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188759 articles

Research and Practice on the Teaching Mode of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” in Vocational Colleges Based on the Integration of Specialty and Innovation -- A Case Study of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture Group

Fei Nie, Ying Li
Under the background of education reform, vocational colleges in China have also realized the reform of teaching methods, which has provided a large number of high-quality technical talents for national construction. Nowadays, the teaching mode of “innovation and entrepreneurship” has gradually become...

Singaporean Identity Through Singaporean Eyes: A Cultural Study of the Instagram Account Humans of Singapore

Balqis Az Zahra, Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih
Singapore has always been a hot spot for studies of multiracialism. Singapore’s multiculturalism is so significant to the city that multiculturalism is the bedrock of government rules and policies defining what it is to be a Singaporean. However, cultural studies of representations of multiracialism...

Prefabricated Housing Business Strategy for Dummies

Yofangga Rayson, Ningky Sasanti Munir
Rapid technological developments have changed many things in the construction industry, particularly in the development methods. One technologies that gives a considerable influence in this industry is a prefabricated system, where the building components have been produced previously in the factory...

Teaching Music Based on Student’s Culture in Elementary School

Ardipal, Fuji Astuti, Dewi Pebriyanti
Researches on music education for young learners are generally uncorrelated with children’s culture due to the separation between music education and the culture embodied in it. This study aims to investigate 1) children’s cultures, 2) adult’s arts and cultures, 3) roles of art education in shaping children’s...

The Status and Resolution Mechanism of Environmental Brief Introduction and Countermeasures of Environmental Public Interest Litigation

Hongfei Xu
In recent years, while China’s economy is developing at a high speed, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious. Problems such as air pollution and water pollution are emerging one after another, causing serious social problems. Environmental governance is imminent. Therefore, China revised...

Legal Protection of Safety and Health of Workers

Joupy G. Z. Mambu, Sam J. R. Saroinsong
This research belongs to the category of normative research, which is conducted by examining library materials or secondary data. In ways of effort to protect occupational safety and health, the establishment of regulations is firstly intended to ensure occupational safety and health. Occupational Health...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Exercise Method and Achievement Motivation on Basket Dribling Skills

Prisca Widiawati
The aimed of this study is to determine the effect of structured and play training methods and achievement motivation on basketball dribbling skills. This research was conducted at Basketball Club Athletes. This type of research is an experiment using a 2x2 treatment by level design. The population of...

Analysis of Problem in Utilizing School Laboratories in the Chemistry Learning

Jofrishal, Haris Munandar
School laboratory facilities are one of the supporting facilities in the teaching and learning process. Laboratory conditions must be the suitability with the standards set by the government. The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem of the students in laboratory use in chemistry learning....

A Controversial Right: Study on the Ambiguity of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

Jie Li, Zhongni Zeng
While the Second Amendment remains an essential constitutional basis for the gun rights in America, its ambiguity has led to different interpretations of gun rights, thus making gun rights controversial in American society. Focusing on this unique ambiguity, this paper analyses its manifestations in...

Chinese in a Pandemic: TikTok as a Window Into Chinese People’s Lives During COVID-19

Siwen Lu
TikTok, a popular short video app in China, played a significant role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Offering a window into people’s daily lives against this traumatic background, TikTok was used as a research site in this study to figure out how Chinese people manifested their experiences and feelings....

The Use of Digital Technologies in the Activities of Higher Educational Institutions is the Basis of the Industrial Future of the Territories

Irina Zhukovskaya, Svetlana Begicheva
This article shows that in the modern period, the development of the regional economy is unthinkable without the training of highly qualified personnel. Higher education institutions, which in the modern period are based on the use of digital technological solutions, are of great importance in the training...

On the Discretization of the Coupled Integrable Dispersionless Equations

Luc Vinet, Guo-Fu Yu
Pages: 106 - 125
We study the integrable discretization of the coupled integrable dispersionless equations. Two semi-discrete version and one full-discrete version of the system are given via Hirota's bilinear method. Soliton solutions for the derived discrete systems are also presented.
Proceedings Article

Identification of Giant Calotrope (Calotropis Gigantea) in Alue Naga and Ulee Lheu Coast Using Combination Method of Infrared Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis

T Karma, Muslem, G M Idroes, Athaillah, R Suhendra, E Suhartono, Z Helwani, R Idroes, Khairan, S Azhari, D S Ningsih
This research aimed to identify giant calotrope leaf (Calotropis gigantea) originated from Alue Naga and Ulee Lheu coast using combination method of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). FTIR spectra analyzed with PCA to identify the effect of the treatments...
Proceedings Article

Probability of Correct Decision–Making at Triggering of Load–Shifting, Intended for Low CO2 Intensity and Low EEX Trading Prices via Simple Grid Frequency Monitoring

Stefan Krauter, Lin Zhang
To provide a simple control signal to operate residential Load–Shifting or Demand–Side–Management, the monitoring of actual grid frequency seems to be an appropriate method. Due to the present inflexibility and the lack of sufficient throttling capabilities of residual lignite and nuclear power plants,...

Volga Federal District: Trends in Technological Development

Natalia Kuzminykh, Oxana Kazakova, Liliya Valinurova, Venera Timiryanova
This paper aims to investigate trends in the technological development of Russian regions using a combined approach that integrates resource-, process- and efficiency-based views. The proposed approach can be used to characterise regional development both in its static and dynamic aspects, in particular...

Online Language Learning via Moodle and Microsoft Teams: Students’ Challenges and Suggestions for Improvement

Tu Phung Ngoc, Luong Thi Kim Phung
Although technology has long been integrated into EFL classes and blended learning has achieved immense popularity, fully online language learning is still a novel approach in the Vietnamese context. Besides its obvious benefits, this learning mode also poses considerable challenges. This study explores...

Developing E-learning Module by Using Telegram Bot on ICT for ELT Course

Rasyidah Nur Aisyah, Dewi Masitho Istiqomah, Muhammad Muchlisin
Pre-service teachers who are taking undergraduate education after graduating will face generation z students, where students are already facing the 21st century and gadgets have become their playmates. Using gadgets that only for playing games and social media has been deemed less useful. It needs to...

Humanitarian Interventions in the Light of the Principles of Peaceful Coexistence of States

Sergii Kuznichenko, Volodymyr Piadyshev
Among the means of influencing some states to others, force operations are increasingly used under the slogan of protecting the population of the latter from numerous human rights violations. Their authors and actors call these operations “humanitarian interventions”. However, there are still no clear...

The Use of Slang on EFL Students’ Instagram Statuses

Do They Perceive It Essential?

Eliya Kurniati, Rusfandi
Slangs are commonly associated with informal ways of communication and used both in direct and indirect conversations, such as to communicate and express emotions on social media like Instagram. The question is how the use of slang may support and help improve students’ EFL learning through social media...

Dictionary Learning Approach to Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drivetrain Bearings

Sergio Martin-del-Campo, Fredrik Sandin, Daniel Strömbergsson
Pages: 106 - 121
Condition monitoring is central to the efficient operation of wind farms due to the challenging operating conditions, rapid technology development, and a large number of aging wind turbines. In particular, predictive maintenance planning requires the early detection of faults with few false positives....

The Current Status and Enlightenment of Legal Regulation of Artificial Reproduction After Death in China and Foreign Countries

Ying Tan, Xingxing Tao, Huachao Deng, Yue Zhang, Ni Qi, Ya Zhang, Yajing Luo, Ziyi Lin, Yuqing Zhang
Artificial reproduction after death is a special social phenomenon with the development of modern assisted reproductive technology. It not only changed the traditional mode of birth, but also had a great impact on the modern legal system and social ethics. By using comparative research method and case...

Innovation of Surabaya City Government in the Public Service Sector: Study of Command Center 112

Ramaditya Rahardian, Devie Afrianto
Public policies and services are a product of the state administration with the purpose to create convenience and prosperity for the wider general public. On the other hand, the effects of globalization in this fast-moving decade also require a government to always make innovation both in terms of policy...

The Roles of the Brooding and Reflective Subtypes of Rumination on Psychological Distress in First-Year Undergraduates at the Universitas Indonesia

Hepinda Fajari Nuharini, Sugiarti A. Musabiq
First-year undergraduate university students can experience psychological distress as they transition to a new life with high levels of academic, social, and emotional pressures. Longitudinal studies have found that psychological distress in the first year of college life can lead to continued distress...

Online Internet Influencers: Reshaping the Digital Business in Cosmetics Industry in China

Feixiao Xin
With the maturity of e-commerce in China, live streaming, which leads the lastest trend of e-commerce, has now become a “go-to” option for customers.The media and the audience are no longer completely independent with the development of this new era.The audience will have the right to choose the media,...

Why Do Anti-Corruption Institutions Work or Do Not Work

Valery Alekseevich Glazyrin
Corruption is no longer terra incognito. The work emphasizes that scientific research has accumulated a significant amount of knowledge about corruption; there are extensive anti-corruption international legislation, national legal acts and diverse experience of their practical application in different...

The Students Group Detection Based on the Learning Styles and Clustering Algorithms

Yu.Yu. Dyulicheva, Ye.A. Kosova
The approach to automatically student groups detection based on Honey and Mumford’s questionnaire and index of learning styles questionnaire with the help of clustering methods are proposed in the paper. The methodology of our research consists of the following stages: 1) the evaluation optimal number...

Research on the Application of the Sharing Economy Model Based on “Internet +” in the Field of Higher Education in China

Meng Yuan, Yu Li
Under the background of “Internet +”, the sharing of educational resources in higher education can effectively solve the problems in the process of popularization of higher education in China. This paper takes the sharing of higher education resources as the entry point, and analyses the application...

Simulation-Based Project Model for Pre-Service Teacher Teaching and Learning

Titis Angga Rini, Puri Selfi Cholifah, Ni Luh Sakinah Nuraini
This development research aims to develop a teaching simulation project teaching model for learning and teaching preservice teacher-student in teaching practice. This learning innovation is motivated by the implementation of learning simulations generally carried out by teaching with role-playing with...

The Cost-Effectiveness of Export of Educational Services in Russian Universities

Elena Dorokhova, Yulia Rastopchina, Olesya Pishalchenko, Ekaterina Dorokhova
Although Russia has a strong educational potential, its share in the market of educational services is insignificant. This article analyzes the structure of income from the export of Russian educational services. The article provides calculations of the economic effect of the export of educational services,...

The Group-Theoretical Analysis of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems with Hamiltonian Formalism

Gülden Gün Polat, Teoman Özer
Pages: 106 - 129
In this study, we pay attention to novel explicit closed-form solutions of optimal control problems in economic growth models described by Hamiltonian formalism by utilizing mathematical approaches based on the theory of Lie groups. For this analysis, the Hamiltonian functions, which are used to define...

Meromorphic and formal first integrals for the Lorenz system

Kaiyin Huang, Shaoyun Shi, Wenlei Li
Pages: 106 - 121
The Lorenz system x˙=σ(y−x), y˙=rx−y−xz, z˙=−βz+xy, is completely integrable with two functional independent first integrals when σ = 0 and β, r arbitrary. In this paper, we study the integrability of the Lorenz system when σ, β, r take the remaining values. For the case of σβ ≠ 0, we consider the...

Language Politeness in Syair Nasihat as a Representation of Sufi Da’wah Strategies

Asep Yudha Wirajaya, Bani Sudardi, Istadiyantha, Warto
The wujudiyah tragedy in Aceh in the 18th century had resulted in fundamental changes in Sufi teaching patterns. The murshids were very careful in rewriting the concepts of divinity. It is not uncommon for murshids to use symbolic poetry as a form of their politeness in representing God. In other words,...

Innovation of Traditional Methods of Psychologism in P. Merimee’s and M. Kotsyubynskyi’s Short Stories

Anna Mureyko
“Transitional” periods in the literature, characterized by rapid changes in the socio-political and spiritual-cultural spheres, determine a new vision of person, emphasizing person’s inner complexity and versatility. Such situation stimulates the search for innovative methods of psychologism. In the...

A Brief Discussion on the Causes of Enterprise Merger and Acquisition Failure

Taking Wanda Group’s Acquisition of Legendary Pictures as an Example

Liu Jiaxin
In the past 20 years, with the development of economic globalization, the trend of mergers and acquisitions among enterprises has been significantly strengthened. Various types of enterprises are carrying out horizontal, vertical or cross-field strategic mergers and acquisitions, hoping to seize market...
Proceedings Article

Milk Production and Milk Income Over Feed Cost of Dairy Cow Fed Fermented Cassava, Tabut Block, and Concentrate Containing Curcuma xanthorhiza and Yeast

E. Sulistyowati, Jarmuji, S. Mujiharjo, Irnad, D. D. Listiono, T. Supriadi
The objective of this research was to evaluate four diets that were applied in lactating dairy cows. The diests were forage and rice bran (RB), forage and a combination of fermented cassava (1.7kg/d) and C. xanthorhiza liquid (0.7kg/d) (FCC), forage and Tabut block (6 blocks/d) (TB), and forage and lactating...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Resources of Katingan Cattle and Effort to Conserve at the Time in Katingan District, Central Kalimantan

Bambang Ngaji Utomo, Ermin Widjaja
Katingan cattle in Central Kalimantan is unique and they were kept only by Dayak community. Local people (Dayak) were often mentioned by the name of the local cattle, but some of call it is Itah cattle or Helu cattle (ancient cattle). Portrait information of Katingan Cattle were obtained through interviews...

The Effect of Due Professional Care, Integrity, Confidentiality, and Independence on Audit Quality

An Insight of East-Java Auditors in Indonesian During Pandemic

Dwirezki Octaviani, Jaswadi, Kurnia Ekasari
This study aimed to analyze the effect of due professional care, integrity, confidentiality, and independence on audit quality. Moreover, define the most required topic of advanced professional training related to increase the professionalism of auditor which was appropriate in this pandemic. The object...

Commonalities and Differences Between the Chinese Quantifier “Zhang” and the Japanese Quantifier “Mei” in Cognitive Category

Menghan Tian
In Chinese, “Zhang”(张) is used as a quantifier to describe flat objects, which is similar to the quantifier “Mei”(枚). Besides, they have many other different usages. Summarizing the commonalities and differences from the modified objects, it is found that they have similar categorization principles,...

Study on the Decoration Culture of Paper Cuttings and Decals of Ceramics in Jizhou Kiln

Huiming Pan
Paper cuttings and decals are one of the unique craft of ceramic decoration in Jizhou Kiln. Previous studies only focused on the decorative forms and styles of paper cuttings and decals, but didn’t study the reasons for the formation of such unique decorative forms and styles. Therefore, this article...

The Teacher’s Efforts to Train a Small Percentage of Unemployed Student’s Self-sufficiency in Facing a Normal New Life in SLB C Pertiwi Ponorogo

Defi Firmansah, Hari Guswantoro, Neri Wijayanti, Syarifah
Each child needs an education that matches his physical and psychological circumstances. Special needs children require special care to get the education their needs. For the special needs of the tunagrahita, the most important education is to exercise their independence, such as the ability to clean...

The Influence of Reciprocal Learning Model on Mathematics Learning Achievement of Grade X Students at SMAN 1 Tinambung

Ahmad Nurdiansyah, Wahyuni, Rusli, Rahmat Syam, Reski Amaliyah, Amran Yahya
This study is experimental research using the quasi-experimental design. This study aims to describe mathematics learning achievement of students taught by using reciprocal learning model is higher than using conventional learning model. This research was conducted in SMAN 1 Tinambung. The populations...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Management System as a Tool to Improve Corporate Sustainability Performance in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia

Erwin, Dodi Wirawan Irawanto
The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Indonesia is marked with tough competition that requires the relevant parties in this industry to implement integrated management systems. Despite the case, only around 50% of the largest 15 pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia have been implementing this...

The Message of Plurality on The Chinese New Year News in Indonesia’s Cyber Media

Riris Loisa, Roswita Oktavianti
After the Reformation, a number of mass media began to raise the issues related to the ethnic Chinese or Chinese Indonesian. It mainly discussed after the fourth Indonesian President, Abdurrahman Wahid, endorsed Confucianism an official religion of the Indonesian population. Celebrations of Chinese/Lunar...
Conference Abstract


Telmo Pereira, Ema Paulino, Mariana Rosa, Ana Pinto, Maria Teixeira, Patrícia Soares, Sofia Maximiano, Johannes Risse, Sonja Gose
Pages: 107 - 108
Objective: The ASINPHAR@2action programme aims at raising awareness to early vascular ageing (EVA) through a community-based intervention. This preliminary analysis is focused on the analysis of the proportion of participants with abnormal arterial stiffness (AS) and the definition of its main determinants. Design...
Conference Abstract


Thomas Weber, Siegfired Wasserheurer, James Sharman, Cristina Giannatasio, Piotr Jankowski, Yan Li, Alessandro Maloberti, Barry Mcdonnell, Carmel McEniery, Maria Lorenza Muisan, Janos Nemcsik, Anna Paini, Enrique Rodilla, Ian Wilkinson, Robert Zweiker, Athanase Protogerou
Pages: 107 - 107
Background: Wave reflection parameters predict cardiovascular events, but 24-hour profiles in large samples of healthy adults are unknown. Methods: In 1645 individuals free from antihypertensive drugs from 11 centers in Europe and Asia, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring with a validated oscillometric...
Conference Abstract


Anish Bhuva, Thomas Treibel, Georgia Doumou, Antonio De Marvao, Carlo Biffi, Timothy Dawes, Siana Jones, Declan O’Regan, James Moon, Alun Hughes, Charlotte Manisty
Pages: 107 - 107
Background: The ventricle in aortic stenosis (AS) is influenced by both valvular and vascular factors. The importance of afterload on left ventricular (LV) remodeling is not completely understood. Traditional imaging techniques which rely on geometric assumptions may not assess regional remodeling accurately. Aim:...