Proceedings of the Youth International Conference for Global Health 2022 (YICGH 2022)

Conference name: Proceedings of the Youth International Conference for Global Health 2022 (YICGH 2022)
Date: 17-18 September 2022
Location: Surakarta, Indonesia (Hybrid)

Welcome to YICGH 2022

Center for Democracy and National Security, Sebelas Maret University, has successfully held a Hybrid Youth International Conference for Global Health (YICGH) on September 17–18, 2022. This year, YICGH has been themed “Strengthening a Comprehensive Global Health Architecture to Realize World Collaboration in Facing a Pandemic”.

Health is defined in the 1946 WHO Constitution as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just free from disease or weakness.” The opening further affirms “enjoying the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being regardless of race, religion, political beliefs, (or) economic or social conditions.”

The implementation of handling this pandemic is based on various WHO protocols, regulations, and guidelines that apply globally. So that the cooperation of different countries in the world will later become an essential part of creating protection of health for all individuals in the world, and the existence of these things will encourage the establishment of pandemic handling and control in various countries wherewith the experience and events of the pandemic in previous years and will promote the implementation of optimization that is getting bigger, effective, efficient, and sustainable.

Establishing international guidelines on the targets and stages of implementing pandemic handling and countermeasures will undoubtedly encourage the promotion of health architecture globally to promote acceleration.

We invite experts, practitioners, and researchers through this conference. We offer great opportunity for all researchers, experts, and practitioners to engage meaningful discussion.

Thanks to all of the speakers, authors, and participants.

Best Regards,

Andri Putranto
Chair of the Committee