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193197 articles

On Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull Distribution

Hanan Haj Ahmad, Omar M. Bdair, M. Ahsanullah
Pages: 1 - 17
In this paper, we introduce a new form of distributions called ”Marshall-Olkin Extended Weibull distribution” MOEW. We study some of its structural properties and the shape of its hazard rate function. We provide some methods of point estimation for the unknown parameters and discuss its asymptotic properties....

On a graded q-differential algebra

Viktor Abramov
Pages: 1 - 8
Given an associative unital ZN -graded algebra over the complex numbers we construct the graded q-differential algebra by means of a graded q-commutator, where q is a primitive N-th root of unity. The N-differential d of the graded q-differential algebra is a homogeneous endomorphism of degree 1 satisfying...

A Note on Surface Profiles for Symmetric Gravity Waves with Vorticity

Mats Ehrnström
Pages: 1 - 8
We consider a nontrivial symmetric periodic gravity wave on a current with nondcreasing vorticity. It is shown that if the surface profile is monotone between trough and crest, it is in fact strictly monotone. The result is valid for both finite and infinite depth.

Asymptotic behavior of discrete holomorphic maps zc and log(z)

Sergey I. Agafonov
Pages: 1 - 14
It is shown that discrete analogs of zc and log(z), defined via particular "integrable" circle patterns, have the same asymptotic behavior as their smooth counterparts. These discrete maps are described in terms of special solutions of discrete Painlevé-II equations, asymptotics of these solutions providing...

A Chorin-Type Formula for Solutions to a Closure Model for the von K´arm´an­Howarth Equation 1

V.N. Grebenev, M. Oberlack
Pages: 1 - 9
The article is devoted to studying the Millionshtchikov closure model (a particular case of a model introduced by Oberlack [14]) for isotropic turbulence dynamics which appears in the context of the theory of the von K´arm´an-Howarth equation. We write the model in an abstract form that enables us to...

On a "Quasi" Integrable Discrete Eckhaus Equation

M.J. Ablowitz, C.D. Ahrens
Pages: 1 - 12
In this paper, a discrete version of the Eckhaus equation is introduced. The discretiztion is obtained by considering a discrete analog of the transformation taking the cotinuous Eckhaus equation to the continuous linear, free Schrödinger equation. The resulting discrete Eckhaus equation is a nonlinear...

So. . . what was the question?

Gérard G. Emch
Pages: 1 - 8
An overview of the lectures at the 2002 Bialowiea Workshop is presented. The symbol* after a proper name indicates that a copy of the corresponding contribution to the proceedings was communicated to the author of this summary.

On the Quantization of Yet Another Two Nonlinear Harmonic Oscillators

Francesco Calogero
Pages: 1 - 6
In two previous papers the quantization was discussed of three one-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonians featuring a constant c, the value of which does not influence at all the corresponding classical dynamics (which is characterized by isochronous solutions, all of them periodic with period 2: "nonlinear...

Comparisons Between Vector and Matrix Padé Approximants

Claude Brezinski
Pages: 1 - 12
In this paper, we compare the degrees and the orders of approximation of vector and matrix Padé approximants for series with matrix coefficients. It is shown that, in this respect, vector Padé approximants have better properties. Then, matrix­vector Padé approximants are defined and constructed. Finally,...

Navier­Stokes Equations with Nonhomogeneous Dirichlet Data

Herbert Amann
Pages: 1 - 11
We discuss the solvability of the time-dependent incompressible Navier­Stokes equtions with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet data in spaces of low regularity.

Noncentral Extensions as Anomalies in Classical Dynamical Systems

Jorge E. Solomin, Marcela Zuccalli
Pages: 1 - 9
A two cocycle is associated to any action of a Lie group on a symplectic manifold. This allows to enlarge the concept of anomaly in classical dynamical systems considered by F Toppan in [J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 8, Nr. 3 (2001), 518­533] so as to encompass some extensions of Lie algebras related to noncanonical...

Hidden Symmetries, First Integralsvand Reduction of Order of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations

Barbara Abraham-Shrauner
Pages: 1 - 9
The reduction of nonlinear ordinary differential equations by a combination of first integrals and Lie group symmetries is investigated. The retention, loss or even gain in symmetries in the integration of a nonlinear ordinary differential equation to a first integral are studied for several examples....

From Bi-Hamiltonian Geometry to Separation of Variables: Stationary Harry-Dym and the KdV Dressing Chain

Maciej Blaszak
Pages: 1 - 13
Separability theory of one-Casimir Poisson pencils, written down in arbitrary coordnates, is presented. Separation of variables for stationary Harry-Dym and the KdV dressing chain illustrates the theory.

Kovalevski Exponents and Integrability Properties in Class A Homogeneous Cosmological Models

Marek Szydłowski, Marek Biesiada
Pages: 1 - 10
Qualitative approach to homogeneous anisotropic Bianchi class A models in terms of dynamical systems reveals a hierarchy of invariant manifolds. By calculating the Kovalevski Exponents according to Adler - van Moerbecke method we discuss how algebraic integrability property is distributed in this class...

Complex Angle Variables for Constrained Integrable Hamiltonian Systems

S. Abenda, Yu Fedorov
Pages: 1 - 4
We propose Dirac formalism for constraint Hamiltonian systems as an useful tool for the algebro-geometrical and dynamical characterizations of a class of integrable systems, the so called hyperelliptically separable systems. As a model example, we apply it to the classical geodesic flow on an ellipsoid.

UV Manifold and Integrable Systems in Spaces of Arbitrary Dimension

A.N. Leznov
Pages: 1 - 7
The 2n dimensional manifold with two mutually commutative operators of differetiation is introduced. Nontrivial multidimensional integrable systems connected with arbitrary graded (semisimple) algebras are constructed. The general solution of them is presented in explicit form.

Lax Pairs, Painlevé Properties and Exact Solutions of the Calogero Korteweg-de Vries Equation and a New (2 + 1)-Dimensional Equation

Song-Ju Yu, Kouichi Toda
Pages: 1 - 13
We prove the existence of a Lax pair for the Calogero Korteweg-de Vries (CKdV) equation. Moreover, we modify the T operator in the the Lax pair of the CKdV equation, in the search of a (2 + 1)-dimensional case and thereby propose a new equation in (2+1) dimensions. We named this the (2+1)-dimensional...

Solutions of WDVV Equations in Seiberg-Witten Theory from Root Systems

R. Martini, P.K.H. Gragert
Pages: 1 - 4
We present a complete proof that solutions of the WDVV equations in Seiberg-Witten theory may be constructed from root systems. A generalization to weight systems is proposed.

On the Moyal Quantized BKP Type Hierarchies

Dolan Chapa Sen, A. Roy Chowdhury
Pages: 1 - 7
Quantization of BKP type equations are done through the Moyal bracket and the formalism of pseudo-differential operators. It is shown that a variant of the dressing operator can also be constructed for such quantized systems.

Integrability of the Perturbed KdV Equation for Convecting Fluids: Symmetry Analysis and Solutions

J.M. Cerveró, O. Zurrón
Pages: 1 - 23
As an example of how to deal with nonintegrable systems, the nonlinear partial differential equation which describes the evolution of long surface waves in a convecting fluid ut + (uxxx + 6uux) + 5uux + (uxxx + 6uux)x = 0, is fully analyzed, including symmetries (nonclassical and contact transformatons),...

Particle trajectories in linear periodic capillary and capillary-gravity deep-water waves

David Henry
Pages: 1 - 7
We show that within the framework of linear theory the particle paths in a periodic gravity-capillary or pure capillary deep-water wave are not closed.

Some Measures Relating Partitions Useful for Computational Intelligence

Ronald R. Yager
Pages: 1 - 18
SOME MEASURES RELATING PARTITIONS USEFUL FOR COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE We investigate a number of measures relating partitions. One class of measures we consider are congru- ence measures. These measures are used to calculate the similarity between two partitionings. We provide a number of examples...

Algebraic Discretization of the Camassa-Holm and Hunter-Saxton Equations

Rossen I. Ivanov
Pages: 1 - 12
The Camassa-Holm (CH) and Hunter-Saxton (HS) equations have an interpretation as geodesic flow equations on the group of diffeomorphisms, preserving the H 1 and H 1 right-invariant metrics correspondingly. There is an analogy to the Euler equations in hydrodynamics, which describe geodesic flow for a...

Nonlocal Extensions of Similarity Methods

George Bluman
Pages: 1 - 24
Similarity methods include the calculation and use of symmetries and conservation laws for a given partial differential equation (PDE). There exists a variety of software to calculate and use local symmetries and local conservation laws. However, it is often the case that a given PDE admits no useful...

Quantum Integrability of the Dynamics on a Group Manifold

V. Aldaya, M. Calixto, J. Guerrero, F.F. Lopez-Ruiz
Pages: 1 - 12
We study the dynamics of a particle moving on the SU(2) group manifold. An exact quantization of this system is accomplished by finding the unitary and irreducible representations of a finite-dimensional Lie subalgebra of the whole Poisson algebra in phase space. In fact, the basic position and momentum...

Novel Robust Stability Criteria for Uncertain Stochastic Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay

Yonggang Chen, Yunrui Guo, Wenlin Li
Pages: 1 - 9
This paper considers the robust stability analysis problem for a class of uncertain stochastic neural net- works with time-varying delay. Based on the Lyapunov functional method, and by resorting to the new technique for estimating the upper bound of the stochastic derivative of Lyapunov functionals,...

Implications of Fuzziness for the Practical Management of High-Stakes Risks

Mark Jablonowski
Pages: 1 - 7
High-stakes (dangerous, catastrophic) risks take on a wider profile as progress unfolds. What are the impacts of technological and social change on the risk landscape? Due to the complexities and dynamics involved, we can only answer these questions approximately. By using the concept of fuzziness, we...

A New Clonal Selection Immune Algorithm with Perturbation Guiding Search and Nonuniform Hypermutation

Zaijin Zou, Xinchao Zhao, Shuliang Zhao, Guoshuai Zhao, Shaozhang Niu, Guoli Liu
Pages: 1 - 17
A new clonal selection immune algorithm with perturbation guiding search and non-uniform hypermutation (nCSIA) is proposed based on the idea of perturbed particle swarm algorithm and non-uniform mutation. The proposed algorithm proportional clones antibody based on the affinity, adaptively adjusts the...

Risk Decision Making Based on Decision-theoretic Rough Set: A Three-way View Decision Model

Huaxiong Li, Xianzhong Zhou
Pages: 1 - 11
Rough set theory has witnessed great success in data mining and knowledge discovery, which provides a good support for decision making on a certain data. However, a practical decision problem always shows diversity under the same circumstance according to different personality of the decision makers....

Biogas - A European Perspective on Safety and Regulation

Olivier Salvi, Samuel Delsinne, Sébastien Evanno
Pages: 1 - 20
The production of biogas is positioned as energy which can not only generate a source of energy known as "green" but also which can recycle waste. In the context of sustainable development, the place of biogas is therefore essential. The risks corresponding to the production processes and uses of are...

Testing the Veracity of Supply Chain Management Technology in a Developing Country - Context: A Case Study of Agriculture in Bacolod, The Philippines

Dennis Howard
Pages: 1 - 11
This paper describes in the broad terms, the field of supply chain management and then, in particular, its application to agriculture. Modern supply chain management technologies have a lot to offer in the development of agriculture in developing countries.

A Review of Emerging Technology Trends in E-Commerce

Qingxiong Ma
Pages: 1 - 15
After several years of growth, E-commerce has become mainstream and matured. However, the new challenges require that tomorrow’s E-commerce system move beyond the basic functions such as a static website with electronic catalogue and/or a shopping cart towards an intelligent, dynamic, and secure commerce...

Forecasting Bangladeshi monsoon rainfall using neural network and genetic algorithm approaches

Shipra Banik, Mohammed Anwer, A.F.M. Khodadad Khan, Rifat Ara Rouf, Farah Habib Chanchary
Pages: 1 - 18
True information about rainfall is crucial for human activities such as the use and the management of water resources, hydroelectric power projects, warning to impend droughts or floods, urban areas sewer systems and many others. This paper investigates the development of an efficient model to forecast...

Technology Orientation, Innovation and Business Performance: A Study of Dubai SMEs

Yahya Al-Ansari, Marwan Altalib, Muna Sardoh
Pages: 1 - 11
This study examines how technology orientation interacts with innovation to affect business performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in an emerging market, namely Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Survey data from 200 Dubai SMEs demonstrated, firstly, that technology orientation influenced...

Preservation of Classes of Discrete Distributions Under Reliability Operations

I. Elbatal, M. Ahsanullah
Pages: 1 - 10
In this paper we consider some widely utilized classes of discrete distributions and aim to provide a systematic overview about their preservation under convolution. This paper will serve as a detailed reference for the study and applications of the preservation of the discrete NBU(2), NBUCA classes...

Governance, Audit Committee and Strategic Management Accounting in Listed Companies in Vietnam

Huynh LOI, Le Doan Minh DUC, Nguyen Thanh HUNG
Research purpose: Our research purpose is to explore the relationship of three important components: Corporate Governance, Audit Committee, Strategic Management Accounting. Research motivation: Corporate governance includes a system of institutions, policies, and laws in order to effectively organize,...
Proceedings Article

Designing and Fabrication of Integrated Soybean Machine (3 in 1 Process) to Optimize Tempe Producers Productivity

Yunus, Made Arsana, Novi Sukma Drastiawati, Erlinda Ningsih
This study aims to optimize the productivity of Tempe producers. Optimization is carried out through engineering research of the soybean machine 3 IN 1 process production capacity of 250 kg/hour to solve the problem of low productivity of stripping, solving, and separating the soybean husk. To guarantee...

Interviewing for Solutions: Enlightenment of Solution-Focused Approach to the Work of College Counselors

Hui Zhang
The solution-focused approach is a practical psychological counseling approach that focuses on the visitors and helps the visitors to construct an interviewing for solutions. The solution-focused approach is an approach of empowering the visitors, which helps the visitors to cope with the current problems...

Ability Training Methods of Postgraduates with Interest-oriented, Omni-directional and Diversified Resource Utilization and Plant Protection Professional Degree

Kaifa Guo, Chenzhong Jin, Yunyun Zhou, Xiu Liu
With the rapid development of agriculture in the new era and the improvement of higher education level, there are higher requirements for the ability of postgraduates in the field of resource utilization and plant protection. This article mainly researches the ways to cultivate the ability of professional...

Current Status of Remoting Sensing Application

Xiao Chen
Remote sensing is a technique for identifying the Earth’s environment and resources by gathering electromagnetic radiation data from man-made satellites, planes, and other aircraft. This makes up for the shortcomings of manual monitoring which is limited by ground conditions and small monitoring range....

Analysis of Cultural Content on the Beginner-Level Textbooks “Bahasa Tionghoa Zaman Sekarang”

Septerianie Sutandi, Selvia Selvia
Language learning and cultural learning are inextricably linked to each other. Foreign language learners who are equipped with cultural understanding will possess “intercultural competence,” which is essential in cross-cultural communication. In Indonesia, learning Chinese at the beginner level is still...
Proceedings Article

Thermal Processing and Chemical Characteristics of Canned Traditional Foods Based on Beef: Rawon, Kuah gandul and Empal gentong

Annisa Kusumaningrum, Aldicky Faizal Amri, Asep Nurhikmat, Agus Susanto, Siswo Prayogi
The traditional food products were produced by home industries need to be packaged to extend the shelf life and to expand the market during the pandemic. The study aims to provide information about thermal processing, chemical characteristics and metal contamination on canned rawon, kuah gandul and empal...
Proceedings Article

First Report of an Ice Cream Cone Bagworm Manatha Conglacia Haettenschwiler (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) in Oil Palm Plantations of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Fitrah Murgianto, Edyson Edyson, Yendra P Setyawan, Lukas M Tamba, Adhy Ardiyanto, Abdurrahman H Siregar
Bagworm is a defoliating insect in oil palm plantations that recently became the main problem since reported can decrease the production significantly. Metisa plana, Mahasena corbetti, Pteroma pendula are types of bagworms can be found in several areas in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to...

Construction of Urban Commercial Fitness and Leisure Space from the Perspective of Emotional Geography

Baorong Li, Huimin Bao
As people pay more and more attention to the shaping of healthy body, the current gym, a commercial sports place, has developed rapidly and become a new leisure space in modern society. The themes of geographical imagination, local identity and spatial production in fitness and leisure space began to...

The Influence of Labor Wages and Creativity on the Production Value of Troso Ikat

Royke Uswatun Khasanah, Damas Gianluigi Alrizqi, Muhammad Feriady, Nina Farliana
This study aims to determine the effect of labor wages on production value, the impact of creativity on production value, and the effect of labor wages and creativity on the production value of the ikat business in Troso Village, Jepara. This study uses quantitative methods and a causality research design....