Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology
679 authors
- Ros, Maria
- Learning User Activities from Energy Demand Profiles
- Ros, Maria
- Unifying fuzzy controller for IEQ: implementation in a Raspberry Pi
- Rosete, Alejandro
- Truck and Trailer Routing Problem under fuzzy environment
- Rozenberg, Igor
- Method for the minimum cost maximum flow determining in fuzzy dynamic network with nonzero flow bounds
- Rozenberg, Igor
- Fuzzy resource-constrained project scheduling for GIS software development
- Rubio-Manzano, Abel
- Comparative analysis of forecasting portfolio returns using Soft Computing technologies
- Rubio-Manzano, Clemente
- Automatic Linguistic Feedback in Computer Games
- Rudzinski, Filip
- Finding Sets of Non-Dominated Solutions with High Spread and Well-Balanced Distribution using Generalized Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm
- Rudzinski, Filip
- Generalized SOMs with Splitting-Merging Tree-Like Structures for WWW-Document Clustering
- Ruiz, M.Dolores
- Fuzzy Meta-Association Rules
- Ruiz-Aguilera, Daniel
- Residual implications derived from uninorms satisfying Modus Ponens
- Ruiz-Aguilera, Daniel
- On the Generalization of the Fuzzy Morphological Operators for Edge Detection
- Ruiz-Aguilera, Daniel
- On (OP)-polynomial implications
- Ruiz-Vanoye, Jorge
- An Extension of Fuzzy Deformable Prototypes for predicting student performance on Web-based Tutoring Systems
- Runkler, Thomas A.
- Fuzzy Graph Clustering based on Non-Euclidean Relational Fuzzy c-Means
- Rusnok, Pavel
- Linguistic Descriptions As a Modeling Tool For Multivariate Time Series
- Rutkowska, Aleksandra
- Investor’s satisfaction in portfolio selection problem
- Sahri, Soror
- Indexing Uncertain Categorical Data over Distributed Environment
- Salicone, Simona
- Combination of measurement uncertainty contributions via the generalized Dombi operator
- Sandri, Sandra
- A proposal for regime change/duration classification in chaotic systems
- Santana, Fabiana
- Generalized Distance and an Example of Fuzzy Metric
- Santana, Fagner
- Generalized Distance and an Example of Fuzzy Metric
- Santiago, Regivan
- Construction of Typical Hesitant Triangular Norms regarding Xu-Xia-partial Order
- Santiago, Regivan
- Generalized Distance and an Example of Fuzzy Metric
- Santiago, Regivan H. N.
- Gradual Complex Numbers
- Santo Pedro, Francielle
- A Survey on Fuzzy Differences
- Santos, Helida
- Construction of Typical Hesitant Triangular Norms regarding Xu-Xia-partial Order
- Santos, Helida
- Fuzzy probability distribution with VaR constraint for portfolio selection
- Sanz, Jose
- Study of n-dimensional overlap functions in Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems
- Sanz, José Antonio
- Improving Pairwise Learning Classification in Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Systems Using Dynamic Classifier Selection
- Sapunkov, Alexei
- Time series forecasting using fuzzy techniques
- Sarkoci, Peter
- Lukasiewicz-like triangular subnorms
- Schlattmann, Josef
- A generalized α-level decomposition concept for numerical fuzzy calculus
- Schoenke, Jan H.
- Robustification of Self-Optimising Systems via Explicit Treatment of Uncertain Information
- Seibel, Arthur
- A generalized α-level decomposition concept for numerical fuzzy calculus
- Seising, Rudolf
- Fuzziness, Cognition and Cybernetics: a historical perspective
- Seising, Rudolf
- Fuzziness, Cognition and Cybernetics: an outlook on future
- Serrano-Guerrero, Jesus
- An Extension of Fuzzy Deformable Prototypes for predicting student performance on Web-based Tutoring Systems
- Shalaginov, Andrii
- A new method of fuzzy patches construction in Neuro-Fuzzy for malware detection
- Shu, Qian-yu
- Fuzzy relational equations and the covering problem
- Shu, Qian-yu
- Strong linearly independent vectors in semilinear spaces and their applications
- Sibirev, Ivan
- Time series forecasting using fuzzy techniques
- Silva, Geraldo N.
- Solving fuzzy differential equations via differential inclusions
- Singh, Anand Pratap
- On the relationship among F-transform, fuzzy rough set and fuzzy topology
- Sinova, Beatriz
- Study of the choice of the weighting measure φ on the φ-wabl/ldev/rdev median
- Sinova, Beatriz
- An analysis of the median of a fuzzy random variable based on Zadeh’s extension principle
- Slezak, Dominik
- δ-information reducts and bireducts
- Smith, Laura
- Biased experts and similarity based weights in preferences aggregation
- Sobrino, Alejandro
- The role of Precise and Imprecise Syllogisms in the di-agnosis of reasoning deficits in mental disorders
- Soria-Olivas, Emilio
- Comparing TSK-1 FRBS against SVR for electrical power prediction in buildings
- Sotirov, Sotir
- Application of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy InterCriteria Analysis Method to a Neural Network Preprocessing Procedure
- Sotirova, Evdokia
- Application of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy InterCriteria Analysis Method to a Neural Network Preprocessing Procedure
- Soto, Jesus
- Optimization of the Fuzzy Integrators in Ensembles of ANFIS Model for Time Series Prediction: The case of Mackey-Glass
- Soto-Hidalgo, José M.
- Fuzzy modelling of visual texture: coarseness, contrast and directionality properties
- Soto-Hidalgo, José M.
- Fuzzy Descriptors based on Color, Coarseness, Directionality and Contrast for Image Retrieval
- Sousa, Emmanuelly
- Gradual Complex Numbers
- Sousa, João M. C.
- Fuzzy clustering and prediction of electricity demand based on household characteristics
- Souza, Aline Cristina de
- Generalized Recurrent Exponential Fuzzy Associative Memories Based on Similarity Measures
- Stachowiak, Anna
- Improving medical decisions under incomplete data using interval–valued fuzzy aggregation
- Stankovic, Ivan
- Regular fuzzy equivalences on multi-mode multi-relational fuzzy networks
- Stankovic, Ivan
- Bisimulations in fuzzy social network analysis
- Stankovic, Ivan
- Regular fuzzy equivalences and regular fuzzy quasi-orders
- Stavrakoudis, Dimitris
- A Fuzzy Rule-Based Feature Construction Approach Applied to Remotely Sensed Imagery
- Stepnicka, Martin
- Conditionally Firing Implicative Rules
- Stepnicka, Martin
- An Extension of Fuzzy Relational Compositions Using Generalized Quantifiers
- Stepnicka, Martin
- On Perception-based Logical Deduction and Its Variants
- Stepnicka, Martin
- Reduction of Fuzzy Rule Bases Driven by the Coverage of Training Data
- Stupnanová, Andrea
- Axiomatic generalizations of OWA operators
- Su, Shun-Feng
- Enhanced Fuzzy Systems for Type 2 Fuzzy and their Application in Dynamic System Identification
- Sumida, Ivana Yoshie
- A proposal for regime change/duration classification in chaotic systems
- Sun, Chung-Hsun
- Stabilization for the T–S fuzzy system with the constrained control
- Sun, Feng
- Square roots of matrices over a complete lattice
- Sun, Feng
- The structure of solution sets of fuzzy relation equations
- Sussner, Peter
- Generalized Recurrent Exponential Fuzzy Associative Memories Based on Similarity Measures
- Sussner, Peter
- A Family of Joint Possibility Distributions for Adding Interactive Fuzzy Numbers Inspired by Biomathematical Models
- Suárez, Pablo F.
- QUALE ®: A new Toolbox for Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Human Perceptions
- Suñer, Jaume
- N-contrapositivisation of fuzzy implication functions
- Suñer, Jaume
- On distances derived from symmetric difference functions
- Szmidt, Eulalia
- An Approach to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision Trees
- Sánchez, Daniel
- Fuzzy Covering based Rough Sets Revisited
- Sánchez, Daniel
- Fuzzy Knowledge Representation for Linguistic Description of Time Series
- Sánchez, Daniel S.
- QUALE ®: A new Toolbox for Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Human Perceptions
- Sánchez, Luciano
- Generalized stochastic orderings applied to the study of performance of machine learning algorithms for low quality data
- Tabacchi, Marco Elio
- Towards a fuzzy-linguistic based social network sentiment-expression system
- Tabacchi, Marco Elio
- Fuzziness, Cognition and Cybernetics: a historical perspective
- Tabacchi, Marco Elio
- Fuzziness, Cognition and Cybernetics: an outlook on future
- Tai, Feng-Chun
- Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Maximum Power Point Tracking Control for Wind Power Buck Coversion Systems
- Takata Gomes, Luciana
- A Survey on Fuzzy Differences
- Taká, Zdenko
- A linear order and OWA operator for discrete gradual real numbers
- Tamés-Noriega, Agustín
- LULC database updating from VHR images and LIDAR data using evidence theory
- Tanscheit, Ricardo
- A Multi-gene Genetic Programming Fuzzy Inference System for Regression Problems
- Tapia-Rosero, Ana
- An Approach for Uncertainty Aggregation using Generalised Conjunction/Disjunction Aggregators
- Taylor, Philip C.
- Memetic Type-2 Fuzzy System Learning for Load Forecasting
- Teheux, Bruno
- Characterizing variants of qualitative Sugeno integrals in a totally ordered Heyting algebra
- Tejada-Lorente, Álvaro
- Recommending scientific papers through a method based on bibliometric measures
- Termini, Settimo
- Fuzziness, Cognition and Cybernetics: a historical perspective
- Termini, Settimo
- Fuzziness, Cognition and Cybernetics: an outlook on future
- Terán, Pedro
- Towards objective Bayesian foundations with fuzzy events
- Theocharis, John B.
- A Fuzzy Rule-Based Feature Construction Approach Applied to Remotely Sensed Imagery
- Tissot, Jean-Marc
- A Fuzzy Expert Model of Haptic Perception for Automobile Touch-Screen Displays