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188759 articles

Hidden Communication Identity of Drug Abusers Among Early Adolescent

Lintang Nur Hemas, Prahastiwi Utari, Mahendra Wijaya
This study aims to examine the hidden identity of early adolescent drug users using Communication Theory of Identity. This research is qualitative which case study as research method. The interview were conducted with three drug abusers in one of junior high school in Kendal District. The results showed...

Juridical Review of Zakat Sharia Mutual Funds in Indonesia (Study at the National Amil Zakat Agency-BAZNAS)

Salwa Faeha Hanim, Gemala Dewi
BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency) provides new innovations in the form of payment of Islamic mutual fund zakat in cooperation with PT Nusantara Sejahtera Investama. Payment of sharia mutual fund zakat is questionable whether it has fulfilled the requirements and compulsory of zakat law such as nishab...

The Empirical Investigation and Study of College Students’ Autonomous English Learning and Learning Method Under the Environment of Multimedia and Network

Kexin Liu
In recent years, most investigation studies on the autonomous-learning mode based on multimedia and network are practiced in many universities of China. Based on the analysis on account of the differences of the college students’ autonomous learning attitude and learning environment and apply different...

Digital Accounting for Small to Medium Enterprises Using Mobile Applications

Andhita Yukihana Rahmayanti, Devie Rahmawati
Small and medium entrepreneurs need mobile accounting applications that can be used to create financial reports to review the financial condition of their businesses. Existing accounting applications are now widely used by small and medium entrepreneurs. In this study, the effectiveness of mobile accounting...

Price Perception, Risk, Quality of Information, and It’s Effect on Online Purchase Decisions (Case Study on Millennials in DKI Jakarta)

Asep Saefurahman, Subekti Singgih Hadi
This study aims to examine whether the perception of price, risk and quality of information influence the decision to make purchases online, this study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to millennials in DKI Jakarta where the sample was determined based on non-probability sampling techniques...

“Passive” and “Active”: Discussing Two Modes of Traditional Art Education Based on Chinese Art Concept

Liangliang Wei
The two concepts of “passive” and “active” of Chinese traditional art breed two modes of “passive” and “active” of art education, which contains the theoretical basis of constructing two modes of traditional art education: cultural consciousness. Based on the consciousness of art, traditional Chinese...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors Affecting User Loyalty in an Online Discussion Forum

Jurnalistika Febra ARIELLA, Indra BUDI, M. Lahandi BASKORO
PT XYZ is an internet company, providing free online discussion forum as the main service with a display of advertisements as a primary source of revenue. Users are one of the most important assets for PT XYZ. Every user who visits a discussion forum will be exposed with advertisements in the forum which...

Efficiency and Optimization of Enterprises Based on an Assessment of Its Leading Structural Elements

Natalya Efanova, Elena Ivanova, Daniil Emelianov
The purpose of this paper is to develop models to improve the efficiency of project teams based on its leading structural elements. There is a quantitative the efficiency indicator corresponding to the number of works performed. At the same time, the efficiency indicator is the sum of the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Early Marriage on Childhood Stunting

Heru Subaris Kasjono, Agus Wijanarko, Rizki Amelia, Dina Fadillah, Wahyu Wijanarko, Sutaryono
Pregnancy requires increased iron needs, while teenage pregnancy also needs iron for growth. As a result, teenage pregnancy has an impact on the risk of stunting in their children. The purpose of this study is to prove the relationship between early marriage and the risk of stunting in children. The...

Object and Principles of Digital Policy Implementation

L.N. Shcherbakova, L.L. Zobova, E.K. Evdokimova, L.V. Kusurgasheva
The paper discusses digital policy as a qualitatively new stage of information policy. Digital policy is presented as a set of organizational measures based on the scientifically justified introduction of digital technologies into the economy. The paper presents the object of digital policy as a derivative...

A Need Analysis in Academic Writing by Using Integrative-Based Approach: The Perspective of University Students

Helaluddin, Hengki Wijaya, Nurmadiah, Susanna Vonny N. Rante, Harmelia Tulak, Muhammad Guntur
This article discusses the needs and interests of the university students in Banten Indonesia for learning to write with an integrative approach as an initial stage in the development of academic writing textbooks. The participants in this study were 60 students in the first semester of the 2018/2019...

The Effect of Circuit Training on the Improvement of Dribbling Ability of Junior Players

Pahri Novera
This research aims to examine the effect of circuit training on the improvement of junior players dribbling ability. The research method used is an experimental method with a sample of 30 students. The study began with a pre-test and then conducted treatment for six weeks with a frequency of exercise...

Computer-Mediated Communication: Online Gaming Communication Culture

Aurora Almarini Khairunisa
Ease of internet access and the number of online games that can be downloaded on mobile phones, making online games growing rapidly in the community. The most popular genre played is the MMORPGs. MMORPG is an interactive game, where they are required to communicate with each other and share the results,...

The Effect Of Applying Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) on the Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text

Ambar Wulan Sari, Santika
The objective of this research was to find out the effect of applying picture word inductive model (PWIM) on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.The method of research was the experimental research method. The population of this research was taken from the eight grade and the second year...

Exploration and Reflection on the Research Method of Oral History of Tibetan Dance

Qiongqiong Lai
Currently, the research on Chinese ethnic and folk dance has achieved fruitful results, but some fields still need to be further explored. The research method of oral history is feasible and irreplaceable in practice, which makes up for textual research. The study on the oral history of Tibetan dance...

Comparative Research on the International Competitiveness of China’s Manufacturing Industry From the Perspective of Global Value Chains Based on World Input-Output Database From 2000 to 2014

Suping Zhao
Against the background of the development of global production network, the scientific evaluation of national industrial competitiveness needs to consider the global value chain characteristics of export commodities. Based on the revealed comparative advantage index of trade added value adjustment, this...

Brand Image: Survey on Giro iB Wadiah Sharia Commercial Bank Individual Customers in Kota Bandung

Intan Permana, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Asri Solihat, Lindayani, Anggun Oktavia Herlianti
Indonesia has a largest market potential for various sharia-based products, services and services. Islamic banking has a relationship with religious factors of a brand image. This study aims to determine the image of the Giro iB Wadiah Sharia Commercial Bank service brand in Kota Bandung. The data analysis...

Analysis of Penalized Semiparametric Regression Model on Bi-Response Longitudinal Data

Kosmaryati, Mujiati Dwi Kartikasari
Semiparametric regression is a combination of parametric regression and nonparametric regression. Parametric regression analysis is used if a regression curve or function is known, whereas nonparametric regression analysis is used if the curve form or the regression function is unknown. One of the short...

Developing Physics Learning Module Based on Guided Inquiry (PLM-BGI) for Work and Energy

Endang Susilawati, Parsaoran Siahaan, Agustinasari, Syahriani Yulianci, Achmad Samsudin
The aim of this research was to develop physics learning module based on guided inquiry (PLM-BGI) for work and energy. The module was developed using 3D: Define, Design, and Develop. The module was validated by two experts, a peer, and an education practitioner. There were 4 (four) aspects used as the...

The Research on the Comprehensive Ability Evaluation Model of RF Electronic Technology Experiment Course

Guosheng Ma, Jiang Wang, Rui Dong
In view of the wide range of majors involved in the electronics courses and the fact that there are many students in our college, the relevant practical training links have lacked a scientific and reasonable comprehensive ability assessment and evaluation model. This article applies the cloud model theory...
Proceedings Article

The Rational Material Distribution Problem for Building Floor Wall Structures

Yuliya Valiakhmetova, Lidiya Vasilyeva
Let us consider the problem of rational layout of load-bearing structures when designing a multi-storey building. The problem is reduced to the distribution of materials for wall sections with their specified geometry, which is described by a multi-connected orthogonal polygon. The width of the walls...

Propaganda and Strategic / Social Communications: Features of Distinction and Actualization of Definition

Alla Hrebeniuk, Olena Ufimtseva, Valerii Horovyi
In the context of counteracting the hybrid war, targeting the Euro-Atlantic project as a whole, intensifying the fight against destructive propaganda and the need to build effective strategic communications as a mechanism for this fight, the issue of differentiating these concepts and clarifying their...

Analysis of Racial Discrimination in Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Social Media, Search Engines, and Future Crime Prediction Systems

Xinxun Li
With the development of society in general, morality is also evolving. Some may argue that racial equality will be eventually achieved. However, this optimistic thought may be really hard to realize, especially under the development of artificial intelligence because AI (Artificial Intelligence) is invented...

Conservation Identifications on Wooden Structures of the Traditional Dwellings in West Kalimantan

Zairin Zain, Jawas Dwijo Putro
The province of West Kalimantan has many cultural heritage buildings that spread across 12 districts/cities. Those cultural heritage buildings come from three ethnic groups who live in the scattered settlements of West Kalimantan, namely Malay, Dayak, and Chinese. Both historic and traditional buildings...

The Potential of Augmented Reality for Vocational High School Learning Amid Covid-19 Spread

Ismi Solikhatun, Sukirno, Arif Wahyu Widodo, Sayidatul Maslahah
Due to Covid-19 spread, the learning system in Indonesia changes from classroom learning to distance learning which has impact on practical learning. Practical training in vocational high school is primary important to prepare students in industrial environment. A technology is needed to combine reality...

Restoring Bottom-Up Management within Village’s Cell: A Village Glory

Juhadi, Edy Trihatmoko, Elok Surya Pratiwi, Makin Basuki, Singgih Supriyanto
The village, as the smallest administrative boundary in state governance, is a crucial aspect that requires considerable attention. The urgency in line with President Joko Widodo’s Nawacita in “Building Indonesia from the Edge.” However, village development and management are currently still being managed...

The Correlation Between Physical Activity and Academic Motivation of Undergraduate Medical Students of the Universitas Islam Indonesia

Syafira Laila Nurulita, Yanasta Yudo Pratama, Hafidhania Penadi, Irsalina Nur Timami, Alfia Qurrota Ayun, Umatul Khoiriyah
Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused changes in activity. Changing physical activity can cause various psychological changes in humans. For medical students, psychological changes because physical activity is an important factor in supporting academic motivation to learn. This study was aimed...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Antimicrobial Peptide Gel on Angiogenesis and Fibroblast Cells in Periodontal Tissue Regeneration in a Periodontitis Rats Model Exposed by Nicotine

Ika Andriani, Atiek Driana Rahmawati, Maulida Nurhasanah, M. Ihza Humanindito
Nicotine, a major component of tobacco, is a significant contributing factor for the exacerbation of periodontal diseases. Periodontitis, one of the periodontal diseases, leads to alveolar bone damage triggered by bacteria and exacerbated by nicotine exposure as mostly suffered by smokers. Periodontitis...

Human Resources Aspect and Ability to Manage BUMdes

Nelly Masnila, Faridah, M. Husni Mubarok, Desri Yanto
In Indonesia, BUMDes is one of the tools to build the economy in the village. A lot of unemployment has occurred in rural areas because of lack of jobs in the villages. Through increasing the role of BUMDes, many jobs can be created. Improving the performance of BUMDes is important and urgent because...

A Review of Momentum Strategy in Capital Market

Ghazali Syamni, Wardhiah, Devi Permata Sari, Badratun Nafis
This research is a literature research review that focuses on the topic of the momentum strategy in the capital market. This strategy is a trading strategy carried out by investors by buying stocks that have performed well in the hope that the performance will continue well in the future. The results...

The Effect of Online Problem Based Learning Model With Google Classroom on Motorcycle Electrical System Maintenance Knowledge of Vocational High School Students

Imam Mahir, Syamsuir, Brenden Federik Immanuel
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of online problem-based learning (PBL) model with google classroom on Motorcycle Electrical System Maintenance (MESM) Knowledge of Vocational High School (VHS) students. This research used the Participatory Action Research approach of Kemmis and...

Contribution of Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurship Training in Entrepreneurship Skills Based on “Ecopreneurship

Faizah, Muhlisah, Norbaiti, Siti Darlina
The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution from entrepreneurship education and training in building and developing-based entrepreneurial skills ecopreneurship. The research method used is descriptive analytical associative and correlational. Respondents consisted of 72 people with different...

Using Digital Technologies is Securing Private and Public Interests in Gene Research

Sergey Borodin, Valentina Ruzanova
The article is devoted to the definition of the specifics of the formation of intellectual property rights in the implementation of genomic research using technologies for the mining of big data, including in the field of circadian genetics, while respecting private and public interests. The author analyzes...

Early Childhood Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Desvi Wahyuni, Rudiyanto
This article aims to see the extent to which the quality of learning resulted from collaboration between parents and teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Given that the quality of learning is an important thing that should be considered when the teaching and learning process occurs, both when the teaching...
Proceedings Article

Diversity and Community Pattern of Butterflies on Degraded Heath Forest in East Kalimantan

Harmonis, Sutedjo
Heath forest is one unique ecosystem in tropical regions. Many biodiversities and their ecological characteristic in this ecosystem are still unknown by science, including butterflies. Therefore, the study was conducted to determine butterfly richness and diversity indices in every site on natural secondary...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Chemiclife Media on Chemical Bond Material Based on Completeness and Student Learning Outcomes

Fawzia Aulia Praptiwi, Rivaldi Dwi Kurniawan, Rusly Hidayah
The aim of the research is to obtain the validity of Chemic-life media on chemical bond material. This research use 4D model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) modified by Ibrahim, for this research the stages of dissemination have not been carried out. Chemic-life Media was tested on 12 students...

First Language Acquisition in Sentence by Three-Years-Old Child: a Case Study of a Karonese Child

Dessi Septaria Ginting, Rahmad Husein, Anni Holila Pulungan
This research is entitled the first language acquisition in sentence by three-year-old child: a case study of a karonese child. this research applied descriptive qualitative method. the data of this research are obtained from the utterances of a three-year-old child, name Josua and Gracia. this research...
Proceedings Article

Development of Crate Jump Gymnastics Learning Media for Physical Education and Health Students

Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Tatok Sugiarto
This research conducted to develop video learning material for crate jump gymnastics subjects. The method used in this study referred to the development of models of Borg & Gall. The learning material validated by the experts and tested in small & large groups. The result from gymnast expert...

C ++ for Cloud Computing Application in Elementary Schools on Covid-19 Pandemics

Ferril Irham Muzaki
The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) today has had a broad impact on individuals involved in teaching and learning activities in the elementary school environment. In these development activities, the determination of social distancing is put forward in order to prevent Covid...

Development of French Learning Module for Visually Impaired Learners

Dheny Marsyelina, Yuliarti Mutiarsih, Tri Indri Hardini
This research attempts to investigate the development of French learning module for A1 level of CEFR for visually impaired learners. This module is devoted to facilitating French listening and speaking competency. The research is conducted by using the Research and Development (R&D) method where...

The Characteristics of Meme in Social Media: Case Study 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia

Welsi Damayanti, Rika Widawati, Rai Bagus Triadi, Rama Wijaya Abdul Rozak, Siti Hamidah
Technological advances are not only used for personal gain but also as a tool to spread propaganda by political activists. Social media is often used because it is cheap and can spread information quickly to many people. The memes were analyzed from the linguistics point of view on structural morphology...

Diagnosing Students’ Ability in Distance Learning with the Winsteps

The main purpose of this research is to answer the following question. Is Winsteps Software easy for teachers to diagnose the ability of students and questions in distance learning to anticipate the spread of the corona virus today, especially for elementary / MI, SMP / MTs, SMA / MA / SMK teachers in...

The Development of TRAM Model for Blockchain Use Readiness Among MSMEs in Indonesia

Ayu Endah Wahyuni, Anita Juraida, Asep Anwar
MSMEs have a sufficiently large role and become the strength of the Indonesian economy. However, MSMEs often experience obstacles in competitiveness, especially in facing global competition, including the access to capital, information and technology, organization and management, as well as to business...

Developing Cultural Context Teaching Material of Geometry with GeoGebra to Increase Students’ Higher-order Thinking Skill

Juliana M.H. Nenohai, Ofirenty E. Nubatonis, Damianus D. Samo
The purpose of this research is to develop teaching material of cultural context geometry with GeoGebra which is valid, practical and effective based on the theoretical reviews and its support to enhance higher-order thinking ability. This study is a research and development (R & D) that was developed...

“Lavish” Costumes of Lampung Creative Dances as Simulacra–Hyperreality Among Art Workers in Bandar Lampung

Febrianto Wikan Jaya Ali, Sutiyono Sutiyono
A dance costume based on its function is a set of clothing as one of the supporting aspects in a dance work, but nowadays, the phenomenon of hyperreality is happening to art workers in Bandar Lampung. This hyperreality is characterized by the use of “lavish” costumes that look extravagant and sometimes...
Proceedings Article

The Digestibility of Different Level of Palm Kernel Cake and Rice Bran Supplementation in Sheep

Dwatmadji, Tatik Suteky, Indah Lestari, Mafika Sari, Mei Manurung
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of giving oil Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) and rice bran with different proportions to the digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), and energy in sheep. Twelve (12) sheep were divided into 3 treatments...

Arithmetic Sequence at Gorga

Candra Ditasona, Turmudi, Rizky Rosjanuardi
This research examines the process of making traditional Batak ornaments called gorga. The process will be analyzed mathematical concepts used in making gorga. Based on observations, one of the concepts used in making gorga is arithmetic sequence. This research is aimed at describing the modeling process...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors for the Prevalence of Stunting in Young Children and Its Prevention

Desy Linasari
Nearly 9 millions of Indonesian children suffer from stunting, and Indonesia is ranked the 5th in the world for the highest number of short children. Indonesia has made some progress towards achieving the target for stunting, but 30.8% of children under 5 years of age are still affected, which is higher...

Teaching Reform and Practice of Landscape Plant Pathology

Xiangfeng He, Wenhe Wang
Landscape Plant Pathology is one of the major courses for the undergraduates specializing in landscape architecture and forestry in the higher agricultural and forestry colleges. In this paper, the author discusses some issues in the teaching course of Landscape plant pathology, including irrational...

Rapid Prototyping as an Experimentation Method of Designing Tools to Improve the Quality and Variety of Stitch-Resist Dyed Motifs

Bintan Titisari, Slamet Riyadi
This paper discusses initial findings from an ongoing research project that designing a tool to improve the quality and variety of stitch-resist dyed motifs in Indonesia. Stitch-resist dyeing technique has been used to produce Indonesian traditional cloths, such as Jumputan cloth, Tritik cloth, Pelangi...