Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)

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23 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Rita Martini, Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, Dodik Siswantoro, Habsah Mohamad Sabli, Marieska Lupikawaty, Ade Silvia Handayani
Proceedings Article

Measuring Academic Staff Job Satisfaction in TVET Institutions

Iskandar bin Reduan, Habsah binti Haji Mohamad Sabli, Azrol bin Adenan
Job satisfaction plays an important role in improving performance and quality of work. With high level of job satisfaction, employees will make a significant contribution and are committed towards their employment. Changes in the management of an organization that involve procedures and policies can...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System at Lab Test Lembaga Air Perak

Juhaidie Zamani Jamaludin, Norshahida Binti Hasan Saari
All industries including the government organizations have to follows the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 which required the employers to perform minimum duties to ensure the safety, health and welfare of their workers, and joint the responsibilities between employer and employees. With...
Proceedings Article

Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih

Welly Ardiansyah, Nurul Aryanti, Murwani Ujihanti, Risnawati, Lutfi Asyari, Wasitoh Meirani, Ahmad Leo Faragusta
The writing is intended to know if a flipped classroom design improves reading comprehension scores among students in class XI of SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih in the year 2022/2023. This study is quasi-experimental research. There are 216 students in population and 68 students in sample, they are XIA as controlled...
Proceedings Article

Financial Reporting Practice in Pesantren: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia

Periansya, Evada Dewata, Saifulnizam Bin Zakariah, Noor Azira Binti Sawal, Edwin Frymaruwah, Indriani Indah Astuti
This study is intended to identify financial reporting practices Pesantren in Indonesia and Malaysia, and to compare the level of knowledge, skills, utilization of information technology, and the implementation of pesantren accounting standards in financial reporting practices in Indonesia and Malaysia....
Proceedings Article

Capital Assets and Salai Fish Business Sustainability (Study on Panca Jaya’s Business, Sungai Rengit Village, Banyuasin Regency)

Neneng Miskiyah, Marieska Lupikawaty, Titi Andriyani, Siska Aprianti
The role of human, social, and financial capital in sustaining the salai fish business. The higher the educational background, the longer the business owner’s experience, the higher the orientation and strategy development carried out by the business owner to improve business performance. The role of...
Proceedings Article

Digitalization Role of the Front Office in the Banking Business, Impact and Implementation

Paisal Paisal, Afrizawati Afrizawati, Fernando Africano, M. Riska Maulana, Habsah Binti Mohammad Sabli
This study was conducted to see the impact of banking digitalization on the role of the front office (teller and customer service) in the banking business activities, as well as the implementation in the banking business. The data for this study used primary data collected through distributed of questionnaires,...
Proceedings Article

Thematic Concepts of Economic Development and Political Dimensions to Create Cultural Tourism for Kemaro Island, Palembang

Desloehal Djumrianti, Pridson Mandiangan, Alditia Detmuliati, Alfitriani Alfitriani
The main goal of study is to analysis community based tourism (CBT) concept which implement in order to develop cultural tourism in Palembang, particularly in the Kemaro Island. Primary data were collected through semi-structure interview to several key informants and observations. While, secondary data...
Proceedings Article

The Awareness Review of Muslim Friendly Tourism Map Through Utilization of Promotional Media

Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, Habsah Binti Haji Mohamad Sabli, Mohammad Fardillah Wahi, Suhaimi Sibir, Ummasyroh, Fernando Africano
The purpose of this study is to describe or review the results of the evaluation of efforts to increase awareness of halal tourism through the design of a Muslim friendly culinary tourism map, which is implemented in one of the traditional culinary of micro, small and medium enterprises in the city of...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method for Sriwijaya State Polytechnic International Office Website Quality

Tiur Simanjuntak, Beni Wijaya, Evi Agustinasari, Yusri Yusri, Qingjian Li
Digital flows allow the dissemination of information to be carried out borderless. The world of education also takes advantage of this. Nowadays, a website has become the face of the institution and the mean of promotion for international students. Therefore, doing evaluations from various aspects is...
Proceedings Article

SWOT Analysis as a Basis for Identifying Risks to the Going Concern of the “Waring Jaya” Palembang Catfish Farm

Muhammad Husni Mubarok, Maria Maria, Indra Satriawan, Eka Jumarni Fithri
This study aims to identify risks using the SWOT analysis technique. This technique provides information about the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the “Waring Jaya” catfish farm in the Ilir Barat I sub-district of Palembang. This research was conducted in June 2022 in the...
Proceedings Article

The Employer Satisfaction Study on Graduates from TVET Institution

Nur Riana Binti Abdul Rahim, Juhaidie Zamani Bin Jamaludin, Habsah Binti Haji Mohamad Sabli
The quality of education has been questions in the country due to many polytechnic graduates are still unemployed and work outside the field studied while in polytechnics. Some blame the graduates themselves and others blame the polytechnics for not providing a curriculum that is in line with the requirements...
Proceedings Article

Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services

Maria Maria, Muhammad Husni Mubarok, Jamaliah Said, Darusalam Darusalam, Desi Indriasari, Sarikadarwati Sarikadarwati
This study explores the prevention of government procurement fraud in Palembang city, which is thought to be related to the competency of the government apparatus and Internal Control System (SPI). This research was conducted empirically by involving 50 government units with an analysis of procurement...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Promotional Videos in the Tourism Industry: Is It Possible to Increase Local Revenue in the Digital Economy?

Riana Mayasari, Indri Ariyanti, Fithri Selva Jumeilah, Indriani Indah Astuti
This research was aimed to see the contribution of tourism sector local revenue to total LOSR. This research is applied research to consolidate previous research to solve a problem. Data collection techniques were carried out through documentation, interviews and observation. The data obtained were quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Tourism Business Activities and Multi-sectoral Income Optimization: Case in Pagaralam City, South Sumatra

Jovan Febriantoko, Desi Indriasari, M. Sang Gumilar Panca Putra, Rio Marpen
The motivation behind this assessment study was to learn the variables that assistance or block the enhancement of nearby income in the travel industry area, both formal and casual, in Pagaralam City by deciding the utilization of room and the spatial construction of the district. This study is significant...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of the Application of Just In Time (JIT) Business Principles and Traditional Philosophy in the Development of Integrated Digital Flour Mill Technology

Jovan Febriantoko, Ahmad Zamheri, Hendradinata, Rian Rahmanda Putra
Coffee is main commodity that must be developed from the upstream. The development is closely related to the production process that prioritizes the implementation of good business principles and the application of appropriate technology. This study aimed to compare the application of business principles...
Proceedings Article

Village Income and Economic Growth for Poverty Reduction on South Sumatra Province

Zulkifli, Ibnu Maja, Rita Martini, Sukmini Hartati, Mardhiah Mardhiah
Village community welfare research is urgently needed, particularly in the areas of village funds (VF), village fund allocations (VFA), village original income (VOI), and economic growth (EG). Samples taken from fourteen districts and cities in South Sumatra for five years (in 2016–2020). It was found...
Proceedings Article

A Financial Record Practice for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia

Yuli Antina Aryani, Hadi Jauhari, Rosmaria Binti Ismail, Nurul Safwanah Binti Muhammad Saleh, Yuliana Sari
This study identifies bookkeeping practices among SMEs in the city. Palembang, Indonesia and Terengganu State, Malaysia, and for comparing levels of knowledge, skills, recording methods and attitudes towards record keeping in record-keeping practices in Indonesia and Malaysia. The population of this...
Proceedings Article

Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness

Kartika Rachma Sari, Dwi Kurnia Oktora Putri, Rita Martini, Kartini binti Che Ibrahim, Desri Yanto, Yulianto Wasiran
The goal is that the government can control wastage of expenditure. Budgeting in order to prevent budget irregularities, such as irresponsibility to the budget, inappropriate budgets and others. There is a need for research to determine the impact of preventive and functional control on the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article

South Sumatra Business Showcase; Development South Sumatera Traditional Products Information System

Desi Apriyanty, Bainil Yulina, Sarikadarwati, Pridson Mandiangan
Entrepreneurs must figure out how to serve clients fast and give them the information they need without being constrained by space, time, or distance when they run a firm. Because variables like the company’s location, operating hours, and lack of product information may lower sales and even force clients...
Proceedings Article

Introduction to Islamic Economic Methodology

Ugi Suharto
This paper suggests that in the process of Islamization of economics, three methods namely ‘negation’, ‘integration’, and ‘value addition’ can be applied simultaneously to the existing body of conventional economics. What is inherently in conflict with Islamic worldview must be rejected and negated....
Proceedings Article

Marketing Efficiency of Organic Rice in East Lampung Regency

(Case Study in Multi Baliwo Farmers Group, Purwokencono Village, Sekampung Udik District)

Sri Handayani, Dwi Eva Nirmagustina, Ni Siluh Putu Nuryani
Organic rice has a large market potential in the community, this is based on the increasing demand for organic food products. However, the basic problem experienced by organic rice farmers is limited market information for organic rice products and marketing channels. The purpose of this study was to...

Correction to: Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)

Rita Martini, Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, Dodik Siswantoro, Habsah Mohamad Sabli, Marieska Lupikawaty, Ade Silvia Handayani