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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

A novel plant growth simulation algorithm and its application

Fang Liu, Yueguang Li
At present, much of the city is construct the new public traffic line, meet the needs of the development of city. Firstly, this paper describes the influence factors of conventional bus station location problem, and then gives the mathematical model of bus station location problem, and put forward to...

Reasons for the Emergence of Body-Focus Repetitive Behaviors in Students and the Impact of Body-Focus Repetitive Behaviors on Students

Wei Wang
Researchers have long explored the relationship between Body-Focus Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) and students, including school-age children and youth, and the effects of BFRBs on students. The paper summarizes previous research on BFRBs and related aspects and concludes that the presence of BFRBs is...

Staff Culture of Starbucks Part-time College Students

Qitian Mao, Muzi Liu, Kejun Ye, Ken Qin
This article, which mainly discusses the staff culture of part-time college students at Starbucks, aims to offer insights into building satisfying staff culture and excellent working environment. The paper begins with a comprehensive description of the working site of part-time workers where we conducted...
Proceedings Article

A Novel TOA Estimation Method for UWB Multipath

Chunling Tang, Jianqiao Yu
The energy detection(ED) receiver is a practical solution for time of arrival (TOA) estimation in ultra wideband (UWB) ranging,Nevertheless,this method is vulnerable to the interference of noise and other wireless systems.In the study,we propose a novel method based independent component analysis(ICA)...
Proceedings Article

Application of Fuzzy AHP Method in the Effect Evaluation of Network Attack

Zhicheng Sun, Mingyuan Liu
For effect evaluation on the network attack (NA), the essentiality of the application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Fuzzy synthetic evaluation method (Fuzzy AHP method) were introduced. With the help of AHP method, an index system was established, and then a judgment matrix was constructed,...

An Analysis of the Applicability of Kodaly and Orff Music Pedagogies in Preschool Children’s Music Teaching

Mingyue Zhou
Kodaly music education system and Orff music education system are famous music education genres in the world. This paper aims to analyze the adaptability in Kodaly and Orff music approaches for preschoolers. By mainly using the research method of literature reviews, this thesis will summarize and expound...
Proceedings Article

Improved Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based Feature Selection for High Dimensional Data Analysis

Lincheng Jiang, Wentang Tan, Zhenwen Wang, Fengjing Yin, Bin Ge, Wendong Xiao
Feature selection has become the focus of research areas of applications with high dimensional data. Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a good method for dimensionality reduction but it can’t select the optimal feature subset for it’s a feature extraction method. In this paper, a two-step strategy...

Current Status of RMB Cross-border Trade Settlement and an Empirical Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Its Scale

Han Wang
This article starts with the current status of RMB cross-border trade settlement, combined with data analysis, and summarizes the share of RMB cross-border payment in the global market, the coverage of RMB cross-border trade settlement system, the normalization of RMB swaps, and the new growth of RMB...

The Judicial Accounting Appraisal and Revelation of Manager Corruption in State-Owned Joint-Stock Companies

Hao Qin
In order to verify the criminal facts of managers’ alleged corruption in state-owned joint-stock companies, this article will give a technological check and demonstration for the accounting documents involved in this corruption, utilizing the method of judicial accounting appraisal technology. Research...

Regional Problems of Employment of University Graduates in Conditions of Low Entrepreneurial Activity

M K Belyaev, A V Borisov, T D Okuneva
The problem of unemployment among university graduates is a consequence of changes in the structure of production and the economy of Russia, the weakening of state control and regulation. University graduates face a lot of problems when searching for jobs, being insufficiently in demand on the labor...
Proceedings Article

Research of D-S Evidence Method in Network Attack Intention Recognition

Yajing Zhang, Lina Yu, Wei Li
When the network security threats alarm as evidence appeared, from these alarm properties were then able to predict the future attack important information, such as attack source, is the object of attack and attack port, etc. But the information is not enough to reflect the invaders attack intention....

Cobweb with Pivot: An Updated Model of Asia-Pacific Alliances

Yaning Su
The US-led alliance system in Asia-Pacific was depicted as a “hub-and-spokes” architecture. Given the collapse of the Soviet Union and globalization, this preserved heritage should undergo a gradual metamorphosis as the resurgence of nations. As long as the supremacy status of the US sustains staunch,...

Air China’s Customer Relationship Management a Case Study in China’s Airline Industry

Zhenxu Sun, Jiamin Tang, Xiaoyi Wang, Xin Yang
Since the full-scale outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019, the global aviation industry has been greatly affected, and customer relationship management has become increasingly important for aviation companies. How to improve customer satisfaction and increase customer retention has become a higher priority in...

Application of Matlab in Teaching of Statics in Theoretical Mechanics Course

Ming Yang
Two specific examples of statics illustrate the importance and convenience of introducing the numerical simulation in the theoretical mechanics course teaching. he same results were obtained through analytic method and computation program. We can use these results to testify human calculation. In class,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Web3D in Distributed Monitoring and Control Systems

Xinglin ZHANG, Yuyue DU, Xia JIANG
Web3D technology, with the advantages of realistic scene simulation and intelligent interaction, has been widely applied to many fields, like electronic business and medical treatment. Aiming at the problems of abstract information and poor interactivity in traditional Distributed Monitoring and Control...

Potential Solutions for Accessing Abstract Concepts in Embodied Theories of Cognition

Yijie Chen, Yanyi Wu, Kaiyi Wang
The theory proved to be true is the embodied view, which illustrates that if people think about concrete concepts, such as ‘kick’ and ‘pick,’ they will use modality-specific simulations. However, abstract concepts posed a severe challenge for this embodied view. Then, researchers used mental metaphor...
Proceedings Article

Research on logistics handing agv picking route optimization method based on improved genetic algorithm

Juntao Li, Yan Hao, Yinhong Liu
Establish logistics handing agv operating environment model by using the grid method, and the picking route optimization model based on grid environment model. By analyzing the qualitative factors in agv "goods to person" picking system, present an improved genetic algorithm combining qualitative and...

Inflation in the US During Covid-19 Crisis: Cause, Current Status, and Moving Forward

Chenyu Li
This paper makes a through-out interpretation of the inflation hikes witnessed in the United States during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. This paper incorporated economic theories and data in explaining the economic phenomenon during the pandemic crisis and predicting the future trend of inflation. The...

Pandemic-related Impacts on Housing Market

Will the Housing Market still Perform Conspicuously during the Pandemic?

Kuan Yan
Globally, there are almost no countries unaffected by the pandemic. As governments struggle with new lockdown measures to combat the spread of the virus, the economies have to pay the price. The real estate cannot escape from this damage. This article explores why and what housing market is influenced...
Proceedings Article

Network Security Assessment Model of Coupling Empowerment

Bin Luo, Jingwei Chang
By means of accelerating the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) screening index of genetic algorithm, this paper constructs evaluation index system of computer network security, puts forward the information entropy with objective and subjective empowerment and improved AHP coupling weighting, sequences...

Phone Boost Self-Control or Control You

Wenkang Yu
This article mainly focuses on that mobile phone nearly covers every aspect of people’s lives nowadays. Every coin has two sides, although mobile phones bring a variety of advantages to people’s lives, they cause a number of challenges that ruin people, especially those people who are lack of self-discipline....

Sports TV Rights Sales Analysis

Kang Tan
In recent years, the sports TV rights sales prices rose rapidly, increasingly diversified sales, sales of television rights has become the main source of major sports events, the paper will be sold in an initial basic understanding of sports TV rights situation Based on the sales of sports TV rights...
Proceedings Article

Chaotic System Parameter Identification Based on Firefly Optimization

Wei-ming Gao, Zhi-cheng Zhang, Yao-hua Chong
Firefly Optimization Algorithm (FA) is a novel heuristic stochastic algorithm based on swarm intelligence, which is inspired by the fireflies’ biochemical and collective behavior. Due to the increment of attractiveness and the fixed step factor, the optimizing results are easily repeated oscillation...

The Nature and Restriction of the Crime of Helping Information Network Crime

Jindong Gu, Shuhui Song
Given the huge number and rapid growth rate of cases related to the crime of helping information network crime, it can be concluded that the crime is likely to be abused. In practice, the crime does not depend on its downstream crimes and the standard of ‘knowing’ proves rather ambiguous. In theory,...

On Henry de Bracton’s on the Laws and Customs of England

Shiyi Guo
This work aims to give a brief interpretation of the medieval social structure in England based on the legal work of Henry de Bracton, namely excerpts from On the Laws and Customs of England. Divisions that existed between the free and unfree, women and men, as well as power division between the English...

Marketing Strategies Based on the Analysis on the Features of Tool Knives

Xinglin Li
As the demanding number of descent knives grow, knives are great deal in the business market. According to a sanding gear selling company [1] Red Label Abrasive’s survey report of 100 knife maker, “ the survey indicated that the industry appears to be in good financial health. 73% of knife makers have...

An Analysis of Hate Speech Delivery by YouTube Users on Clara Dao’s Shorts Video Content: Impoliteness Theory

Verica Putri Muji Astuti, Sigit Haryanto
This study aimed to find out the target hate speech and to identify the impoliteness strategy and the function of the impoliteness that netizen used to delivery the hate speech in comment section of Clara Dao’s shorts video. The method used in this research is decriptive qualitative research using content...
Proceedings Article

Design and Analysis of Servo Actuator Control System Based on ARM

Xin Yang, Qingwei Bo, Changsheng Zhou
A servo control system and servo position signal acquisition system based on PHILIPS ARM7 series kernel LPC2292 were designed. The principle and construction of the position control module was discussed in detail. The accuracy of controlling system was verified using Matlab code. Results show that the...

Scarcity and Sustainable Development of Marine Living Resources in China

Zilu Su
Marine living resources refer to the economic animal and plant resources in the ocean, which are characterized by life, self-proliferation and continuous renewal. China’s marine living resources are rich in species and widely distributed, but they are facing an increasingly scarce situation. The author...

Analysis of Training Mechanism of Cultural-Industry Talents at Independent Colleges in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

Cheng Cheng, Hong Zhang, Jia Liu, Junling Wei
This article discusses the definitions of cultural industry and cultural-industry talents, the extension of the integrated training mode of cultural-industry talents in independent colleges, and their impact upon economic development and government policy making in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Area. The focus...
Proceedings Article

Application of Improved Genetic Algorithm in Reliability Optimization of Multi-agent Intrusion Detection

Shaokun Liu, Lina Yu, Yi Fang
Detection agents in a dynamic network environment has difficult to optimize the reliability , and this problem is a typical Nondeterministic Polynomial Completeness puzzle.This paper proposed an improved genetic algorithm to solve the optimization problem, conscientiously introduced the greedy algorithm,...

Positive Effects of Covid-19--Digital economy

Meijing Su
Under sudden outbreak epidemic, the economies of countries around the world have received a severe blow. But there are good potential developments, most notably in the digital economy. In the face of various lockdown policies, the epidemic has undoubtedly promoted the rapid development of the online...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Study on Indicators Selection Model Based on significant Discrimination and R Clustering Analysis

Lingling Gong, Guotai Chi, Baofeng Shi, Wei Yao
Small enterprises play the important role in pushing China’s economic progress, but keeping on facing the difficulty in financing the loans. Establishing a reasonable credit evaluation indicators system is one of the keys to implement accurate credit evaluate to small enterprises. Regardless of the evaluation...
Proceedings Article

SOC estimation of Lithium-ion battery based on Kalman filter algorithm

Ding-xuan Yu, Yan-xia Gao
This paper presents Extended Kalman-filter (EKF) algorithm which is based on a first-order Lithium-ion bat-teries model. Curve fitting According to the OCV(open circuit voltage) SOC(state of charge) parameters meas-ured in experiments, descript status equation and observa-tion equation of Lithium-ion...

Impact of the Macroeconomic Factors on the Initial Public Offerings in the Gulf Cooperation Countries

I Aidrous, S Glavina
This paper seeks to address the question of whether local macroeconomic parameters (reference interest rate, crude oil production, stock market index, direct foreign investment, loan growth and GDP) have any influence on the numbers and volume of IPOs on an emerging markets of GCC region over the period...

Research on the Coverage of Different Newspapers Under Major Disasters

Take Henan Daily, Henan Business Daily and Dahe Daily’s Coverage of the July 20 Henan Rainstorm as an Example

Yuhan Wang
The significant economic losses and casualties caused by Henan rainstorm on July 20, 2021 has been closely followed by domestic media. This paper has analyzed 181 news reports concerning the devastating floods from July 21 to July 31 by Henan Daily, Dahe Daily and Henan Business Daily using the method...

The Relationship between Bilingual and Empathy

Muzi Chen, Yuqi Fang
Empathy is an essential ability for humans; it is important to discuss its effects and influence. Language is also a part of our life, and it represents a different culture. With globalization, learning another language would become more and more familiar. However, is learning another language would...
Proceedings Article

Network performance evaluation algorithm based on BP neural network

Qi Liu, Xiyue Wang, Yiyong Lin, Ling He, Yunzhi Huang
In this paper, a network performance evaluation algorithm is proposed based on BP neural network. This system collects 8 network parameters in a local area network, and classifies the performance of network into three states: excellent, good and unqualified. Verification and analysis results show that...

Analysis of Mode of Cultural-industry Talents Training at Independent Colleges in Hebei Province

Hong Zhang, Jia Liu, Libo Shi, Cheng Cheng
With the advent of the era of global information, the culture is playing an increasingly important role in society. The cultural industry is becoming the “sunrise industry” along with the revolution of new science and technology and thus gets more and more attention. However, the development of the cultural...

Research on the GameStop Stock Prices Surge during Covid-19 under the Perspective of Individual Investors

Yilin Zhao
The breakout of the covid-19 in the United States has caused significant changes in the stock market, while the proportion of individual investors’ direct trading increases. The recent Game Stop(GME) short-selling incident showed the power of retail investors, which makes people pay attention to the...
Proceedings Article

Automatic Postal Parcel Turning Machine Experimental System Design

Tieyi Zhang, Zhenliang Huang, Xue Huang
Automatic postal parcel turning machine experimental system has a design background that the parcel automatic sorting needs postal parcel automatic turning. It is the multidisciplinary integration of mechanical, electronic and computer technology. The article describes how the experimental system mechanism...

Current Situation of International Marketing and Development Strategy Under the Background of Economic Globalization

Jing He
Economic globalization has intensified the competition in the international market. Chinese enterprises should innovate and develop international marketing and carry out effective international market strategic planning, which can further promote the development and development of enterprises and help...

Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Housing Prices: Take the United States as an Example

Xinying Ding
Residential real estate takes the largest part of asset market in the United States. This study investigates how changes in macroeconomic variables affect changes in housing prices, using time series data from 191 observation samples in the United States over the past 15 years. The dataset was collected...

The Current Situation and Causes of Farmers’ Digital Literacy

Yimin Qian, Wenjing Zhang
The construction of digital villages is the catalyst for rural revitalization, and the digital literacy of farmers is the core foundation for realizing digital villages. Judging from the existing data, farmers’ digital literacy needs to be improved urgently, while the lack of digital awareness, insufficient...

Analysis of Full-Process Career Planning in Higher Education from the Perspective of Talents Training

Jia Liu, Cheng Cheng, Hong Zhang, Xuqian Zuo
This paper discusses some issues concerning career planning of college students, from the perspective of talents development. Some life-time education theories, quality-oriented educational systems are analyzed. Some proposals are offered to college students to build up full-process career planning systems...
Proceedings Article

A Diagnostic Criterion for Power Capacitor in Distribution Network

Feng Xie, Daozhuo Jiang, Yi Du, Ke Chen, Feng Chen
In power system, voltage quality has always been an important indicator to evaluate the reliability and stability of power supply. In engineering, to solve the problem of voltage drop at the end of power line, power capacitors are often used to maintain voltage stability. Taking a reactive compensation...
Proceedings Article

Analyse of the Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Method for the Application in the Cellular Network

Shan ZONG, Bing LIU
This paper discussed several methods to maximize the sum of the data rate. After the analysis of the graphic algorithm, we found the difficulty of the determination of the variables. To solve the problem, we propose a new idea to operate the variable and proved it to be efficient in the simulation results.

The Culture and Institutions: Features of Interaction and Impact on the Economy

E V Romanenko, V V Biryukov
The article proposes a methodology for studying the relationship of culture and institutions in economic processes, based on rethinking the relationship of economic culture and institutionalized forms of economic development in the framework of the intersubjective paradigm. It allows to go beyond traditional...
Proceedings Article

Application of Domestic Virtualization Software in Electric Information System

Cong Hu, Yixuan Tang, Yang Guo
Aiming at the increasingly expanding business, large server maintenance amount and high maintenance cost, the Anhui Electric Power Corporation decided to carry out information system hardware resource pool construction based on advanced information technologies such as cloud computing and virtualization...

The Influencing Factor Model of Organizational Form in Power Grid Business

Yunfei Xu, Jian Zhao, Hualei Zhang
Currently, State Grid Corporation of China(State Grid) is in the critical period of building a world-leading energy internet company with Chinese Characteristics and promoting the implementation of the "one body and four wings" development layout. The new trend of energy transformation and...