Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM 2021)
Welcome to the Second International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (2nd ICoSPOLHUM), 2021, which is hosted this year by the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Malikussaleh. We would like to take this opportunity to play our part in contributing to the world by providing access to the latest discoveries and new theories in the fields of Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities, as well as providing potential solutions to the current problems that we are all facing in this disruptive era. Therefore, the theme of this year conference is “Strengthening the role of Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities’’. We do hope that discoveries and theories in Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities will be able play their part in solving global problems.
Please click here for the conference website.
Please click here for the conference website.