken to systematically...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Three-Dimensional Digital Campus Based on Sketchup and ArcGIS

Zitao Du, Yang Xu, Hongjie Wei, Chaoran Wang
With the mature of three-dimensional GIS technology, digital campus is gaining more and more attention as micro-reflection of digital earth. As current two-dimensional GIS has some limitations and much three-dimensional information cannot be fully utilized, with Sketchup three-dimensional modeling and...