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188759 articles

The Internal Reconstruction of the Phonemes Proto Busoa Language

Asrul Nazar, Nadir La Djamudi, L.M. Azhar Sa’ban
As the language is endangered, language Busoa should the effort of documenting the language as a form of keeping the intellectual property of the ancestors. The purpose of this study was to determine the phonemes of proto-language Busoa. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative method with...

Application of Information Systems for Assessing the Level of Social Development to Optimize the Transition Process to the Digital Economy

N.A. Vinogradova, V.V. Matveev
The article considers the need and the possibility of using a system of indicators to assess the final results of the implementation of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation Program. The digital economy is largely virtual, intangible. But it is impossible without communication with the material...

Program Evaluation of Continuing Professional Development at Teacher Working Group

Zainuddin, Suryadi, Nurhatati Fuad
The aims of the study is to evaluate implemention of the continuing professional development program in Teacher Working Group at antecedent, transaction, and outcomes levels.The paper is an qualitative studi with Stkaes’ contienance evaluation model and contiuned in Teacher Working Group at Nort Jakarta...

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Financial Education for Students in Higher Education to Increase Financial Literacy (Case Study: Financial Planning Class in Maranatha Christian University)

Maya Malinda, Miki Tjandra, Asni Harianti, Olivia Vania Olius
Financial literacy is a term that is currently used in many papers about a person’s literacy in managing his / her finance. Someone is said to be financially literate when he or she is able to take advantage of financial institutions and manage his / her finance. The efforts to improve financial literacy,...

An Analysis of Guguak Manyambah Song Created by B. Andoeska in Minangkabau Song

DillaTriyanda Novera, Budiwirman
This research aims to determine the results of the analysis of the Guguak Manyambah Song relate to the rhythm, melody, harmony, form, expression and relationship of melody with the song lyric. The type of the research is a qualitative research with a descriptive content analysis approach. The informant...

Hedonic Motives and Fashion Trends in Decisions to Purchase Veil Clothes

Intisari Haryanti, Herry Nurdin, Ita Purnama, Khas Sukma Mulya, Nafisah Nurulrahmatiah
The current trend of veils being used at these days is the veil with long clothes, loose, and closed clothes that much resemble those worn by women in the old times. The changes not only occur in the veil model, but also buying behavior of consumers. The phenomenon that occurs today is consumers buying...

Antecedent Counterproductive Work Behavior: Exploration in Services Industry

Tiarapuspa, Wiwik Robiatul Adawiyah, Mutiara Rizqi, Amelia Wanggi
This research is in the form of a conceptual study about the construct of counterproductive work behavior that occurs in Indonesia, especially in the service industry, both conducted by leaders and subordinates. The study results found that employees’ counterproductive behavior can be categorized into...
Proceedings Article

Pathogenetic Substantiation of the Endothelial Dysfunction Correction in Ischemic Heart Disease of II Functional Class

S.G. Dzugkoev, F.S. Dzugkoeva, O.Yu. Garmash
The study focuses on redox processes in the development of vascular complications in coronary heart disease. The data showed the formation of active oxygen radicals, inducing the process of lipid peroxidation. The development of oxidative stress occurred with a decrease in the activity of the antioxidant...

Quadratic Programming for Optimizing the Diversified Shariah Stock Portfolio

Noor Saif Muhammad Mussafi, Zuhaimy Ismail
Risk is a challenging module in evaluating stock investment prospects that are often taken into account by investors. This paper presents the method of Quadratic Programming to optimize the risk of Shariah stock portfolio. The dataset deals with the weekly close price of all active issuers listed in...

Analysis on the Status Quo and Countermeasures of Sports Participation of Left-behind Children in Jilin Province from the Perspective of Sociology

Jianbo Fu, Jinjin Zhao
Taking the problem of sports participation of rural left-behind children as the breakthrough point, this paper studies its predicament and countermeasures in order to help left-behind children to participate in sports activities actively, cultivate sports interest, alleviate inferiority complex, and...
Proceedings Article

Technical Efficiency and Agricultural Sustainability of Jambi’s Corn Production

Edison Edison, Rosyani Rosyani
Jambi is a unique province in Indonesia that has a diverse climate and natural resources to improve the yield of many commodities like corn. In terms of improving domestic corn and decreasing production loss, more producers apply high portions of un-organic fertilizers, and pesticides, with not thinking...

The Village Integrated Social Services Through the Social Welfare Center in Indonesia

Hari Harjanto Setiawan, Setyo Sumarno, Alit kurniasari, Husmiati Yusuf, Ruaida Murni, Aulia Rahman
This study reveals an integrated social service for the poor and vulnerable at the village level through the Social Welfare Center. In Indonesia it is called Puskesos, which is a place for implementing integrated social activities between community groups in villages in the Social Welfare Development...

Students’ Academic Identities in Time of Uncertainties

Ninuk Krismanti
This narrative inquiry is set to investigate how ELESP students enrolled in the pandemic era construct their academic identities and what possibly influences the deconstruction of these identities. This study involves five participants. The participating students are the ones enrolled as university students...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Birth Ball Therapyon Labor Pain in Providing Excellent Service at Setia Clinic Padang Pariaman

Aprima Yona Amir, Hartati Deri Manila, Fafelia Rozyka Meysetri, Ramah Hayu
Physiologically, labour pain or pain arises due to the physical response and psychological response experienced by the mother. Anxiety to fear can make the perception of pain during labour more severe. This event can trigger a physiological response that reduces the uterus is not able to contract optimally...

Global Existence and Blow-Up Phenomena for the Periodic Hunter–Saxton Equation with Weak Dissipation

Xuemei Wei, Zhaoyang Yin
Pages: 139 - 149
In this paper, we study the periodic Hunter–Saxton equation with weak dissipation. We first establish the local existence of strong solutions, blow-up scenario and blow-up criteria of the equation. Then, we investigate the blow-up rate for the blowing-up solutions to the equation. Finally, we prove that...

Application of Risk-Adjusted Returnon Capital (RAROC) in Measuring the Effects of Macroprudential Policy on Sharia Bank Market Risks in Indonesia

Aqidah Asri Suwarsi, Safaah Restuning Hayati, Setiawan Aji
Macroprudential Policy is a policy issued by Bank Indonesia to control systemic risk in the economy, both monetary risk and financial risk. This study aims to determine the effect of macroprudential factors, namely Gross Domestic Product, Inflation, and the BI Rate, on the market risk of Islamic Commercial...

How Store Environment and Sales Promotion Influence Positive Emotions and Unplanned Purchases

Indah Fatmawati, Latifah Dinar
This study investigates how store environments and sales promotion affect positive emotions and unplanned purchases. Store environment and sales promotion are the independent variables that affect positive emotions as the mediating one. The predictor variable is unplanned purchases. The setting of the...

Social Media and Islamic Marketing Towards Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Impacts in Indonesia

Vika Annisa Qurrata, Achmad Murdiono, Nor Ermawati Binti Hussain, Vidya Purnamasari
The operations and success of the business have been influenced by internet technology and social media. The interaction between seller and buyer has been changed since social media influencing the way of marketing. When the sellers know how to maximize their facilitation in behaviors, social media will...

Visualization Study of Terrorist Organizations in Asia Based on UCINET

Mingzhu Zheng, Qiwu Wu, Lingzhi Jiang
Until 2020, the threat of international terrorist activities still not diminish, extremists accelerated their flight from the Middle East to many countries in Asia and Africa, and terrorist forces around China became extremely active, thus impacting on regional security. Therefore, the analysis of the...

Improving Naleni Kain’s Clothing Design by Implementing Fashion Trend Forecast

Luri Renaningtyas, Rika Febriani, Maria Nala Damayanti
Naleni Kain is an SME (Small Medium Enterprise from Siwalankerto, Surabaya, which manufactures fabrics with tie-dye techniques. To spread its wings, this SME plans to sell clothing for the young to middle-aged people as its target market. It is important for the fashion business to design clothes according...

Vaporcelain, Installation and Work Tools Installing Ceramics

Irfan Ripandi, Devi Nurassyfa Abdullah, Rismawanti Nurfatimah, Dedi Purwanto
The incessant development of infrastructure in Indonesia is one factor in the increasing role of the construction sector in the Indonesian economy. This can be seen from the large percentage of the construction sector to GDP of 10.60% in the third quarter of 2019. One of the improvements is found in...

Research on the Influence of Business Administration on Enterprise Transformation

Jinlei Yang
Since the reform and opening-up, China’s rapid economic and social development has given birth to the growth of many small and medium-sized enterprises. However, with the continuous development of the economy, science and technology continue to innovate, and management mode continues to innovate and...

Global Dimension of the Security of the National Financial System of Russia

T.V. Ignatova, Yu. S. Evlakhova, E.V. Dudukalov, E.N. Alifanova, I.S. Aleksina
the article is devoted to the need to revise the approaches to the organization of the financial system in the modern world. The authors considered an alternative in the form of a transition to widespread use of cryptocurrencies at the national level. It is shown that adjustments in public policy due...
Proceedings Article

Mineral Contents of Several Indonesian Rice Varieties

Susiyanti Susiyanti, Nurmayulis Nurmayulis, Sulastri Isminingsih, Rahmayety Rahmayety, Yeyen Maryani, Suseno Amin
Rice is an important food commodity in the world, even the majority of Indonesia’s population consumes rice as a staple food. The chemical composition of rice consumed is very complex. Rice contains organic ingredients and minerals. At present, the mineral as a nutrient has not been widely recognized...

Analysis on the Impact of R&D Investment on Regional Innovation Achievements in the Yangtze River Delta

Chou Mo, Chengyi Pu
Technological innovation is the only way to maintain sustainable and high quality development in China. In order to further implement the policy of deepening scientific and technological reform, China has promulgated various policies to support innovation to promote the transformation and upgrading of...

Effect of Diversification Strategy, Directors Compensation, Managerial Ownership and Company Sizes on Company Performance

Hendronoto Hadi Wibowo, Lodovicus Lasdi
Diversification strategy is chosen by managers of companies to develop their business that can improve the performance of a company. One way to evaluate the performance of company management is by give compensation. Ownership in the structure capital in company there are several kinds one sample of the...

Application of Research-Based Teaching Mode in College English Courses

Ruishu Wang
As an efficient teaching mode, the research-based teaching mode is one of the effective teaching modes to cultivate college students’ innovative ability, scientific research ability, communication ability and cooperation ability. The application of research-based teaching mode in college English courses...

Transformative Leadership for Improving the Quality of Indonesian Islamic Universities

Siti Patimah, Safriadi
Leadership models and styles greatly affect the success of a college. The low quality of Islamic tertiary institutions today is an indicator of the failure of leaders in revitalizing institutions and accommodating the aspirations of their subordinates, so that the shared vision and mission is not achieved....
Proceedings Article

Association of Knowledge and Family Support With HIV-AIDS Prevention Efforts Among Teenagers in Sungai Malang Village Central Amuntai Sub-District Hulu Sungai Utara District

Ema Novita Deniati, Aprizal Satria Hanafi, Vernonia Yora Saki, Martina
The estimated incidence of HIV-AIDS in Hulu Sungai Utara District is still classified as low prevalence, which is<100 / 100,000. But these figures have not shown the true situation due to the iceberg phenomenon. This causes the need for HIV-AIDS prevention efforts carried out by adolescents. Efforts...

Does Problem Base Learning Effective to Improve Decision Making Skills Student?

Edris Zamroni, IM. Hambali, Ahmad Taufiq
Learning is an activity that is very important in improving student skills. Problem-based learning model is a learning model that aims to improve students’ ability to make decisions. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of problem-based learning in improving students’...

Diachronic Evolution and Synchronic Distribution of the Conceptual Field of Speech Act Verb Swearing Language

Mengchuan Zhang
Speech act verb of swearing language serves as a basic category in Chinese language, whether it is ancient or modern language, euphemism, colloquialism, or mandarin. Diachronic method and quantitative statistical analysis are employed to investigate the diachronic evolution and synchronic distribution...

Social Marketing Communication Strategy on “Covid-19 Alert Village” of Central Java Regional Police

Case Study on Covid-19 Alert Village at Panggung Lor, North Semarang

Amin Fauzi, Ign. Agung Satyawan, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni
Various efforts have been made by the Government of Indonesia in preventing and breaking the chain of spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19). Virus Spreading of Corona (Covid-19) is growing during this new normal phase. Since the beginning of the discovery of the Covid-19 case in Indonesia, the National...

The Speech Act of Advising as Netizens’ Response to 2019 Presidential-VP Candidate Polling on YouTube in Rocky Gerung’s Channel

Nico Harared
This study aimed to identify speech act used in YouTube’s comment section posted by YouTube users or netizens as a response to the 2019 Presidential-VP candidate polling in Rocky Gerung’s Channel. The data was obtained by using note-taking technique. First, the study observed the reaction of netizens...

Web-Based Learning Media of Population and Environmental Educational Subject

Rini Setiyowati, Alfiandra, Mariyani
This study aims to develop learning media for population and environmental education courses based of web learning. The background of this research is the times that require the learning process to be able to follow the digital direction. This study aims to produce web-based learning media in population...

Exploring Students’ Learning Engagement in EFL Online Classroom

Dwi Sloria Suharti, Didi Suherdi, Sri Setyarini
Due to the pandemic era, the Indonesian government proposes all schooling through online learning, including learning English. The study of students’ engagement in EFL online learning is scarce in Indonesia. The aim of this study investigates students’ engagement in EFL online classrooms in a vocational...

The Strategic Role of Correctional Advisers in the Implementation of Narcotics Rehabilitation for Prisoners

Insan Firdaus, Haryono, Hakki Fajriando, Nurangga Firmanditya
Based on the prison database records, most of the prisoners in the correctional institution in Indonesiaan are narcotics convicts. Interestingly, many of these prisoners are addicts, abusers, and victims of drug abuse who must be rehabilitated immediately to recover from drug addiction. This is what...

Towards a Socially Sustainable Inventory Optimization

Warut Pannakkong, Kim Cuc Vo Thi, Sun Olapiriyakul
Inventory optimization is one of the critical decisions in perishable product supply chain management. This study develops a bi-objective inventory optimization model for perishable products. The model can determine the optimal order quantities that fulfill customer demand over time while simultaneously...

The Effect of Principal Supervision and Teacher Performance on Learning Outcomes Elementary School Students in Cluster III Kayuagung District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

Siti Nur Eni Ekowati, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
This study aimed to know the implementation of the principal supervise and teacher performance on public elementary school students’ learning outcomes in Cluster III, Kayuagung District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. The subjects of this study were 53 SD Negeri teachers in cluster III, Kayuagung District....

Anomaly Detection Using Convolutional Adversarial Autoencoder and One-class SVM for Landslide Area Detection from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

Shingo Mabu, Soichiro Hirata, Takashi Kuremoto
Pages: 139 - 144
An anomaly detection model using deep learning for detecting disaster-stricken (landslide) areas in synthetic aperture radar images is proposed. Since it is difficult to obtain a large number of training images, especially disaster area images, with annotations, we design an anomaly detection model that...

Determinant Factors Affecting Efficiency Intermediation and Production Approach (Case Study: Bank Buku II Go Public in Indonesia)

Ferry Ardiansyah, Mulya E. Siregar, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Hermanto Siregar
There are several approaches that can be used to explain the relationship between input and output from financial institutions, namely the production approach and the intermediation approach. Technical efficiency reflects the ability of the company to produce output with a number of available inputs....

Excellent Service and Utilization of Information Technology on Stakeholder Satisfaction and Organizational Performance

Deny Hidayatullah, Munir Munir, Wawan Setiawan, Chairul Furqon, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of excellent service by utilizing information technology on the satisfaction of stakeholders, which has an impact on organizational performance. This study was descriptive with a quantitative approach. There were two types of variables in this study:...

The Potential of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Intellectual Property: Patents in Japan and Indonesia

Joko Sulistyono, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rahmi Handayani, Hartiwiningsih Hartiwiningsih
An increase in records and registrations, as well as a rise in intellectual property conflicts, are indicators of a growing economy. The use of litigation to settle these conflicts is rarely recommended by business practitioners since it frequently results in lengthy proceedings, high expenses, and a...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Protected Corn Oil Supplementation Ratio on Ruminal Fatty Acids Profile

Mohammad Sofi’ul Anam, Lies Mira Yusiati, Chusnul Hanim, Zaenal Bachruddin, Andriyani Astuti
The study was designed to evaluate the effect of non- and protected corn oil supplementation in the series of ratios on the in-vitro ruminal fatty acid profile. Corn oil was protected by blending skim milk powder and corn oil (2:1) and adding formaldehyde at a concentration of 1,5%. The substrate as...
Proceedings Article

Specific Phobia: A Case Report of a Child with Money Phobia

Margreth Abletara Banurea, Elmeida Effendy
A specific phobia is an exaggerated, irrational fear of a particular object or situation that is avoided at all costs or faced with great stress. The essential characteristic is a real and persistent fear of objects or situations that can be seen. A case was found, a 13-year-old girl with the initials...

Research on Impact of Blockchain on Financial Audits

Xiaoguang Su, Lei Ren, Bin Wang
The fast expansion of society and the economy has resulted in an explosion of information and data, making financial auditing more complex and laborious than ever before. The explosive growth of business data of the auditees poses significant challenges for data collection, storage, and statistical analysis...
Proceedings Article

Hypoxic Swimming Exercise Increases Catalase Enzyme Activity in Trained Swimmers

Siska Alicia Farma, Syahrastani, Habibullah Novichandra
Swimming is a carried out activity, out excessively causes the body’s level of free radicals to rise. If the produced free radicals are not addressed, they will be harmful to the body. The body produces antioxidants in the form of the enzyme catalase as one of its defenses against free radicals. An enzyme...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of El-Rondo Training on The Futsal Passing Skills

Nurul Musfira Amahoru, Rahmat Hidayat, Reza Mahyuddin, Muslim Muslim
Currently, futsal is not a popular and modern sport in society, in fact almost everyone can play futsal. There are two variables, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable, namely the el-rondo passing exercise and passing skills, the total population is 20 people and the sample is taken...

Research on teaching reform of "Internet of Things Technology Application" course in higher vocational colleges based on basic course teaching platform

Jingjing Wang, Yi Li, Fengping Hao, Zheng Zhang
With the rapid development of information technology, the application of Internet of Things (IOT) technology has become an essential part of vocational college information technology teaching. However, how to effectively reform the teaching of the "Application of IOT Technology" course to better...

The Implementation of English as Medium of Instruction: Teacher Perception in Senior High School

Silfia Helmi, Yuli Tiarina, Yetti Zainil
Globalisation leads people to learn more than they mother tongue or second language. In order to follow the world with rapid change, people force to learn English as international language. For foreign language learning, it becomes problem when the learner face another language and it is taught in school...

Research on the Coordinated Development of Big Data, Financial Agglomeration and Regional Economy in Guizhou Province

Shan Wei, Hongmei Zhang
After the concept of big data was put forward, and the first national-level big data comprehensive experimental zone in China was approved, Guizhou Province made great efforts to promote the development of big data and make preparations for the realization of "counting the east and calculating the...