Proceedings of the 8th UPI-UPSI International Conference 2018 (UPI-UPSI 2018)

Alhamdulillah, Almighty God who has provided opportunities, guidance, and the ability for us to continue to participate in the development of education. This process is one of the results of the 8th International Conference on cooperation between the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and the Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) which was held on October 8, 2018 in Bandung. The 8th UPI-UPSI is held every two years, taking place alternately between UPI and UPSI with the aim of providing a place for education experts and practitioners in the dissemination, exchange and expansion of scientific experience at the international forum level.

This Proceeding contains a number of research articles, studies and best practice selected in the field of education such as Philosophy and policy of teacher education, Curriculum, teaching and learning approaches, Guidance and counseling, Measurement in education, Teacher education qualification framework, Management, supervision and assessment, Lifelong learning for all, Diversity in education, Equality of educational opportunity, Sports and health education, Global citizenship education, Vocational and entrepreneurship education, Evidence based teacher education, Language, arts, and design education, Education in the industry 4.0 era, Developing Educational Competencies (Teachers) for Education in the Industry 4.0 Era, Models of Students' Development in the Industry 4.0 Era, Characteristics of Millennial Generation and Challenges of Educational Institutions in the Industry 4.0 Era

On this occasion I do thank and express my highest appreciation to all parties who have supported and contributed to during the implementation of the conference until the proceeding publication. My highest appreciation is also specially addressed to all article authors, reviewers, and steering committees as well as organizing committees who have spent their expertise and worked cooperatively and seriously. Hopefully they have got the rewards that are worthy of Allah SWT. Aamiin.

Finally, It is also hoped that The 8th UPI-UPSI 2018 as an international academic forum will provide significant benefits for the development education in terms of theory as well as practices.

Dinn Wahyudin