Proceedings of the 1st Raden Intan International Conference on Muslim Societies and Social Sciences (RIICMuSSS 2019)

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64 articles
Proceedings Article

A Local Qur’anic Scholar and His Critique on Religious Practices of the Javanese Muslims

Aunillah Reza Pratama, Masruchin
This article delves into the Islamic thoughts of Misbah Mustofa, a Qur’anic Muslim scholar living in coastal area of Java, Indonesia. Generally speaking, Mustofa belongs to a circle of traditionalist ulama (Muslim scholars), yet his thoughts have a purifying nature in character. Considering the widespread...
Proceedings Article

Al-Qur’an and Psychotherapy

Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, Jarman Arroisi, Dahniar Maharani, Amal Hizbullah Basa
Psychologists of various conventional schools have worked very hard to solve human’s psychic crisis problems. Yet, since most of them are nearly able to understand the human psychic structure, they took misleading decisions in their psychotherapy sessions. This research aims to provide better solution...
Proceedings Article

K.H. Ahmad Hanafiah and His Intellectual Networks With Other Muslim Scholars in the Malay Islamic World

Wan Jamaluddin, Zughrofiyatun Najah, Imam Nafiudin
KH. Ahmad Hanafiah is recorded as one of the Indonesian Sufi martyrs during the war against the Dutch colonial army, in what is now the province of Lampung, Sumatera, in 1947. Yet, his role as a prominent ulama and Islamic thinker in Lampung is not widely known due to the scarcity of research and publication...
Proceedings Article

Character Education in Indonesian Pesantren

Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah, Matrapi
Currently, character education has become one of the main challenges for educational institutions in Indonesia, i.e. to give birth school graduates who have good characters. Pesantren as the oldest form of Islamic educational institution to survive in Indonesia also faces this challenge. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Persuasive Communication for the Construction of Religious Authority of the Pesantren’s Kyai

M Nasor
Human as a social being is required to have good social interaction with each other. In every community, communication is an important factor that can bridge the gap of communication between members of the community who want to achieve mutual understanding and eliminate disharmony. In fact, many of the...
Proceedings Article

The Cultivation of Traditional Islam by the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) in the Digital Era

Imam Syafei, Sunarto, Agus Faisal Asyha, Nur Latifah
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest traditionalist Muslim organization in Indonesia, has given a tremendous contribution to Islamic education, especially in the world of Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren). The role of Nahdlatul Ulama through the chains of pesantren in realizing the nation’s ideals to...
Proceedings Article

The Sufism of Abū Al-Qāsim Al-Qusyairī

MA Achlami HS, Siti Huzaimah
The purpose of this article is to explain concepts of Sufism by Abū al-Qāsim al-Qusyairī, by focusing on explaining his thoughts. It uses qualitative methods based on historical social approaches. By the time of al-Qusyairī’s life (376 H / 986 M-465 H / 1073 AD), Sufism was considered to have been deviated...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Poetic Narratives in Hamka’s Qur’anic Exegesis Books, Tafsir Al Azhar

Rahmad Hidyayat, Ihsan Nul Hakim, Agita Misriani, Sri Murti, Syafrimen Syafril, Faisal Faisal
Hamka is a multitalented religious scholar, and one of the prominent cultural figures in Indonesia. Hamka holds scholarly authorities as a mufassir (Qur’anic interpreter) and a man of letters. These capabilities are proven by a number of his writings in both fields. Likewise, Hamka has tried to combine...
Proceedings Article

The Rise of Sharia Issues in the Contexts of Power Relation in Contemporary Indonesia

Siti Mahmudah
Sharia issues emerged and developed in Indonesia before and after the 2019 presidential election, as a response to the authoritarianism of the ruling government, its ignorance to the poor, and its resistance to Islam. This phenomenon has become an attention of the international society by virtue of the...
Proceedings Article

Sufi Exegesis of the Qur’an and Its Public Controversy

MA. Achlami HS, Isnaini
This research focuses on controversies around the existence of Sufi exegesis of the Qur’an. Historical facts reveal that studies about interpretation of the Qur’an have developed quite rapidly. This development goes hand in and with the development of science and philosophy in the Islamic world, as a...
Proceedings Article

Pesantren’s Kyai and the Fragmentation of Religious Authority in a Muslim Peripheral Territory

Sholeh Utomo, M. Fauzan, Afif Anshori
It is often assumed in society that the ‘true’ Islam is the one that is in the classical Arab heartlands, such as Mecca and Egypt. At the same time, Islam in a peripheral area such as in Java and Sumatra is a less Islam. In this case, the Arab Muslims are considered the most authoritative figure to speak...
Proceedings Article

Understanding Civil Society Through the Perspective of Ushul Fiqh (Basic Principle in Islamic Law)

Abdul Qodir Zaelani, Khairuddin, Rudi Santoso
The problem of civil society has become an issue among the academicians. The western terminology becomes an attention: is there any compatibility with Islamic teachings? This article explores civil society in the historical records of Islam and ushul fiqh (basic principle of Islamic jurisprudence). Based...
Proceedings Article

Developing Teaching Materials of the Subject of Islamic Moralities and Tasawuf

Heru Juabdin Sada, Hanif Mudhofar, Rizki Wahyu Yunian Putra, Suherman, Yuli Yanti
Teaching Islamic morality and tasawuf (Sufism) to university students is considered as a crucial solution to solve the moral crisis problems faced by society of the industrial era 4.0. The purpose of this study is to determine the validity, responses of students and educators to the teaching materials...
Proceedings Article

Adversity Learning and Student’s Performance at Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia

Suheri, Abdulloh Hamid, Mundir, Yeni Tri Nurrahmawati
Islamic boarding school (pesantren) is the oldest educational institution of Islam to survive in Indonesia (since the 1800s) and it has been legally sanctioned by the Indonesian government. Throughout history, it has made valuable contribution to the country, example of which ranges from education, dakwah...
Proceedings Article

The Use and Development of Seamless Learning Strategy for Islamic Education Course in Indonesian Higher Education

Ahmad Munjin Nasih, Abdulloh Hamid, Ahmad Yani, Suheri, Achmad Sultoni, Dodik Harnadi
This study aims at developing a mobile seamless learning strategy in the Islamic education course taught in the State University of Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Anchored by the design of Research and Development developed by Borg & Gall, this study recruited students of Islamic education at the...
Proceedings Article

Social Media and the Making of Religious Harmony in the Post-Truth Era

Idrus Ruslan, Indra Harahap
The current use of social media in society of today’s post truth era, is omnipresent. With social media, people interact and communicate, as well as disseminate information and so forth. On the contrary, the irresponsible use of social media can disrupt religious harmony. Because of this, this article...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Psychology for the Dakwah of Islam

Rini Setiawati
Image of dakwah activities in Muslim society tends to focus more heavily on religious doctrine. As such is counter productive with the main critical problems that many Muslims are facing in reality, that is, the decline of religiosity in society as a direct impact of rampant globalization. On the other...
Proceedings Article

The Practice of Cultural Dakwah Among the Bagelen Muslim Community

Fitri Yanti Yasin, Khairullah Saibi
Members of the Bagelen community practice Javanese traditions including rituals, arts and ceremonies, ones that are highly influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism, even though they considered themselves as Muslims. This study analyzes the practice of cultural dakwah (Islamic proselytizing) among Muslim communities...
Proceedings Article

Woman Empowerment Through Mosque-Piety Activities

Rini Setiawati, Sulistiawati, Afif Umi Kalsum
This paper intends to explore religious activities in Taqwa Mosque, Menggala, Tulang Bawang Regency, the province of Lampung, and how do these activities help to empower women members of the mosque. In fact, the religious activities in Taqwa mosque are dominated by male worshipers, while women almost...
Proceedings Article

Islam and Environmental Conservation

M. Baharudin, Akbar Tanjung
Environment is an important element for humans because it is a pillar for human survival. Therefore, humans should be wise in terms of interacting with the environment. Unfortunately, many people still do not care about environmental sustainability, such as industrial waste processing which is not environmentally...
Proceedings Article

Developing Islamic-Friendly Android Mobile Apps for Understanding Mathematical Concepts

Komarudin, Farida, Debi Pranata, Umi Nurhasanah, Suherman
Android mobile apps technology integration in the mathematics learning process in the industrial era 4.0 is needed to facilitate the understanding of mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study is to produce mobile apps that are feasible, interesting, and effective Islamic-nuanced interactive multimedia...
Proceedings Article

Aggressive Behavior of Students From the Perspective of Self-Control and Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) Culture

Ali Abdul Wakhid, Abd. Qohar, Nugroho Arief Setiawan
Islamic boarding school or commonly called as Pesantren is one of the educational institutions in Indonesia which specifically give learning about Islam for the purpose of educating the next generation who are knowledgeable and have good moral values. Their students are mostly in the adolescent developmental-phase....
Proceedings Article

An Islamic Perspective on Factors and Behaviors of Adolescent Addiction to Online Gaming

Hardiyansyah Masya, M.A. Setiawan, Abdul Hamid, Indah Fajriani, Tri Dewantari
Addiction to online gaming is a sub type of Internet addiction disorder. The development and recognition of Internet (online) games in modern life inevitably comes with mixed impacts. Islam sees this as a call to increase people’s awareness and to help them deal with the negative impacts of technologies....
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Using A Qur’an-Integrated Pop-Up Learning Media Book for Studying the Temperature and Change Materials

W Anggraini, Yuberti, Afifah Zahra Wahyudi, Iip Sugiarta
The 4.0 industrial revolution is a current phenomenon in various countries, including Indonesia. Indonesia responded quickly to the issue of the industrial revolution era 4.0 by using technological advances, especially, in the field of education. One important aspect in the field of education is the...
Proceedings Article

Trust and Public Resistance Against the Transformation of Islamic Universities in Indonesia

Mulyadi, Tontowi Jauhari
This study aims to examine the influence of trust and resistance on the transformation of Islamic universities. This research uses a quantitative approach. The results showed that trust and resistance had a direct positive effect on the transformation of the status of Indonesian Islamic universities....
Proceedings Article

Transformative Leadership for Improving the Quality of Indonesian Islamic Universities

Siti Patimah, Safriadi
Leadership models and styles greatly affect the success of a college. The low quality of Islamic tertiary institutions today is an indicator of the failure of leaders in revitalizing institutions and accommodating the aspirations of their subordinates, so that the shared vision and mission is not achieved....
Proceedings Article

Integrating Religion With Science and Technology for Islamic Education

Umi Hijriah, Yuberti, Sovia Mas Ayu, Ida Fiteriani, Nur Endah Susilowati, Sri Latifah
This research is aimed to obtain an overview of the concept of integration between Islamic religious with science and technology through Islamic education. The method used in this research was literature research. To study the data and information collected, we used deductive thinking descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Developing State Islamic University As a World-Class Center for Studying Islam

Siti Patimah, Safriadi
State Islamic University (UIN) is set to become a world-class center for Islamic studies in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia to make Indonesia a “center of world Islamic education”. Indonesian Islam is hoped to be a trade-mark for the Indonesian people,...
Proceedings Article

A Model of the Integration of Science in State Islamic Universities in Indonesia

Deden Makbuloh, Ruswanto
The transformation of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) into State Islamic University (UIN) in Indonesia is aimed at developing the ideal model for the integration of science with Islam. UIN is given more authority and financial supports to develop basic and applied sciences in the fields of...
Proceedings Article

Quality Management and Job Satisfaction Among Academic Staffs of Islamic University in Indonesia

This study aims to describe the efforts to achieve job satisfaction among academic staffs of Islamic university in Indonesia. Its focus on IAIN Bengkulu (State Institute for Islamic Studies of Bengkulu) as the case study. The method used is a qualitative-descriptive approach. This article focuses on...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Economics Analysis on E-Commerce Transaction Mechanism in Indonesia

Ruslan Abdul Ghofur
E-commerce is the sale and purchase of goods or services through electronic media, commonly called online transaction. The sophistication and advancement of computer and internet have caused the emergence of a new commerce transaction mechanism. This paper aims to discuss and analysis e-commerce transaction...
Proceedings Article

God’s and Human’s Authority on the Ownership of Wealth in Islam

Bukhori Abdul Shomad, Abd. Wahid
There are some discussions about economy in the Qur’an. When discussing it, the Qur’an uses various words that refer to different issues in economics. This paper want to tackle one of the many economic words available in the Qur’an, that is, the word of “al-mal”, which literally means “wealth”. The main...
Proceedings Article

Social Security System Through National Zakat Agency in Southeast Asian Muslim Countries

Nirva Diana, Andi Thahir, Tin Amalia Fitri, Erike Anggraeni
This study aims to discover comparative social security system through National Zakat Agency in three biggest Muslim countries in South Asia. The comparison is focused on social security system management, regulation, scope, objectives, and its implementation. Institutionally, zakat (alms-giving) management...
Proceedings Article

Pesantren-Based Economic Empowerment in Rural Javanese Community

Naqiyah, Erina Pane, Hartono, Muh. Hanif
Poverty is not only limited to economic issues, indicated by limited skills, access to education, business and capital facilities, but also includes cultural and spiritual issues. As a matter of fact, most people in Grumbul, Karangtengah, a village close to a touristic destination of Baturaden, Banyumas,...
Proceedings Article

Transformation of Islamic Values in the Development of the National Legal System

Efa Rodiah Nur
The positivization of Islamic law to national law is part of the transformation of a positively justified legal system. The role of Islam in national development exists as a paradigm in the legal development system. The formulation of the legal texts contained in the state’s ideology of Pancasila is...
Proceedings Article

Inheritance Division for Non-Muslim Heirs According to the Supreme Court’s Decision

Agus Hermanto, Linda Firdawati, Relit Nur Edi, Dharmayani, Gandhi Liyorba
Inheritance problem is not new, but contextually, inheritance dispute problems often arise in the community. The verdict of the Supreme Court provides a different interpretation that inheritance for non-Muslims is permitted by means of the obligatory worship for the sake of justice and benefit. While...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Islamic Qanun Law in the Modern Aceh Society

Ria Delta, Erina Pane
Aceh is a province that exists at the most northern tip of Sumatra Island, which has a variety of different ethnic groups, living side by side with one another, carrying out Islamic law or the Qanun law. The qanun is a regional regulation that is not owned by other provinces, but it must be obeyed by...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Legal Analysis on the Role and Functions of Islamic Political Parties in Indonesia

Rudi Santoso, Khairuddin, Abdul Qodir Zaelani
Political party is a national organization established by groups of people who have commonality in ideology. In the Qur’an, the term party is called hizb. Linguistically, it means a community that has the same concepts, direction, purpose and activities; a group that has strength and brotherhood. The...
Proceedings Article

Internalization of Maqasid al-Syari’ah in Judge’s Decision

M. Yasin al Arif
This study aims to determine values application of Maqasid al-Syari’ah (main purposes of law) in judge’s decision. The decision which is used as the object of this study is the decision of PT Medan No. 144 / PID / 1983 / PT Mdn, by judge Bismar Siregar. The issue to be addressed is; firstly, how is the...
Proceedings Article

Kim Knott’s Perspectives of Insider and Outsider in Religious Studies

M. Afif Amrulloh, Sri Suci Suryawati, Nur Hidayah, Dian Reftyawati, Siti Latifah Mardiyah, Fatonah Salfadilah
Explorative study of religion seems to be stagnant in obtaining the meaning behind the values taught. In fact, the presence of religion can produce the solutions to various problems of life. Religious studies with a scientific approach also contribute to the dynamics that happen in learning religious...
Proceedings Article

The Logic of Ibn Warraq’s Islamic Apostasy

Erfan Efendi, Yuli Yanti, Ayu Nur Shawmi, Mashur Imam
Apostasy, sociologically, is a despicable behavior, because it is an act of betrayal against the fundamentals of a religion. Let alone, if the apostate ventured into public space to spread his ideas of apostasy, the consequences of his act would be more severe. But epistemologically, apostasy cannot...
Proceedings Article

Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilization’

Arsyad Sobby Kesuma, Kiki Muhammad Hakiki, Shonhaji, Ratu Vina Rohmatika
The focus of this study is to examine issues related to the theory of clash of civilizations by Samuel P Huntington which is still interesting to debate. Various kinds of writings, both supporting and rejecting his theory, continue to rise. Moreover, if it is associated with the condition of relations...
Proceedings Article

Deradicalizing Islam in Indonesia Through the Perspective of Al-Ghazali’s Maqasid al-Syari’ah (Purposes of Islamic law)

Moh. Mukri, Imam Mustofa
This article studies and analyses programs of deradicalization of Islamic understanding in Indonesia through the concept of Al-Ghzali’s maqasid al-syari’ah (purposes of Islamic law). This concept is chosen because of its considered comprehensiveness in nature. The Al-Ghazali’s concept of maqasid al-syari’ah...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Politics According to A Muslim Scholar Ibn Hajar Al-’Asqalany

Nadirsah Hawari
This study wants to explore political thoughts of a major Muslim scholar in the field of prophetic tradition (Hadith) and Islamic studies, namely Ibn Hajar Al-’Asqalany. This study is important because a Hadith expert is often generalized as a textualist, and is not adaptable to changes of time (anti-context)....
Proceedings Article

The Concept of Prophetic Government in Sunan Abi Dawud

Kamran As’ad Irsyady, Muhammad Nur, Mufliha Wijayanti
This paper comes from the assumption that Islam is not only a religion, but also a political system that reflects political theories and statehood. This political system was established by the prophet Muhammad, and had become a source of reference among the 7th century Medina society. Using a historical...
Proceedings Article

Democratic System in the Indonesian Constitution According to Maqasid Shari’ah

Alamsyah, Raesitha Zildjianda
The modern world’s system of democracy originates from the West, as does democracy in Indonesia. Because of its Western origin, many of Indonesian Muslims consider it as not Islamic, and not in line with the government systems that had ever existed in Islamic history, that is, the putative Islamic khilafah...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Fiqh Siyasah on a Local Government’s Policy About the Making of a Religious and Happy Society in Bengkulu

Imam Mahdi, Ade Kosasih, Aneka Rahma
Elite figures of a government, in carrying out their duty and function, must hold an authority for issuing a policy. It is usually a written rule of a formal decision of the government, which has a binding nature, and regulates the behaviours of all citizens, in order to create a new value in society....
Proceedings Article

Deconstructing the Concept of Jihad By the Radical Islamic Movements

Fauzan, Ahmad Khoirul Fata
This paper aims to criticize the religious understanding that becomes the basis of argumentation for radical Islamic movements. This study focuses on studying important issues about jihad (martyrdom) which were often misunderstood by the radical groups. Using a historical approach, it traces the historical...
Proceedings Article

The Concept of Conflict Management in the Medina Charter

Abdul Malik Ghozali
This study discusses the formulation of conflict management the Medina Charter, a treaties on peace created by the Prophet Muhammad in the early period of Islam. In this regard, the prophet presented a real experience in handling the conflict through the Medina charter. Medina society is highly diverse,...
Proceedings Article

Prevention of Radicalism Infiltration in Pesantren

Muhammad Akmansyah, Nurnazli
This article discusses about how to prevent infiltration of radical thoughts into pesantren, or Indonesian Islamic boarding school, equivalent to South Asian madrasah. Questions of the research are as follows. How is the pattern of radicalism infiltration into pesantren? What are the steps for preventing...
Proceedings Article

The Capitalization of Liberal Islamic Radicalism for Political Power and Economic Resources

Rinduan Zain
Against the existing literature that has largely disparaged radicalism for its potential to destabilize the state politics, this paper argues that liberal radicalism, another variant of radicalism, has had instead the potential to unite Muslims of different Islamic schools, and to form a shared collective...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Pesantren in Maintaining the Unity of the Nation

M. Nasor, Jasmadi
This study aims to investigate the role of pesantren in building ethical harmony in religious communities to prevent radicalism and maintain national unity in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in South Lampung and Tangerang. This study employs a descriptive qualitative method and a field study. The...
Proceedings Article

Family Planning Program and its Impacts to Women’s Health According to the Perspective of Islamic Law

Agus Hermanto, Rudi Santoso, A Kumedi Ja’far
Family Planning (KB), or tandzim al-nasl, or tahdid al-nasl, is a program that tries to regulates and controls the number of births, in order to achieve family welfare and happiness, by accepting and practicing the idea of potential and happy small families. However, lately, the problem is that there...
Proceedings Article

Minimum Legal Age of Marriage and Maslahah Mursalah in the Marriage Law in Indonesia

Nurnazli, Erina Pane
Chapter 7, verse (1) of the Marriage Law (UUP) in Indonesia formulates that the minimum age for marriage is 19 years for men and women. The basic consideration of the legislators forming the UUP is that the minimum limit is for the benefit (maslahat) of children. Nash (text) of the Qur’an and Hadith...
Proceedings Article

Contestation Between Islamic Authority and Local Culture in Marriage Law in Jordan

Jayusman, Oki Dermawan, Mahmudin Bunyamin, Sudarman
The treasure of Mazhab Fiqh (the school of thoughts in Islamic jurisprudence) is somewhat difficult to accommodate the legal conditions of modern Islamic marriage. The new law must accommodate the benefit of life, which is the aim of Islamic law reconciliation, in the present time. Marriage law in Jordan...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom for Marriage Conflict Mediation in Muslim Minahasa, Indonesia

Ahmad Rajafi, Ressi Susanti, Naili Adilah Hamhij
This research aims at exploring the use and role of local wisdom of Sitou Timou Tomou Tou by the Counseling Agency for Development and Preservation of Marriage (BP4) among Muslims in North Minahasa, in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research asks how did the BP4 in North Minahasa mediate conflicts in...
Proceedings Article

Seba Tradition and the Symbol of Identity Politics of the Baduy Tribe in Banten

Kiki Muhamad Hakiki, Ratu Vina Rohmatika, Zaenal Muttaqien
The focus of this research is to examine the meaning of Seba tradition performed by Baduy tribe in Banten. This research finds out that, 1) Seba tradition is carried out annually by the Baduy people not only as a symbol of giving a tribute to a ruler, as it is widely misunderstood in society. But Seba...
Proceedings Article

A Model of Sharia Tourism Policy Based on Local Wisdom

Faisal, Asriani, Erina Pane, Syafrimen Syafril
Philosophically, sharia tourism policy should be projected to achieving happiness, harmony and balance in society. This policy should be based on values that live in society, and is sourced from the development of the cultural processes of the people, in order to understand the languages of their law....
Proceedings Article

Kaffah Islam in the Context of Indonesia, Between Fundamental and Moderate Islam

Dian Andesta Bujuri, Nurul Hidayah, Yuli Yanti, Fikriansyah, Masnun Baiti
Different interpretation of kaffah (comprehensive) Islam in the Qur’an (Baqarah: 208) has caused a conflicting understanding between the fundamental and moderate Muslims, both claiming a single truth of their own opinions. This paper describes and examines the conflicting interpretation of kaffah Islam...
Proceedings Article

Religiosity of the Indigenous Kasepuhan Sunda Community in West Java

Deni Miharja, Idrus Ruslan
This research is set out on the basis of a unique diversity that occurs in an indigenous (kasepuhan) Sundanese community in Ciptagelar. In general, Sundanese people are Muslims, but some Sundanese indigenous peoples are practicing a religion that is better known as the Sunda Wiwitan, a religious belief...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Religious Organization for Muslim Women Empowerment

Siti Badi’ah, Suhandi
Fatayat NU is a women’s organization under the auspice of Nahdatul ‘Ulama (NU), the largest traditionalist Muslim organization in Indonesia and in the world. This organization is engaged with issues concerning of, and for women members of the organization, promoting equal chance of education and position...
Proceedings Article

Counter Legal Drafting of the Islamic Law Compilation, A Gender Perspective

Dewani Romli, Abdul Qodir Zaelani
Counter Legal Drafting Compilation of Islamic Law (CLD-KHI) is still a dilemma and has been a heated debate for years. There are many problems in it. This article analyzes the epistemological forms of CLD-KHI, the ones that are used as the methodological reference of its construction, considering their...
Proceedings Article

A Sociohistorical Study of Polygamy and Justice

A. Kumedi Ja’far, Rudi Santoso, Agus Hermanto
Marriage is a legal contract between a man and a woman, aiming to form a harmonious family. Polygamy, at the same time, is not a strange phenomenon. In fact, it is commonly practiced in Islamic societies. However, polygamy also often becomes a source of conflict in the household, causing the main purpose...
Proceedings Article

Judge Authority in Providing Justice to Children and Ex-Wives

Jayusman, Oki Dermawan, Zuhraini, Meilina Yulien
This paper aims at studying the implementation of the rights of ex officio judges in Religious Court of Krui in Lampung, for ex-wife and children in their divorce case, especially ‘verstek’. It questions about the considerations used by the judge in determining the burden of obligation to the husband...