Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Knowledge Sciences and Education (ICSKSE 2022)

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33 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Sumarmi, Rajendra P. Shrestha, I. Nyoman Ruja, Azmil Mohd Tayeb, Sharina Osman
Proceedings Article

Identifying Historical and Indigenous Potency of Padusan Village Mojokerto as a Humanities and Social Sciences Laboratory

Ronal Ridhoi, Nurlia A. D. Restanti, Joko Sayono
This paper aims to identify the historical sites and indigenous potencies in Padusan Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency. The identification results then become a reference for the development of a Humanities and Social Sciences Laboratory. By perusing some historical and ethnographic sources,...
Proceedings Article

National Revolution without Social Revolution; Indonesian Government Policy That Prioritizes Independence

Discourse of oligarchs, socio-economic disparities since the New Order until the reform era often color studies in the both are public sphere and the academic sphere. Uniquely, it is still rare to link the dominant role of the oligarchy to the socio-economic gap in historical perspective, especially...
Proceedings Article

The Origin of Plural Society in Jakarta

Andhika Yudha Pratama, Daya Negri Wijaya, Heni Masruroh, Evania Yafie
This paper attempts to narrate the glimpse history of the origin of plural society in Jakarta. Using library research, it will discuss the rise of Sunda and the growth of Batavia. During nineteen hundred years, Jakarta received a lot of foreigners. They were merchants, workers, adventurers, or political...
Proceedings Article

Organization Culture Correlation on Information Technology Investment by Level Management

Galih Khairulfalah Sayono, Apol Pribadi Subriadi
One form of implementing the information systems strategy is to invest in information technology (IT). One of the consideration that is often overlooked by top management in making decisions regarding IT investment is the aspect of organizational culture. This study aims to explore the characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Creativity Learning: Analyzing Scientific Creativity and Problem Solving Watershed Conservation Studies in Learning Geography

Permita Luana Diyah Syaibana, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, Yusuf Suharto, Syah Rizal, Desmond Tan Chia Chun, Foster Opoku
Scientific creativity skills (SCS) and problem-solving abilities (PSA) are benchmarks in assessing a person’s quality in learning 21. SCS and PSA need to be possessed by every student. They can be developed by implementing a model of collaborative creativity learning (CCL) because it can train students...
Proceedings Article

Pancasila Village: A New Order Strategy for Village Prosperity in Blitar, East Java, 1968–1985

Muhammad Rifki Amirudin, Athifa Raissa Putri, Nadila Farah Dibah, Rosyidul Awwab, Slamet Sujud Purnawan Jati, Arif Subekti, Grace Leksana
Pancasila Village is a program launched by President Soeharto which aims to improve the welfare of the community from the village level in accordance with the Pancasila soul philosophy. The purpose of this research is to comprehend the Pancasila village project in the beginning of the New Order, the...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Women’s Narratives on Conflict and Violent Histories

Grace Leksana, Arif Subekti, Megasari N. Fatanti
This paper examines the complexities of writing women’s histories, particularly in the context of conflict and violence. The paper firstly describes the patriarchal structure that tends to marginalize and undermines women’s narratives in history. The same structure also highly affected gender-based violence...
Proceedings Article

Resilience of Local Communities Experiencing Disaster in Lombok

Amiera Nur Afiah, Ahmad Arif Widianto, Baretha Yuanda, Endang Sulistywati, Megasari Noer Fatanti, Meredian Alam
Geographically, Lombok Island is located in an area with an active seismic activity level. With these conditions, Lombok is considered to have large earthquake potential. This study aims to dig deeper into the forms of community and government resilience in Lombok in dealing with disasters. This study...
Proceedings Article

Social Media and Participatory Culture: Audience Participation and Its Contribution to Determining Video Blog Content on YouTube

Ananda Dwitha Yuniar, Darin Rania Balqis
Before YouTube became the most widely used social media platform in Indonesia as it is today (We Are Social & Hootsuite, 2021), people were quite satisfied with the presence of television, newspapers, and radio, as a medium for their information consumption. At that time, the communication that existed...
Proceedings Article

Youth and Green Tourism: Innovation of Community Development in Kampong Glintung, Indonesia

Nanda Harda Pratama Meiji, Abdul Kodir, Hariyono
This research aims to explain the role of youth to enhance their kampong as green tourism and how they brand their kampong as a tourism destination. Qualitative research methods are used in this research. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and document analysis. The result...
Proceedings Article

Landscape as a Nature Laboratory in Geography Learning in South Malang, Indonesia

Alfi Sahrina, Furqan Ishak Aksa, Mohammad Ainul Labib, Purwanto, Listyo Yudha Irawan
The Southern Mountains Zone in East Java is generally a block that is lifted and tilted to the south. Southern Malang is taken place in the Southern Mountains Zone in East Java. It has a landscape appearance that can be used as nature laboratory in landscape-based geography learning and teaching activities....
Proceedings Article

Flow and Characteristics of Deliberative and Collaborative Action Learning

Muhammad Mujtaba Habibi, Margono, Rista Ayu Mawarti, Nurul Ratnawati
The purpose of this research is to describe the flow and characteristics of deliberative and collaborative action learning. Participatory research was conducted on a class of citizenship projects in Karangsuko village attended by 150 students of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education study program,...
Proceedings Article

Campus Cyber Media in Building Education Discourse

Luhung Achmad Perguna, Dhiyaulhaq Syah Pahlevi, Ananda Nur Azzahra
People’s way of life has changed after the revolution, disruption and especially the pandemic. Social Media and Cyber Media become daily intake. The presence of these two new media has disrupted the previously existing media such as television, print media and others. The number of cyber media also continues...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Economy of Fishermen Communities Tanjung Sembilang Through the Mentoring Sustainable Program

Deny Wahyu Apriadi, Waskito, Nanda Harda Pratama Meiji, Diaz Restu Dharmawan
The fishing community is one object of interesting study for research and has many aspects of life that can be lifted. In this article will serve results analysis about effectiveness strengthening economy Public fisherman through the mentoring program sustainable which is one of the form not quite enough...
Proceedings Article

Best Practice on Civic Engagement: An Analysis of How College Students Coping During Covid-19 Pandemic

Meidi Saputra, Sri Untari
The Covid-19 pandemic is an ongoing problem in the world. Preventing and reducing transmission is key to combating this situation. This study describes civic engagement during the covid-19 pandemic among college students in East Java, Indonesia. The survey was conducted through google form (G-form) from...
Proceedings Article

Study of Learning Outcomes Sociology Class 10 Online and Offline at SMA Negeri 1 Gondanglegi

Erica Anden Wibowo Santoso, Dian Ferry Dharmanto, Nida Khoirunisa, Alan Sigit Fibrianto, Sabita Aulawiyatus Sifa
Researchers are interested in knowing the comparison of the learning outcomes of grade 10 students in sociology subjects conducted online in semester 1 and offline in semester 2 so that the effectiveness and shortcomings of each learning method both online and offline can be used as input for educators...
Proceedings Article

Between Expectation and Reality: The Implementation of Educational Technology’s Study at MAN 1 Malang, Indonesia

Anif Fatimatus Solichah, Dimas Aulia Rifqi, Alan Sigit Fibrianto, Afahlul Nur Faizin
The Ministry of Religion Affairs since early 2018 has improved and equalized Madrasah education in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This policy is to support the realization of the “Great Madrasah with Dignity”. Covid-19 has also forced education to utilize technology in totality. This then...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Women’s Body Power in Consumer Culture: Study of Javanese Sinden Manifestations in Facing Gender Exclusion

Anis Mirna Defi, Achmad Hufad, Wilodati
The contradictory values about sinden’s bodies are still experiencing a pejorative meaning. Sinden’s bodies are often conceptualized with the commodity and power of sexuality. Negative stereotipe inherent in his profession, have made the existence of his body as a commercial object. This article aims...
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneurship Lessons Perceived by Korean Drama Audience: Itaewon Class Series as a Source for Learning Entrepreneurship Education in University

Rani Prita Prabawangi, Megasari Noer Fatanti, Rizki Dwi Putri, Rizza Megasari
The wave of Korean popular culture has not only created new trends in the fashion and music industries. Since the emergence of Korean dramas in the 2000s, the number of k-drama fans continues to increase every year. One of the famous series at the end of 2020 is Itaewon Class. Instead of carrying the...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Living as Seen in Social Media: The Prospect and Limitation for Ecological Literacy Learning

June Cahyaningtyas, Wening Udasmoro, Dicky Sofjan
Ecological literacy is one of the alternatives for the more mainstream concept of environment literacy, which makes the goal of Environment Education. Compared to environment literacy, which focus on transforming the learning of the individuals through schools, ecological literacy adopts the idea of...
Proceedings Article

Development of Infographics Learning Medium Using Adobe Illustrator on the Aesan Paksangkong Local Wisdom in Palembang During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Syarifuddin, Mar’ati Zarro, Dea Lestari
This study was conducted under research and development framework in developing an infographics learning medium on the topic of Aesan Paksangkong local wisdom in Palembang using Adobe Illustrator as the main instrument. The research subject of this study was students of 2019 from History Education program,...
Proceedings Article

Developing Audiovisual Learning Media Using Corel Video Studio Pro X10 on the Heritage of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate to Increase Students’ Interest in Learning

Putri Rizki Mpayang, Syarifuddin, Dea Lestari
This study aims to determine the results of the audiovisual learning media on the heritage of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate developed with Corel Video Studio Pro X10 and determine students’ responses towards it along with the effectiveness of the developed learning media. This study was conducted in...
Proceedings Article

AnyFlip-Based Digital Teaching Materials on the Eating Habits of the People of Palembang to Support Online Learning

Syarifuddin, Ria Resti Oktaviani
Online learning has become an inseparable part of education lately, requiring both students and educators to be able to adapt to it. In its practice, however, problems regarding online learning are still spotted here and there, such as poor delivery or reception of the materials, or that the online learning...
Proceedings Article

Pregnant Mothers During Pandemic: Searching for Information Through Digital Communication Platforms

Rahma Yudi Amartina, Andre Noevi Rahmanto, Albert Muhammad Isrun Naini
This study aims to find out how pregnant mothers utilize the digital media to fulfill their need of information and reduce their anxiety. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and motivated information management theory. This study uses in-depth interview as the data collection...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Pancasila Democracy on the Undecided Phenomenon of Voters in the 2019 Presidential Election

Dwi Putra, Muhammad Sainul Fadlan, Sri Untari
Indonesia is a unitary republic with a form of democracy based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Pancasila democracy is a form of democracy that takes place in Indonesia. The election is one form of democracy in Indonesia, the most awaited election is the Presidential Election. The problem that...
Proceedings Article

Child Freedom Awareness Education as a Model for Strengthening Independent Curriculum for Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study at Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM) Yogyakarta

Surya Desismansyah Eka Putra, Siti Awaliyah, Rizky Firmansyah
Children’s freedom is urgent from basic education to higher education which often neglects to appreciate the potential children. Children are often seen as parents’ obsessions or simply objects of teacher learning. Children are individuals who have their interests and freedom. The freedom of the child...
Proceedings Article

Integration of Web Media and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Learning During the Pandemic

Andy Prasetyo Wati, Jefry Aulia Martha, Nadya Artha Fransiska, Devita Andarista
A pandemic period in 2020 presents its challenges for the world of education, the rules set to do home learning are the best solution that has been issued by the government, as a result, teachers must be able to upgrade their abilities to develop their competence. The use of technology-based interactive...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the History of Spices: Utilization of Durstede Fort in Saparua as a Source for Critical History Learning

Wahyu Djoko Sulistyo, Ulfatun Nafiah, Najib Jauhari, Moch. Nurfahrul Lukmanul Khakhim, Sya’fa Nabila Kurnia Wahyuda
Learning resources are one of the most important components in history learning. The learning process of students in learning and understanding past events will be more concrete with the existence of learning resources. Learning that uses primary historical sources directly has a great influence on students,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Web-Based Virtual Reality as Media Learning for Baluran Conservation Area with Geographical Characteristics

Muhammad Rizieq Fahmi, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, Budi Handoyo, Sumarmi
This study has developed virtual reality learning media based on web learning as Mobile Virtual Field Trips (M-VFTs) with the object of the Baluran Conservation Area. The preparation of content is based on Geographical characteristics so that it can be used as a learning media to analyze phenomena in...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Impact of SISPENA-Based Technology Literacy and Assessor Competence Assessment on Accreditation Quality

Ahmad, Ratih Permata Sari, M. Ishaq, Edi Widianto, Khoirul Nadir
This explanatory quantitative study aims to analyze the effect of SISPENA literacy and Assessor Assessment Competency on the quality of PKBM accreditation either partially or simultaneously. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) The effect of SISPENA literacy and Assessor Competence...
Proceedings Article

Poverty Influence on Human Development Index in the Lampung Province

Irma Lusi Nugraheni, Samadi
Human development is a process of activities carried out by an area to develop the quality of life of the community. One measure of human development can be seen through the Human Development Index which is measured through health, quality of education and economic levels. Economic development is intended...