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188759 articles

Discussion on the MCU Course Reform Based on the Cultivation of Students’ Innovation Ability

Hong Guo, Hanjing Cui
This paper combined with the teaching reform and practice of “Single-chip microcomputer Principle and Application” course for electrical majors in colleges and universities, puts forward a new single-chip microcomputer course teaching system based on cultivating students’ ability of innovation and entrepreneurship,...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Civil Service Management Information System and Archives in Optimizing Sustainable Development Goals in Glonggong Village, Dolopo, Madiun

Gading Gamaputra, Arzetya Fitri Karimah, Isnaini Fitria Effendi, Naufal Hanif Ramadhan, Laskar Intifada Syaifullah
The purpose of this research was to determine the management of personnel data in Glonggong Village using the Civil Service Management Information System and Archives application which will make it easier for employees to manage personnel data and familiarize employees with using applications in managing...

Generation Z and Cyberspace: The Challenge of Environmental Development in Indonesia

Fadhiilatun Nisaa, Wan Asrida, Wazni Azwar, Ali Yusri, Adlin Adlin
Environmental awareness of Generation Z is interesting to be researching for supporting sustainable development. Generation Z (GenZ) was born between 1997 – 2012, has a character that likes technology, is flexible and tolerant of cultural differences. Generation Z is globally connected and networked...
Proceedings Article

Educational Tourism of Cave: Where Literature and Geology Meet

Ferdinal, Hamdi Rifai, Siti Zulaikah, Dini Fitriani
Although art scholars are primarily concerned with instruction, one of literature’s fundamental purposes, it may also be appropriate for non-art scholars, such as geological scientists. Geology lessons can be taught using literature, such as cave exploration. An alternate strategy for bringing people...
Proceedings Article

Variations in the peak growing season NDVI in the Mongolian permafrost zones

Purevdulam Yondonrentsen, Saruulzaya Adiya, Batzorig Batbold
The main purpose of this study is to clarify the long-term changes in vegetation and the relationship between NDVI and climate parameters in three different areas of the permafrost zones of Mongolia. We selected a total of 135 study sites in Munkhkhairkhan, Ulaanbaatar, and Bayanzurkh in the permafrost...

Instructional Leadership in Elementary School: An Explanatory Study

Wildansyah Lubis, Rosmala Dewi, Nindy Ayu Pristanti, Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe, Gaffar Hafiz Sagala
This paper aims to analyze the application of instructional leadership in elementary schools. Instructional leadership analysis uses Stronge et al. [1]; Philip Hallinger [2]; Leithwood and Seashore-Louis [3] theoretical framework, which refers to four key dimensions, namely: 1) The meaning of the school’s...

The Skill Readiness for Energy Prosumer Behavior at the Household Level

Adriana Grigorescu, Cristina Lincaru
On the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development context, International Renewable Energy Agency (I.R.E.N.A., 2020) highlighted that renewable energy (RE) has proven more resilient than fossil fuels. Solar energy presents the highest potential, the individual consumer at the household level, could decide...

Optimum Placement of Battery Energy Storage Systems and Solar PV Units in Distribution Networks Using Gravitational Search Algorithm

Preetham Goli, Srikanth Yelem, Kiran Jasthi, Srinivasa Rao Gampa, D. Das
This paper proposes the optimum sizing and placement of photovoltaic (PV) units and battery energy storage systems using the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) to minimize the burden on the substation. The solar PV units are allocated for daytime peak load reduction and the evening load is compensated...
Proceedings Article

QRCode Recognition on Flutter Framework Mobile Application Implemented on Entrance Security System

Rosa Andrie Asmara, Rizky Putra Pradhana Budiman, Mungki Astiningrum, Brian Sayudha, Anik Nur Handayani, Cahya Rahmad
As the advancement of technologies becomes more progressive and efficient, State Polytechnic of Malang would like to start digitalizing most of the student attendance system by using mobile-based QR code scanning for student identification. They aim to improve their student attendance system to be more...

Live Worksheets Impact: Unveiling Junior High Students’ Perception and Reading Achievement Nexus

Lintang Nimas Primaningtyas, Yuli Astutik, Fitria Eka Wulandari, Saltanat Meiramova
This study aims to determine the correlation between students’ perceptions of Live Worksheets and their reading achievement in a private school in Sidoarjo. In this study, the researchers used the correlation research method. For data collection, the researchers used a Likert scale questionnaire, and...

Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Video Games for Encouraging Physical Exercise: A Review and Theoretical Framework

Aoran Li, Ian Chai, Kok-Why Ng
The goal of this literature survey is to evaluate whether Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) holds promise as a tool for encouraging greater amounts and higher quality forms of physical exercise in the context of video exergames. DDA is an algorithm that tracks player performance and modifies gameplay...

Javanese Language Politeness in Novel Prasetyane Wanita by Tulus Setiyadi

Nur Fateah, Riska Putri Mardiyani
Language politeness is a person's attitude or way of respecting others when communicating, politeness can be seen through literary works, namely novels. This study aims to (1) describe the principles of language politeness contained in the dialogue between characters in the novel Prasetyane Wanita,...
Proceedings Article

Mesoscopic Numerical Analysis of Concrete Damage Based on Random Aggregate Model

Yawei Li, Lei Tian
Concrete is defined as a three-phase composite material consisting of aggregate, mortar matrix, and interfacial transition zone (ITZ). To investigate the influence of various phases on the strength and damage of concrete, this research constructs a two-dimensional random aggregate model of concrete based...
Proceedings Article

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Analysis for the Identification of Antifungal and Antioxidant in Tobacco Waste Extracts

Mega Desy Safitri, Wagiman Wagiman, Jumeri Jumeri
Tobacco waste (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is the final product produced by the tobacco industry. Tobacco waste contains the same potential bioactive compounds as tobacco leaves. Tobacco waste can be processed into environmentally friendly biopesticides because it contains bioactive compounds with antifungal...

The Impact of Tiktok Shop Policy Dynamics to The Micro-Small-Medium-Sized Enterprises Sustainability

Melly Maulin Puwaningwulan, Tine Agustin Wulandari, Niluh Ayu Anggaswari
TikTok is a social media platform that offers a variety of video content for its users to enjoy. This video content serves as the foundation for business owners to create or present advertisements that they wish to disseminate. TikTok expanded the business industry through TikTok Shop to be an online...
Proceedings Article

Weight of Evidence and Information Value on Support Vector Machine Classifier

M Dika Saputra, Zahroatul Fitria, Bagus Sartono, Evi Ramadhani, Alfian Futuhul Hadi
In building a classification model, variables containing low predictive information are sometimes used. This can increase the bias on classification. Weight of Evidence (WoE) and Information Value (IV) provide a good theoretical foundation to explore, filtering, and transforming variables in binary classification....
Proceedings Article

Flood Vulnerability Analysis on Paddy Fields Using the Spatial Multi-criteria Evaluation Method: A Case Study of Bantul Regency-Indonesia

Sulistiawan Fajar Nugroho, Anindya Hias Bestari, Azizah Nurkhalifah, Yadug Restuaji, Andung Bayu Sekaranom
Bantul Regency is one of the areas with highest agricultural productivity in Yogyakarta Province-Indonesia, particularly for paddy fields. This region is also vulnerable to floods, which has negative impacts on the local community, particularly farmers. This study aims to determine the level of flood...

Overseas Integration Condition and Strategies of Young Chinese Students

Qingni Sheng
This study expands and tests the culture shock model of Oberg (1960), using 10 high school students from three countries as samples to study college students. Through path analysis (semi-structured in-depth interviews) to understand the impact of cultural differences, language and learning, social media...

Mathematics Learning Media and the Need for Montessori Media Development for Students with Mild Mental Retardation in Class IV at SLB Makassar City

Isa Bela Islami, Gunarhadi Gunarhadi, Sri Yamtinah
This research is motivated by problems in children with mild mental retardation 4th graders at SLB Makassar city who still do not understand basic mathematical concepts in calculating addition. This study aims to determine the needs of mathematics learning media to find out the learning media used in...

Managing Career Development and Discipline as Performance Improvement Factors

Jasmine Balqis Syarahil, Ratri Wahyuningtyas
Introduction/Main Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of career development and work discipline on the performance of PT Biro Arsitek and Insinjur Sangkuriang employees. Background of the Problem: Based on research at PT Biro Arsitek and Insinjur Sangkuriang, the performance fluctuations...

Organizational and Financial Aspects of Enterprise Sustainable Development

Gaukhar Kodasheva, Asel Kayipkulova, Nadezhda Piontkevich, Ekaterina Shatkovskaya
Currently, enterprises operate under the influence of numerous and varied factors of the external and internal environment. Enterprises are forced to react to these influences and take them into account in the planning process and further implementation of their activities. Ensuring sustainable development...

Propaganda “Kolonisatie” of The Dutch Colonial Government

The Migration Program for The Population Out of Java in The Early 20th Century

Purwanto Putra
This study will discuss various propaganda efforts to succeed colonization as one of the programs of the Dutch colonial government in the early 20th century in the context of moving some of the population of Java to other islands. The propaganda of colonization was the impact of ethical political policies...
Conference Abstract


Manoj kumar Choudhary, Arttu Eräranta, Antti J. Tikkakoski, Jenni Koskela, Elina Hautaniemi, Mika Kähönen, Jukka Mustonen, Ilkka Pörsti
Pages: 113 - 114
Background and Aim: Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is a primary risk factor for atherosclerosis, but it is also associated with elevated blood pressure (BP) and future development of hypertension. We examined the relationship between LDL-C and haemodynamic variables in normotensive and never-treated...
Conference Abstract


H.B. Beaussier, F.M. Michael, F.C. Coudore, M.B. Briet, S.P. Peyrard, M.A. Azizi, P.F.P. Plouin, S.L. Laurent, P.B. Boutouyrie, G.B. Bobrie
Pages: 113 - 114
Objective: We previously showed that sequential-nephron blockade (SNB) was more effective than combined renin angiotensin system blockade (RB) for controlling BP in patients with resistant hypertension (RH). We assessed medication adherence (MA) on the antihypertensive (AHT) response to SNB/RB with a...

Effectiveness of Video Series Tendances in Teaching French Speaking Skills

Ersy Veronita, Sonya Puspasari Suganda
This article discusses the effectiveness of video series media in textbooks Tendances in teaching French speaking skills. The research questions and the purposes of this study are to analyze the effectiveness of video series media in teaching French speaking skills and to gain understanding of the perceptions...
Conference Abstract


Yanina Timasheva, Vera Erdman, Timur Nasibullin, Ilsiyar Tuktarova, Olga Mustafina
Pages: 113 - 113
Background: Arterial hypertension is the main modifiable risk factor of cardiovascular disease. Inflammation and endothelial dysfunction contribute to arterial wall remodeling and blood pressure elevation, leading to the development of age-associated changes of cardiovascular system that limit the lifespan. Objectives:...
Conference Abstract


H.B. Beaussier, M.B. Briet, F.M. Michael, G.B. Bobrie, S.P. Peyrard, P.F.P. Plouin, S.L. Laurent, M.A. Azizi, P.B. Boutouyrie
Pages: 113 - 113
Objective: We have previously shown that combined renin-angiotensin system blockade (RB) was less effective than sequential-nephron blockade (SNB) for controlling BP in resistant hypertension (RH). Whether this is accompanied with an improvement in the mechanical properties of large arteries is unknown. Design...
Conference Abstract


Luiz Bortolotto, Nadja Mendes, Valeria Costa-Hong, Luiz Cesar
Pages: 113 - 113
Increased arterial stiffness and carotid artery Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) are associated with atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), but their correlation with the anatomic extent of atherosclerosis in hypertensive patients is not completely known. We aim to evaluate whether Pulse Wave...
Conference Abstract


R.M. Bruno, L. Ghiadoni, F. Stea, F. Faita, S. Taddei, S. Del Turco, L. Maffei, G. Tognoni, E. Picano, R. Sicari
Pages: 113 - 113
Aim: To evaluate vascular function and structure in subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods: 58 MCI and 22 controls (age 74±5vs75±4years, men 45vs59% p=ns) were recruited. Endothelial function in the brachial artery (BA) was studied by flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and response to glyceryl...

Implementation of Basic Education Policy in Central Mamuju District

Busdir Busdir, Muhammad Akmal Ibrahim, Badu Ahmad, Gita Susanti
This study aims to determine the implementation of basic education policies in Central Mamuju Regency. From an academic point of view, this researcher is expected to be useful for the development of Public Administration. This type of research is qualitative and the data analysis used is phenomenology...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Parking Areas at the Bintaro Market–Bekasi City

Dasa Aprisandi, Telly Rosdiyani
The problem with the Bintara Market is that there are many semi-permanent stalls in the parking lot, so that many visitors park their vehicles outside the market. There is a parking lot for motor bikes, usually passengers leave parking spaces owned by residents around the market which are managed privately...
Conference Abstract


Chiara Nardin, Kaisa Maki-Petaja, Yasmin Yasmin, Barry McDonnell, John R. Cockcroft, Ian B. Wilkinson, Carmel M. McEniery
Pages: 113 - 113
Background: The relationship between Blood Pressure (BP) and cardiovascular risk is continuous. Here, we examined haemodynamic characteristics across a range of BP categories, to determine kihaemodynamic mechanisms associated with early elevations of BP and whether these differ by gender. Methods: 2618...
Conference Abstract


R.M. Bruno, S. Armenia, G. Cartoni, K. Raimo, L. Carli, C. Tani, A. Della Rossa, S. Bombardieri, M. Mosca, S. Taddei, L. Ghiadoni
Pages: 113 - 113
Background: Systemic Lupus Erithematosus (SLE) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk and early vascular aging. The aim of the study was to evaluate aortic and carotid stiffness, central blood pressure (BP) and wave reflection in women with SLE, in order to identify whether different vascular...

Ethical Issues and Attribution of Gene Editing Technology

Rui Yang
Humans are in an era of high-tech development, a new era of biology based on genetic technology. Gene editing technology is a science and technology with broad application prospects and great development space, but it not only brings scientific and technological progress, but also causes a series of...

Offline recognition of degraded numeral characters with MMTD-based fuzzy classifiers

Weiqing Cheng, Long Hong, Shaobai Zhang
Pages: 113 - 120
Enabling machines to read like human beings has been a hot issue for more than fifty years. A novel offline degraded numeral recognition method (DNRBM) based on the measure of medium truth degree (MMTD) is proposed in this paper to identify segmented degraded numeral characters in gray images. It consists...

Measuring the Distance of Moving Objects from Big Trajectory Data

Khaing Phyo Wai, Nwe Nwe
Pages: 113 - 122
Location-based services have become important in social networking, mobile applications, advertising, traffic monitoring, and many other domains. The growth of location sensing devices has led to the vast generation of dynamic spatial-temporal data in the form of moving object trajectories which can...

Replicator Dynamics and Mathematical Description of Multi-Agent Interaction in Complex Systems

Vasyl V. Gafiychuk, Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
Pages: 113 - 122
We consider the general properties of the replicator dynamical system from the stanpoint of its evolution and stability. Vector field analysis as well as spectral properties of such system has been studied. A Lyaponuv function for the investigation of the evolution of the system has been proposed. The...

Factors Affecting the Capital Structure of Pharmaceutical - Medical Companies Listed on Vietnam’s Stock Exchanges

Nguyen Thi Ha THANH, Ho Linh TRANG
This paper investigates the determinants of the capital structure of pharmaceutical - medical companies listed on the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) over the period of 2016 - 2020 by deploying the capital structure theories combining Modigliani and Miller’s capital structure...

Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View

Fika Megawati, Nur Mukminatien, Niamika El Khoiri, Mirjam Anugerahwati
Although several studies have examined the challenges of teachers during Covid-19 pandemic, the area of student teacher context seems to be under-explored. Thus, the goal of this study is to explore Indonesian EFL student teachers’ perceptions regarding the barriers faced during teaching practice. Bringing...
Proceedings Article

Chemical Analysis and Microbial Population of Belacan Depik, Fermented Fish Product of Rasbora tawarensis

Eva Murlida, C. Nilda, Murna Muzaifa
Depik (Rasbora tawarensis) is a typical endemic fish of Lake Laut Tawar in Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia. Local people process depik fish into fresh, dried and fermented forms. Femented depik fish called belacan depik, which is one of favorite food by local community. However, research on the quality...

Policy on Criminalization of Defamation Offenses Through Electronic Media

Kukuh Dwi Kurniawan, Nu’man Aunuh, Yaris Adhial Fajrin
There is a significant increase in criminal acts of insult or defamation through social media, making many parties again doubt the existence of these offense arrangements in the Information and Electronic Transaction Law. Although since the Law was enacted in 2008 and revisions have been made including...

What Teaching Methods Can Be Used by piano Teachers to Improve Learning Outcomes of Child and Adult Beginners?

Shiran Du
The study has performed an investigation of the teaching methods that can be employed by piano teachers to improve the learning outcomes of children and adult beginners through a detailed literature review and method analysis. There are issues related to the motivation of young and adult beginners that...
Proceedings Article

Root Water Uptake Process for Different Types of Soil in Unsteady Infiltration from Periodic Trapezoidal Channels

Millatuz Zahroh, Imam Solekhudin
This study involves a non-linear partial differential equation known as Richard’s Equation. An unsteady infiltration from trapezoidal periodic irrigation channel with root-water uptake is considered as the problem. To solve the problem, A set of transformations, Kirchhoff transformation, dimensionless...

The Study on Mergers and Acquisitions of Listed Companies and Their Impairment Risks

Lei Xu, Ziyao Li
With the increasing number of listed companies in China in recent years, the wave of mergers and acquisitions has intensified, and the number of companies that generate huge amounts of goodwill has shown explosive growth. There are many examples that have suffered huge impairment losses of goodwill,...

Analysis and Existence of Electric Scooters as Vehicles in Indonesia: An Overview of Normative Law

Sunny Ummul Firdaus, Maria Madalina, Adhimas Fauzan, Avira Marchell
Current vehicle developments do not only focus on developing efficient vehicles, but also focus on creating environmentally friendly vehicles which are then known as green vehicles. One example of a green vehicle is the electronic scooter or electric scooter which has started to appear in Indonesia....