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193705 articles

Does Preschool Education in Indonesia Meet the Quality Standards?

Abdulkhaleq AL-Rawafi
Assessment in early childhood education is essential for it could help teachers to understand children’s developmental progress in learning, and enable caregivers to determine how well they perform in their job. This study is designed to observe and assess the preschool education in Subang, Indonesia...

Virtualization of Consciousness and Issue of External Control over “Human Technogenic”

Sergey.A. Khrapov, Tinatin.D. Lopatinskaya, Dmitriy.A. Bibarsov
The study subject of the paper is philosophical analysis of virtualization of consciousness and the issue of external control over the “human technogenic”. Comprehension of the new sociocultural type is presented with regard to continuing information streaming and the presence of virtual consciousness...

The Application of Digital Banking to Promote Banking Products and Services

Olga S. Rudakova, Olga M. Markova
The present article focuses on the issues of the application of digital banking to promote banking products and services. The authors compare budget expenditures of major banks on online marketing, analyze the rates of user engagement in the communities of major banks in social networking sites, conclude...

Position of Arbitration Clause in Relation to Absolute Competence in Bankruptcy Disputes

Rahayu Hartini, A.A.A. Ngurah Tini Rusmini Gorda
During the validity of Law No. 37 of 2004 (2004-2013), out of 5 bankruptcy cases, all decisions stating that the Commercial Court is authorized to settle bankruptcy cases based on Article 303 of Law No. 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy. Although the substance of Article 303 is contrary to the legal principle...

Internalization of Character Education in Era 4.0 as A Moral Conservation Solution for Students in Kupang City

Amirulah Datuk, Arifin
The social and cultural conditions of students, from cities to remote villages, have been worrying lately.Education faces a social pathology that is almost at a chronic level where kindness, polite, courtesy, honest and responsibility as self-identity are lost with the times, replaced by the production...

Technical and Economic Aspects on the Use of Herbal Medicine to Improve the Income of Broiler Poultry as Determining Success of Broiler Business

Adi Sutanto, Wahyu Widodo, Imbang Dwi Rahayu, Apriliana Devi Anggraini
Herbal products that have been considered safe for the health of livestock and humans are formulated in the form of herbal medicine. This research was conducted to investigate the technical aspects of production which include feed consumption, body weight, feed conversion, and efficiency, as well as...

Economic Impact of COVID-19: A Historical Trail

J. H. Vagif, K. N. Akif, M. K. Vagif
In the article, the author focused on the global technology forum: The Covid-19 pandemic and quarantine will cost the world dearly: the corona crisis has already begun and is predicted to be the most devastating crisis of the century. The economic downturn will inevitably affect all countries in the...
Proceedings Article

Hedonic Value and Utilitarian Value on Product Purchasing Decision in Food Truck Business

Tona Aurora Lubis
The emergence of Food and Beverages way selling by using food truck business facility. Citizens responded to it with high enthusiasm. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Hedonic and Utilitarian values on product purchasing decisions in the Food Truck business. This type of research...

The Utilization of Technology-Based Webgis as an Effort to Establish the Spatial Thinking Ability of Geographic Students In High School

Apik Budi Santoso, Juhadi, Pradika Adi Wijayanto, Soni Setiawan, Nuris Sa’adah, Nanik Masruroh, Nur Azida Rahmah
Spatial thinking is an important competency that needs to be formed in the era of technology 4.0 so that students can master spatial concepts in Geography learning so that a cutting-edge technology-based learning media is needed. One of the potential learning media to support the formation of spatial...

Antioxidant and Antihypertensive Activity of Collagen and Elastin Hydrolysate at Different Molecular Weights

Bayarjargal Munkhuu, Lkhagvamaa Erdene, Zolzaya Bayarsukh, Enkh-Ariun Altantulga, Oyuntuya Baltsukh, Gan-Erdene Tudev, Ariun Narmandakh
The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity and antioxidant property of collagen and elastin hydrolysates, and their peptide fractions (< 5 kDa, 5-10 kDa, 10-100 kDa) were compared. The bovine raw-hide and paddywhack (Ligamentum nuchae) were used for the preparation of collagen and...

Exerting Pressure in Strategic Negotiations

Fenglin An, Jiarui Liang, Guangchang Lu
As one of the most powerful methods in strategic negotiation, imposing pressure has been recognized and applied to a great extent and achieved success in a number of negotiation cases. The purpose of this article is to elaborate on the pressure in negotiation by summarizing the conclusions of previous...
Proceedings Article

The Body Mass Index, Blood Glucose Level and the Quality of Life of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients in Primary Health Care: Cross-Sectional Study

Rima Tri Maylani, Akrom Akrom, Titiek Hidayati, Yenny Sri Wahyuni, Muhammad Muhlis
Obesity is a risk factor for DM. Quality of life is one of the parameters for evaluating the current clinical output of diabetes mellitus patients. Research has been conducted to determine BMI’s relationship with blood sugar levels and improve DM patients’ quality of life in primary care. This cross-sectional...

Intellectualization of Educational Resources and Analysis of Students’ Training

Igor Yeremeyev, Alina Dychko, Sergii Gulich
The study focuses on the innovative approach of intellectualization of the educational methodical materials with the development of an intellectual card of the lecture, which presents its main components, combines them with each other in the order of teaching, and presents all in graphical form as a...
Research Article

Conversation with Diabetic Mellitus II Patients: A Grounded Theory Research

Pir Bux Jokhio, Shazia Sultan, Shahida Yaseen Khan, Ghulam Abbas Panhwar, Musrat Fatima, Muhammad Yousif Bhatti
Pages: 21 - 26
The main purpose of this grounded theory research was to explore Diabetic Patients’ (DPs) experiences related to their chronic illness in the light of the Health Belief Model (HBM). Diabetic mellitus II is a grave public health concern, and its management is the cornerstone to avoid life-threatening...

The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning to Improve Students’ Report Writing

Yusri, Sri Gustiani, Tiur Simanjuntak, Evi Agustinasari
The aim of this study is to find out whether or not project based learning is effective to improve students’ writing on project report to the students at English Department, Sriwijaya state Polytechnics. This research applied a quantitative approach. In principle, experimental research was conducted...

Music Technology

Study of Digital Music Creative Process Training Results on Traditional Artists

Henri Nusantara, Iwan Gunawan, Agus Budiman
The existence of an artist cannot be separated from the work he makes, but these works will be recognized and can only be enjoyed by showing them to the public or the general public. In the midst of rapid technology and the Covid 19 pandemic, a new habit has emerged in performing arts through digital...

On Laozi’s Thought of “Doing Nothing and Governing” and the Application of Thematic Teaching in Senior High School Politics Class

Jing Jin, Liandong Wang
Laozi’s thought of “doing nothing and governing”means to follow the natural law of development of things and not to act presumptuously, so as to achieve “doing nothing and governing”. The idea of “doing nothing and governing” is of great significance to the realization of the fundamental task of the...

A Robust High-Dimensional Estimation of Multinomial Mixture Models

Azam Sabbaghi, Farzad Eskandari, Hamid Reza Navabpoor
Pages: 21 - 32
In this paper, we are concerned with a robustifying high-dimensional (RHD) structured estimation in finite mixture of multinomial models. This method has been used in many applications that often involve outliers and data corruption. Thus, we introduce a class of the multinomial logistic mixture models...
Journal: eFood
Research Article

Comparative Evaluation of Different DNA Extraction Methods from E. Longifolia Herbal Medicinal Product

Bashir Mohammed Abubakar, Faezah Md Salleh, Alina Wagiran, Mustapha Abba
Pages: 21 - 26
The aphrodisiac property of Eurycoma longifolia has led to an increase in the demand for its Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs). However, the efficiency of such HMPs depends on the usage of their genuine raw materials. The conventional methods cannot identify species in processed form. The authentication...

Quality of Urban Space in The Eurasian Context

The Case of Almaty (Kazakhstan)

Farida Alzhanova, David Celetti, Nailya Nurlatova, Zaira Satpayeva
The article’s aim is to assess the factors determining the quality of urban spaces as districts, quarters, neighborhoods. Methodologically the paper juxtaposes the analysis of selected scientific literature, with that of the transformations of the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan) from the mid 20th century....

Analysis on the Driving Effect of Chinese Fiscal Expenditure on Economy

Yijuan Zhang
Fiscal expenditure is one of the important means for the government to regulate and control the macro economy. In different economic development cycles, adopting different fiscal expenditure policies will produce different expenditure effects. The fiscal expenditure policy needs to be optimized to clarify...

ANTASARI’s Developing Blended Learning Model Based on Ecopedagogy Study to Improve Ecological Awareness, Soft and Social Skills on Elementary Education

Ahmad Suriansyah, Akhmad Riandy Agusta, Ananda Setiawan
This research will show about (1) the characteristics and implementation of the ANTASARI blended learning model; (2) The appropriateness of implementation blended learning model ANTASARI; (3) the effectiveness of the ANTASARI implementation blended learning model to improve soft and social skills pass...

The Development of Mathematics Teaching Material Based on Problem Solving to Support the Goal Achievement of Primary Education Mathematics Courses

Agus Susanta, Irwan Koto
Mathematics teaching materials have an important role in supporting the achievement of the teaching goals of elementary school teacher education. One of the goals is to develop problem solving skills, but the existing teaching materials were not sufficient to facilitate problem solving. Therefore, problem...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Rice, Corn, and Soybean Farmers Households in Banten Province: Gender Perspective

Asih Mulyaningsih, Aida Vitayala S Hubeis, Dwi Sadono Djoko Susanto
Indonesia is an agricultural country, so the people mostly work as farming. Development of farmers in rural areas does not recognize gender status, all of them in the household also work to fulfill their daily needs.This research uses quantitative methods which are strengthened by qualitative data. The...
Review Article

Polatuzumab Vedotin: Current Role and Future Applications in the Treatment of Patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

Rita Assi, Nohad Masri, Iman Abou Dalle, Jean El-Cheikh, Hady Ghanem, Ali Bazarbachi
Pages: 21 - 26
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a biologically and clinically heterogeneous disease. Despite good responses to standard of care frontline chemoimmunotherapy, the prognosis of relapsed/refractory (R/R) patients remains obscured by the possible inadequate responses to salvage therapy, eligibility...

The Influence of Completeness of Facilities, Quality of Service and Competence of Medical Personnel on Patient Satisfaction at the Koeloda Community Health Center, Golewa District, Ngada Regency

Rafael Ocatvianus Byre
This study aims to determine (1) To determine the effect of completeness of facilities on patient satisfaction at the Koeloda Health Center. (2) To determine the effect of service quality on patient satisfaction at the Koeloda Health Center. (3) To determine the effect of the competence of medical personnel...

A Translation Deviation Analysis of the English Version Snow in Midsummer — from the Systemic Functional Approach

Guangtao Cao, Zilei Liu
This paper attempts to study the English translation quality of Yuan Zaju from the perspective of ideational function, discourse function and interpersonal function, taking the translation Snow in Midsummer by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang as a case study. Yang’s English translation fits the original background,...

Profile of Biology Teachers’ Understanding on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) in Bantul Regency Based-on Teaching Experiences and Gender

Ratna Dyah Hartanti, Paidi
Aims of this study is to describe high school Biology teachers’ understanding on Social-Scientific Issues in Bantul Regency based on teaching experiences and gender. This study is a descriptive-quantitative design study. The method of data collection is using multiple tests on teachers’ understanding...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of Wood Biomass Productivity from Anthocephalus macrophyllus Forest Plantation for Energy Production

Ahmad Mukhdlor, Muhammad Taufiq Haqiqi, Muhammad Taufan Tirkaamiana, Wiwin Suwinarti, Rudianto Amirta
Antocephalus macrophyllus is one of the fast-growing species widely planted in an industrial forest plantation in Indonesia. Since its cultivation has been mainly expanded, the interest to explore A. macrophyllus wood for further utilization to produce various valuable products is also growing. Nevertheless,...

Study and Application of Seismic Risk and Exposure Model Based on AI Technologies

Changlong Li, Zongchao Li, Hongshan Lyu, Mengtan Gao
This paper investigated the numbers, taxonomy and vulnerability of the buildings in Southeastern Tibet and built pattern classes for difference types of buildings. Then we assessed the distribution of each type of buildings in every town based on 3D image pattern recognition, and made an event-based...

The Risk of Lymphatic Filariasis Transmission in Belitung Regency After Elimination Program

Yahya, Tanwirotun Nimah, Reni Oktarina, Santoso
Belitung Regency has passsed Transmission Assessment Survey (TAS) in 2012, 2014, and 2016 respectively, which means that the Mass Drug Administration (MDA) in Belitung is being considered successful. This research has been conducted in February-November 2017, which aimed to analyze the program of filariasis...

The Use of Inquiry Instructional Model to Increase Writing Ability of News Text

Sanggup Barus, Sahat Siagian, Abdul Hasan Saragih
This research aims to know whether the use of inquiry instructional model can increase student’s writing ability of news text. This research used quantitative descriptive approach. The method used was quasi-experiment method. The instrument used to collect data was test instrument of writing ability...

Development Phase of 2:3:5 Ratio as A Visual Composition Technique on Logo Design

Mohammad Rizaldi, S. Roy Anthonius
2: 3: 5 ratio as a composition technique was first introduced in 2017 as an exploratory research paper by the corresponding author. This research is the initial part of the ratio’s developing process as a visual composition technique in logo design using the experimental ratio’s identification methodology...

The Effect of Principal Policy on Teachers’ Professional Commitments and Its Impact on Learning Effectiveness in Vocational Schools

Hanafi, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal, Hasdi Aimon
This study aims to build a model of causality that consists of a structural model and a measurement model in the form of a path diagram based on the theoretical justification of the principal’s policy variables, professional commitment, and learning effectiveness. The population of this study was 338...

Approaching Trade Negotiations Under Atypical Conditions Created at Global Pandemic Level

Lilia ȘARGU, Julia VALEEVA, Constantin GÎDILICA
The daily complexity of contemporary socio-economic life, the way in which participation in trade negotiations is carried out in atypical conditions, has become an indispensable international economic requirement of the economic progress of each entity. The intensification of the preoccupations for ensuring...

Analysis of LGBTQ Groups and Movements Based on Social Media

Liqi Hu
This article analyzes the role of social media in the present LGBTQ group members and LGBTQ social movement. Three major questions will be answered: the role of social media in LGBTQ identity formation, the effectiveness of social media as a tool for LGBTQ right movement, and potential risks and limits...

Stock Market Analysis of China and Foreign Countries

Olga Makarova, Svetlana Gladkova, Yulia Makarova
The study of the Chinese securities market is of considerable scientific interest due to its rapid development and limited knowledge of the subject in Russia. In China, as well as in Russia, before the beginning of economic reforms, securities markets were practically absent, which is why with the launch...

Incentives and Food Blogger Influence on Customer Engagement through Instagram

Stephanie Bun, Yeshika Alversia
Indonesia’s food and beverage industry continues to grow and is expected to reach USD 3,221 million market volume by 2024. This growth was supported by emergence of various digital platforms for businesses to market their product at the online market. Utilization of social media as one of the platforms...

On the dynamics of a class of rational Kolmogorov systems

Rachid Boukoucha, Ahmed Bendjeddou
Pages: 21 - 27
In this paper we are intersted in studying the existence of a First integral and the non-existence of limit cycles of rational Kolmogorov systems of the form {x′=x(P(x,y)+R(x,y)S(x,y)),y′=y(Q(x,y)+R(x,y)S(x,y)), where P (x, y) , Q (x, y) , R (x, y) , S (x, y) are homogeneous polynomials of degree...

EFL Students’ Perception on the Use of Debate in Speaking Classroom

Andini Amaylia Putri, Rojab Siti Rodliyah
Speaking is one of the skills to master in any language learning. In EFL context, mastering speaking skills can be challenging due to the limited exposure to the target language and chance to use it in a real communication. Therefore, teachers need to choose appropriate techniques in their speaking class...

TMRGM: A Template-Based Multi-Attention Model for X-Ray Imaging Report Generation

Xuwen Wang, Yu Zhang, Zhen Guo, Jiao Li
Pages: 21 - 32
The rapid growth of medical imaging data brings heavy pressure to radiologists for imaging diagnosis and report writing. This paper aims to extract valuable information automatically from medical images to assist doctors in chest X-ray image interpretation. Considering the different linguistic and visual...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Characterization Bacillus sp. Producing Cellulase Enzymes from Hanura Mangrove

Sumardi, Salman Farisi, Christina N. Ekowati, Cahya I. Listiyorini
In the mangrove ecosystem, there are cellulolytic bacteria that act to decompose cellulose in nature. This study aims to obtain cellulolytic bacteria from mangrove forests in Hanura village. Bacterial isolation was carried out using Sea Water Complete Agar (SWCA) media which added Carboxymethyl Cellulose...

Reaction of Stock Price on Dividend Announcements

Angeline Soesanto, Werner R. Murhadi, Arif Herlambang
This study aims to determine the existence of market reactions that can be seen from the presence of abnormal returns during the dividend announcements in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the 2013-2017 period and find out what factors influence the Cumulative Abnormal Return...

Research on Blind Boxes Consumers---Taking Pop Mart as an Example

Xiaolin Chen
Blind boxes are nowadays new toys both native and abroad. People do not know what is inside before opening it. Recently, there are too many people who would like to spend money on them. In some first-tier cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou, almost every shopping mall has at least one blind boxes department....

The Role of Science Literacy Based Ta’lim Andragogy as an Alternative Media in Strengthening Covid-19 Awareness

A Review

Ahmad Husein Ritonga, Minnah El Widdah, Sukarno
At the end of December 2019, a virus, currently known as the novel coronavirus-2019 or 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has emerged with a relatively fast spread rate. Each individual is obliged to participate in the process of preventing the disease from spreading. Additionally, any elements of society...

Principal Strategy for Improving the Quality of Teachers

Hadi Yanto, Happy Fitria, Rohana
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze: (1) the main quality improvement strategy for SD Negeri 3 Rambang Dangku, Muara Enim; (2) Restrictions on the principle of quality improvement in SD Negeri 3 Rambang Dangku, Muara Enim; (3) solutions in improving the quality of SD Negeri 3 Rambang Dangku,...
Proceedings Article

Decrease Blood Pressure on Hypertensive Patients with Mediterranean Diet

Endry Septiadi, Andri Andrian Rusman, Achmad Hero Prawira, Rifal Aldi Anugrah, Nur Muhamad Rohman, Muhammad Akmal Rais, M. Arasy Faradina, Reza Fadhil Nugraha
Hypertension is a disease with an increasing number of sufferers every year. To control and lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are needed. Non-pharmacological hypertension therapy can be done by modifying the diet, one of which has been recommended...

LPG for Power Generation in Indonesia: Techno-economic and Distribution Analysis

Yussa Dony Antarius, Rinaldy Dalimi
Application of LPG for power generation in Indonesia can be replacing the usage of fuel-oil at the existing power plant. It turns out that LPG is also a flexible and low-emission alternative to other fuel types within power generation that equal with other natural gas such as LNG or CNG. The main LPG...

Understanding Mobility Decision Making of People During Covid-19 with Decision Making Theory

Guanghan Wu, Shouyan Xia, Jiayi Li, Hongyi Chen, Haoxing Qi, Haowen Yu, Jouni Markkula
COVID-19 pandemic broke out at the beginning of 2020. Since then, it has spread all over the world. Restriction of its fatal effects demands understanding and management of human behavior, in order to mitigate the spread of the pandemic and deal with abrupt outbreaks across the globe. The objective of...
Proceedings Article

Feed Digestibility and Rumen Fermentation Characteristic in Growing Goat Fed on Diets with Urea-Limestone Mixture Supplementation and Different Nitrogen to Non-Fiber Carbohydrate Ratios

Muhammad Ainsyar Harahap, Limbang Kustiawan Nuswantara, Eko Pangestu, Fajar Wahyono, Joelal Achmadi
The study examined the effect of limestone-urea mixture (LU) supplementation with different nitrogen (N): non fiber carbohydrate (NFC) ratio in the diet on feed digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristic in growing goat. Twelve Jawarandu local male goats with body weight average of 20.83±7.42...