Proceedings of the Fifth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (PRASASTI 2019)

145 authors
Abdullah, Wakit
Local Wisdom in Javanese Language and Culture expressed by the Javanese Coastal Community of Banjar Kemuning Village of Sidoarjo (An Ethnolinguistic Study)
Adi, Dian Prasetyo
Introverted and Extroverted Students' Learning Attitude in Chinese Speaking Class
Ali, Moch.
The Habit of Taking Jamu by Brata Pesisir Community in Pamekasan Madura
Ali, Mohd. Nor Shahizan
Discourse Analysis on Reading Communism Via Independent Documentary Soundtracks
Amrullah, Latif
Jangkrik: Taboo Language Use at Comical Interlude in Javanese Shadow Puppet Performance
Anggraini, Bea
Language and Cultural Identity of the People of Bawean Island
Anis, Muhammad Yunus
The Communicative Dynamism in the Book of Iḥyā’ Ulūmid-dīn: Case Study in Arabic - Javanese Translation
Anwar, Desvalini
The Use of Speech Acts in Indonesian Teenlit: A Teenager’s Restlessness bout the Issue of Unity and Diversity
Ardhian, Dany
Will Ideology Compete or Unite? Form and Function of Linguistic Landscape of Public and Private School in Malang City, East Java
Atika, Istikhorini
Diction and Social Status in the Sasak Language
Atmawati, Dwi
The Use of Language in the Creative Industries in Islamic Affinity
Avenida, Quinta
A Comparative Study on Chinese and Indonesian Greeting Culture in Multicultural Society
Basthomi, Yazid
House-made Writing Style Guide: Reflecting on the Practice Around Academic Text Writing in an Indonesian University Context
Budiharjo, Bayu
Nuclear Relations in Construing the Character of Percy Jackson
Burhanuddin, Burhanuddin
Response to Adriani & Kruyt (1914) About the Features of South Halmahera - West New Guinea Feature
Cahyani, Dian Anik
Repetition As Lexical Aspect of Autism Therapist in Speech Therapy Process
Chafidhi, Umar
Local Wisdom in Javanese Language and Culture expressed by the Javanese Coastal Community of Banjar Kemuning Village of Sidoarjo (An Ethnolinguistic Study)
Dewi, Rahmatika
The Influence of L1 Phonological and Orthographic System in L2 Pronunciation: a Study of Brebes Javanese Learners of English
Djatmika, Djatmika
The Forms of Language Units That Children With Autism Can Produce As Their Expressive Skill in The Learning Process at SLB Negeri Surakarta
Djatmika, Djatmika
Repetition As Lexical Aspect of Autism Therapist in Speech Therapy Process
Djatmika, Djatmika
Do Teachers’ Non-Verbal Behaviors Support the Verbal Production of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)?
Djatmika, Djatmika
Do Teenage Writers Figure Their Stories?
Djatmika, Djatmika
Politeness Strategy of FTA Receiver: Pragmatic Study of Speech Act of KBJ VI Participants
Djatmika, Djatmika
Assertive Speech Acts as Strategy Revealing Impoliteness: A Case of Translation Quality in Translated Novels The Silkworm and The Cuckoo’s Calling
Endahwarni, Sari
The Participle Construction in Passive-Form Russian Sentences
Hafizh, Muhammad Al
The Use of Speech Acts in Indonesian Teenlit: A Teenager’s Restlessness bout the Issue of Unity and Diversity
Handayani, Dwi
Use of Animal Metaphors in Javanese Language within Tengger Society
Hasanah, Nurlaela
Refined Language Maintenance among Members of Nobel Sasak Family at Bertais
Hasanah, Nurul
The Influence of L1 Phonological and Orthographic System in L2 Pronunciation: a Study of Brebes Javanese Learners of English
Hidayat, Rahmad
Classification of Tuber Plants in Sasak Language
Hikmah, Istianatul
Classification of Swear Words in Javanese Used by East Java People
Hikmawati, Ahfi
The Forms of Language Units That Children With Autism Can Produce As Their Expressive Skill in The Learning Process at SLB Negeri Surakarta
Hutabarat, Adinda Natassa Valentine
Political Discourse Analysis in Translation of Speech Texts on "One Belt One Road (OBOR)"
Ilham, Ilham
The Analysis of Booster Expression in Complaining Speech Act
Indra, Indra
A Study of Symbolism Penganjeng Aik Tradition of Sasak in East Lombok
Indrawati, Indrawati
Criticism Strategy: Pragmatic Competence English Department Students Need to Acquire
Isti'anah, Arina
Appreciation for Raja Ampat in the Official Website of Indonesian Tourism: Ecolinguistic Study
Jauhari, Edy
The Use of Javanese as a Tool of Expression for Solidarity Politeness in the Ethnic Chinese Community in the Javanese Arek Cultural Area
Jurianto, Jurianto
The Habit of Taking Jamu by Brata Pesisir Community in Pamekasan Madura
Kristina, Diah
University Image Building through Online News Reports
Kristina, Diah
The Analysis of Booster Expression in Complaining Speech Act
Kurnia, Ermi Dyah
Local Wisdom in The Expression of The Written Batik Lexicon in Lasem (Ethnolinguistic Study)
Kushartanti, Bernadette
The Variation of Indonesian First Person Pronouns by Indonesian-speaking Children
Liwenlin, Liwenlin
Comparing Logical Metaphor as Conjunctive Relation in the Novel Pride and Prejudice and Its Indonesian Version
Loe, Efron Erwin Yohanis
Compound on the Name of Plant in Rote Language of the Dengka Dialect
Mahsun, Mahsun
Classification of Tuber Plants in Sasak Language
Mahyuni, Mahyuni
Response to Adriani & Kruyt (1914) About the Features of South Halmahera - West New Guinea Feature
Makmun, Muhammad Taufiq Al
Translating Children’s Illustrated Story Books: Challenges in Translating Linguistic and Cultural Aspects by Students of English Diploma 3 Program UNS at Ganesa Library
Malik, Njaju Jenny
The Participle Construction in Passive-Form Russian Sentences
Manuaba, Ida Bagus Putera
Oral Communication in Literary Communities in East Java
Manurung, Lastri Wahyuni
Bataknese’ Politeness Strategy in Marhata Sinamot (Dowry Bargaining)
Markhamah, Markhamah
Language Skills in Bahasa Indonesia Learning Textbook Class X Curriculum of 2013 Revised Edition
Marmanto, Sri
Kindergarten Teachers’ Directive Speech Acts for Parenting towards their Students In the Teaching-Learning Process in Yogyakarta
Marmanto, Sri
Directive Speech Acts on Ulaon Unjuk in Batak Toba Custom: Gender Perspective
Marmanto, Sri
Bataknese’ Politeness Strategy in Marhata Sinamot (Dowry Bargaining)
Mulyana, Mulyana
Procedures for Traditional Guidance in the Serat Wewaton Keraton Yogyakarta: A Sociolinguistics Study
Musniati, Musniati
Cancelling and Refusal Strategy used by the Grab Driver of Lombok When Interacting with Customers
Nababan, M.R.
Nuclear Relations in Construing the Character of Percy Jackson
Nababan, M.R.
Comparing Logical Metaphor as Conjunctive Relation in the Novel Pride and Prejudice and Its Indonesian Version
Nababan, M.R.
The Analysis of Booster Expression in Complaining Speech Act
Nababan, M.R.
Assertive Speech Acts as Strategy Revealing Impoliteness: A Case of Translation Quality in Translated Novels The Silkworm and The Cuckoo’s Calling
Ngalim, Abdul
Language Skills in Bahasa Indonesia Learning Textbook Class X Curriculum of 2013 Revised Edition
Nugraha, Marendra Setia
A Representation of Javanese Culture in Pasung Jiwa and Entrok Novel by Okky Madasari: The Study of Clifford Geertz Interpretive Symbolic
Nugroho, Miftah
Discourse Structure of Dialogic Da’wah in the City of Surakarta
Nuraeni, Ardianna
Translating Children’s Illustrated Story Books: Challenges in Translating Linguistic and Cultural Aspects by Students of English Diploma 3 Program UNS at Ganesa Library
Priyanto, Agus Dwi
University Image Building through Online News Reports
Purnanto, Dwi
Repetition As Lexical Aspect of Autism Therapist in Speech Therapy Process
Purnanto, Dwi
The Use of Javanese as a Tool of Expression for Solidarity Politeness in the Ethnic Chinese Community in the Javanese Arek Cultural Area
Purnanto, Dwi
Will Ideology Compete or Unite? Form and Function of Linguistic Landscape of Public and Private School in Malang City, East Java
Purnanto, Dwi
Local Wisdom in Javanese Language and Culture expressed by the Javanese Coastal Community of Banjar Kemuning Village of Sidoarjo (An Ethnolinguistic Study)
Purnanto, Dwi
Bataknese’ Politeness Strategy in Marhata Sinamot (Dowry Bargaining)
Purnanto, Dwi
Politeness Strategy of FTA Receiver: Pragmatic Study of Speech Act of KBJ VI Participants
Putri, Ayu Nurulhaq
“Pahlawan Top Up”: An Advertisement to Enhance the National Non-cash Movement
Putri, Dian Rahmani
A Morphological Study of Sign Language: Reduplication in Kata Kolok
Putri, Savira Mega
“Pahlawan Top Up”: An Advertisement to Enhance the National Non-cash Movement
Rahmi, Baiq Anita
Swear Words and Solidarity in Ampenan Communities
Ratnawati, Sri
The Habit of Taking Jamu by Brata Pesisir Community in Pamekasan Madura
Retnosari, Ira Eko
The Deficit Deixis of the Children With Speech Delay
Sabardila, Atiqa
Language Skills in Bahasa Indonesia Learning Textbook Class X Curriculum of 2013 Revised Edition
Saffura, Aisyah Hafsah
Analysis of Nominalization in Proceeding Abstract in Linguistics (Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach)
Saharudin, Saharudin
Classification of Tuber Plants in Sasak Language
Sajarwa, Sajarwa
The Translation of Durative Aspect of French into Indonesian
Santosa, Riyadi
Nuclear Relations in Construing the Character of Percy Jackson
Santosa, Riyadi
Comparing Logical Metaphor as Conjunctive Relation in the Novel Pride and Prejudice and Its Indonesian Version
Santosa, Riyadi
Transitivity of Smile in Laskar Pelangi
Santosa, Riyadi
Assertive Speech Acts as Strategy Revealing Impoliteness: A Case of Translation Quality in Translated Novels The Silkworm and The Cuckoo’s Calling
Santosa, Tri
Language Skills in Bahasa Indonesia Learning Textbook Class X Curriculum of 2013 Revised Edition
Saptaningsih, Nur
Translating Children’s Illustrated Story Books: Challenges in Translating Linguistic and Cultural Aspects by Students of English Diploma 3 Program UNS at Ganesa Library
Saputro, Duwi
Language Skills in Bahasa Indonesia Learning Textbook Class X Curriculum of 2013 Revised Edition
Saragi, Christina Natalina
Directive Speech Acts on Ulaon Unjuk in Batak Toba Custom: Gender Perspective
Saraswati, Adinda
The Variation of Indonesian First Person Pronouns by Indonesian-speaking Children
Sartini, Ni Wayan
Compliment response strategy of Balinese women on social media: A Cyberpragmatic Study
Sawardi, F.X.
Yang in the Question and Answer Sentences of Bahasa
Sawardi, F.X.
Intensity and Politeness in the Interrogative Sentences of Javanese Language
Sirulhaq, Ahmad
Classification of Tuber Plants in Sasak Language
Sodiq, Syamsul
The Use of Language Variation in Friday Prayer Sermon in Accordance with the Congregations Social Stratification in East Java: A Sociolinguistics Study
Soedarso, Soedarso
Language of Disaster and Society: The Socio-Emotional Functions of Language after Natural Disaster
Sofiah, Nia Kurnia
The Meanings of Idiomatic Expressions with the Names of Animals in Russian Language
Sugini, Sugini
Do Teachers’ Non-Verbal Behaviors Support the Verbal Production of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)?
Sugiri, Eddy
The Use of Language Variation in Friday Prayer Sermon in Accordance with the Congregations Social Stratification in East Java: A Sociolinguistics Study