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188759 articles

Dance in Public Art Education Reform, Innovation Inheritance and Development Research

Hui Jing, Jia Chi, Dingluo Jia, Yunhan Jia
A significant portion of the public art curriculum in colleges and universities includes dance courses. This course has changed how public art courses are taught and more than made up for the typical non-art majors’ deficiencies in the subject of dance with its distinctive educational structure and creative...

A Study on Aesthetic Thought and Educational Practice Path in Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture

Xinyu Zhang
The core ideological concepts, the humanistic spirit, and traditional virtues inherent in the excellent traditional Chinese culture have a positive impact on student education. Meanwhile, aesthetic education permeates multiple dimensions such as morality, intelligence, and art, enabling college students...

The Digital Transformation of Local University: Value, Plight and Strategy

Ping Li
digital empowerment of higher education is both an effective way of promoting the development of higher education & innovate talent cultivation models in the new era and also an important means of promoting the modernization of education. At present, digitalization of higher education is widely practiced...

Research on Informatization Construction of Enterprise Performance Management Based on “Internet+” Management Information System

Na Guo, Xiaoxian Gong
Under the background of the current “Internet+” era, the traditional enterprise performance management model has problems such as insufficient overall planning, poor departmental coordination, and single service function, which can no longer meet the needs of enterprise development in the new era. With...
Proceedings Article

Regional Differences of Internet Technology Diffusion in China: A Case Study of Shaanxi and Tibet

Juan Chen, Thelma Domingo Palaoag
The regional differences of Internet technology diffusion in China exist not only between developed and underdeveloped regions, but also among provinces and cities in the same region. In the process of Internet oriented social transformation, it is of great significance to explore and overcome the problem...

Co-existence of Bali Customary Law and State Law in Case of Divorce

I Ketut Sukadana, I Wayan Werasmana Sancaya
The purpose of this research is to find the concept of a combination of the application of customary law and state law in the event of divorce in order to obtain a clear legal status in society. Meanwhile, based on observations, many people think that the divorce has been completed at the customary village...

Construction of Chinese Stock Investor Sentiment Index

Ying Zhao
Based on some data of the CSI 300 index, this paper uses the principal component analysis (PCA) to build the investor sentiment index, and then discusses the feasibility of constructing the investor sentiment index. It aims to build an investor sentiment index that matches the Chinese market, understand...
Proceedings Article

The Optimal Contract for Land Trusteeship

Cuiling Li, Qiuling Hou
Land trusteeship, as a new management mode to realize large-scale and intensive land management, has been paid more and more attention by the government and scholars. This paper develops a model to study the optimal contract of land trusteeship via principal-agent theory which is based on Tirole's...
Proceedings Article

An Extensive Survey on Various Tumor Detection in Histopathological Images Using Deep Learning Techniques

Monika Subramanian, Nagarajan Ganesan, SathishKumar Balasubramaniyan
Nowadays Biomedical Image Processing is the most developing field and its demand also more in various growth of several applications. Research into these medical technologies has many features and applications. It includes a variety of imaging modalities that can analyze, enhance, and display images...

Film Batas: Presenting Women’s Power in Managing Region-Based Social Heterogeneity

Lilik Wahyuni, Umi Salamah, Nur Hikmah Arifin
This study aims to describe the forms of conflict, women’s empowerment, and strategies for managing region-based social heterogeneity in the film “Batas” [The Boundary]. This research employs a constructivist approach with Semiotic Media Text Analysis [SMTA]. It is a qualitative descriptive study with...
Proceedings Article

CSA & Snap: Business Opportunity For Farmers, Improved Nutrition For The Community

Diane K. Smith, Katherine Selting Smith
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular alternative available to shoppers looking for local, seasonal produce at a fair price. The numbers of farms offering a CSA has increased in recent years, from an estimated 60 farms in 1990 to over 7,000 today. From the farmers’ perspective, the...

Departmental linkage analysis of Healthy China Action

-Based on the 2019-2023 policy analysis

Xiaoxiao Zhang
Based on the official documents of the Chinese government, descriptive statistical analysis was used to explore the policy integration and departmental linkage in the Healthy China action from the perspective of attention distribution, taking 15 special actions as the classification criteria. The statistical...
Proceedings Article

Applications of a Clamping Joint in a Rail Vehicle Design

Lukáš Hruzík, Jiří Struž, Jiří Začal, Květoslav Kaláb
This paper deals with design problematics of a clamping joint for the tanker frame in a rail vehicle. This car body is made from aluminum alloy. The main requirement of the joint is safe transmission the load given by the norm ČSN EN 12 663-1. At the beginning of the study is make the analysis of friction...

The Role of Female Online Shoppers’ Emotional Intelligence on Their Shopping Behavior: A Cognition-Affection-Conation Framework

Yuniarti Fihartini, Mudji Rachmat Ramelan, Mirwan Karim, Lis Andriani
The presence of e-commerce has changed consumer shopping behavior, and each consumer has different shopping behaviors based on their dispositions and psychological status, including emotional intelligence, which is seen as playing a role in determining consumer behavior in the online environment. Related...

Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services

Maria Maria, Muhammad Husni Mubarok, Jamaliah Said, Darusalam Darusalam, Desi Indriasari, Sarikadarwati Sarikadarwati
This study explores the prevention of government procurement fraud in Palembang city, which is thought to be related to the competency of the government apparatus and Internal Control System (SPI). This research was conducted empirically by involving 50 government units with an analysis of procurement...
Proceedings Article

Use of the ‘Ship Calculator’ Application as a Learning Media to Help Accuracy and Speed in Calculating Ship Operational Costs

Santoso, Surnata, Sri Kartini, Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Sri Kelana
Study This aim For The aim of writing a research proposal is to produce a product in the form of an application that can manage ship operational cost data according to Ministerial Regulation Number 66 of 2019 and to produce a product in the form of an application that can provide printed results in the...

Words Gallery: An Introduction to Literacy Acceleration and Character Improvement in Prison

Misran Rahman
This study aims to give an overview of the implementation of words gallery conceptual model as ‘a shortcut’ to literacy for illiterate incarcerated adults at PKBM Pengayoman in Gorontalo City Penitentiary. R&D is used to construct the model. Testing model is done to 5 (five) students in preliminary...

Educational Supervision in Improving Teacher Competence

Ilham Mayudho, Dedi Prestiadi, Ali Imron
This study aims to determine the implementation of educational supervision in improving teacher professional competence. This research uses a literature study research method so that with this method data analysis will be carried out by collecting and reviewing a collection of various references both...

The Overview of Needs Analysis for Development Learning Model Based on Digital in Vocational Education

Mukhlisin Mukhlisin, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Purnamawati Purnamawati
A learning model can exist defined as a theoretical frame that describes an organized process for organizing learning exploits to achieve certain education designs and serves as an attendant for learning developers. The aim of this research was to describe the condition of the need for the development...

Mansplaining and Sexist Practices in Cable and Multiplatform Sports Journalistic Programs of Infotainment in Peru

Fiorella los Milagros Chunga-Roncallo, Lorena Teresa Espinoza-Robles
Sports journalistic programs of infotainment have become highly relevant in recent years. However, the visibility of women journalists in this type of programs is minimal compared to their male colleagues and is often a decorative presence. This article highlight the sexist practices in the intrinsic...

Commognition Framework: Types of Students’ Difficulty in Solving Fractional Task

Andika Setyo Budi Lestari, Nonik Indrawatiningsih, Ani Afifah, Supriyo
The fraction is substantial material because it supports understanding the concepts of other mathematical materials and is used in daily life. However, many students have a weak ability to find a solution to fraction tasks. Also, the specific researches focused on fraction issue based on commognition...

Classroom Learning Programs for Reducing Stress on Students’ Senior High School

Rahmat Aziz, M. Samsul Hady, Abdullah Sinring, Agus Indy
The learning atmosphere in schools is a strategic factor in developing optimal student potential where the teacher, as an actor, plays an essential role. The study aims to examine the role of the learning atmosphere in reducing student stress. Data were obtained randomly from 641 senior high school...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Glycemic Control and Length of Treatment in Tuberculosis Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Ika Dyah Kurniati, Prihatin Iman Nugroho, Jalu Panjongko, Raihan Diki Ramadhanela
Comorbidity between diabetic mellitus (DM) and tuberculosis (TB) can raise the incidence of the other. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (plasma HbA1C level > 7.0%) and five additional risk factors were discovered to have an impact on the failure of TB treatment. This study aims to identify the relationship...
Proceedings Article

Development of IoT Based Monitoring of Anaerobic Biogas Production

Rif’ah Amalia, Prima Dewi Permatasari, Aulia Lailatul Fitri, Hendrik Elvian Gayuh Prasetya, Fifi Hesty Sholihah
Biogas is a mixture of gases produced from the fermentation process of organic matter derived from animal waste. This research uses a measurement system to monitor conditions in the biogas reactor. Three variations were carried out, namely 1:1:0 (variation 1); 1:1:0.1 (variation 2); 1:0.5:0.2 (variation...
Proceedings Article

Research on Mix Design and Impermeability Test of Fully Recycled Concrete Based on Building Materials

Yun Xiao, Meng Zhang, Qi Liu, Wenjing Guan, Jinyan Li, Mingming Dai
Reclaimed concrete may successfully accomplish concrete recycling, cut down on resource waste, and advance environmental and green development. This work studies the impermeability performance of totally recycled coarse aggregate concrete by designing the mix ratio using the coarse aggregate found in...

Employee Salary Competitiveness and Enterprise Innovation: The Moderating Role of Personnel Structure and Fintech

Wenqi Zhang
Based on social comparison theory, this paper explores the impact of employee salary competitiveness on enterprise innovation. Taking the data of A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2020 as a research sample, the empirical results show that employee salary competitiveness is significantly positively...
Proceedings Article

Hydrolysis Reaction Kinetics of Baggasse and Banana Peel in the Process of Bioethanol Production

Indah Purnamasari, Endang Supraptiah, Rima Daniar, Cindi Ramayanti, Tri Lestari, Eti Nurmahdani
The alternative biofuel that is inexpensive in terms of production and environmentally friendly is the development of bioethanol from agricultural wastes (biomass) which contains a lot of lignocellulose such as bagasse (solid waste from the sugar industry) and banana peel (waste from markets). One of...

Design and Application of Agricultural Economic Transaction Management Platform Based on Data Mining

Chong Liang
In order to increase agricultural efficiency, increase farmers’ income, improve rural environment and economic and social development, a design and application of agricultural economic transaction management platform based on data mining is proposed. In this paper, data mining technology combined with...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of SPBE Management Domain of Tangerang City Government Based on Regulation of the Minister of PAN-RB Number 59 of 2020

Bayu Sulistiyanto Ipung Sutejo, Gerry Firmansyah
To maintain the quality of electronic services to be fast, efficient, and convenient, the government has issued Ministerial Regulation PAN-RB Number 59 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Evaluation of the Implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE). There is one new domain in the SPBE...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating Biomedical Features for Reactive Hypoglycaemia Prediction with Machine Learning

Frans Dany, Fifi Retiaty
Reactive hypoglycaemia (RH) is a condition when post-prandial plasma glucose level drops, usually <70 mg/dl. Its exact cause is unknown and associated with risk of diabetes among non-diabetic individuals. Attempts are made to predict RH but met with difficulties due to varied data characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Delays in Reporting Cases of Violence Against Women and Children in Semarang: A Mixed Method Study

Arief Tajally Adhiatma, Chotimah Zainab, Nabil Hajar, Samiroh Samiroh, Bintang Tatius
Violence against women and children (KTPA) is a serious problem that can have long-term impacts on the physical and psychological health of women and children. In Semarang City, there were 74 cases, 72 of which were female victims. Delays in case reporting can cause difficulties in finding evidence during...

The Influence of Brand Associations on Brand Loyalty: An Empirical Study Regarding Banking Sector in Bangalore

Shivani Raghuvir, N. Meena Rani
Incontestably, a superior brand is not desirable but a primary requisite for the organisations in this extremely competitive environment. Hence, the organisations attempt to figure out ways to achieve it. One of the established components to building a successful brand is strong and unique associations...

The Effect of Leadership Style and Motivation on the Performance of Medical Staff in Buton Regency General Hospital

Ahmad Jamil
Managing medical staff in remote and underdeveloped area is a challenge. Small budget and limited skilled medical labor are some of the contributing factors. In order to manage these challenges, this research aims to find out the extent of leadership style and motivation effect on the performance of...

Original or Modified Surabi Bandung? Tourists’ Perceptions and Consumption Motives of Local Food

Suci Sandi Wachyuni, Irwanda Wisnu Wardhana, Rella Dwi Respati
Currently, many local culinary delights as part of the culture are commodified to meet market needs and promotions. Surabi Bandung is one of the famous Indonesian snacks from West Java and has been widely commodified. As a result, Surabi has increased in price and is different from the original version....

The Dilemma of Law Education Reform in China in the New Normal of COVID-19

From a Perspective of Block Chain Technology (BCT)

Qianyang Lin, Wenying Zhang, Zheng Weihua
With the beginning of the “Internet+” era, virtual reality, extensive data analysis, blockchain, and artificial intelligence pose significant threats to the judicial system. This paper discusses methods by which attorneys can respond swiftly to threats. In the rule of law education, for instance, blockchain...

Psychological Study on the Sexual Needs of Prisoners

Desy Maryani, Zico Junius Fernando, M. Yusuf Akbar
So far, correctional institutions have only focused on fulfilling personality and skill development. At the same time, there is no sexual need for prisoners, even though every prisoner has the right to fulfill their sexual needs. Problems will arise in humans when the libido increases and sexual desire...
Proceedings Article

Tensile Properties of Concrete with Irregular Aggregate Shapes

Lei Tian, Yawei Li
Concrete is an important heterogeneous material used in engineering structures and infrastructure projects. Studying its mechanical properties and failure mechanism from meso-scale could provide supplementary insights for experimental research. In this study, the geometric concrete model of three aggregate...

An Entity-Based Main Path Analysis Method to Trace Knowledge Evolution at Micro-Level

Chi Yu, Weijiao Shang, Xiaozhao Xing, Haiyun Xu, Liang Chen
Main Path Analysis (MAP) method is a significant method for knowledge flow extraction from citation networks. Traditional MPA methods treat documents as network vertices, while neglecting the more granular information within the document, this neglect limits an in-depth understanding of knowledge development....

Utilizing Metacognitive Strategies with Culturally Familiar Text in Improving Reading Comprehension of EFL Pre-service Teachers

Dewi Novita, Fuad Abdul Hamid, Didi Sukyadi
Since English has become increasingly global, more researchers in English teaching have seen the importance of combining teaching methods with cultural materials that are familiar and connected to the learners. In teaching reading comprehension, researchers in Iran, the Middle East, and some parts of...

LINA Feminist Architecture Design Studio: a didactic experience towards inclusive and democratic cities

Carolina Quiroga
This text reflects on the urgency and potential of integrating a feminist perspective in architecture and its education, historically conceived from an androcentric vision that suppressed the voice of women and minoritised social groups. In this context, the experience of the inter-university virtual...
Proceedings Article

Photocatalytic Bacterial Inactivation Using Bi-doped TiO2/Kaolinite Under Visible Light Irradiation

Anthoni B.Aritonang, Ajuk Sapar, Annisa Furqonita
Bismuth-doped TiO2 immobilized on kaolinite (Bi-TiO2-K) were prepared via sol-gel method, then calcined at 450oC using kaolinite as the matrix and Bi (NO3)3 as the Bi3+ cationic source. The obtained Bi-TiO2-K photocatalyst were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared absorption spectroscopy,...

Ornament Exploration Based on the Beliefs of Sangihe

Alifia Putri Anindita, Sabrina Ilma Sakina
Sangihe is located at the tip of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, that borders Philippines maritime territory. Sangihe is rich with traditional culture and in the past, had its own local belief in guardian spirits. The Sundeng religion, or to be exact the Sundeng community, worshipped the spirit of nature....

Gender Diversity Impact on ESG Performance: Evidence from Indonesian and Malaysian Manufacturing Sector

Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas, Dina Anggraeni Susesti
This study analyzes the impact of women’s boards on ESG disclosure (community, employee, environment and government) performance in emerging markets, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. We suggest that the participation of women’s boards is very beneficial for increasing social awareness of the community,...

Learners’ Adaptation to Blended Learning in the Post-Covid 19 Era in South Africa: A Systematic Literature Review

Noluthando Shirley Matsiliza
This study explores learners’ adaptation to blended learning using a transformed curriculum in the post-COVID era, using the case of a previously disadvantaged university. The restrictions on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 lockdowns interrupted the contact learning process to control the spread...

Issues and Strategies of Chinese Cultural Overseas Communication under the Background of International Promotion of Chinese

Kehua Yu
As Chinese becomes increasingly popular worldwide, the promotion of Chinese language has been shifted from "bringing in" to "going abroad". The promotion and dissemination of Chinese language involves not only language itself but its culture. The spread of Chinese culture remains an important measure...

Research on Joint Construction of Art Practice Teaching System by Sino-Russian Colleges

Zhongfeng Fu
Along with the deepening of reform and opening up, China's education has also entered into the era of globalization. China and Russia main a friendly relationship, and joint school-running between China and Russia has become a popular trend, moreover, the joint construction of art practice teaching system...
Proceedings Article

Normal-Mode Based MUSIC for Bearing Estimation in Shallow Water Using Acoustic Vector Sensors

Weiwei Ai, Jinyu Xiong, Xiaoyong Zhang
To realize unbiased bearing estimates of multiple acoustic sources in a range-independent shallow water, Normal-Mode based MUSIC (NM-MUSIC) method using acoustic vector sensor (AVS) array is proposed in this paper. Comparing to NM-MUSIC method based on scalar array, the method based on AVS array solves...

The Influence of Diversification on Performance of State-owned Enterprises An Empirical Study Based on Panel Threshold Model

Xujun Liu, Hongxing Wen
The Panel Threshold auto-regression model has been used in this paper to study on Threshold Effect between diversification and performance of state-owned enterprises, and test whether there is an optimal threshold value of diversification index which cause more than two interval relationships of corporate...
Proceedings Article

A Dual Tabu Search Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem

Tao Wang
In this paper, vehicle routing problem as the background, the traditional tabu search algorithm is proposed based on a set of methods to build the initial solution and its integration to achieve the dual tabu search algorithm for vehicle routing problem. A new algorithm to avoid the shortcomings of the...

Research on Hedging Efficiency of SSE 50 Index Futures

Jingyong Fan
Financial assets' investment income is proportional to the risk, high income corresponds to high risk. As the most important derivatives, stock index futures' primary function is hedging. Based on the theory of hedging and the method to evaluate its effectiveness, this paper carries out an empirical...