Proceedings of the 3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning (NFE 2016)

The 3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning held by the Department of Nonformal and Continuing Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in cooperation with IKAPENFI (the Indonesian Academics Association of Non-formal/Informal Education) on September 22, 2016 provides opportunities for the delegates to explore lifelong learning policies and to exchange new ideas and field experiences.

This year’s theme is Lifelong Learning: Policy, Concept and Practice in Education, chosen to act a guiding platform for educators, researchers, graduate students, and nonformal education practitioners of nonformal education.

From a total of 100 manuscripts received, only 64 have been selected through a protractive and strict peer-review process for publication as conference proceedings. The topics chosen aim to present several concepts and topics regarding lifelong learning such as policy implication on the concept of lifelong learning in informal, formal, and non-formal education, lifelong learning innovations (i.e:, approach, strategy, method and technique), ICT for lifelong learning, quality assurance in lifelong learning, implication of lifelong learning and staff development, prior learning assessment and recognition in Lifelong Learning, issues and challenges in contemporary nonformal and continuing education (i.e; economic, social-cultural, and environmental perspectives).

This has been realized due to the efforts made by the organizing committee and conference reviewers. Upon this, we thank you each of them in the varying capacities for all the kind assistance and support rendered. We finally, wish to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Supriyono, M.Pd and Dr. Jajat S. Ardiwinata, M.Pd for their invaluable contribution and worthwhile ideas shared throughout the conference period.

Team of Editors:

Editor in Chief:
Ade Gafar Abdullah

Editorial Team Members:

Achmad Hufad
Ari Arifin
Yanti Shantini
Viena Rusmiati Hasanah
Nike Kamarubiani