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188759 articles

Restorative Justice and Social Rehabilition of The Children in Conflict With The Law (A Study on the Involvement of Government Institutions in the Rehabilitation Process of Children in Conflict with the Law in Banyumas Regency)

Tri Wuryaningsih, Sunyoto Usman
Restorative justice approachby way of diversionis considered as the best approach to resolve the case for children in conflict with the law. Diversion is an actor acts to divert or put child criminals out of the criminal justice system. In Banyumas, children in conflict with the law are resolved by way...
Proceedings Article

Research on innovative personnel training mode of Interdisciplinary graduate

Keyong Shao, Huizhen Zhang, Weijian Ren, Li Yang
Interdisciplinary graduate education is conducive to optimizing the knowledge structure of graduate students for fostering graduate creative ability, to strengthen the discipline construction of graduate education for fostering the cultivation of innovative talents. At present our country university...
Proceedings Article

Design of Accounting Information System of Modern Enterprises under Informatization Environment

Fu Meng
The great development of modern information technology brings new challenges to enterprises and makes the design of accounting information system of enterprises a focus issue in the field of enterprise informatization. This paper describes main contents of accounting information system of modern enterprises...

Analysis on the Concepts of Systemic Equipment Support

Peng Yang, Xinliang Yan, Tielin Liu
The mode of modern war in the information age, is actually a war between systems of systems (hereinafter referred to as SOS), in which, systemic equipment support obviously constitutes a crucial part. Based on the fact that there is so far no consensus on the concept of systemic equipment support, to...

Influence Factors of Teachers' Pro-Industry Professionalization: Linear Structural Analysis

Chun-Mei Chou, Chien-Hua Shen, Hsi-Chi Hsiao, Tsu-Chguan Shen, Yu-Jen Tsen, Kuan-Fu Shen, Su-Chang Chen, Hsiang-li Shen, Jia- Ming Chen
The paper examines 322 teachers' pro-industry professionalization and its influencing factors to serve as a school reference. The results show that teachers' pro-industry professionalization and its influence pattern, teaching self-efficacy has a significant effect on industry experience, but does not...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Operating Method in Travel System of Wheel Loader

Zhenbao Wang, Sicheng Qin
The operating performances in transportation distance and method of wheel loader have great influence to the efficiency and energy consumption of engineering works. In order to improve economic rationality and scientific of engineering projects effectively, V-shaped shovel cycling conditions of the 50...
Proceedings Article

Heating Simulation of Tensile Specimen at Continuous Casting Temperatures

Jinmiao Pu, Qin Qin, Mingliang Tian, Xuehui Zhu
The heating process and heat preservation of the specimens in Gleeble thermal simulation test machine were simulated. A coupled electrical-thermal model is established by ABAQUS. The internal temperature distributions of the specimen were analyzed. The uniform temperature zone of the specimen under the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Reform of Teaching Mode in the Application of "Internet +" Background

Liyun Wang
Internet + is through the information and communication technology and the use of the Internet platform, the Internet and traditional industries, including all walks of life are combined in the new field to create a new Ecology. Local application - oriented colleges and universities should aim at improving...

Internet Linguodidactics and Blended Translation Studies at Higher 1/2

Irina Vasilyeva
Didactics, design and implementation of the experimental project on written and oral Translation Studies (American Business English specialized translation course) with the help of Blended online technologies and resources. The project was based on online wiki site and regular...
Proceedings Article

Evolutionary Game Simulation: A Case In Water Resources Management

Xianshi Li
In this paper it simulates the dynamic evolution of water ecosystem by the evolutionary game theory. Through analyzing the theoretical hypothesis and model simulation, it finds that strategic choices of players are decided by payoffs of actions when water quality under certain conditions, there exist...

The Necessity and Possibility of the Effective Abutting Joint between Linguistics and Chinese Teaching

Jiugen Xiao, Wenjuan Zhang, Xijuan Chen
The relationship between linguistics and Chinese teaching is very close, so linguistics can be introduced into the practice of the basic Chinese teaching. The effective abutting joint is not only with its necessity and possibility, but also urgency. As it is, the joint will promote the development of...
Proceedings Article

Design of a Voltage Reference based on Subthreshold MOSFETS

This article proposed that an ultra-low power voltage reference under low supply voltage took advantage of characteristics of MOSFETS operating in the subthreshold region to meet the low power design. The circuit was designed using 0.18 CMOS process of SMIC, and simulated after layout using SPECTRE simulation...

An analysis of learners' learning behavior in Massive Open Online

Jiwei Qin, Zhenhong Jia, Hongtao Li
In this paper we access to data of 2,954 learner's learning behavior from Xinjiang University online electives are part of the massive online platform named "Erya". Based on the data, we construct learner's learning model, acquire rules of learning and predict learner's academic record. In order to meet...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Mechanism of the Regulation of NAA Promoted the Adventitious Root Formation of the Dalbergia Odorifera.T.Chen Hardwood Cuttings

Hongxin Wang, Yuan Li, Li Zhang, Bo Chen
In order to reveal the rooting mechanism of Dalbergia odorifera.T.Chen, the rooting mechanism of Dendrocalamopsis mongolica was 4,600 mg / L NAA rooting (POD), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), indole (SOD), indoxylate (SOD), indoxidase Acetic acid oxidase (IAAO) and other root-related...
Proceedings Article

The Combination of Color and Depth Information for Importance Map

Yuhui He
Abstract—In order to extract important map, a lot of image resizing algorithms only apply color map(such as gradient or salience information, etc.) to settle this question. On the analysis of depth map, this article thinks about depth information and combines with color map in order to put forward a...
Proceedings Article

Modeling research on wheat grain in different quality categories using multilayer support vector machine

Guangyan Hui, Laijun Sun, Shang Gao
Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy is a ‘green’ nondestructive testing technology and it has been widely used in grain crop analysis. The experimental data were collected using 161 wheat samples from the major wheat-producing area in China. The original spectral data was represented by four...
Proceedings Article

Research on New Models of Network Travel

Bin Xue, Wei Li, Hongyan Song
With rapid development and popularity of internet across the world, information technology has been applied to social life and production of people, and enters the fields of traditional business including tourism at an unprecedented rate. The network travel in future should provide a full range of tourism...

Heaven or Hell Faces English Teaching: After Chinese Gaokao Removes English

Y.T. Fan, Y. Luo
The educational reform policy that English will be removed from Gaokao (College Entrance Examination) in 2017 arouses hot concern from the society. This paper comprehensively analyzes the current situations faced by English teaching, and then comes up with strategies to deal with the existing problems....
Proceedings Article

A Correction Algorithm for Document Images Based on Edge Contour

Jianhao Ding, Zhijie Lin, Lingyun Yu
For digitized document images with black border, this paper presents a simple and rapid correcting method. Firstly, we extract the contours using canny operator and find the inner contour with maximum area. The bounding box of the contour is used to calculate the inclined angle as the skew angle of the...

Exploration of the Cost of Financial Accounting Method on the Cost in Logistics Enterprises

Jinhua Chen, Yuan Cai
In logistics enterprises, costing occupies an important position; as long as doing well on costing, the competitiveness of logistics enterprises will be significantly improved. Currently there are some problems existing in the costing work in logistics enterprises, and these problems seriously affect...
Proceedings Article

Persomalized recommendation system K-neighbor algorithm optimization

Huanming Wang, Ge Yu
This paper mainly discussed the recommended userbased collaborative filtering algoeithm. from the modeling system to generate recommeded to do a detailed discussion of the results, and pointed out the problems in the K-nearest neighbors algorithm. Proposed to the K-nearest neighbors algorithm improvement...

Research on the Application of Computer Aided English Teaching

Huahong Rao
With the rapid development of education and teaching the theory of improvement and development of science and technology, the combination of the two is also constantly play a role in teaching. From the initial electronic courseware, to teaching software, to customize the learning platform, all reflect...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Interference Suppression Algorithm Based on Irregular Wavelet Packet Transform in DSSS Satellite Communication System

Yanghui Tong, Fangjun Liu, Daoxing Guo, Heng Wang
In recent year, the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technology has been introduced as an attractive approach to guarantee anti-interference capability in satellite communication system. However, due to the limitation of the DSSS, the system performance has been greatly deteriorated while a strong...
Proceedings Article

Overall budget management in construction engineering budget management

Jianxin Li
Comprehensive budget management is refers to the use of budget of enterprise internal departments and units involved a variety of financial and non-financial resources allocation, assessment, control, easy and effective for the production and operation activities of the enterprise organization and coordination,...
Proceedings Article

Neural networks applicated in computer network security evaluation and reliability analysis

Jinping Zhao
Computer network in the information age is undoubtedly an important bearing basis, it has become an important guarantee for the healthy functioning of all walks of life, in this context of computer network security has been the concern of the community. Computer networks in the development process its...

Legal Regulation of the Advertising Blocking Feature-A Chinese Perspective

Lanfang Fei, Peng Zhou
Ad blocking tools have become part of the unfair competition debate in China. Leading Chinese online video companies have initiated several lawsuits against Web browsers and software developers that provide add-ons or similar tools that let people avoid advertisements. Chinese courts have taken a strong...
Proceedings Article

Establishment of Supply And Demand Match Indicators for Taxi Resource

Yilin Song
With the coming of “Internet +” era, drops a taxi, Uber and other companies rely on mobile Internet software to establish a taxi service platform, and achieve information exchange between the passengers and the drivers. Aiming at this phenomenon, based on in the history data in a certain period at designated...
Proceedings Article

Finance Planning In The University Using Information Methodology "Aris"

I.E. Nikulina, E.A. Ershova, A.A. Tarabanovsky, A.A. Zemtsov
To organize an effective system of financial planning of autonomous educational institution of higher education it is required to use special planning and control procedures which are drawn up using the author's techniques. These procedures allow to optimize the process of financial planning and the...
Proceedings Article

Research of multi component response characteristics of array antenna source transient electromagnetic tunnel detection

Jianlei Guo, Xiu Li
Water channel detection has become the focus and difficulty of tunnel detection because of needing a higher resolution. We put forward the array antenna source transient electromagnetic tunnel detection method on the basis of radar array antenna. Firstly, it verifies that the array antenna source has...
Proceedings Article

Research on Temperature Control System Based on Three-Dimensional Fuzzy-Control

Bin Zhang
A temperature control system based on three-dimensional fuzzy-control is therefore proposed to cope with the problems of time-variation, nonlinear and uncertainty about underground environmental parameter. The precisely controlled variables are three-dimensional falsification, the design of the control...
Proceedings Article

Mechanical Simulation of Multi-rope Hoisting System based on Recurdyn

Ren Jianlei, Li Jishun, Yang Fang, Chen Jie
By using virtual prototype technology, and the multi body dynamics simulation Recurdyn successfully created a multi rope winding hoisting system model. In view of wire rope hoisting system as one of the most important parts, through the finite element method successfully established the wire rope model.The...

Portfolio Assessment to Enhance Students' Achievement in Learning Physical Education

Komarudin Komarudin
Students' achievement in learning physical education has always been measured using traditional assessment. The assessment, however is considered partial as it can only assess a few parts of the whole learning activity. It usually results in the outcome without considering the learning processes. Portfolio...

Twitter of Jokowi: Analyzing President's Social Network

Nurul Ichsani, Andi Subhan Amir
President Jokowi has highest number of followers on Twitter with 6.761.730 followers that implicates intensity of the interaction with his followers, as well as implicates number of social network that formed. This paper aims to determine the social network on President Jokowi's Twitter. Tweets of President...

Stock Recommendation: Key Steps and Applied Models

Ziwen Chen
It is common to select stocks for constructing a portfolio; however, not all investors understand how to evaluate stocks. Investing in a stock requires investors to understand the company by inspecting the company’s financial reports and announcements; also, investors need to be prudent to make a bid....
Proceedings Article

Couvade Syndrome and Health Status of The First Trimester of Primigravida

Tutu April Ariani
The Couvade Syndrome refers to physichal symptoms of varying intensity and severity experienced by expectant father. Many husbands who experience physical symptoms during pregnancy of the partner. This situation sometimes referred as Couvade Syndrome (Fathering). Anxiety of the husband when facingprimigravida...

Exploration of Enterprise Oriented Application Oriented Information Technology Talents Training

Kai Xiong, Kai Mao, Xuanchang Zhou
This paper introduces the characteristics and specific implementation process of enterprise orientation in the training of applied information technology talents. This paper analyzes the influence of two aspects of undergraduate teaching and college students' scientific research on the effect of talent...

Research on Campus Emergencies Management of Private Universities in New Media Era

Zhao Yan
With the development of information technology, a variety of new media emerge in an endless stream and is widely used for college students. The new media is not only changing the way of information dissemination, but also playing an important role in the dissemination of public opinion of university...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Spatial Distribution of Government Venture Capital Based on Location Entropy

Chang Guo
In recent years, under the new normal economy, the government guide the main forms of venture investment funds in China fund scale expands unceasingly, this article from the government according to the present conditions of exploration and development of venture investment fund, using location entropy...

The Equilibrium Analysis of Consumption and Imports of Soybean in Indonesia

Hasdi Aimon, Melti Roza Adry, Zul Azhar
This article aims to explain the influence and equilibrium of soybean price, per capita income and soybean import to soybean consumption in short and long terms in Indonesia. In addition, the effect and equilibrium of real exchange rate, per capita income and soybean consumption to soybean import in...
Proceedings Article

On the Relation between Solar and Global Volcanic Activities

Dhani Herdiwijaya, Johan Arif, M. Zamzam Nurzaman
Solar activities eject high energetic particles, instead of electromagnetic radiation. The well-know solar activity main indicator is the existence of sunspot which has mean variation in 11 years, named by solar cycle. Solar activities are related to the space weather affecting all planets atmospheric...
Proceedings Article

Attitude Stabilization of a Quadrotor Helicopter Using Brushless Motors

Xiaorong Wang, Suoli Guo, Mengxuan Guo, Lining Tan
Control system design of quadrotor helicopters with accurate actuator modeling is an important practical design problem that many previous works did not consider. In particular, most actuators of such vehicles are brushless motors, which are hardly controlled without accurate dynamical models. In order...

Android Technology-Based Educative Games for Children with Intellectual Disability: A Case Study at Yayasan Peduli Kasih Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

Masruroh, Fedela L. Maliki, Sawitri R. Hadiati, Tuti Budirahayu
The mental age of children with Intellectual Disability (ID) is lower than their chronological age. They have limited ability to memorize something. Therefore, it is difficult for them to learn how to read, particularly in recognizing letters and spelling words. The use of appropriate technology and...

Different Response of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase in two Assimilating Organs of Hedysarum Scoparium on Increasing Soil Water Stress

Jiajia Wang, Congxia Hu, Chunmei Gong
A typical desert shrub species, Hedysarum scoparium (C3 plant) with green rachis, was analyzed on phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) for considering increasing soil water stress as a probable driving factor to affect assimilation of plant in arid areas. The samples were planted in cultivation plots...

The Need for the Incorporation of Ergonomics into Curriculum of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Teacher/Trainer Professionalization

Mustapha Chedi Jamilu
Ergonomics has to do with maximizing user’s/worker’s comfort, safety and health, productivity and efficiency while in the other hand Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) concern with knowledge, skills, attitude, and occupation. Ergonomics is yet to have the recognition it deserves in...
Proceedings Article

Experimental Research on Modulus of Elasticity with the Ultrasound Measurement Method

Yanxia Wang, Hai Yun, Tiantian Sun, Qinghui Shang, Xiaomin Ma
Modulus of elasticity is an important mechanical parameter that characterizes elastic property of materials. In the process of engineering mechanic learning, modulus of elasticity of materials is mainly measured by electrical measurement method. But electrical measurement method requires students being...

An Empirical Study of High-frequency Trading Risk Regulation —Based on the CSI 300 Index Data

Ge Song, Guo JianFeng
In recent years, high-frequency trading as a frontier and hot issues of modern finance, has attended much attention in china. At 11:05, August 16, 2013, Shanghai index moved up sharply, with the grail increasing more than 5% in one minute. The highest index was reported 2198.85. Media call this event...

Research on Optimization of Time Concept and Management Strategy of Post-90s University Students

Yuhang Wang
The time concept of Post-90s university students is established on their recognition of characteristics of learning in university. This concept shows their pursuit of what is better for learning as the pursuit of value. They construct their individual time framework in accordance with public and institutional...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Improved Degree of Grey Incidence of the Coal Industry Production and the Coal Transportation in Shanxi Province

Mao-lin Wang, Zheng-jun Ren, Xiaosu Yin, Shan Lu
The basic situation of the coal industry production in Shanxi province was studied in this paper, and the transportation of coal in Shanxi province which was divided into the highway freight and the railway freight was studied. Then, the analysis method of synthetic degree of grey incidence was improved...

Evaluating the Implication of Open Badges in an Open Learning Environment to Higher Education

Xiaoxing Ma
MOOC failed to disrupt higher education, because MOOC only able to provide unmatched price only to expose you to a world-class professors, they do not provide a formal university degree. Now open badge which is electronic certification can indicate the learner has the specific skills and knowledge, and...
Proceedings Article

Maintenance and Reinforcement Design of Relics Steel Arch Bridge

Shuai Yuan, Weizhen Chen
Many domestic steel structure urban bridges built in the last century have been maintained and strengthened in succession because of reaching their design working life. These old bridges have the triple function of historical culture, human landscape and transportation. The maintenance and reinforcement...