Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Community Development Program in the Mining Circle Community in the East Bolaang Mongondow Regency

Hamdi Gugule, Romi Mesra
In order to equalize perceptions between the community and the company, a careful study is needed on the implementation of the community development program as the contribution of PT Avocet Bolaang Mongondow's gold mining activities (now changed to PT JRBM) to the development of the village community...
Proceedings Article

Research on Fragmented Communication and Response Path Under the Background of New Media

Yijin Li
With the advent of the new media era, people’s media usage habits gradually show the characteristics of fragmentation. The phenomenon of fragmented communication media is becoming more and more intense, and fragmented communication has become a new proposition to be studied urgently. Using the research...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Social Support and Self-Regulated Learning in Senior High School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dhea Fitri Sidianto, Pamela Hendra Heng
High school seniors have more responsibilities that must be carried out however since the end of 2019, the world faced the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic forced us to have to do almost everything online. Students must be able to adapt and be able to carry out self-regulated learning (SRL) so that they...
Proceedings Article

Reflections and Discussions on the Socialization Service of University Libraries

Fei Wang, Xu Yu
The establishment of university library is not only for our students, but also for the general public, now the university library has become the offensive of many colleges and universities. The convergence of all kinds of literature in the library can bring educational function to the public. The socialization...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Medical Security System in Rural and Pastoral Areas of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Chunfang He, Haihe Jin
At present, the framework of the medical security system in rural and pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has taken shape, which plays an important role in meeting needs of the farmers and herdsmen on health care and improving the health standard. First, this article elaborates on the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Reliability of Hierarchical Supplier System

Xiaochao Jin
This paper applies reliability theory to the study of material supply in supplier system, proposes the conception of single supplier reliability and the flow of reliability calculate, then analyzes the reliability of hierarchical supplier system and taken the factor of cost into account.
Proceedings Article

The ancient site of architectural culture origin

Zhihua Xu
Jingde town is located in huizhou junction, and adjacent to each other. In history, according to "the huizhou government record" records: "two years in yongtai and analysis of yixian county and rao states the float saddle (note, jingdezhen old once owned by the float saddle county jurisdiction) buy qimen",...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Effect of Preventional Intervention to hypertension

Zehui Jiang, Jun Zhang
To study the effect of comprehensive prevention and treatment of hypertension. In the comprehensive prevention and control measures for patients with hypertension, we investigate and compare the lifestyle, medication compliance, blood pressure and body mass index of patients with the comprehensive prevention...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of urban and rural planning teaching outcomes based on structural equation modeling

Fei Su, Yitian Zhao
This study constructs a satisfaction evaluation system for urban and rural planning teaching based on Bloom’s classification of educational objectives, and concludes the following: (1) there is no significant effect of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain on student satisfaction, and there is a...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Construction Method of Industrial Institute Based on “3+1” University-Enterprise Cooperation Mode

Jun He, Sunyan Hong, Xuebing Ling, Jing Yu, Yan Liu
At present, China’s policy requirements, economic development status, industry status and university education situation all put forward requirements for high-quality application-oriented, composite and innovative talents. Industrial institute construction is an important way for local application-oriented...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Research Status of Sympathy Connotation and Its Measurement Methods

Lu Sun
With the progress of the times and social development, the requirements for talent specifications are getting higher and higher. The quality of talents has also become a hot issue of universal concern in all countries of the world. The core literacy of college students has made the education sector re-recognize...
Proceedings Article

Scientific and Educational Cooperation Between China and the Commonwealth of Independent States

Liuying Wang, Na Li
This article is devoted to analyzing scientific and educational cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The authors consider the importance of such cooperation because education is one of the most effective ways of improving mutual understanding...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Relationship between Reform and Development Based on the Implementation of China’s Thirteen Five-Year Plans

Shuoxing Zheng, Zhili Ren
Since the reform and opening up in December 1978, China has achieved great economic development. The five-year plan has played a major role in guiding, planning, coordinating major national construction projects, as well as distributions of productive forces and important proportions of national economy....
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Image Perception and Emotional Evaluation of Lugu Lake Tourism Based on Online Travel Notes

Shuyun Yang
Lugu Lake, as the birthplace of Mosuo culture, boasts unique geography, history, culture and natural landscape. It serves as a typical case for tourism destination image research. This study employs various analytical methods to explore tourists’ perception and emotional evaluation of Lugu Lake based...
Proceedings Article

The extraction method of the traditional architectural culture

Xing Li
China and the European civilization formed in France, the comparison between traditional architecture development and research is of great significance in the field of culture and history. France is a shining pearl on the European continent, while China has nearly five thousand years of history of civilization....
Proceedings Article

Engineering Change Implications on Product Design: A Review of the Literature

Inayat Ullah, Dunbing Tang, Leilei Yin
Engineering changes are inexorable and can arise at any phase of the product life cycle. To capture the maximum market shares manufacturers have to effectively and efficiently manage engineering changes. This paper provides overview of ECM and perspective on the published academic literature related...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Impact of the Short Videos’ Quality on User Experience

Take TikTok as An Example

Yongxi Lu, Xingyu Pan, Fangtong Song
The short videos is a crucial subject for studying the influencing factors of self-media communication power in recent times. The large market share of the media currently occupied by the short videos and the platform construction of the application itself, and play a significant role in the selection...
Proceedings Article

Polo Shirts and Its Reflection on Subculture in a Century from 1920s

Xiaoting Liu, Zihan Liu, Siyi Yu, Xiaobei Zhou
Mentioning the polo, short sleeves, two side vents, and sport shirt are the basic characteristics. In addition, it is well-known that they were derived from polo and tennis. Currently, polo shirts become golf and yachting clothing. Due to the evolution of fashion, polo has become the popular school uniforms....
Proceedings Article

Strengthen the Role of Industry Associations and Promote the Development of Foreign Trade

Fanhua Meng, Meitian Zhao
This thesis presents the idea that industry association under the framework of WTO in foreign trade management has more advantages than under the government, and points out that the industry associa-tions play an important role in reducing transaction costs, standardizing enterprise behavior in foreign...
Proceedings Article

Masks in Thathakan Performing Arts in Tuban: Ethnosemiotics Study

Setya Yuwana, Titik Indarti, Arief Sudrajat, Buntas Pradoto
The background of the study was to give the academic sense of Thathakan performance in Tambakboyo district, Tuban Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe: 2) denotative meaning; b) connotative meaning, c) Ideology myths) the masks of Thathakan art performance in Tuban. The theory used in this...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Online Learning Efficiency in Cross-Cultural Perspective

Lei Ding, Ying Zhu
Self-efficacy, a popular theme that is vital to influence learning efficiency. While online learning is another hot issue especially when the COVID-19 appeared. Therefore, understanding the distinction of self-efficacy on online education in different cultures and improving it has become important. In...
Proceedings Article

A Brief Analysis of Continuing Education Teaching Method Selection of Primary and Secondary School Teachers Based on Non-intellectual Factors

Zhang Chun Mei, Huang Li, Zhang Xue Mei
This article is mainly through the analysis of the primary and secondary school teachers of non-intellectual factors, and then involved in the primary and secondary school teachers continuing education teaching method selection of its influence. Therefore, it is pointed out that the trainers should fully...
Proceedings Article

Directive Speech Acts in the Novel Laut Bercerita and Its Implementation in Indonesian Language Learning in Class X

Prafika Putri Widiantari, Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardila, Agus Budi Wahyudi
This study aims to (1) explain directive speech acts in the novel Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori and (2) implement the results as Indonesian language material for class X. The research approach is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research is the novel Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori....
Proceedings Article

Study of the Translation for Metaphor in Financial English Based on Cognitive Linguistics

Zhaoying Li
With the rapid development of world economy and the booming of China's market, the interflow between countries become increasingly frequent, and market's demand for the talents that have both language ability and financial knowledge become bigger and bigger. Under such international and domestic background,...
Proceedings Article

Peer Social Support and Academic Self-Efficacy Among Freshmen Students

Bernadetta Yanuari Christy, Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi
This study explored the relationship of peer social support and academic self-efficacy among freshmen of psychology department at one of private university, in Jakarta Indonesia. The study applied quantitative method involved 117 freshmen with the range age 18-25 years. Peer social support was measured...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Digital Literacy in Realizing Learning Quality in Education Units

Ade Firmannandya, Eko Pamuji, Oni Dwi Arianto, Fitri Norhabiba, Jauhar Wahyuni
Technology is growing in all fields and human activities, and digitalisation is increasing. So, everyone must improve their ability to understand digitalisation. Understanding and using digital technology is important so that everyone can take advantage of digitalization. Previous research found that...
Proceedings Article

Current Employment Status of Medical Students in College Expansion

Ke Mu
Along with the social reform and the development of medical higher education, employment pressure and competition for medical students are highly increased. Solving the problem of medical students' employment has become an important problem that medical colleges and universities must solve at present....
Proceedings Article

Contemporary Analysis of the Influence of Modern Trends in the Development of Post-industrial Society on the Dynamics, Development and Structural Transformation of the Cultural and Creativity Industry

Nataliya Malshina, Anastasia Filonenko
This article discusses the theoretical Genesis of the concept of innovative economy of culture and creativity, analyzes the main tools to describe and measure its economic activity. The dynamics of the volume of world exports and imports of the culture and creativity industry reached 4.9 trillion dollars...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical Analysis of the Developing mode of Wushu Modernization

Yu Xue
This paper makes an in-depth and detailed analysis for the developing mode of Wushu modernization through the general modernization theory. It also illustrates that the modernization mode should include the target realization mode and the process mode; the target developing mode of Wushu modernization...
Proceedings Article

The Study of current Biomass Energy Policy in China and Several Recommendations

Xueying Ding
In this paper through a study of the current domestic biomass energy policy in China, we can see that China's policies on biomass energy includes:1) Relevant laws, 2) Priority access system, 3) Fixed price. After that, combined with foreign successful experience, the following four recommendations are...
Proceedings Article

Study on City Logistics Development Based on Breaking Point Theory

Yanhui Han, Yanni Zhu, Xianqiang Feng
This study used a principal component analysis, determine the comprehensive expression of principal components, obtain principal component scores on the comprehensive and rank, and then comprehensively evaluate city logistics competitiveness of 14 cities in Guangxi to quantitatively evaluate. The city...
Proceedings Article

Developmental Trend of City Exhibition Tourism under the Backgrounds of Concept Tourism and Ecological Tourism

Ting Zhao
In this manuscript, we analyze the developmental trend of city exhibition tourism under the backgrounds of concept tourism and ecological tourism. Along with the continuous expansion of the convention and exhibition industry, the tourism industry of basic convention and exhibition activities support...
Proceedings Article

An Exploration of Blended Teaching Mode of Vocational Education based on MOOC+SPOC

Yanhua Yan, Dongxu Liu, Lijuan Yue
Based on the connotation and characteristics of the mixed teaching mode of MOOC+SPOC, this paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of carrying out non-commissioned officer military vocational education based on MOOC+SPOC and puts forward the specific measures of mixed teaching mode based on non-commissioned...
Proceedings Article

Sociological Review of Farmer Family Welfare in Malat Village, Gemeh District, Talaud Regency

A. R. Umaternate, Renaldy Wuntu, Siti Fathimah, Romi Mesra
The problem in this research is about the welfare of coconut farmers in the village of malat seen from the sociological perspective, while the focus in this research is that the farmers of the town of Malat cannot be said to be prosperous following the understanding of prosperity from the government...
Proceedings Article

The Study of the Localization of the Teaching of British and American Poetry-Illustrated by the case of The Wild Honey Suckle

Yunfei Ma
British and American poetry helps to improve people’s language and spiritual state. Through the analysis of the teaching examples of American poetry The Wild Honey Suckle, this paper expounds the significance and ways of the localization of the teaching of British and American Poetry, and highlights...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Parental Warmth and Family Rearing Style on College Students’ Creativity Tendency: The Mediating Role of General Self-Efficacy

Chunhui Liu, Wenxuan Su, Xiaozhuo Zhan
Family is the first environment that affects people’s psychological development. In recent years, with people’s attention to education, more and more people began to pay attention to the impact of family upbringing on children’s physical and mental development. People also pay more attention to the impact...
Proceedings Article

Mindfulness to Use: in the "Fast" Should Prevent "Wandering"

Shun Tang
in recent years, in the field of psychological treatment, the use of principle of mindfulness presents the condition of ""race"". Mainly displays in the team, training, technology rich huge expanding and related effects, etc., has achieved good results. But easy to be misunderstood in the related research...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Reasons and Solutions of College Students' Low Willingness to Seek Psychological Help

Yanan Zheng, Chunying Chang
With the emphasis on mental health in China, college students' mental health education has become an important task for college students' management. However, the current college students' willingness to seek psychological help is low. In order to improve the effectiveness of college students' mental...
Proceedings Article

Kamal Muara and Kampung Dadap: Survival under Environmental Pressures

Hendro Prabowo, Nur Aziz Afandi, Mahargyantari P. Dewi, Henny Regina Salve
Kamal Muara and Kampung Dadap are two fishing villages located in the western part of Jakarta Bay. The fishermen in this village live in areas with limited natural resources due to flooding, decreased soil level, and polluted water. In addition, they also face two new environmental pressures in the form...
Proceedings Article

Absorption or Rejection: A Bibliometric Study of Internet-Enabled Development of Intellectual Property (2001–2022)

Ziqian He
Background: China has entered an era of Internet enabling, which makes intellectual property in the Internet context attract increasing attention. Methodology: based on 400 core pieces of literation on internet intellectual property on the CNKI Database between 2001 and 2022, this paper uses CiteSpace...
Proceedings Article

How to Deal with the Damaged Kariba Dam

Shiwei Li
The Kariba dam, which is constructed to provide power to Zambia and Zimbabwe, has been damaged seriously over the years so that it is urgent to solve this problem. This paper provides three main methods to address the situation. I illustrate the feasibility of each option by considering its potential...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Biomedical Research and Healthcare

Jingyi Zhuge
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into biomedical research and healthcare has ushered in a transformative era, which is redefining the landscape of diagnostics, treatment, and overall patient care. This paper provides a comprehensive examination of the multifaceted impact of AI on biomedical...
Proceedings Article

Research on Legal Regulation of the UNSC’s Addressing the Issue of Climate Refugees

Bingyuuan Huang, Yifei Ma, Jiaxuan Ruan, Jianyue Tang
Climate change has caused a large number of issues related to climate refugee, which have threatened international peace and security. So this requires action by the UN Security Council. Firstly, the current situation of climate refugees and three reasons for the difficulties of climate refugees’ rights...
Proceedings Article

The Prevalence of Scientific Misconduct and Principles of the Contemporary Scientists

Olga Savvina
The paper analyses the types of scientific misconduct and tries to evaluate the prevalence of these practices, based on statistics and studies in social science. It is concluded that significant scientific misconduct like fabrication, falsification and text plagiarism are not spread and occur quite rare....
Proceedings Article

Sentiment Analysis of Hotpot Reviews with LSTM Based on Keras Framework

JinJiang Zhu
Natural language processing as a domain of artificial intelligence has gotten a lot of interest in recent years, thanks to the fast growth of the Internet sector, and sentiment analysis has become one of the hottest study fields in natural language processing. Based on the study findings, this article...
Proceedings Article

Culture Conflict of transnational M&As Measure Research and its Evolution Law Analysis

YongAn Zhang, QingHua Wang
Quantitative indicators of culture conflict of transnational M&As were determined based on the concept of culture conflict of transnational M&As. Then the formula to measure the value of culture conflict of transnational M&As based on the time latitude was proposed. Culture conflict curve was fit out...
Proceedings Article

The competitiveness evaluation of the construction enterprise based on the strategy conformity

Miao Wang, Wenjing Li, Yingying Cai, Xiaoxi Guo, Fan Yang, Mei Zhu, Xiaofei Hou
Along with the rapid social development, the competitiveness of enterprises is stronger and stronger. It is obvious that the enterprise long-term competitiveness depends on the preferable strategic development. Therefore, the scientific evaluation of enterprise strategic competitiveness is of great significance....
Proceedings Article

The Meaning Making Mechanism of Global News Live Broadcasts from the Multimodal Perspective

Yuhong Yang
This paper introduces Kress’s and Van Leeuwen’s (2001) multimodal social-semiotic theory of communication to the field of television communication and applies this theory to examination of multimodal data generated from authentic television events. Using live broadcasts of MH370 press conferences as...
Proceedings Article

Basic Literacy Composition of Interviewers of Document Information Resources in University Libraries in the Digital Information Age

Lina Wang
With the rapid development of networking and digitalization, the traditional acquisition mode of document information resources construction in university libraries has undergone tremendous changes. It is urgent for literature information acquisition personnel to improve their working ability in all...
Proceedings Article

On the Change of Marriage Relationship After Gender Change

Hui Han
The change of sex after marriage will cause the instability of the marriage relationship, how to define the marriage validity state after the change of sex is a theoretical problem. Existing studies mainly focus on marriage and family law. Still, it is an innovative research idea to unify the measurement...
Proceedings Article

Development of Media Campaigns to Increase Beginner Voters’ Political Participation

Rr Nanik Setyowati, Pudji Astuti, Anam Miftakhul Huda
The democratic party which will be held in 2024 will be attended by all Indonesian citizens, including first-time voters. The level of participation of novice voters is expected to take part in the democratic party. This research is an effort to reduce the number of abstentions in the upcoming 2024 election....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Industrial Geographic Cncentration and Rgional Secialization in China

Chao Wen, Aixin Cai, Yanfei Su
The industrial division of labor and geographical concentration is the key factor to affect and determine the industrial layout and industrial optimization of China. Collecting 2014 Chinese industries in the provincial spatial data distribution, to study China's industrial geography concentration and...
Proceedings Article

Code-mixing Analysis in Krishna Pabichara’s Novel Lakuna

Pramudya Ashya Novika Utami, Markamah
This study aims to discuss the existence of code mixing in literary works, especially novel. Code mixing exists in society through novels that are intentionally inserted to give a unique impression. This study utilized observation and documentation technique to collect data. The data analysis method...
Proceedings Article

Mixed Media Painting and Medium Diversity: Development of Painting Techniques Using Ceramic Media

Winarno Winarno, Muchlis Arif, I. Nyoman Lodra
Research on this development practice can increase the creativity of the media for creating art in the Department of Fine Arts. The development of this technique can improve the teaching and learning quality, especially in mixed media painting practice. Directly or indirectly, the wealth of fundamental...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration of Modern Apprenticeship in Higher Vocational Art Design Major

An Wang, Hao Lu
In recent years, the demand of employment market for art design talents has continued to rise. It is an important task for higher vocational colleges to cultivate more high level and high quality skilled talents. However, there is a big gap between the quality of the students in the art design specialty...
Proceedings Article

The layered water injection research of thin oil zones of Xing Shu Gang oil field

Yikun Liu, Qingyu Meng, Qiannan Yu, Xinyuan Zhao
As the continuous development of oil fields, the mode of oil field water injection changed from the early general water injection into layered water injection, subdividing series of strata gradually stratified water flooding of water injection until now. After subdividing water injection measures, as...
Proceedings Article

Ethical Aspects of Agronomist Activities

Vinera S. Mukhametzhanova
The question of the relationship between science and morality today is particular relevance. Modern science, as a result of the intensification of the globalization process and the rapid development of technologies affecting human existence, can no longer remain "value-neutral". Changes in science makes...
Proceedings Article

A meta-analysis of top management team heterogeneity and corporate innovation performance in China

Xuan Wang
Numerous studies have focused on the relationship between top management teams (TMTs) and corporate innovation performance in China, but whether TMTs heterogeneity can promote innovation has not been consistently concluded. To explain the inconsistency of the empirical results and to reconcile the relevant...
Proceedings Article

Mediator Relationship of Social Support to Academic Stress and Self-Regulated Learning in Students

Pamela Hendra Heng, Septi Lathiifah
Someone who has self-regulated learning will be able to reduce the influence of factors that cause academic stress. Self-regulated learning can be influenced by social support which is part of the social environment. Social support is a process in social relationships and interactions that include emotions,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Current Situation of Teacher Guarantee After Private Kindergartens’ Transformation into People-benefited Ones A Case Study of X Kindergarten in Wuhan

Si Chen, Muzi Guo
The teacher guarantee condition of people-benefited private kindergartens is an important criterion to measure the quality of kindergarten running. Taking teachers in two people-benefited private kindergartens in Wuhan as the research object, this paper investigates the teacher guarantee condition under...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Blended Teaching Model Based on Micro-Curriculum in Class Teaching of Engineering Mechanics

Ping Wei
In view of the problems in the teaching of engineering mechanics in our university, such as the unique teaching methods, the difficulty in mobilizing the learning initiative and lack of ability to apply knowledge analysis to solve problems, the blended teaching model based on micro-curriculum, problem-driven...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Village Consultancy Board in Infrastructure Development in Fursuy Village, Selaru District, Maluku Tenggara Barat Regency

Yoseph D. A. Santie, Rinaldi Fordatkosu, A. R. Umaternate, Romi Mesra
The problem in this research is how the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Infrastructure Development in Fursuy Village, Selaru District The purpose of this study is to describe the role of the Village Consultative Body in Infrastructure Development in Fursuy Village, Selaru District and...
Proceedings Article

Emotion States in Video Game Play: A Study on the Emotional Exhibition of 18-30 Years Old Americans within MOBA Game

Sicheng Li
Online video games in now widely considered as one of the best activities that entertained people. Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), as one of the most popular types of video games, has received a lot of attention. This work aims to study the emotional states of 18-30 years old Americans within...
Proceedings Article

Price and Prejudice: A Case Study of College-level Project-Based Learning Program in a Shanghai International High School

Shuyao Wang
Project-based learning (PBL) is usually based on real-world issues and emphasis on students’ soft skills, including autonomous learning, collaboration, problem-solving, information seeking and evaluating. Many studies have been done to investigate the use of PBL in different stages of school, from kindergartens...
Proceedings Article

Education System Construction of Building Environment and Energy Engineering Facing the Actual Engineering

W.H. Tang, X.D. Cheng, X.Q. Wang, W.B. Zheng, C. Zhang
For purpose of cultivating talents who are good at solving practical engineering problems, has innovative consciousness and preliminary scientific research ability, under the guidance of the concept of modern higher engineering education, and through a series of teaching research projects being put into...
Proceedings Article

Research on Production Line Balance Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm

Qingyu Qi
As the basis of manufacturing enterprises, the production line balance problem is still one of the main problems faced by small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. In this paper, the production line balance model of two-population genetic algorithm is established by Matlab, and the effect of...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Persuasion Strategies of Online Psychological Counseling from the Perspective of Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor

Shan Wang
This study investigates the use of interpersonal grammatical metaphors, particularly mood metaphors, as persuasion strategies in online psychological counseling. A corpus of 150 question-and-answer interactions from a Chinese online counseling platform “Yixinli” was analyzed. Findings reveal that interrogative...
Proceedings Article

The Application of New Media Technology in the Ideological and Political Education of College Students

Hao Lu
With the development of science and technology, new media technology has been more widely used in teaching. In particular, the impact of new media technology on college students' ideological and political education is very important. The development of new media technology has brought the opportunities...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between People's Health and the Haze.

Zhu Wang
Since 2013, haze has becoming more and more thick in the north area of China. The haze affects our normal life. So we need to find the relationship between the haze and PM 2.5.The task needs us to find data about PM 2.5.We can analyze the relationship between the haze and PM 2.5 with these data. The...
Proceedings Article

Construction on Index System of Martial Arts Modernization Development

Yu Xue
Against the background of society modernization, especially in the process of constructing a harmonious society, Martial arts as a classic representative of Chinese traditional sports needs coordinated development with the modernized society. The main goal of this article is to construct an index system...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Whether Cryptocurrency Like Bitcoin is Real Money from the Perspective of State Theory of Money

Jie Hao
With the popularity of cryptocurrency like bitcoins in recent years, the social circles have been confusing whether cryptocurrency is real money essentially. Lots of voices have clarified the question from the traditional view that regards the nature of money as commodity. However, historical evidences...
Proceedings Article

Media Framing on Mutilation Case of Papuanese News

Silkania Swarizona, Farid Pribadi, Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka, Arif Affandi
This research unveils the dual nature of the mass media outlet in its coverage of the mutilation case of Mimika, Papua residents. Media, as an agent of social construction, wears a dual face, where on one side, it acts as a conduit for the political aspirations of the general public. However,...
Proceedings Article

The Making of Cinematic Company Profile of Cultural Arts Education Study Program as Information Media and Promotion Strategy

Setyo Yanuartuti, Nengah Mariasa, Indar Sabri
A company profile is one of the most efficient ways for an institution or company to convey comprehensive information about the institution. Cultural Arts Education study program at Postgraduate UNESA, generates a company profile with cinematic features that are engaging to the audience since there is...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Reform Discussion with the Center of Students and Based on Case Teaching Method

J. H. Su, F. Wang, B. Guo
in contrast with Chinese current teaching method with the center of teachers, the foreign teaching with the center of students is a kind of teaching method with more science and more accept by students. The article explains the new teaching method with the tool of teaching and the center of students...
Proceedings Article

Study on the way of Low Carbon of the Manufacturing Logistics System

Xiaobing Pei, Dingfang Jia
Currently, the development of economic globalization faster, which brings not only just opportunities, more challenges. With the deepening of the global carbon consciousness, China, as the biggest developing country, should follow the world trend, and adhere to the road of sustainable development combined...
Proceedings Article

The Course Design of Network Attack and Prevention Under the BOPPPS

Haibo Luo
First of all, based on the school’s orientation, student situation, and professional talent training requirements, describe in detail the level of knowledge and ability that should be achieved after learning this course. Secondly, the key problems to be solved in the teaching reform of this course, blended...
Proceedings Article

Application of Learning Video Based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles to Increase Thermodynamics Learning Motivation at Grade XI in High School

Robert Yusnanto, Anizar Rahayu
The Covid-19 pandemic has evolved into a multidimensional global issue; the impact is also felt in the school sector, which causes a decrease in student learning quality, particularly in terms of motivation. During a pandemic, learning takes on a new meaning. For some subject matter that should be tailored...
Proceedings Article

Learning Heritage Language Through Serious Games in Migrant School-aged Children

Shengjia Guan
Heritage language (HL), also named home language that people are used to speak from home, has advantages in children’s development of cognition, academy, psychology and cultural identity. However, migrant children have been facing many challenges in maintaining their HL mainly due to lack of HL learning...
Proceedings Article

Game Analysis of Japan’s Nuclear Wastewater Discharge and China’s Countermeasures

Yaodan Zhang
This article first introduces the timeline behind Japan's announcement of direct discharge of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean and the effects of discharging nuclear wastewater. Then it introduces the non-zero-sum game. After that, using the prisoner's dilemma in game theory, this...
Proceedings Article

Parents Perception on Kawasaran Dance in Tondei Village South Minahasa District

Zoni Henki Singal, Debora Sengkey, Veronika E. T. Salem, Romi Mesra
The problem in this research is the perception of parents towards their children related to the kabasaran dance with the focus of the research on the perception of parents on the kawasaran dance in Tondei village, South Minahasa Regency. By using qualitative research methods with observation and interview...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Educational Games in College English Teaching

Ying Luo, Hao Lu
With the continuous development of social economy, education is also closely following the development trend of the times to change constantly. In the teaching process, adhere to the students as the main body, innovate the teaching methods, put forward new teaching ideas, and cultivate and improve the...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation and Prognostication of Water Situation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

Xueer Bai
With about one quarters of the world's population experiencing water scarcity, our planet seems to be thirstier and thirstier. In this article, with necessary dynamic factors considered, an integrated model is built to evaluate the capacity of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to supply clean water to meet...
Proceedings Article

Rational Thinking on the Sustainable Development of Martial Art

Yu Xue
The martial arts culture is the spirit of Chinese martial arts, logo, and its constant impact on the wealth and development of all aspects of the development of Chinese martial arts. This paper proposed the development of martial arts culture and rich in problems, for questions, suggestions, clarify...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Impact of International Organizations on International Law

Yushan Zheng
Since the development of international organisations (IOs), it has become increasingly clear that international law is influenced by IOs. In today’s system of public international law and related public law studies, the legislation of IOs has mostly become an important part of public international law....
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Continuance Intention of Young Chinese Females to Use Social Media: The Case of Xiaohongshu

Yonglin Dai, Wenrui Liang, Wenjun Xv, Yanyue Wu, Yimin Wang
Chinese netizens’ social media demand is continuously rising, with young users receiving increased attention from social media companies and researchers. However, few studies have conducted in-depth research concentrated on the demand intentions of young Chinese women. Xiaohongshu is a representative...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Language Errors and Their Relevance as Advanced Indonesian Language Teaching Materials

Pratiwi Yulia Saputri, Markhamah
Language has rules that must be obeyed so it can be used properly and to reduce language deviations. However, in reality there are still many language users who make errors, especially in the field of phonology. This study aims to describe errors in the use of Indonesian language at the phonological...
Proceedings Article

Quality Signaling by Location in Market for Search Goods

J. Wu
This paper discusses the quality signaling in the location game considering search cost. We comment on Paul W.J. de Bijl’s paper published in the International Journal of Industrial Organization and point out that the proof of equilibria in the original article was not complete. We also question the...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Purchase batch on Wholesale Pricing Strategy Selection on B2B Platform

Siyu Chen, Tianyang Lou
In recent years, there are more and more online purchasing platforms, manufacturers as a seller in B2B platform release products by a wide variety of wholesale pricing strategies, such as: member price, stepwise pricing, bundling pricing, and so on. The same product may appear at two different prices...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Mobile Phones as a Digital Literacy Medium Among Religious School Students

Farid Pribadi, Diyah Utami, F. X. Sri Sadewo, Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka
During the long school holiday marking the transition to a new academic year, some students or religious boarding school students spend their time playing with smartphones. They take advantage of the school break by engaging in social media and online gaming. The average duration of smartphone usage...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Recognition of “Clearly Knowing” in the Crime of Assisting Information Network Criminal Activities Based on Chinese Payment Methods

Wenyan Xiao, Yequan Zhang
This article sorts out the three views in the academic community on the interpretation of the “actual knowledge” element in Article 287 of the Criminal Law on the crime of assisting information network criminal activities: the narrow view, the plain view, and the broad view. The author compares the three...
Proceedings Article

Path analysis of Wenzhou fashion city localization design in industry chain perspective

Zhijie Xia
Wenzhou as the development of light industry take the upper hand in manufacturing industry with superior transportation merchants resources, however, In the era of new smart products, the rise of human cost, environmental cost pay become the driving force for wenzhou improve development of the industry...
Proceedings Article

Study on Chinese Listed Companies Financial Early Warning System

Yumei Ding
With the development of the socialist market economy, China's listed companies become more and more, the core issue of the development of the company is financial problems. While fast-growing companies, corporate finance will face a variety of challenges. In order to ensure the healthy development of...
Proceedings Article

Student Perception about Higher Education Innovation: A Descriptive Study

Richard Andrew, Michelle Claudia, Rini Tri Hastuti
Nowadays, higher education administrators faced high global challenges and this situation similar with the other business and social sectors. All of those administrators must prepare solutions and innovations to sustain in post-normalization era. This research objective is to find the urgency of innovation...
Proceedings Article

Research on Performance Evaluation of Virtual Teaching and Research Section in Universities

Shihu An, Qing Sun, Hui Xie, Bolin An
The performance of virtual teaching and research section in universities refers to the effect that universities have achieved in the process of virtual teaching and research section construction. In order to scientifically evaluate the performance of the virtual teaching and research section in universities,...
Proceedings Article

Traditional folk houses in Nantong under the background of Confucian Ethics

Xin Zhou
The Confucian style flourished in Nantong area, so the Confucian ethics involved in the construction of residential buildings. In these buildings, "heaven" and "people" blend with each other, reflected in everything from layout to decoration. This paper starts from the discussion of the spirit of Confucian...
Proceedings Article

Research on Psychological Capital of College Graduates: The Mediating Effect of Coping Styles

Qiangwei Yan, Lei Zhang
A total of 832 college graduates in Wuhan City were selected as participants to analyze their psychological capital (PsyCap) and coping styles, using the method of cluster sampling. Data were collected via the PsyCap Questionnaire (PCQ) and the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ).This paper...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Significance of News Legal Education from "Case of Selmani and Others Indicting the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

Ziyi Guang
This paper studies the incident "Case of Selmani and Others v. the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", and makes analysis from the angles of the right to express opinions from opposition members, the legitimate right to express as a journalist, and the right to know of corresponding public. Then...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing the Role and Function of Teachers in History Learning in the Time of the Covid 19 Pandemic

Meike Imbar, Romi Mesra
This research involves a history teacher at a high school in Manado city who already has an Educator Certificate, with a focus on research problems related to how the efforts of teachers to carry out their roles and functions in history learning during the last two years during the Covid 19 Pandemic....
Proceedings Article

Student’s Cognitive Ability in Different Learning Environments-Asynchronous Online Learning vs Face-to-face Learning

Xiaotong Yi
The purpose of this study is to explore how the different studying environments affect student’s memory. During the time of Covid-19, online learning has never been popular around the world. Compared to in-person learning, online learning gives students a chance to do distance learning and effectively...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Gender Stereotype and Self-esteem of Chinese College Students

Jingxuan Fu, Xinya Hu, Geyang Wang
Gender stereotype and self-esteem are two important psychological factors that can influence college students’ well-being. This study uses a questionnaire to investigate the basic situation and relationships between gender stereotypes and self-esteem of Chinese college students. The results show that...