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188759 articles

The Influence of Internet and New Media on Teenagers' Ideological and Moral Construction

Jie Yang
The arrival of the era of Internet and new media acceleration has brought the Internet and new media into every corner of human society. It has also spawned a new media network culture, which has been greatly favored among adolescents, and has had a very significant impact on the ideological and moral...

Model for Consumers Priorities Detection in E-trade Based on Classifying a Client’s Personal and Consumer Profile

Oleg Pursky, Oleksander Kharchenko, Olena Fomina, Daria Holovina
In this work we present the developed model for consumers priorities detection in e-trade based on classifying a client’s personal and consumer profile. The presented model allows to improve the business process of choosing a rational set of goods and services depending on customer characteristics,...
Proceedings Article

Reliability Evaluation of Parallel Redundancy Protocol Based Substation Process Bus

Jun Mo, Jiancheng Tan
IEC 62439 defines the parallel redundancy protocol (PRP) which offers zero disruption time for network communication. This paper evaluates the reliability of PRP based substation process bus considering protection functions. Two typical process bus solutions are discussed for a typical transmission substation....
Proceedings Article

Vision-based Hand Gesture Recognition for Mobile Service Robot Control

Haile Gemgea Tamiru, Shuyan Ren, Hailong Duan
The vision-based hand gesture is an important problem in the field of human-computer interaction since hand motion and gesture could potentially interact with computers in more natural ways. This paper is focused on control of mobile service robot based on vision-based hand gesture recognition. The database...
Proceedings Article

Karyotype Analysis of Two Kinds of Red Petioles Leaf Beet

Bo Sun, Yuxiao Tian, Xue Xia, Fen Zhang, Haoru Tang
Leaf beet is one of the important leaf vegetables and has important ornamental value. Red petioles leaf beet includes two kinds, green leaves and red leaves. They are new types of leaf beet and are popular with consumers. In this research, we try to obtain cytological parameters on these two leaf beet....

The Impact of Internet Financial Reporting Practices on the Company's Market Value: A Study of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia

Adityawarman Adityawarman, T.B.M Yusuf Khudri
This research aims to examine the impact of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR) practices on the market value of Indonesian manufacturing companies’ listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2015 and 2016. This research examines how information available on company websites affects a firm’s market...

On Blended Learning and Oral English Communicative Competence—Taking “Oral English 3” Online Course as an Example

Huijuan Xue
This paper explores the correlation of blended learning and the enhancement of oral English communicative competence based on the teaching of the online course “Oral English 3” and the empirical data elicited from the questionnaire with English majors. It shows that “online / offline + face-to-face”...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Particulate Matter (PM10) Concentration and House Environmental Factor with Symptoms of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) on Children Under Five in Rawa Terate Health Centre, Cakung Sub-district in 2017

Rizki Zahrotul Hayati, Dewi Utami Iriani
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) still become health problem for developing countries, especially in Indonesia. Children under five are the group with the highest incidence of ARI in Indonesia. DKI Jakarta Province is one of the provinces that have higher period prevalence of ARI than the national period...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis Model of Network Illegal Fund-raising Based on Advertisement Content Mining

Jianying Xiong
Network Illegal fund-raising is a social problem and is more subtle and destructive. Government regulators should explore more effective control methods for early discovery. At the preliminary stage of the illegal fund-raising, in order to promote the investment effect and producing the spread effect...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Equivalent Thermal Conductivity of Nanopaper Enabled Polymer Composite Materials

Aying Zhang, Zhenghong Li
The finite element software FLUENT is used to analyze the equivalent thermal conductivity and the thermal balance of composites reinforced by line, sinusoidal and pulse bending nanopaper during the heating process. The equivalent thermal conductivity does not change linearly with the increase of thermal...
Proceedings Article

JMCT Monte Carlo Code with Capability of Integrating Nuclear System Feedback

Li Deng, Gang Li, Baoyin Zhang, Rui Li, Dunfu Shi, Yuangang Fu, Danhu Shangguan, Zehua Hu, Lingyu Zhang, Liu Peng
JMCT is a general purpose 3D Mont Carlo (MC) neutron-photon-electron and coupled neutron/photon/electron transport code with a continuous energy and multigroup. The program is developed based on the combinatorial geometry parallel infrastructure JCOGIN and with the most functions of general Monte Carlo...

Discussion on the New Concepts of Chemistry Teaching Adapting to the Requirements of Talent Cultivation

Chunyan Yan, Wentao Yi
The flexible teaching contents and methods, especially the updating of teaching concepts are needed in order to meet the requirements for cultivating the talents of innovative, practice and complex types under new situations. In this paper, new concepts of chemistry teaching were discussed, and several...
Proceedings Article

Research on Impedance Adaptive Correction Method for Low Voltage Short Circuit Test System

Yingmin You, Wei Qiu, Xiangou Zhu, Jingqin Wang, Ziran Wu
Before going public, low voltage circuit breaker must be tested, the rated operation short circuit breaking capacity and the rated limit short circuit breaking capacity test are particularly key. Therefore, the short circuit test device must be accurate and reliable, and the parameters which meet the...

Big Data Analysis in General Education: Opportunities and Concerns

Wenjun Lyu, Zhaoqing Feng
General education, as important part of higher education, is putting increasing attention on big data courses in universities. This paper discusses the opportunities and concerns about big data analysis in general education by stating predictive analytics, personalized learning planning and introducing...

Strategy for Optimizing the Role of MSMEs in Government Good and Services Procurement E-Marketplace

Mustofa Kamal
This study aims to examine the development strategy and increase the role of small businesses in the E-market place for the procurement of government goods and services. One of the objectives of the procurement of government goods and services is to increase the participation of Micro, Small and Medium...

Can Asset Quality Promote the Sustainable Development of Enterprises?

Wei Yang, Shengdao Gan
Assets are the material basis of enterprise's profit. Therefore, asset quality is an important factor for enterprises to achieve sustainable development. This paper analyses the internal relationship between asset quality and the sustainable development of enterprises. Through empirical analysis, we...

Research Status and Revelation of Visualization Technology in Support of Online Learning in the Era of Big Data

Fan Yang, Yue Wang
In the era of big data, a large amount of learning information is stored online. Teachers and students have been faced with problems such as information overload for a long time. The visualization of information reduces learners’ cognitive load and enhances their perception of information, which makes...

The Protection of Refugees Rights of Natural Disasters in Central Sulawesi Indonesia

Agus Lanini, Sutarman Yodo, Ikshan Syafiuddin
The research aims to evaluate a local law in implementation to fulfill the rights of the victims of natural disasters, earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction in Palu, Sigi, Central Sulawesi and Donggala, what does the local regulation appropriate to fulfill the rights of the victims of a natural disaster,...
Proceedings Article

Maximum Power Extraction and Pitch Angle Control for Offshore Wind Turbine with Open-Loop Hydraulic Transmission

Fan YaJun, Mu AnLe
This paper aims to extract optimal power from a hydraulic floating wind turbine using torque control and pitch control. When wind speed is below rated value, a nonlinear fuzzy controller is designed to capture maximum wind energy through regulating the displacement of hydraulic pump fixed in nacelle....

Intergenerational Perception of Tax Audit and Voluntary Tax Compliance

Elisa Tjondro, Alvin Soegihono, Felix Fernando, Felix Wanandi
Each generation has different characteristics and viewpoints related to the perception of a tax audit. Therefore, tax audits not always useful as a scarecrow for taxpayers. The purpose of this study was to compare the perception of tax audits between three generations, Millennials, X, and Baby Boomers....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Inclined Plane Angle to The Oscillation Period of Spring and Block Systems

Yudhiakto Pramudya, Endra Raharja
The topic of oscillation in spring and block systems in the inclined plane is fairly complex and rarely to be discussed in oscillation research topic. Apart from theoretical calculations, physical quantities in this topic can also be calculated through experiments. This research determines one of the...
Research Article

Design and progress of a factorial trial testing the effect of spironolactone and inorganic nitrate on arterial function in people at risk of or with type 2 diabetes

Charlotte E. Mills, Virginia Govoni, Maria Linda Casagrande, Luca Faconti, Andrew J. Webb, J. Kennedy Cruickshank
Pages: 48 - 53
Background: Arterial stiffness (AS), as pulse wave velocity (PWV), is a powerful independent predictor of cardiovascular events and commonly complicates type 2 diabetes (T2D). This trial aims to test if AS, measured by the VaSera machine as cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) and by Arteriograph measuring...
Research Article

The cardio-ankle vascular index predicts chronic kidney disease in Japanese subjects

Daisuke Maebuchi, Munehisa Sakamoto, Jun Fuse, Hiroaki Tanaka, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Makoto Takei, Yumiko Inui, Yuumi Sutoh, Yukinori Ikegami, Yukihiko Momiyama
Pages: 48 - 53
Objective: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is known to be associated with the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the prevention of CKD may improve the mortality of cardiovascular disease. The risk factors of CKD are variable and multifactorial, similar to atherosclerosis. We hypothesized...

Figurative structure of the Avar proverbs

Magomed Magomedov, Suleihat Mallaeva, Zainab Omarova, Daniyal Magomedov
The article considers the artistic means used in the Avar language for the enhancing of the expressiveness of proverbs: brevity, rhythm, alliteration, rhyme, paired use of words, parallelism. Brevity is characterized as the most important stylistic law of the proverb which gives it nativeness and distinguishes...

Developing Batik Learning Model in Early Childhood: Video Learning and Guide Book

Adharina Dian Pertiwi, Panggung Sutapa
Batik learning model is important to support learning and culture process. It helps teacher and children to know batik process from first to end using plastic canting and malam dingin liquid. This study aimed to find out what media is needed and how it gave significant progress in batik learning process....

The Effect Of Group Investigation and Learning Cycle Models Towards Students Science Process Skill On Environmental Pollution Topics For Grade VII Students MTs Nurul Huda Medan Academic Year 2016/2017

Irma Handayani Saragih, Fauziyah Harahap, Tumiur Gultom
This study aims to determine the effect of Group Investigation, Learning Cycle and conventional models of students science process skill on environmental pollution topic for grade VII students MTs Nurul Huda Medan academic year 2016/2017. This research is a quasi experiment research. Sampling was done...
Proceedings Article

Modern Designs of Forest Fires Machines for Soil Extinguishment of Fire

Ivan Mihailovich Bartenev, Sergey Vladimirovich Malyukov, Maxim Alexandrovich Gnusov, Dmitriy Sergeevich Stupnikov, Alexey Dmitrievich Platonov
Theoretical issues of the use of a fire-fighting soil-thrower for extinguishing forest fires with the presentation of its practical use in conditions of high fire risk are considered. To assess the effectiveness of the use of new units in the article, a study of the information base for the use of existing...

Analysis and Reflection on the Relationship Between the Vision of Embodied Cognitive and VR Educational Games

Ling He, Qian Shen, Rui Li
This paper summarizes the research background, research problems and research status of VR educational games and embodied cognition. It also analyzes the relationship between VR educational games and embodied cognition theory -- experiential learning from the perspective of body. The literature analysis...

Islamic Teacher Competency in Madrasah

Undang Burhanudin, Nurhamzah Nurhamzah, Saepudin Rahmatullah, Jamaludin Jamaludin
The subject of Islamic Religious Education in madrasah is a field of study which has some contents, such as; aqidah akhlak, al quran hadith, fiqih (jurisprudence), and history of Islamic culture. The main problem faced in madrasah today is still low competence of Islamic religious education teachers....

Research on industrialization path of educational robot

De-peng Kong, Li-li Zhao, Yi-fei Zhou, Jiu-sheng Li
With deep learning, cross-border integration and development of human-machine collaborative technology, artificial intelligence talent is in short supply, the intelligent education represented by education robot equipment in high-tech talent training and training plays a more and more important role,...

Distribution of Dialects and Sources of Population in Lianjiang Area, Guangdong, China

Jianya Zhang, Weiming Peng
The Lianjiang area of Guangdong, China has been a land belonging to NanYue since ancient times, where there are various and different dialects, mainly including Cantonese, Min and Hakka. Cantonese is considered the regional dialect. Dialects in this area are staggered and complicated. The population...
Proceedings Article

Anylogic Simulation-based Research on Emergency Organization of Mass Passenger Flow in Subway Station after Events

Yan Xing, Shuang Liu, Huiwen Wang
The sudden mass passenger after social events can make huge impact on the normal operation of rail transit station. This paper mainly studies on the influence of mass passenger flow after special events on the passenger organization of the station nearby. Based on the investigation of station facilities...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Earth Science Community Learning Model (EARTHCOMM) To Learning Outcomes of Geography

Mei Vita Romadon Ningrum, Ernia Kholiq
The learning model of Earth Science Community (Earthcomm) is a learning process that is more concerned with students' activeness in solving problems and finding ideas to build an understanding of knowledge they have acquired. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the results of...
Proceedings Article

Research on Design and Simulation of Folded Baffle Solar Air Collector

Yi MAN, Guo-Xin JIANG, Tian-Tian DU, Liang WANG, Sheng-Yu SHI
In order to promote the outlet temperature and heat collection efficiency of solar air collector, this study puts forward a folded baffle solar air collector, which can improve the heat collection efficiency of the collector by enhancing the air turbulence inside the flow passage and increasing the heat...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Study on Effects of Pulverizer Outlet Temperature on Boiler Combustion and Economy

Fuxing Cui, Xuhui Zhang, Haichao Wang
In order to obtain the effects on boiler operation when pulverize outlet temperature changes, testing on a 300MW power plant. The results illustrate that when pulverize outlet temperature rised form 70℃ to 94℃, temperature of gas center 0.4meter、0.5meter and 0.6meter apart from A2 burner all rised, temperature...

The Practicality of Learning Module Based on Jigsaw-Cooperative Learning Model in Media Education Course

Zonny Putra, Arwizet Kaharudin, Bulkia Rahim, Rahmat Nabawi
Educational factors that are less appropriate in the delivery of materials and the selection of instructional media causes lesson objectives are perfectly acceptable by students. The educational factors here are defined as the facilities needed in the learning process such as learning media used by lecturers....

Kartini and The Feminism Thinking in Javanese Nobles Women (Women Priyayi)

Sri Mastuti Purwaningsih, Lilis Muchoiyyaroh, Julien Biringan
The beginning of the 20th century was the opening of Dutch European schools to Javanese nobles. It allowed the Javanese priyayi children to receive a European education. Education allows the transformation of European ideas to spread to the east. Freedom and independence are one of Europe's most influential...
Proceedings Article

Classmaker Trial Towards Studying Result on Social Science Lesson For Elementary School Students

Mr. Pranowo, Toni Harsan, Para Mitta
Government regulations refer to teachers’ professional work in implementing studying evaluation, one of them is teachers’ ability in compiling evaluation instrument in class activity. Teachers must always be innovative with technology development appeared that time. One of teachers’ responsibilities...

Study on the Advantages, Challenges and Countermeasures of Zhuhai in Participating in the Construction of "The Belt and Road" Initiative

Liqin Hu
The Belt and Road ("Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road") is a comprehensive opening-up initiative in the new era and also a national vision and action of the country. As the pioneer of reform and opening up, Zhuhai Special Economic Zone should seize this rare historical opportunity...
Proceedings Article

Photodegradation of Rhodamine 6G dye by Cd, Sr doped ZnO Photocatalyst, Synthesized by Mechanochemical Method

Sneha Salvi, P. Lokhande, H. Mujawar
In the present investigation, synthesis of Cd, Sr doped ZnO semiconducting material was carried out by ecofriendly simple mechanochemical method. The grinding of Oxalic acid, Zinc acetate, Cadmium acetate and Strontium acetate in mortar and pestle at non-stoichiometric proportion allowed these reactant...
Proceedings Article

The Research of Complex Networks and Its Modeling

Wencheng Jiao, Shuai Han, Peizhang Cui, Xiaohui Li
The measurement of complex networks is based on graph theory. Firstly, the basic character of complex networks was analyzed. Then complex networks models such as ER model, small-world model, BA scale-free model were researched. Its construct rule, evolvement process and dynamics characteristic were also...

Character Education In Primary School Students Prepare to Face Challenges of The 21st Century

Sita Ratnaningsih
Nowadays, education is no longer to provide information to students, but rather to prepare learners to become active 21st Century critical thinkers. Character supportsand enhances their thinking and understanding for it permeates the world in which their live. It also plays a vital role in the construction...

Tsunami Risk Evaluation Based on Land Suitability for Settlement in Pacitan Coastal Area, East Java

Djati Mardiatno, Cintya Wahyu Permatasari, Mukhamad Ngainul Malawani, Fitria Nuraini Sekarsih
The aims of this research are to determine the changes of tsunami risk in coastal area of Pacitan and to evaluate it by considering land suitability for settlement. Comparative method was used to analyse between existing risk from land use map and potential risk from land suitability for settlement map....
Proceedings Article

Sheath Induced Over-Voltage Characteristic in 220 kV Power Cable Under Lightning Over-Voltage

Boyi Li, Houkun Cui, Zengjun An, Haoran Rui, Tao Zhao
In order to limit the induced voltage, 220kV high voltage single core power cable needs reliable grounding in the actual operation. Metal sheath will produce induction overvoltage when lightning intrudes the cable conductor. Inductive overvoltages can have a variety of adverse effects on cable performance....

Reading and Writing: Development of Project-Based Learning (PBL) Approach

Dian Rachmawati, Candra Hadi Asmara
This article describes a digital flipping book application in developing integrated reading and writing materials using RELIFLASH application at State Junior High School of 4 Gresik. RELIFLASH which is an abbreviation of CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Flash is a commercial software that is used...

Span from Anti-Poverty to Targeted Poverty Alleviation

Tiejun Zhao, Xing Li, Tao Qu
There is still some serious problems in the poverty alleviation work in the Old Revolutionary Base Area of Gansu, such as the inaccurate strategies, bureaucratic working styles, and so on. Aiming at solving the problems, the paper has reviewed the poverty alleviation work from Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Board...

Profile and Problem of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung

Mr Suryanto, Herwan Abdul Muhyi
This research aims to explain the profile and problems of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Bandung. The research method used is qualitative with explorative research type. Primary data sources were obtained through in-depth interviews and direct field observation. The secondary data sources...

Group Reality Therapy to Increase Self-Esteem in Adolescents

Iswinarti, Yanuarty Paresma Wahyuningsih
Self-esteem is an essential need for adolescents. The problem of low self-esteem might cause a failure during the identity search period and lack of attachment from the environment. Subjects of this study were five students of Junior High School (13-15 years-old) who were afraid to express their needs...
Proceedings Article

The System of High Current Full Fiber Detection

Chengjun Guo, Ning Pei, Jixiang Lu, Jin Wang
Current and voltage measurements play an important role in the power industry and provide necessary information for power systems to measure, control, and relay protection. At present in the national 110 KV, 110 KV, 330 KV, 750 KV power grid has been fully tested by optical current transformer, at the...

Study on the current situation and Countermeasures of new vocational farmers Cultivation -- An Empirical Analysis Based on Xiaogan city of Hubei Province

Tong Lei
With the development of the times and social progress, our country's first industry is gradually developed, and its main labor force, farmers are also urgent need for new professional training. Effective foster new occupation of farmers can not only protect our national food safety stock, and also to...