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188759 articles

Preserved Value Approach for Asset Valuation

V. A. Lazarev
Paper describes the new approach to the valuation of partially exhausted economic asset. Approach is based on the economic equivalency of the cash flows generated by appraised asset and the same asset when it was new. Described approach involves the concept of time value of money and considers the exhausted...

The Micro-service Architecture Design Research of Financial Trading System based on Domain Engineering

Xing Sheng, Shuangshuang Hu, Yihui Lu
The purpose of this article is to propose a domain engineering-based micro-service reference architecture for financial trading platform, which can solve the problems of high complexity and high maintenance cost of a real large-scale financial trading system and try to provide a general solution for...

EFL Students’ Learning Styles on English Academic Writing at University Level in Indonesia

Syayid Sandi Sukandi, Yulmiati Yulmiati
This research reports descriptive statistical data on the circumstance in the form of a survey study through questionnaire about EFL students’ preference on learning styles – alone or group. Respondents were students who enrolled in 2017/2018 academic year at Research subject in three class sections:...

Information Security Awareness on Data Privacy in Higher Education

Julyeta Paulina Runtuwene, Revolson A. Mege, Verry Ronny Palilingan, Johan Reimon Batmetan
There is always a negative aspect of a technology utilization. Security issues become a serious problem in information technology. The development of information technology makes access to data privacy is very important to note. The purpose of this study is to analyze and measure students understanding...

Pecking Order Theory

Dian Novita, Yasmi, Dinar, Nirwana
Investation the company do for expantion or top up the gain make the assets and anticipation company needed in the future. This research aimed to determine to what extent of profitability, liquidity, and company’s growth affect capital structure of public companies in Indonesia and to determine the most...

Quality Cooperation of Management Models of Private Basic Education in Creating Effective School

Salman Al Farisi
Effective schools are often equated with the terms Quality School and productive school. Equating schools effectively with the term quality school or productive school according to the researchers' view is not always appropriate. Although there are some elements of similarity, there are clearly differences....

The Influence of Knowledge and Religiosity with Mediation of Attitude Toward the Intention of Repurchasing Halal Cosmetics

Ilma Savira Putri, Sri Daryanti, Alia Rachma Ningtias
The growth of Muslim population continues to increase and is expected to continue growing up to 2.2 billion by 2030. This makes the demand for halal products increase. However, it is not followed by supply from a trusted manufacturer for the halal product. This study wanted to know how the perception...

Politeness Strategies in WhatsApp Text Messaging Between Sundanese Students and Lecturers

Farida Farida, Dian Yuliana
This study aims to reveal politeness strategies used by Sundanese students when sending text messages to their lecturers via WhatsApp chat application. For the data, this qualitative study used 57 text messages from six students majoring in Sundanese language at a university in Bandung. Drawing on Brown...

The Effect of Individual Characteristic, Communication, and Work Environment on Employee Performance PT Hilex Cirebon West Java

Siska Ernawati Fatimah, Lisa Harry Sulistyowati, Sunimah Sunimah, Agustina Agustina, Nadhira Nadhira
This research was conducted on PT Hilex that located in Plered Kabupaten Cirebon, this company established since 2001 and pure PMA that is have a good market in ASIA. PT Hilex Cirebon produced cable, for this time research devoted to the production of motor and car cables totaling 120 employees, researchers...

Copyright Proof of Creation in the Field of Science in Declarative Systems in Indonesia

Raden Murjiyanto
One of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) areas is Copyright, in deciding copyright, it is applied a system which is called as Declarative System. It means that copyright is created automatically when a creation is created which is realized in a form that has a specificity, without any obligation to register....

Management of Sports Tourism and Recreation by Goverment and Private Business in Banyumas Regency

Nakhnu Pujileksana, R. Lumintuarso
This research is done from the problem of storage; therefore, the purpose of this research is to test the government and private business in Banyumas Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative method for the benefit of local government in Banyumas Regency. The research had the manager and tourists...

Influence of Starting Age on Second Language Acquisition

Yadi Deng, Qing Wang
Individual differences are believed to be in close connection with second language acquisition (SLA). In this paper, the key age hypothesis is used to review and analyze the learner's starting age, and the learning characteristics and learning conditions of the second language learners of young children,...

Research on the Construction of Practical Teaching System of Non-Destructive Testing Specialty in Vocational Education

Xinbo Chen, Xiaoli Li, Li Wang
Practical teaching is an important part of the whole teaching system of Non-destructive Testing Specialty in Vocational education, and the cultivation of practical ability is an important part of Vocational education. This paper analyses the characteristics of practical teaching of Non-destructive Testing...

Preliminary Study on the Development of Barrier-Free Tourism for the Disabled ——Take Zhuhai Royal Hot Spring Resort as an Example

Yanxia Liu, Meihe Zou, Lin Shi
The living conditions of the disabled directly reflect the degree of civilization of a country. Nowadays, with the implementation of national leisure tourism in China, the disadvantaged group of the disabled should be paid more attention to. With the continuous improvement of the basic protection system...

The Deficit Deixis of the Children With Speech Delay

Ira Eko Retnosari
This article aims to describe the deficit of deixis of the children with speech delay. The approach used in this article is qualitative with descriptive method. The data of this article are words that can give a description of deixic deficits. Data collection techniques used in this article are (a) observations,...

Uncertainty Reduction on President Candidates’ Social Media for Presidential Election 2019

Karina Dyota Madyaratri, Fany Nabila, Fitria Angeliqa
This research aims to see the extent of Instagram-based political campaign can reduce public uncertainty towards the presidential candidates for the 2019 Presidential Election. This research use Uncertainty Reduction Theory to find the research result, positivist as its paradigm, with quantitative method...

Study on Mental Damage Compensation in "Law on Protection of Rights and Interests of Consumers" Interpretation of Article 51 of the "Law on Protection of Rights and Interests of Consumers"

Mengkun Xu
Law on Protection of Rights and Interests of Consumers is a modern law which inclines to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers based on the inferior position of consumers. Compensation for mental damages is a way to relieve the mental damages suffered by one party of the victim by...

Modeling Break-even Zone Using the Integral Methods

Liliana Horal, Vira Shyiko, Oleg Yaroshenko
Researched the break-even activity processes of enterprises. Results showed that for certain types of activities there is no single traditional break-even point, there is a whole range of production volumes, which has the principles of break-even activity. Taking into account these aspects, it is proposed...

Research on the Vertical Management Mode of Five-year Majors in Colleges and Universities

Wenjie Liu
At present, there are some five-year majors in Chinese universities, which usually have distinctive professional features and a longer training period. Therefore, there are many contradictions and differences between these five-year majors and the existing four-year majors. This paper discusses the working...

On Some Aspects of Strong Risk Class and Associated Ordering

Mervat Mahdy
Pages: 172 - 192
The paper opens up a new aging class and a new stochastic orders which is depend on risk class, that plays vital role in the reliability theory, finance topics, stochastic orders, and the economic theory. The article presents some new interesting implications and characterizations concerning this class....
Proceedings Article

On the Commercial Signboard Font Design in Shenyang that Establishes the City Visual Order

Yang Meng, Zhang Duo
Based on the idea of establishing urban visual orders, this paper aims to explore the demonstration form of Shenyang commercial signboard font designs under the influence of the visual order establishment and to handle problems currently existing on streets of Shenyang and major cities, including the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Light-Curing Duration and Different Composite Shades on Color Stability of Composite Resins

Nurhanani Mohd Sadek, Nur Syuhadah Jamal, Victor Goh, Goo Chui Ling
Aims of this study is to evaluate the effect of light-curing duration using light-emitting diodes (LED) curing units and different composite shades on the color stability of the composite resins. Specimens in four shades of two types of com-posite resin were prepared and polymerized with the LED curing...

Demand and Cultivation of Professional Talents in Clinical Engineering at Home and Abroad Based on the Analytical Theory

Yang Liu, Jie Lyu
With the development of medical technology, medical equipment is increasingly complex and the professional application of medical equipment continues to increase. However, due to the lack of knowledge in medical engineering for medical staff, the function of equipment can not be fully developed, restricting...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical Investigation of the Superiority of Dropwise over Film Condensation

Wenyan Zhu, Xiaofang Cheng, Xueliang Fan, Yuanlong Qin
In this paper, we want to research on the superiority of dropwise condensation. First, the concept of interlayer convection was presented. Then, a mathematical model about the transition from film condensation to dropwise condensation was established. It is confirmed in theory that heat transfer coefficients...

The Cultivation of Talents in Application-Oriented Universities in the Context of New Engineering

Xing-liu Hu, Hai-fei Si, Zhong Yang, Nan Xu
The development of new economy challenges the cultivation of engineering talents. Application-oriented engineering talents of the new economy should have the characteristics of cross-disciplinary and cross-industry integration. All these require engineering talents to construct the thinking mode that...

An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Online Behavior of Patients Accepting the Health Care System

Yuan HUANG, Ying CHEN, Xin-Xin YU, Yan LI, Meng-Meng CHEN, Yang-Yang HU, Xiao-Long MA, Zhang-Guo SHEN
With the improvement of people's living standard nowadays, people's awareness of their own health and the demand for health care knowledge are also increasing. Basing on an in-depth analysis of the existing issues in the development of online medical system, this paper constructs the six-factor TAM model....
Proceedings Article

Traffic Signal Optimization Control Based on Fuzzy Logic Controller

Xinlan Guo, Tao Li
In this paper , the author designs a kind of adaptive dynamic programming to be used to optimize method of the parameters, and designs the frame structure in order to optimize traffic signal fuzzy logic controller. This paper chooses the evaluated neural networks and control module (fuzzy logic controller)...
Proceedings Article

A Data-link Dynamic Slot Allocation Algorithm

Longfei Lv
Aiming at the problem of time slot resource allocation in tactical data link network, combining FPRP algorithm and P-TDMA algorithm, the exponential incremental exponential decrease (EIED) backoff algorithm is introduced, and the competition access probability is improved, propose a dynamic time slot...

The History and Current Situation of the Development of Urban Management Major in China

Ya-juan Sun
The development of urban management specialty can be divided into three stages: germination, start and rapid development; the distribution of professional geographical distribution is not balanced; the colleges and universities carry out professional construction according to their own subject advantages...
Proceedings Article

The Positive and Negative News Coverage Released by the Media that Influenced the Psychology of the Students

Heny Setyawati, Tandiyo Rahayu
The development and the performance of athletes need to be disclosed to the society in general, through mass media though uncontrolled news may give negative side effect which is contra productive for the sports coaching, including mental defectiveness of an athlete. This study is to examine The positive...

Value co-creation of innovation eco-system based on customer needs

Hongyan Huang
The innovation eco-system is the embodiment of the transformation of the business model, and the value co-creation is realized through the communication and cooperation of the participating entities. Customer is an important part of the eco-system, and this paper studies the mechanism of the innovation...

Explicating Human Capital Contribution for SMEs Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Cokorda Gede Putra Yudistira, Wayan Edi Arsawan, I Wayan Wirga, I Ketut Santra, Ida Bagus Sanjaya, Ni Made Kariati
Researchers debating about the role of human capital in order to increasing financial performance, sustainability and competitiveness. This study aims to examine the role of human capital in improving financial performance and competitive advantage. This study used a quantitative design through the distribution...

Stone Reliefs of the Han Tombs in Shandong Province: Relationship Between Motifs and Composition

Zhicheng Bi
One of the important characteristics of the monumental relief art is the way of building a composition on a flat surface. In the stone reliefs of the Han Dynasty the dominant principle is a plastic-planar pictorial one (Moshkov, Kuznetsov 1994). Distribution of masses and location of the main lines of...
Proceedings Article

Carotenoids of a New Russian Carrot Cultivar F1 “Rubinovaya”

Taisiya Burginskaya, Victor Deineka, Irina Blinova, Mikhail Tretiakov
New Russian F1 “Rubinovaya” cultivar of Daucus carota was found to be pink-colored due to biosynthesis of lycopene and β-carotene in relatively high overall level (up to 0.200 mg per 1 g of fresh weight, FW). The typical carotenoid composition of carrot roots with pink color were determined by proposed...

The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on the Welfare of the Village Community

Made Ary Meitriana, I Wayan Suwendra, Luh Indrayani, Kadek Rai Suwena
The concept of social entrepreneurship has become a popular concept in various countries. In reality, various groups have begun to discuss the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative solution in solving social problems in general, one of which is the problem of social welfare. The welfare...

The owners’ accounts in the early Datini companies

Dmitriy Aleynikov, Mikhail Kuter, Artem Musaelyan
The research is devoted to the early accounts of the owners of Francesco Datini's companies. It is claimed that the accounts of the owners (partners) of the medieval companies represented the ordinary personal accounts, which did not differ much from the personal accounts of the third parties. It is...

Semantic Thinking Guide Uses Learning Design Principles in Developing Course-Sites in Hylearn for Lecturers

Kunto Imbar, Diana Ariani, Retno Widyaningrum
The purpose of this study was to produce Microlearning regarding the development of the Semantic Thinking Guide Using the Principles of Learning Design in Developing Course-Sites in Hylearn For Lecturers. The flow of this research uses the Rapid Prototyping model as a research reference, while Rapid...

Modern Features of Strategic Planning for Highly-Technological Enterprises

Elena Lobova, Vitalii Semkov, Anastasiia Semkova
In modern conditions of the economy existence, the competitiveness of high-tech enterprises largely depends on the level of development of the Total Quality Management system. Planning the implementation processes for an enterprise, Total Quality Management requires not only a clear understanding of...

Construction of Scholarship and Grants System under the Background of Reform of Postgraduate Training Mechanism

Weifeng Li, Lixia Liang
Postgraduate education is the highest level in higher education, and it shoulders the mission to cultivate top-notch and high-quality talent. Scholarship and Grants are basic guarantees for postgraduates to live and complete their studies. Only by constructing a well-developed scholarship and grants...

On the Path of Learning Party Organization Leading the Construction of Study Style

Yu Chen
The learning party organization and the study style construction are complementary and inseparable. The learning party organization requires each sub party organization to study conscientiously and practice the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to learn the knowledge necessary...

Agenda Setting of the Religious Issues News in National Print Media (Content Analysis of News of the Islamic Defense Action III December 2, 2016)

Metha Silvia Ningrum, Arintowati H. Handoyo
The statement of the former Governor of Jakarta Capital City, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) about QS Al-Maidah verse 51 in his speech on Pramuka Island on September 27, 2016 caused controversy and became a national issue in Indonesia since his recording video spread in social media during October 2016....

The Practice Unification of Disciplinary Construction and Talent Cultivation Against the Background of "Double First-class" Strategy in Chinese Higher Institutions

Jinzhu Zhang, Hongquan Lin
Talent cultivation is an important function of modern universities and one of the essentials of constructing first-class disciplines. Disciplinary construction and talent cultivation are two mutually supported missions which run through the governance of universities all the time. The evolution of new...

How to Improve Employee Performances

Angky Febriansyah
The purpose of this research was to investigate the employee performance is one of the successful company factors. There are many ways that companies  have to  improve the employee's performance, for example, for increasing the accounting information system. Therefore, increasing the accounting information...

The Variety of The Entrances Changes of Rumah Gadang Minangkabau

Rosalinda Wiemar
Rumah gadang Minangkabau is a traditional house owned by one clan. The activities within the rumah gadang are numerous and varied. Especially because occupied by several families. Circulation of the occupants from and into the home is very important, entrances is the main facility in the circulation....

The Effect of Field Trip Method on Social Emotional and Language Development in The Kindergarten

Susiana, Siti Masitoh, Andi Mariono
Low social emotional ability and language development in children is caused by several factors, such as the choice of inappropriate learning methods, the attention of learning activities and the lack of teacher enthusiasm in the field of social and emotional development of language. Outside class activity...

Research on Performance Evaluation of Banking Listed Companies Based on RAROC Model

Xiaonan Ding, Yanyu Feng, Guiying Liang
This paper studies how to evaluate the performance of commercial banks scientifically. RAROC model is used to analyze the financial data of 16 listed banks in China for 4 years. Then, this paper clarifies that RAROC (Risk-adjusted Capital Return Rate) is an appropriate index to evaluate the performance...

Cultural Concord of the East and the West in Pearl Buck’s Novels on China

Ling’e Shu
Pearl Buck is the famous American writer in the 20th century. She lives in two worlds, the world of her American missionary parents and the world of a continually fascinating Orient, where lived more than 30 years. Pearl Buck has deep affection for China and the Chinese people and makes China as the...

Self-Reflections of Introvert Students towards Problems of Speaking English

Reni Handayani, Widyastuti Purbani
This article reports the findings of a phenomenological study investigating introvert students’ lived experiences in learning to speak English as long as they were studying in Senior High School. Being reflective is one of the characteristics of the students who are inclined to have introvert personality....

Social Demand Oriented Reform of College Chinese Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges Taking Yunnan Open University as an Example

Yang Shuping
College Chinese is an important course in the implementation of humanistic quality. It undertakes the historical mission of imparting language skills, shaping humanistic spirit, cultivating aesthetic ability and inheriting national culture. The level of Chinese language is an important indication of...

Research on the Influence of Industrial Structure Adjustment on the Efficiency of Low Carbon Logistics in Hebei Province

Xiao Zhang
Within the context of low carbonization, the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure plays an important role in improving the efficiency of low-carbon development of logistics industry in Hebei Province. Seven indicators including logistics carbon emissions, logistics industry gross production...