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193481 articles
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Systematically and Fast Processing Fault on Power Distribution Grids Based on a Simplified Model Part II: Advanced Approaches
Yusheng Zhang, Jian Xue, Zhihua Zhang
This is Part II of a two-part paper which presents a methodology for fault location and isolation and service restoration (FLISR) for power distribution grids. The Criterion 1 discussed in Part I is adapted to locate faults when distributed generations (DGs) exist. For DGs with larger capacity, faults...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Parking Resource Sharing Model in Urban Residential Area
Bo Gao
In view of the parking problem in old city, the concept of parking sharing model is defined. The conditions and constraints of 4 types of sharing models are analyzed, respectively are the internal exploitation of residential areas, the sharing of surrounding roads, the sharing among different constructions...
Proceedings Article
The effect of corporate governance on the capital structure of non-financial companies in the period of 2011-2015
Arif Herlambang, Werner R. Murhadi, Giovani Anggasta Susanto
The purpose of the research was to analyze the effect of Corporate Governance on the Company's Capital Structure. The variable used in this study were director size, outside commissioner, director ownership, institutional investor, audit quality, CEO tenure, size, growth, profitability, and intangible...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Trajectory Tracking Control of Deep Sea Mining Vehicle Based on Iterative Learning Algorithm
Yun Liu, Shanshan Guo
In this paper, an open-loop and closed-loop iterative learning control algorithm based on iterative learning theory is proposed to study the working characteristics and control technology of deep-sea mining vehicles. In this method, the deviation of the heading angle and the trajectory deviation are...
Proceedings Article
Activity daily living (ADL) of young people with intellectual disabilities
Yustika Dewi Yustika Tri, Nurliana Apsari Nurliana Cipta, Budhi Wibhawa Budhi, Sahadi Humaedi Sahadi
Intellectual disability is one of mental disorder occured during developmental time and resulting low intellectual function compare to average people in general and also the decreasing function of adaptive behavior. Adaptive behavior is the ability to conduct daily activities such as communicating, socializing,...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Students' Mental-Modeling Ability Based on Physics Problem Solving
Supriyadi, Jusman Mansyur
This research aimed to explore and to describe characteristics of mental-modeling abilities (MMA) of prospective physics teachers based on physics problem-solving activity. Respondents of the research were two students from a selection test. The selected respondents were two categories (in their group)...
Proceedings Article
Identifying Route Preferences over Origin-Destination Using Cellular Network Data
Zhichao Guo, Tongyu Zhu
Current research on studying people's routing behavior focus on how to provide the minimum cost routes while ignore users' preference. Therefore, to analyze user's routing preference, identifying routes they actually choose is a crucial task. Cellular network data contains sufficient spatio-temporal...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Network Signal Timing Based on Dynamic Traffic Guidance
Yanlong Chu
Under the condition of dynamic traffic guidance, the path selection behavior of divers would results in the new road network traffic condition, and then the influence of traffic flow on network signal timing optimization must be taken into account in the process of matching. This paper presented the...
Proceedings Article
Exploration and Analysis of the Reform of Cultivation Model for Animation Talent in Colleges and Universities in the Age of Big Data
Hui Xie, Feng Qi
Since the 21st century, the development of Internet information technology has been very rapid. New concepts such as big data, "Internet plus" and cloud computing have entered the public view one by one and raised the frenzy of the industrial revolution. The same is true in education industry. The process...
Proceedings Article
What Is Artificial General Intelligence? Clarifying The Goal For Engineering And Evaluation
Mark R. Waser
Artificial general intelligence (AGI) has no consensus definition but everyone believes that they will recognize it when it appears. Unfortunately, in reality, there is great debate over specific examples that range the gamut from exact human brain simulations to infinitely capable systems. Indeed, it...
Proceedings Article
Simulation Study on the Design-number of Twin Vane Spin Core Nozzle
Ma Su-Ping, Gao Qi-Feng
When designing twin vane spin core water atomizing nozzle, it should have an appropriate ratio between the cavity aperture and the exit diameter of nozzle, we call it design-number. It not only affects the spray spread angle, also affects the flow passage size of the nozzle internal at the spin core....
Proceedings Article
SWOT Analysis for Shanghai’s Serviced Apartment
Hong Shen, Zhenzhen Jiang
With the acceleration of building Shanghai as an international financial center, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises and foreign firms are stepping up to seize the market. Business and tourism floating population keep increasing. Data of the 6th Population Census showed that Shanghai’s...
Proceedings Article
Time-varying LQG control for vibration of coupled vehicle-bridge system
G. Song
Time-varying linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control for vibration of coupled vehicle-bridge system is studied. The vehicle is modeled as a moving mass model with three degrees of freedom, which consists of vehicle body, bogie and wheel. Active suspensions are adopted for the primary and secondary ones,...
Proceedings Article
A SNMP-base broadcast storm identification method in VLAN
Chunjin Zhang, Shujuan Ji
How to discover, identify, and stop a broadcast storm is an important problem that has to be considered in the design of networks and in the implementation of network security policies. This paper first studies the factors that cause a broadcast storm and the dynamic change rules of interfaces’ traffics...
Journal: Artery Research
Research Article
Importance of the aortic reservoir in determining the shape of the arterial pressure waveform – The forgotten lessons of Frank
Justin E. Davies, Nearchos Hadjiloizou, Debora Leibovich, Anura Malaweera, Jordi Alastruey-Arimon, Zachary I. Whinnett, Charlotte H. Manisty, Darrel P. Francis, Jazmin Aguado-Sierra, Rodney A. Foale, Iqbal S. Malik, Kim H. Parker, Jamil Mayet, Alun D. Hughes
Pages: 40 - 45
It has been recognised for nearly 200 years that the human pressure waveform changes in shape with ageing and disease. The shape of the pressure waveform has been explained in terms of two fundamental models: the Windkessel (reservoir) and wave theory. In its simplest form the Windkessel model satisfactorily...
Proceedings Article
Computer-Aided Drawing Learning Method to Improve Students’ Cognitive and Psychomotor Aspects in Computer-Aided Drawing Competence
Triono Subagio, Nur Qudus
Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing learning, especially 2-dimensional modelling, continues to be developed so that learning outcomes follow the standards accepted by the business world / the construction service industry. CAD learning methods are directed at improving aspects of CAD understanding and...
Proceedings Article
Epitope Prediction from Genes Encoding F Protein of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Isolates Swan (Cygnus Olor) for Vaccine Development to Prevent Infectious Disease
Naimah Putri, Rahaju Ernawati, Suwarno, Jola Rahmahani, Fedik Rantam
Currently, the poultry industry is threatened by virulent viruses of endemic disease that can cause major economis losses to this sector. Aim of this research was conducted to epitope prediction from genes encoding F protein of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) isolated from waterfowl. Samples of this research...
Proceedings Article
Research on Modes and Defiance of Big Data and Cloud Computing
Manish Bhardwaj, Arti Sharma
Huge data is presently one among the foremost basic rising advances. vast information area unit used as an inspiration that alludes to the failure of customary data structures to proficiently upset the new informational indexes. The 4V’s of huge statistics – volume, speed, assortment & truthfulness define...
Proceedings Article
The Improvement of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Achievement Through Principal’s Transformational Leadership
Tazkiyatul Ala’i
This study aims to find out whether the Islamic Elementary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) achievement can improve through principal’s transformational leadership. The methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative which is designed to collect data and information in depth. Data collection is done...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Entrepreneurial Marketing Canvas on Small-Scale Business
Danica Elma Edwina, Rahma Wahdiniwaty
This research aimed to analyze the entrepreneurship and marketing model adopted from the newest model of Entrepreneurial Marketing Canvas (EMC). This marketing model was combination of marketing strategy, financial strategy, and organization. The subject of this research is one of muslim fashion industries...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Siti Walidah in the Women’s Emancipation Process in the World of Education Through ‘Aisyiyah in Banyumas District
Tri Mulyani, Zulkarnain
The purpose of this study was to determine the progress and struggle of Siti Walidah in upholding women’s equality and its role in advancing education through the organization ‘Aisyiyah. The research method used is the study of literature. The results showed that the role of Siti Walidah in the emancipation...
Proceedings Article
Self-Regulated Learning Constructions for First Middle School Students
Dahlia Mulyawati, Nurhudaya, Iding Tarsidi
Self-regulated learning has benefits for students and teachers. The benefits of self-regulated Learning for students, namely students can control learning behavior and control the environment so that they are effective in achieving their learning goals. Whereas for teachers is a learning strategy or...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment on Teacher’s Work Ethics
Dahliana Dahliana, Sukarman Purba
The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the direct effect of work motivation on organizational commitment, (2) the direct effect of work motivation on the work ethic of the teacher, (3) the direct effect of organizational commitment on the teacher’s work ethic. This type of research is descriptive...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
The Condition of Flora and Vegetation in the Disturbed Lands of the Eastern Fore-Caucasus (As Exemplified by the Kuma Region Landscapes)
V.N. Belous, A.V. Lykhvar, M.Kh. Alikhadzhiev, R.S. Erzhapova
A large proportion of the Lower Kuma region shows large scale negative changes due to uncontrolled grazing, which are characterized by the emergence of non-stable communities. They feature a poorer composition, a simpler structure and lower values of projective cover, medium height of grass stand, along...
Proceedings Article
Role of the Cortisol Hormone, Interleukin-5 Level, and Asthma Control Ability in Atopy Persistent Asthma
Rahmaya Nova, Faisal Yunus, Ermita Isfandiary, Iris Rengganis
Introduction: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory tract. The interaction among several hormones and mediators causes asthma symptoms. This study aimed to identify a correlation between the cortisol hormone, interleukin-5 level, and asthma control in asthma atopy persistent. Materials...
Proceedings Article
Recognizing How the Time Demands of Work Influences the Turnover Intention in Banking Industry
Dian Faqihdien Suzabar, Mochamad Soelton, Muhamad Umar, Jaka Triwulan
This research aims to know the influence of work stress, workload and time demands of work to turnover intention in Banking Industry. The object for this research is employee at teller and front office banking. This research was done to 75 respondents by using quantitative descriptive approach. This...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Social Assistance Training on the Improvement of Performance of Labor Social Community at Balai Besar Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, Indonesia
Gallex Simbolon, Yusuf Bayu Melani
This study was to determine the impact of training on the quality of the work social assistance Social Workers Society (TKSM) at the Center for Social Welfare Training Centre (BBPPKS) II regional Bandung. In addition to knowing the impact also to know the process of implementation of the training program...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Tsou Culture into Innovative Poster Creation
Hsiu Ching Laura Hsieh, Po Chun Chan
With the globalization of the modern society, many school children continually absorb foreign popular culture while ignoring the value of their own culture, resulting in the gradual diminishing and disappearing of the rich and historical aboriginal culture. The research explores on the method of applying...
Proceedings Article
Rumah Sobat: Integrated Self-Care Group for Leprosy in Jayapura City, Papua Province
Antonius Oktavian, Hana Krismawati, Yuli Arisanti, Ratna Tanjung
Leprosy is a chronic communicable and becomes neglected disease. Papua Province still become a leprosy pocket area in Indonesia, including Jayapura City. One of leprosy pocket area in Jayapura City is Hamadi. Based on data, there were 131 active leprosy patients in Hamadi Public Health Centre (PHC) until...
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Smart City: Local Government in Pekanbaru City and Community
Geovani Meiwanda
Every government in the region along with its ranks is entering the era of digital governance that demands all supporting elements in the government to be carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government. Smart City Madani is the tagline of the City of Pekanbaru since the reign of Mayor serving Firdaus,...
Proceedings Article
Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using FMEA Method on Steam Turbine Electricity Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)
Tatan Zakaria, Wawan Gunawan, Ahmad Faisal
In electric power generation, reliability of each equipments is important in order produce optimal electrical energy. Unreliable units will influence to other cost due to an expensive production losses. So, it is very important to know the reliability on each system. In this case study, an Electro Static...
Proceedings Article
Sports Nutrition Development Model
Ratna Dewi, Liliana Puspa Sari, Ahmad Almunawar, Ika Endah Puspita Sari
Nutrition is one of the factors that influence the achievement of North Sumatra sportsmen, so it needs to be considered and adjusted for nutritional needs with physical activity during the training program. This study aims to obtain models of sports nutrition development that can improve achievement....
Proceedings Article
Re-Study on Wei Hong and the “Preface of Mao Poetry”
Genhu Ye
The author’s question of “Preface of Mao Poetry” is a problem that scholars have argued for over a thousand years. The relationship between Wei Hong and “Preface of Mao Poetry” is one of the cores of this problem. There is a sentence of “the Literature of Queens” in the Fuyang Han bamboo slips, which...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Influence Tourist Buying Interest in Manado City Traditional SMEs
Imelda W. J. Ogi, Merinda H. Ch. Pandowo, Rita N. Taroreh
Small businesses in Manado are on of the pillars in supporting economic growth in this area. SMEs also support the development of innovation in supporting the tourism industry in this city. Problems faced by SMEs in Manado include how SMEs in Manado, especially traditional SMEs, in predicting consumer...
Proceedings Article
Model of Empowerment as Strategies for Women SMEs Entrepreneurs Competitiveness in Palembang
Fetty Maretha, Yulia Pebrianti, Rini, Lisnini
This research is aimed to find out how empowerment through targeted programs in increasing the competitiveness of women SMEs entrepreneurs in Palembang. This study uses data consisted of 325 Woman SME population units in Palembang. The sample used in this study was 179 respondents. The model used for...
Proceedings Article
Development of Competency Based on Outdoor Education Model for Elementary School Students in Samarinda
Muhammad Ramli Buhari, Kamelia Dwi Marda
This research aimed to develop a competency-based outdoor education model for elementary school level as an alternative to effective physical education learning. The research approach used is research and Development. The data Collection techniques used in this study were observations, interviews, documents...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Fintechs as a Part of Digital Economy
E. Saliger, V. I. Kordovitch, O. V. Popova, M. A. Popov
Fintechs are companies that offer digital financial innovations. Fintechs’ business models include the areas of investing, paying, managing, financing and insuring. Their success factors are based on customer service orientation and manifest themselves in transparency, efficiency, low costs / favorable...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Practical Teaching System Reform of Public Administration Specialties in the Context of New Liberal Arts
Yong-ping ZHENG, Ruo-Nan ZHANG
The ideas and measures of promoting the practical teaching system reform of public administration specialties of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University in the context of novel liberal arts are analyzed in this paper. To fulfill the requests of practice orientation, cross domain learning and integrated...
Proceedings Article
Concepts of Economic Growth for Financial Stability of the State
Bulat Gaynutdinov, Aleksey Lebedev, Elena Razumovskaya
The article is devoted to the analysis of existing concepts of economic growth in the light of their influence on the condition of the state financial system. The authors show the reflection of financial indicators in fundamental macroeconomic functions and reconstruct many of them. The concept-based...
Proceedings Article
Good Corporate Governance on Integrity of Financial Statements
Anniza Maria Ulfa, Auliffi Ermian Challen
This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence from the influence of Good Corporate Governance on the integrity of financial statements. Good Corporate Governance using proxies of managerial ownership, institutional ownership, independent commissioners and audit committee. This study analyzed the secondary...
Proceedings Article
The Synergy Effect of “ABCGM” for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Somariah Fitriani, Ahmad Diponegoro, Sintha Wahjusaputri
Entrepreneurship is believed to bring a positive impact on the prosperity of a community, job creation, and economic outlook of a nation through the numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Thus, the study was to examine the correlation of five actors (academic, business, community, government,...
Proceedings Article
Identification of the Determinant Factors of Company Sukuk Rating in Indonesia: Using Profit Management as an Intervening Variable
Nurani Puspa Ningrum, Amirul Fatikhin, Darsin
As the country with the highest Moslem population, sukuk is one of the investment types that is quite a lot of interest in Indonesia. This study aimed to examine the significance, theory, and collecting empirical evidence of the determinant of sukuk rating in Indonesia with profit management as an intervening...
Proceedings Article
A Preliminary Exploration of Management Problems in the Wisdom Transformation of Chifeng College Library
Man Jiang
The main purpose of this paper is to explore in depth the problems in management in the process of the transformation of Chifeng College Library to the Wisdom Library. It is proposed to reform and upgrade in six aspects: optimizing the organizational structure, facing readers, increasing self-service...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
The Ecological Impact of Tempeh Industrial Center in Sanan Village
Sri Utami, Kartika Eka Sari
Sanan Industrial Centre is one of the household industrial centers in Malang City. Waste produced in Sanan Industrial Center comes from two sources; they are from tempeh and cattle farmers industries. Fourteen tempeh industries utilize waste from tempeh as food and drinks for cattle. In comparison, other...
Proceedings Article
IT Audit Education Implemented Under the Cloud Accounting
Minghong Sun, Yunlong Qu
Digital economy requires the ‘new’ auditor who should not only master the traditional knowledge and methods, but also embody technology-oriented ability. Facing the change of labor market demands, our school has put forward a new engineering model of IT audit education. Based on the CDIO engineer concept,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Service Quality Through Delivery and Professionalism in Labor and Industrial Agency of Padang City
Wenny Astuti, Dasman Lanin, Syamsir
This study aimed to explain the effect of employee satisfaction on service quality through delivery and profession nalism both directly and indirectly in the office of Labor and Industrial Agency of Padang City. Employee satisfaction in this study was divided into three dimensions of satisfaction, namely...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Communicative Competence for New Challenges and Opportunities of Industry 4.0
Perwi Darmajanti
The implementation of Industry 4.0 potentially generates social changes especially on the challenges and opportunity for the human resources with regard to competitiveness, flexibility and adaptability. The growing industrial context still requires soft skills such as self-organization, teamwork, and...
Proceedings Article
“Emergency Arbitration”; Comparative Analysis
Gunawan Widjaja, Andryawan, Victoria Regine Liando
In contractual relationships with respect to Business to Business (B2B) trade transactions, disputes that occur can be related to the object of the transactions, which may involve any kind of goods. Disputes in relation to the goods as object of disputes can take consequences that the goods may be damaged...
Research Article
Reducing Unnecessary Brain Computed Tomography Scan in a Tertiary Center
Mohamed Abdoun, Abdelmoneim Mahgoub, J. Motwali
Pages: 40 - 43
Brain Computed Tomography (CT) is routinely requested before Lumbar Puncture (LP) to rule out increased intracranial pressure. However, normal brain radiography does not abate the risk of herniation and unnecessarily delays the course of treatment. Thus, the primary aims of this study were to evaluate...
Proceedings Article
Aviation Business Actor’s Responsibilities for the Consumers
Engeli Yuliana Lumaing, Agustien Cherly Wereh
This study aimed to determine explicitly legal protection for consumers in the form of accountability of commercial aviation business actors in Indonesia, to be able to produce a clear policy/regulation to protect consumers. The data sources come from secondary data which consists of primary, secondary...