Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Calibrating Resistance with Wheatstone Bridge and SPSS

Qing Ye, Xinchun Wang, Kaihua Yue, Man Cheng
Based on the balance principle of Wheatstone Bridge, this paper firstly derives a linear relationship between comprehensive quantity (of resistance & length) and the length of resistance wire , then measures experimental data of resistance and length, finally introduces SPSS to analyze data, verify the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Co-construction and Sharing of Ancient Books Digital Resources in University Libraries Against the Background of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Yi Dong
The construction of cultural community based on the background of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Great Bay Area can not only give full play to its politics social and economic values, but it has great significance for the development and construction of regional culture. As an important means of cultural...
Proceedings Article

A Literature Review on the Influence of Parents on Children’s Academic and Cognitive Development

Zihan Zhu
How parents can raise their children well has become a topical issue. To help address this professional issue, this essay reviews the interrelationships between parenting style, parental companionship, parental emotional stability, and family structure on the one hand, and children’s academic and psychological...
Proceedings Article

Discussing the Application of 4Is Principle Under the Context of China—with Perfect Diary as an Example

Xiaoqi Cai
Internet development has allowed the e-commerce industry to grow and consumers to fulfill their wants through online shopping. However, as more and more information is available online, companies must differentiate from others. Integrated communication marketing (IMC) allows businesses to transmit unified...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Relationship between Internet Finance and Domestic Consumption

Yue Hu
In recent years, third party internet payment which is the part of Internet finance has occupied financial markets rapidly due to its own advantages of convenient payment, convenient application and time saving. Internet finance has brought the challenge to traditional finance, and at the same time,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Flexitime on Work-Life Balance of Millennials Generation Employees in Jakarta with Turnover Intention as Moderating Variable

Yosef Dedy Pradipto, Yossi Laurina
This research aims to study the effect of flexitime on work-life balance of millennials generation employees in Jakarta. The research method used is quantitative using 200 millennial respondents working in Jakarta. The collecting data technique in this research is non-probability sampling in form of...
Proceedings Article

Social Choice of Medical Personnel Handling Covid-19

Mohammad Hidayaturrahman, Nurul Pujiastuti, Hesti Respatiningsih, Prima D. Kusumawati, Yossita Wisman
The covid-19 pandemic is still becoming a major problem in the world until now, especially in the health sector. One of the most vulnerable community groups to Covid-19 are doctors and medical personnel. Not a few doctors are sick and die. Doctors work in the back line to treat Covid-19 patients. They...
Proceedings Article

Study of Practice Teaching of Software Engineering

Lihua Wu
There is the homogeneity phenomenon of the project setting of software engineering in the traditional practical teaching, and these setting projects can not completely reflect the requirements of society and enterprises. To these problems we introduce knowledge and skill requirements of the mass data...
Proceedings Article

Research on Collecting Copper from Chalcopyrite by Flotation in Yunnan

Bowen Yang, Guzhang Zhuang, Chunmei Wang
Based on the properties analysis of the chalcopyrite and the phase analysis of the chalcopyrite, collecting copper from the chalcopyrite by flotation was determined. The effects of grinding fineness, the dosage of dispersant and the dosage of collector were researched. The grinding fineness as 90%, water...
Proceedings Article

Value Enhancement Model Construction and Comprehensive Evaluation Based on AMOS E-commerce Enterprises

Lihua Xia, Zeyu Yang
In this paper, 132 appliance merchant class enterprises' data in 2018 were selected as the research object; AMOS from structural equation model was used as the analytical tool; the verification model of e-commerce enterprises value promotion was constructed; and 12 observation variables, such as R&D...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Divergent Path of Integration Between EU and ASEAN

Qianyu Yang
In the 21st century, EU has evolved as one of the most proniment and successful regional political and economic development model. ASEAN on the other hand, compared to the development path of EU, it is still falling behind in regard to both economic and political development. There are several similarities...
Proceedings Article

Entering the classroom of the university in North America: feelings on academic visiting & thoughts on teaching

Lin-lin Xia
The lively lecture in Harvard University initiates the author’s thoughts and consideration associated with the education issues during the academic visiting in North America. From my views of prospective, the deficiency of reading amount seriously affected the teaching quality and degree programs for...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Reasons for the Increase of Real Estate Price from the Perspective of Currency Liquidity

Lei Pang
China's real estate industry rose in the 1980s, and developed in the 1990s. In recent years, with the promotion of housing system reform and the acceleration of urbanization, the real estate industry has developed rapidly. On the one hand, the prosperity of the real estate industry has improved the quality...
Proceedings Article

Culture-led Regeneration Policy as Urban Transformation Opportunity in Indonesia: Lessons from Glasgow

Satrio Lang Lang Buwono, Adam Faisal Faliti, Ahmad Nizar Hilmi
Culture-led regeneration has been widely recognized as an important concept in urban development discourse. However, this concept has not been widely discussed and included in the urban development policy agenda. This article reviews the practice of culture-led regeneration policy as a means of urban...
Proceedings Article

Transfer Penalty of Public Transport

Ting Wang, Siping Ke
The public transport accounts for a large proportion in urban traffic, however, generally, travelers are unable to complete the trip with a single form of public transport. With the rapid development of the intelligent transportation and the application of big data, the accuracy of the generalized traffic...
Proceedings Article

The Reasons and Countermeasures of Psychological Problems of Freshman from Rural Areas

Yi Zou, Zichao Wang
The psychological problems of college students from a rural area are more common and special than those from the city. The period of the first year in university plays a key part for students to shift the role from a high school student to a university student. At this stage, rural students face a lot...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Cooling-off Period for Divorce and Property Relations

Yuxin Li
The setting of the divorce cooling-off period integrates the ideological prerequisite of increasing the autonomy of marriage, the social background of the rising divorce rate, the legislative purpose of preventing reckless divorce, and the provision of institutional support for the judicial practice....
Proceedings Article

Under complicated geological conditions of reservoir subdivision contrast

Weisong Yan
In this paper, application of high resolution sequence stratigraphy theory as the instruction, reconstruct the sedimentary system in the study area. And application of the results, The use of A1 block pattern encryption favorable opportunity, conditions for the development of reservoir in this block...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Intelligent Logistics and Supply Chain System for Publishing Industry

Shuo Liu, Yang Li
Big data, digital publishing, flexible printing and other new technologies and concepts have changed the traditional publishing industry in China. The reading habit of people and forms of publication are changing, and the logistics demand of traditional publications is changing too, so the reconstruction...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Comparison between English and Chinese Euphemisms

Wei Liu
Euphemism is a proper means of expression people use in communication and exchange which is hoped to make communication smooth and pleasant. Euphemism is both a common language phenomenon and a social cultural phenomenon, which has penetrated in people's daily life, reflecting the widespread social phenomena...
Proceedings Article

Informal Affixation on Twitter Tweets as Teaching Material for News Texts in High School

Puput Noviana Indra Mulyani, Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardila, Agus Budi Wahyudi
This research aims to describe the forms of informal affixation on Twitter tweets and their implementation as teaching materials for high school news texts. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Research data were words that contained informal affixes on Twitter tweets. Data collection utilized...
Proceedings Article

A Multidimensional Perspective on Cross-gender Videos in TikTok: Performance Strategies, Content Production, and Social Impacts

Jinlei Xing
In recent years, cross-gender performances have realized a resurgence of popularity in short video platforms represented by TikTok, which has become a spectacle of gender performances in short video platforms. According to Butler's theory of gender manipulation to analyze the counter-performance,...
Proceedings Article

Consideration and Practice of Building Code First-class Undergraduate Curriculum Construction

Fang Wu, Yue Zhu, Xiaojun Hu, Yue Wang
The course “Building Code” is an essential guarantee for architecture students to acquire a comprehensive understanding of building codes, apply them to architectural design, and enhance their practical design skills. The core construction concept of “projects +”is proposed to meet the requirements of...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Stigma for Re-employment of the Young Elderly

Fang Wang
The aging trend of the global population is obvious, at the same time, the shortage of human resources is more obvious. The re-employment of the young elderly is a strategic requirement to cope with the aging population and the sustainable development of economic society. However, at present, the young...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Chinese Green Financial Market

Qingzhi Li
Chinese President Xi Jinping promised that carbon emission quantity will reach the peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. In order to fulfill this mission, China must make full use of green financial market which mainly consists of green credit, green bond and carbon trading market....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Working Environment on Burnout in Millennial Employees in Jakarta with Job Performance as Moderating Variable

Yosef Dedy Pradipto, Muhammad Ihsan Ibrahim
So many people want to work in Jakarta and after a brief observation, the researcher see that there are some employees in Jakarta who are having conditions in their working environment that refer to burnout. Also, if the working environment cannot meet the individual need, it refers to poor performance....
Proceedings Article

A Mobile Learning Framework In The Cloud

Shanshan Cheng, Zenggang Xiong, Xueming Zhang
Mobile cloud learning, a combination of mobile learning and cloud computing, is a relatively new concept that holds considerable promise for future development and delivery in the education sectors. Cloud computing helps mobile learning overcome obstacles related to mobile computing. This paper proposes...
Proceedings Article

The application of seismic reconstruction inversion in Daqing Changyuan oilfield development zone

Long Wang
Daqing Changhua oilfield has been into a period of determining, transition zone have been closely watched as the basis of potential areas, but the transition zone has a problem of the low degree of use, conventional reservoir interpretation method is difficult to satisfy the requirement of accuracy....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Consumer Decision in the Clothing E-commerce Mode from the Perspective of Invisible Cost

Xuran Sun, Hongzhong Shan
Clothing industry plays an important role in our national economy. This paper uses economic theory to analyze consumer decision-making under clothing e-commerce mode and studies the influence of hidden cost on consumer decision-making in clothing e-commerce mode. Then, aiming at the application of big...
Proceedings Article

Minahasa Community Local Wisdom; Study of Social Construction of Inter-religious Harmony

Siti Fathimah, Ferdinand Kerebungu, Sangputri Sidik, I. Wayan Gede Suarjana
This study aims to see how the community views the religious reality in Minahasa, what factors encourage the creation of inter-religious harmony in Minahasa, and how the local culture of the Minahasa community responds to religious diversity can influence community life and inter-religious harmony in...
Proceedings Article

How Would Different Parenting Styles Affect Their Children’s Exclusive Behaviors?

Zhuge Yan
Since people might feel painful psychologically and physically when they are excluded, it is necessary to prevent and forecast exclusive behaviors. Parenting styles is an important factor that may forecast children’s issue behaviors. Then, it is interesting to know whether and how the three parenting...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Thinking of Reader Service in Military Academy Library in the New Age

Na Zhang, Meng Li, Kang Yi
Reader service is the core and the most basic work of the library. With the rapid development of science and technology, the importance of libraries is constantly improving, and the service for library readers is also changing at the same time. This paper analyzes the changes of library reader service...
Proceedings Article

The Adaptation Strategy of Pencak Silat Singa Dorang in West Java: An Ethnography Study

Irpan A. Rahman, M. Yoesoef
The aim of this research is to reveal the adaptation strategy of Indonesian martial art through the Community (Perguruan) of Pencak Silat Singa Dorang in West Java. The analysis is prioritized in the form of adaptation strategy studies that are being carried out and there are few comparisons with adaptation...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Thematic Progression in English-Chinese Translation Practice

Hongping Chen, Xiaomei Zhang
With the development of linguistics, the conceptions of theme and rheme as well as thematic progression have aroused attention in translation area as the three conceptions provide a new thought in translation, which makes the translation more flexible instead of concentrating on the elements in a sentence....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures of the Commerce Circulation Industry in Jilin Province

Zhigang Bian
Commerce circulation industry and markets are the intermediate link between the production and consumption, the industry and agriculture, the city and country, and all regions. They are the important part of the large-scale production, the decisive power of the economic growth, the factor that can reflect...
Proceedings Article

Flanders Interaction Analysis in the Teaching of “Medical Cellular Biology”

Zhu-Mei Sun, Hua Li, Ting-Jie Ye, Xiao-Feng Yan, Xu-Dong Hu, Xiao-Ling Wang
Flanders interaction analysis is an analysis tool for language interaction behaviors in class which can objectively reflect the events happening in class and achieve a quantitative evaluation. First, the coding system of Flanders interaction analysis is improved, and the improved analysis system was...
Proceedings Article

Study on Community Pension Model in the Field from Multiple Governance Perspective

Wenjing Wang, Lihua Li, Chuanrui Chen
Based on the survey of community pension service in Changchun city, this paper summarizes and evaluates the current pattern of community pension service in Changchun, including the model of community day care and the home care institution. We also construct the community pension service model from multiple...
Proceedings Article

Financial Risk Analysis on Its Impact on Regional Economic Growth in China

Jianhua Wen, Jiangying Wu, ling Hong, Huijie Zhou
In the new economic normal, China is facing the challenge of economic transformation. One of the main focuses in current economic work is the prevention and control of systemic financial risks that may arise during this process. This study collected panel data from 31 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Perfectionism, Social Comparison and Gratitude on Body Dissatisfaction Among Female Students

Shofiyah Shofiyah, Rilla Sovitrina
Behavior of body dissatisfaction has been interesting study in various studies since long time, especially in the field of psychology. Therefore, the researcher was interested in doing research, especially on female students. This study aims to see whether there is influence of perfectionism, social...
Proceedings Article

Study on standard of Fu Yang reservoir effective thickness interpretation

Guanchun Yan
Fu Yang oil belongs to low porosity and low permeability reservoir, the thickness of development is thin and the content of oil is less. Oil-bearing occurrence mainly in oil immersion and oil stain, the jump range of spa is low, and it is not sensitive to the lithology reflection. Through the analysis...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Risk and Prevention for Rural Banks

Shuang Qiu
The development of rural banks in China is in its initial stage, whose risk prevention capability is relatively poor, banking business is relatively simple, and funding channels are not broad enough. This has limited the development of rural banks to a certain extent, and restricted the sustainable development...
Proceedings Article

Future Education: Building a comprehensive learning ecosystem

Chuanli Wei, Yani Bai
This paper discusses the concept and goal of future education, and believes that future education should be a learning ecosystem for all-round development. The paper analyzes the challenges facing education today, including the limitations of traditional learning models and the impact of technological...
Proceedings Article

Reasons for International Institutional Inefficiency in the Governance of Transnational Challenges: Cases around the Globe

Qinfeng Jiang, Chenyuan Li, Kawing Wei, Xike Yue, Haoxi Zhang
This paper aims to analyze why international institutions are inefficient in solving global challenges by illustrating three cases concerning Arctic protection, Covid-19, and climate change. The paper concludes that the reasons are (1) the conflict of interests between states and (2) the weakness of...
Proceedings Article

The Historical Significance of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act: The Impacts on Chinese Immigrants in the United States

Xinyao Zhang
The essay is to discuss the historical significance of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and its impacts on Chinese immigrants at the time. This phenomenon has been observed for many years, and various scholars have explained it from various perspectives, especially on the impacts of the Chinese Exclusion...
Proceedings Article

Research on Urban Real Estate Management in Chengdu During the Period of the Republic of China

Luhua Gan
Urban real estate management in modern times is of great significance to the development of urban construction. During the period of the Republic of China, the Chengdu government's urban real estate management experienced a gradual improvement and development course. This paper explores historical materials...
Proceedings Article

Service Quality of Public Service Malls: Study of Public Satisfaction Survey Analysis of Electronic Services

Deby Febriyan Eprilianto, Trenda Aktiva Oktraiyanda, M. Noer Falaq Amin, Melda Fadiyah Hidayat, Yuyun Eka Kartika Sari, Nur Fadillah Sebti Sulistiana
The presence of public services is to be able to achieve goals, namely, serving the rights of the general public and meeting the needs of the community for the necessary goods, services and administrative services. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government to be able to create quality public...
Proceedings Article

Research on Evaluation System of National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Colleges

Ru Chen
Innovation and Entrepreneurship College, as an important implementation carrier and practical platform for universities to provide relevant education, provides a new path for cultivating talents with innovative thinking, entrepreneurial awareness and entrepreneurial capacity in the context of the contemporary...
Proceedings Article

SWOT Research on Domestic Third-Party Logistics Providers (3PLPs) in China

Yu Liu
With the rapid growth of logistics, it is important to gain further insight into the strategic benefits of logistics services. The study examines the current situation of domestic 3PLPs. Based on this, the study analyses domestic 3PLPs in China from four aspects (strengths, weakness, opportunity, threat)...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Countermeasures of Rural Sustainable Development in Heilongjiang Province Under the Strategy of Rural Revitalization

Yanhua Sun, Ying Wang
Nowadays, rural economic development is an important part of China's economic development. Therefore, the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the strategy of Rural Revitalization. In order to improve the development of rural economy in Heilongjiang Province, the government...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Current Application of Accounting Information for Listed Companies in China

Jing Wu
Accounting information refers to the data valuable to investors which may influence the behavior of investors. It is the economic information of corporate value movements, which reflects the investor's right to know and the right of speech. It usually tends to study the usage of accounting information...
Proceedings Article

Conception and Connotation: Carrying Capability of Creative Industry in Urban Microcosmic Form

Bo Lin
The author defines the urban microcosmic form and makes a systematic analysis on the role of it in the development of urban creative industry in thesis. The author puts forward the concept of carrying capacity of creative urban microcosmic form and elaborates its connotation. Regarding urban microcosmic...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Consumer Credit on Economic Growth Taking Tongren City of Guizhou Province as an Example

Hong Peng
Consumer credit, as a new mode of consumption in recent years, has a profound impact on people's life and economic growth. There is a large gap in the development of consumer credit, especially in less developed areas, consumption credit is more prominent. Taking Tongren city of Guizhou Province as the...
Proceedings Article

Practical Difficulties and Countermeasures of Small Credit for Poverty Alleviation Policy Based on the Perspective of Inclusive Finance

Xiaowei Zhou, Qi Wang
Financial poverty alleviation is one of the important ways of targeted poverty alleviation. Small credit for poverty alleviation is a financial product tailored for the poor in China. It is also the most direct embodiment of the general financial concept. However, there is still a certain gap between...
Proceedings Article

Can FDI Be an Engine of Economic Diversification in A Small Open Economy: The Case of Macau

ChunLi Ji
Taken Macau as an example, we uses the Grey Relational Analysis method to explore the effects of FDI on economic diversification depended on a time series dataset from 2002 to 2013. Results show that in small open economies (Macau as an example), FDI is negatively correlated to the economic diversification....
Proceedings Article

Sports Facilities and Infrastructure: Do They Contribute to the Learning Interest of SMK Students?

Putri Ali Fahmy, Gatot Jariono
The author's observations about the kids’ enthusiasm in participating in physical education lessons for sports and health at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi District, led to the problem in this study. Infrastructure given by schools for the continuation of teaching Sports and Health Physical Education...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom in Maparaji Tradition: Sundanese Indigenous Birth Knowledge

Mutiarani Mutiarani, M. Yoesoef
Maparaji tradition is a form of local wisdom that is still maintained by the Sundanese people in Pameungpeuk, Garut, West Java in the current era of medical treatment. This study aims to reveal the local wisdom values in birth indigenous knowledge through paraji practice in Garut, West Java. This research...
Proceedings Article

An Exploration of Chinese English Language Learners’ Foreign Language Anxiety

Yichi Zhang
Language anxiety is one of the challenges faced by many international students, which will influence students’ transition to a new environment. This article provides an overview of existing research focusing on the foreign language anxiety (FLA) of Chinese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Civics Learning in XI MIPA Class at SMA Negeri 1 Amurang

Sjamsi Pasandaran, Theodorus Pangalila, Thezalonica Jecika Mania
In an effort to improve students’ critical thinking skills, especially in Civics subjects, teachers must use suitable learning models so that they are able to make students play an active role in Civics learning and are able to improve students’ critical thinking skills by way of students conveying their...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Impact of Financial Development on the Quality of Regional Innovation in China

Jianhua Wen, Ling Hong, Jiangying Wu, Yunan Wu
Based on panel data from 30 provinces in China from 2001 to 2018, this article empirically studies the impact of financial development on the quality of innovation in Chinese provinces from three aspects: scale, efficiency, and structure, using a fixed effects model. The scale of financial development...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Supermarket Personnel Management System Based On Java

Shiyong Zheng, Qin Deze, Qiang Zhu, Biqing Li
In order to improve the efficiency of the supermarket personnel management work, the text designs a supermarket personnel management system, The function of this system include employee entry, staff mobility, personnel management and so on. The system uses the Java programming language, object-oriented-oriented...
Proceedings Article

Research on Current Situation, Major Impacts and Critical Foresight of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Based on the Principle of “One Country, Two Systems”

Wenqian Yang
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) includes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and the cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing in Guangdong Province (nine cities in the Pearl...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation and the Guarantee Mechanism for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education

Jianguo Luo, Jieqing Qiu
The development of innovative and entrepreneurial education is an effective measure to deepen the reform of higher education and to promote full employment. This paper introduces the ways to realize the innovation and entrepreneurship education from the perspective of theory and practice, and gives some...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship Education and Self-Efficacy in Entrepreneurial Intention

Winda Tesvati, Sri Tiatri
Entrepreneurship is one of many factors that can improve the economy of a country. The Indonesian government wants to produce thousands of young entrepreneurs with the expectation that they can accelerate the wheels of the economy because young entrepreneurs are considered capable of surviving in a crisis...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge Inequalities in Higher Education Equity in China

Han Wu
In China, there is a high degree of consistency and overlap in most research on equity in higher education, mainly focusing on equitable access to higher education and the determinants of students’ educational achievement, such as individual socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. This article, however,...
Proceedings Article

Practice and discussion on digital teaching of polymer physics under the background of “double carbon”

Ying Wang, ShiJing Zhan, JinLi Xie, XiaoHong He, QingZe Jiao
“Polymer Physics” is one of the most important required courses in polymer materials. It has the characteristics of deep theoretical level, many abstract concepts and strong logic. Students’ understanding and knowledge of the course need to be improved. Based on classroom wisdom, the construction of...
Proceedings Article

Current Situation of Animation Design Talents Cultivation in Chinese Colleges and Universities

Lingxin Luo
With the rising trend of world's cartoon design industry in recent years, animation culture in many countries and regions carries out a new wave. As a result, the demand for animation industry talents is more and more urgent from various places. In particular, China's recent level of animation industry...
Proceedings Article

The Integration of Teaching Modules of “Photography and Camera Technology” Course in Vocational Colleges

Yan Chen, Kang Wang, Laiqan Liu
In the process of deep investigation on film and television industry’s demand for talents, the author finds out that at present there are many problems existing in “Photography and Camera technology” course. For example, the system of content module is not clear, the structure is poor, some contents...
Proceedings Article

Applied Research on the Supervision Standardization of 750kV Transformer Substation Engineering--Based on the Special Geology and Environment in China's Northwest Area

Jun Qi, Yu Shan, Lu Zheng
750 kV substation project in China's northwest area is located in the edge of the desert, and in the site, there are many depressions, besides, the topsoil salinization phenomenon is relatively common and the crystallographic white salt efflorescence is visible. The depth of groundwater can reach to...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Development of Sino-Russian Economic and Trade Cooperation Against the Background of "the Belt and Road Initiative"

Yanling Zhou
In the current era, economic globalization and diversification have become the mainstream. For this reason, China has also put forward "the Belt and Road Initiative" in line with the trend of the times, aiming to realize the beautiful vision of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through "the...
Proceedings Article

Application in Military Equipment of Our Country Based on TENA Architecture

Z.R. Wu, M.Q. Chen, W.N. Cui
Currently, there are many independent and closed "chimney" simulation systems in some range training systems,which is not only a waste of resources but incompatible with other systems well. In view of this situation, the paper focused on using of the testing and training architecture (TENA) that US developed...
Proceedings Article

The Dilemma and Realization Path of Administrative Supervision of Personal Information Protection in China

Zheming Hu
Against the background of informational society's, personal information has become a strategic resource, while the issues of protecting it are highlighted. Personal information protection has involved in legislative, judicial, law enforcement and other aspects of problem. Based on it, this paper focuses...
Proceedings Article

The Identification of Serious Circumstances of Help Information Network Criminal Activity Crime

Guozhong Hua, Jingyuan Liu, Kexin Zhou, Xilin Shen
Since the judicial interpretation of helping information network criminal activity crime was promulgated, there has been a clear incrimination standard for the determination of “serious circumstances” for the crime of helping information network criminal activities, which provides specific judgment ideas...
Proceedings Article

The Study on Tik Tok Interactive Modes and Future Interactive Video Strategy Development

Minghao Qu
As the Covid -19 continues to rage, the number of Internet users is increasing rapidly, which makes it extremely urgent to innovate and develop new media. The organic combination of artificial intelligence and mega data has added interactive video, an innovative form of the video presentation, emphasizing...
Proceedings Article

On the Exploration and Innovation of Line Art in Animation Modeling Design

Yelei Chen
This article deals with the methods of enumerating, analysis and comparative study. It presents a way to research the linear art of animation modeling design. Here the author introduces a new approach of displaying various styles and forms of lines, which can reflect and enhance the appeal of different...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities of Science and Engineering-Under the Background of the “Double First-Class” Construction

Kailin He, Kuanmin Lu
The purpose of this paper is to put forward new thinking on the development of humanities and social sciences in universities of science and engineering, and to provide reference for the construction and development of universities of science and engineering. Through the analysis of the historical background...
Proceedings Article

Research on Classification of For-profit and Nonprofit Privat colleges Managemet

Lina Xuan, Allam Maalla
With the pace of reform and opening, private higher education in Guangdong has shown a good momentum of development. At present, classified management is a breakthrough in the comprehensive reform of private higher education in Guangdong. How to effectively promote the classified management and classified...
Proceedings Article

The Need Analysis for Development of Animated Video to Foster Independent Attitude in Science Subject

Putri Ayu Melatie Kartika Dewi, Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati
This study aims to describe the need for the development of animated video to foster independent attitude towards science subject. This study was qualitative. The subjects in this study were 1 teacher and 36 students of fifth grade SPF Wonorejo 4 Public Elementary School (W4PES). Data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article

Revitalizing Local Wisdom: The Governance of Religious Diversity in Manado

Ahmad Arif Widianto, Nanda Harda Pratama Meiji, M. Mujtaba Habibi, Meredian Alam, Angga Gilang Ramadhan, Alya Muflihatud Dini
The religious diversity in Manado is prone to triggering social tensions. Various mechanisms and policies for managing religious pluralism have been attempted to prevent socio-religious conflicts. One of the strategies is the revitalization of local wisdom as a foundation for religious harmony. However,...
Proceedings Article

A Critical Discussion of the Limitations on the Employees’ Free Speech at Work

Xinpeng Liu
Whether it is right for employers to limit employees’ free speech at work has been a controversial question. On the one hand, the right to free speech is a human’s basic right. Employees have the right to express themselves freely without employers’ censorship. On the other hand, employers have legitimate...
Proceedings Article

Studying on the Path of the Deep Integration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and the Education of Wealth Management

Zhongcai Li, Lihong Li
Taking the Shandong Institute of Business and Technology as an example, this paper expounds the necessity and urgency of the deep integration of innovation and entrepreneurship education and wealth management education, and analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the integration. The...
Proceedings Article

Research and Analysis on Practical Training and Practice of Animation Design and Production Major Students

Lingxin Luo
In teaching process, the teaching characteristics and teaching objectives of animation design and production should be fully understood so as to better combine classroom content and practice together. In animation design and production major personnel training process, students should not only get classroom...
Proceedings Article

Study on Talent Training of Architectural Decorative Art Design of School-enterprise Integration

Laiquan Liu, Ruie Zhang, Jiwei Wen, Shixiong Ding, Zhuoran Li, Yiwei Xue
The article takes the major of architectural decorative art design in a vocational education school in Hainan as the illustration to discuss the professional construction background, location of talent training, and thinking of talent training, and train the professional talents with the thinking of...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Northern Sea Route on Sino-European Trade Potential Based on Gravity Model

Dan Liu, Haitao Wen, Feifei Guo, Chun Wang
The NSR navigation will have significant impacts on global maritime transport pattern and Sino-European trade. Based on the analysis of impact mechanism of NSR navigation on maritime trade, this paper establishes a gravity model and uses regression analysis to measure the trade potential between China...
Proceedings Article

The Legend of Kemaro Island Folklore as Inspiration for Modern Muslim Wedding Dress

Indarti Indarti, Jihan A. Salsabilla
This study aims to describe the making process and the final product of modern Muslim wedding dresses inspired by the legend of Kemaro island folklore. The Double Diamond method was used consisting of 4 stages: discover, define, develop, and deliver. The study determined the source of the idea from the...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Culture-Based Civics Learning Model

Theodorus Pangalila, Kosmas Sobon, Juliana Margareta Sumilat
This study found that citizenship Education (PKn), one of the study topics, carries out a national goal to educate the Indonesian people using the method of “value-based education.” Therefore, the more prepared and relevant materials used in civics education in schools, particularly when it comes to...
Proceedings Article

On Several Supervision and Control Measures to Improve the Quality of Equipment Installation in Substation

Pengfei Yin, Bangyuan Huang, Kai Tang
Xinjiang Electric Power Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd. (referred to as the company) from the supervision of quality control and quality control, explore the application of standardized supervision card, flexible use of drawings, equipment out of the box, the standard process inspection and other means...
Proceedings Article

A Review on Effects of Positive Psychology Interventions on Depression

Chengxiu Ye
The rapid development of positive psychology has prompted psychologists to try to create positive interactions from the perspective of positive psychology, so as to help patients with depression. Positive intervention has also been proven to be an effective means of treating depression. This paper reviews...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to Increase Self-Efficacy in Preventing Relapse on Amphetamine Abuse Rehabilitation at Yayasan Bersama Kita Pulih, at Lido, Sukabumi

Hapsari Noor Safitri, Anastasia Sri Maryatmi
This study aims to discover the effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to increase self-efficacy in preventing relapse in amphetamine rehabilitant users at Yayasan Bersama Kita Pulih, Lido. Researchers gave treatment in the form of providing training using CBT to 5 rehabilitators, while 5 other rehabilitators...
Proceedings Article

A Water Scarcity Evaluation Model for Sustainability of Countries

Meng Li
In order to evaluate the ability of a region to provide fresh water to meet the need of its residents. We describe metrics in three aspects: the produce of water, the consumption of water and extra aspect. Moreover, each aspect is subdivided into several secondary indexes based on Food and Agriculture...
Proceedings Article

Research on the PPP Model of Community Home-Based Care in China

Dangchen Sui, Meng Li
In order to promote the development of the PPP pension service industry under the wave of population aging, this paper studies the mode of PPP entering into the community home care pension. We review the status quo of this new type of old-age care model from outside to inside and profoundly analyze causes...
Proceedings Article

Visual Analysis

Starting from Wong Kar Wai’s International Award-winning Film

Jiaxuan Zhao
Wong Kar Wai is a unique presence in Hong Kong, a film and television industry that values business over art. Wong Kar Wai’s unique aesthetic perspective and expression in the film are amazing and regarded as a classic. In Wong Kar Wai’s films, light, shadow, and color have become the most important...
Proceedings Article

Research of Oil Spill Response Technology

Tong Wu, Hongbo Zheng, Shushen Zhang, Shuming Ma
Frequent occurrences of marine ship oil spill accidents have brought great damage to the socio-economy and ecological environment. When an oil spill accident happens, port, tideland, shoreline and land might be polluted as oil slick is drifting constantly. This article analyzes the featuers of the four...
Proceedings Article

Study on the People-oriented Administrative Legislation

Xiaoning Zhang
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the people-oriented ideology has become the guiding ideology of the whole party and runs through all aspects of ruling the country, and has become a major policy of China. As an administrative and legislative act with both the legislative...
Proceedings Article

On optimization of incentive mechanism for autonomous learning in management courses

Zhenping Huang
The Management is a professional background course offered in the universities. The teaching of traditional management courses is mainly lecturing, which cannot stimulate the students’ learning motivation and intrinsic learning potential, nor can it give full play to their learning initiative, enthusiasm...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis of Education in Some Areas of Latin America, Africa and China

Zhang Hanshu
Since the start of the fight against poverty in China, solving the problem of education in remote and poor areas has always been a major focus of China’s work. However, due to the geographical environment, conservative idea of locals and other reasons, it is difficult to solve the problem of education...
Proceedings Article

The application of composite materials in contemporary jewelry teaching

Xiao-Yan Zhang
With the collision and blending in area of the design, more and more mixed media are used in modern jewelry , the understanding of people for the material no longer stay in the narrow space of the past. Contemporary jewelry design began paying attention to new visual sense of mixed materials. The designer...
Proceedings Article

The significance and function of Chinese Traditional Culture Education integrating into College Engineering Teaching

Xiao-dan Zhang, Kai Wang, Meng-xi Zhu
the significance of Chinese traditional culture education integrating into the teaching of Engineering in Colleges and universities is mainly reflected in the essential needs of cultivating talents with high quality and the important way to practice the socialist core value system. The traditional culture...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Research on Financial Risk Contagion

Xiaoyu Liu
This paper summarizes the research on financial risk contagion and reviews related literature research from the empirical research methods of financial risk contagion and the research methods of complex network theory.
Proceedings Article

Re-examining “ξενος” in Xenophon's Anabasis

--Based on an examination of word meanings, contexts

Xu Zheng
“ ξενο ς “ is widely used in Xenophon's Anabasis. “ξενος” is quite rich in meaning in ancient Greek texts, and is often associated with “ ξενια “ - “guest fellowship “. It is inappropriate for modern scholars to understand “ξενος” in the Anabasis as “mercenary”, and it is more reasonable to understand...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Willingness of Rural Migrant Workers Start Their Businesses in Hometowns - Based on Survey from Northern Anhui

Xin Wang
“Agriculture, rural areas, and farmers” have always been a focus of attention in China. Prioritizing the development of rural areas and agriculture, and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is the primary task of China’s current development. This article explores the factors affecting the willingness...