Proceedings of the 2nd International Student Conference on Linguistics (ISCL 2022)
143 authors
- Sujaya, Nyoman
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sujaya, Nyoman
- Classification of Semantic Types of Balinese Adjective
- Sujaya, Nyoman
- Morphological Process in Balinese Adjectives
- Sujaya, Nyoman
- Signs in Podcasts on Denny Sumargo’s Youtube Channel
- Sujaya, Nyoman
- The Grammatical Behaviour of Balinese Adjectives on Phrases and Clauses
- Sujaya, Nyoman
- The Language Function Used on Podcasts on Denny Sumargo’s Youtube Channel
- Sujaya, Nyoman
- Verbal Meaning Contained in Podcasts on Denny Sumargo’s Youtube Channel
- Sukayana, I Wayan Agus
- Macro and Microstructure of Food Product Advertisement Discourse on Television
- Sukayana, I Wayan Agus
- Superstructure of Food Product Advertisement Discourse on Television
- Susanthi, I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian
- Interrelation of Meaning in Film Lua-Lua Mböwö Sebua
- Sutjaja, I Gusti Made
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sutjaja, I Gusti Made
- Lingual Forms in the Form of Verbs in the Siat-Sampian Tradition at Samuantiga Temple, Bedulu Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency
- Sutjaja, I Gusti Made
- The Cultural Values of the Lingual Forms in the Siat Sampian Tradition at Samuantiga Temple, Bedulu Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency
- Sutjaja, I Gusti Made
- The Function of Speech Acts in the Kette Katonga Weri Kawedo Tradition Ceremony in the Wewewa Dialect of Sumba
- Sutjaja, I Gusti Made
- The Meaning in the Lingual Form Found in the Siat Sampian Tradition at Samuantiga Temple, Bedulu Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency
- Sutjaja, I Gusti Made
- The Speech Acts in Kette Katonga Weri Kawedo Tradition in the Sumba Language Wewewa Dialect
- Tantra, Dewa Komang
- Peer-Review Statements
- Telaumbanua, Indra Desman
- Interrelation of Meaning in Film Lua-Lua Mböwö Sebua
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Peer-Review Statements
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Classification of Semantic Types of Balinese Adjective
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Co-occurrence and Co-authorship Analysis in Vocabulary Acquisition
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Dimensions of Social Ecolexicon Praxis in The Context of Galungan and Kuningan Days of Guyub Speech in Temple Agung Petilan of Pengempon Kesiman, Denpasar
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Dimensions of the Function of Social Praxis ke-Biu-an Lexicons in Balinese Language and Culture
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Ecolexicon Social Praxis Dimensions in Mosehe Wonua’s Ritual
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Form, Meaning, Categories of the Ke-penjor-an Ecolexicon and Its Extralingual References in the Context of Galungan and Kuningan Guyub Tutur Pengempon Pura Agung Petilan (Pengerebongan) Kesiman, Denpasar
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Morphological Process in Balinese Adjectives
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Syntax Category of Existence Ecolexicon ke-afo-an in Central Nias Language
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- The Dominance of the ke-afo-an Ecolexicon Category
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- The Form of the Ecolexicon, Construction of Grammatical Categories, and Meaning of the Lexicons in the Oral Literary Text of Guyub Spoken Tolaki Language
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- The Grammatical Behaviour of Balinese Adjectives on Phrases and Clauses
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- The Structure of the Kepenjoran Ecoteks in the Context of Galungan and Kuningan Feast Day Community Pengempon Pura Agung Petilan (Peebongan) Kesiman, Denpasar
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- The Survival of ke-Biu-an Lexicon in Balinese Society
- Umiyati, Mirsa
- Tri-dimensional Social Praxis in the Metaphor of Ke-afo-an in Central Nias Dialect
- Widayanti, Ni Made Chandra
- Lexical Bundles in Educational, Science and Political Articles in the International Journal Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Widiantari, Ni Gusti Ayu
- Dimensions of Social Ecolexicon Praxis in The Context of Galungan and Kuningan Days of Guyub Speech in Temple Agung Petilan of Pengempon Kesiman, Denpasar
- Widiantari, Ni Gusti Ayu
- Form, Meaning, Categories of the Ke-penjor-an Ecolexicon and Its Extralingual References in the Context of Galungan and Kuningan Guyub Tutur Pengempon Pura Agung Petilan (Pengerebongan) Kesiman, Denpasar
- Widiantari, Ni Gusti Ayu
- The Structure of the Kepenjoran Ecoteks in the Context of Galungan and Kuningan Feast Day Community Pengempon Pura Agung Petilan (Peebongan) Kesiman, Denpasar
- Widiastuti, Diah Putri
- Structural and Functional Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Articles of Law and Economics Found Science Direct
- Widyaningrum, Sri Intan
- Lexical Bundles in Educational, Science and Political Articles in the International Journal Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Wiranadhi, Dhamma Satrivi
- Signs in Podcasts on Denny Sumargo’s Youtube Channel
- Wiranadhi, Dhamma Satrivi
- The Language Function Used on Podcasts on Denny Sumargo’s Youtube Channel
- Wiranadhi, Dhamma Satrivi
- Verbal Meaning Contained in Podcasts on Denny Sumargo’s Youtube Channel
- Yanti, Ni Putu Meira Purnama
- Co-occurrence and Co-authorship Analysis in Vocabulary Acquisition