Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Community Opening on Road Access

Fan Li
This paper mainly studies the influence of community opening on road access, which is beneficial to perfect urban public service and optimize the structure of street network, so as to realize the maximum utilization of resources. When we study the influence of open area on the surrounding roads, we use...
Proceedings Article

Corporate Culture as a Tool for Improving the Effectiveness of Education Management and a Source of Competitiveness and Success of Higher School in Modern Conditions

Iraida Romanova, Olga Zhukova, Nelya Korbukova
The article is devoted to the issues of formation and transformation of corporate culture as an element of promoting education and science, and contributing to interaction between the leader and subordinates, the professor and students. Moreover, a thorough analysis of the experience of domestic higher...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Basic Research Situations in Jilin Province-Based on National Natural Science Foundation of China

Liwei Jing, Guihua Wang, Yuan Chen, Ling Sun, Haiyan Chang, Jingyan Liu, Zhe Tang
The National Natural Science Foundation of China, as an important funding channel for promoting the basic researches in the new era, adhering to the strategic positioning of “funding the basic research and scientific frontier exploration, supporting the talent and team for building and enhancing the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Development of High-Tech Enterprises Against the Background of Tax and Fee Reduction Policies: Taking Chongqing as an Example

Tingli Pan
Against the background of tax and fee reduction policies, this paper analyzes the development status of Chongqing’s high-tech enterprises and concludes that tax and fee reduction policies can effectively promote the healthy and sustainable development of Chongqing’s high-tech enterprises. In 2019, the...
Proceedings Article

Chaos or Breakthrough - Artistic Analysis of Cannes Award-winning Films of Recent Years

Haoying Liu, Jiayi Shi, Yuxin Xue
Cannes has redefined art house cinema in recent years. We find that the artistic tilt of films in recent years has been broken. There seems to be a contradiction between these films and previous films. Is there any rule in these contradictions? Is that really a departure from artistry? Is that a departure...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Negative IWOM on Consumer Innovation Resistance: An Empirical Study on GMF in China

T. Chen, W. Shi, X.Q. Liu
Based on the reverse thinking of innovation diffusion and Informational Influence Theory, this paper constructs a path model of the negative Internet Word-of-Mouth influence on innovation resistance in the environment of Chinese Genetically Modified Food market. The empirical study results show that...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Factors Influencing College Associations’ Development—Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

Kexi Pang, Rui Li, Xinyue Luo
To evaluate the performance of college associations scientifically and effectively is a considerable work to ensure the sound development of societies and to promote the cultural construction of universities. Selecting 3 factors as criterion layer—cadres’ quality, management mechanism and organization...
Proceedings Article

Problems in ‘Accessing’ Colonial Archives for Indonesian History Department Student

Lillyana Mulya, Arif Rahman Bramantya
Historical research in Indonesia, especially during the colonial era, cannot be separated from the Dutch colonial archives. However, not many researchers or students were interested in using colonial sources for various reasons. Precisely with colonial archives, researchers will find knowledge both written...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on Innovative Teaching Mode of Three-dimensional Cutting Course in Fashion Design

Huaxia Zhang
With the diversified development of the clothing industry, the plane cutting will not meet the requirements of fashion styling on structure. The three-dimensional cutting has been widely used in clothing structure design. Due to the complex operations, there may be all kinds of drawbacks in teaching...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Examination Management under Standardized Examination Conditions

Fang Liu, Yifeng Xu
After the expedition system was established, test scores and the vital interests of the candidates tied, examination fraud also produced, and with the close connection with the examination of fame and fortune and malignant development (from the ancient imperial examinations to test a variety of modern,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Implementation of Green Manufacturing Strategy Decision Method of Enterprise Based on AHP

Chaohua Wu, Lei Chen
In order to improve the level of green manufacturing, advanced manufacturing enterprises usually adopt source control and terminal control.How to choice the way of control is the main content of this paper.The article establishes implementation of green manufacturing strategic decisions evaluation model...
Proceedings Article

A Survey of Foreign Students' Satisfaction with Studying in Xi'an

Lijuan Gao
The study on the satisfaction of foreign students belongs to the category of cross-cultural adaptation research, and the questionnaire survey will be carried out from two aspects of social distance and psychological distance. Through the survey of students' life satisfaction in 7 schools in Xi'an, the...
Proceedings Article

The Image Analysis of Foreign Aid Between China and The United States from the perspective of comparative politics

Jiaxuan Zhang
After the World War II, the power structure had been fundamentally switched from the bipolar pattern to the world multi - polarization direction till now and would last for a long decade. Under this circumstance, People’s Republic China has rising and trying to participate more in international affairs,...
Proceedings Article

Speech Text for Language Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis

Mister Gidion Maru, Rahel W. Kimbal, Indra Rianto, Stralen Pratasik, Ruddy Pakasi, Arie Tulus, Fivy Andries, Noldy Pelenkahu
This study shares the results of bibliometric analysis which aims to obtain an overview or mapping of publications in the issue of using speech texts for language learning. As a bibliometric analysis, this research collects data by applying metrics on Publish or Perish (PoP) for publications from the...
Proceedings Article

Review on Influencing Factors of Gender Identity Development of Adolescent Individuals

Linxuan Chu
“Adolescence” has always been the focus of the whole society. With the development of adolescent socialization, the hidden dangers of adolescent gender role identity and mental health problems are becoming more and more prominent. With the continuous attention of academic circles to adolescent education,...
Proceedings Article

Short Video Empowerment and Dilemma Analysis of Early Returning Entrepreneurial Bloggers

Xinyuan Li, Gongjing Gao
The research on returning entrepreneurs is mainly based on dilemma exploration, influencing factors and path exploration, and less on the survival dilemma of small-volume returning entrepreneurs under short video empowerment. This paper analyzes the empowerment theory and dilemma of 15 small-volume bloggers...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Identity Perception Factors on U.S. National Strategy

Lin Liu
The national identity perception, consisting of self-perception and significant other perception, is an important starting point for state behavior and influences its judgment and choice of its own national interests. The U.S. national identity perception is a national strategic orientation based on...
Proceedings Article

The Ritual Dance of Cangyuan

Yaping Qiu
Cangyuan County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province is one of Chinaonly two Wa Autonomous County, is China's largest minority populated counties, the wa population accounts for the county has a population of nearly 9 percent, accounting for more than 4% of the Wa Nationality in China with a total population...
Proceedings Article

Study on Cultural Heritage Protection of Minority Sports Culture

Xiao Bo
Culture is a continuation of ethnic blood, human shared spiritual home, the protection of cultural heritage has become the focus of the world's precious heritage topic of intangible cultural heritage is non-renewable, it is the crystallization of human wisdom, carrying the national spirit of the people...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Application Oriented Personnel Training System in the Transformation and Development

Yuhua Jiang, Shuang Qian
As an undergraduate college, how to achieve the service of local economic and social development, production and education integration of school and enterprise cooperation, training and application of skilled personnel, and enhance the ability of students to start employment is the key to determine the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Influence on Traffic Before and After Community Opening With Rhine Rivers Community As an Example

Fan Li
This paper mainly studies the influence of community opening on road access, which is beneficial to perfect urban public service and optimize the structure of street network, so as to realize the maximum utilization of resources. When we study the influence of open area on the surrounding roads, we select...
Proceedings Article

New Challenges for Private Colleges and Universities in Construction of Counselor Team in the New Era and Putting into Practice the Spirit of the 19th National Congress

Shan Liu
Counselor is an important part of the ideological and political education work team in colleges and universities and plays an irreplaceable role in the conduction of ideological and political work for college students. In private colleges and universities, due to the particularity of students group different...
Proceedings Article

Scoring Sustenance with Simpati Capital: The Beggar's Strategy in Getting Money

Ms Sarmini, Syamsul Musthofa, Sri Sukartiningsih
Beggar is a social problem that is difficult to overcome in Jombang and Mojokerto districts. Begging activity is often used as a profession because it produces profits. The focus of this research is to find out how the beggar strategies in getting donations. This paper uses phenomenological design with...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Social Exclusion to Pain Sensitivity on Different Ages

Jianing Wei
This work introduces the research about the effects of social exclusion to social and physical pain sensitivity on people in different ages. This work takes different level of social exclusion as the independent variable and take the social and physical pain sensitivity as the dependent variable. The...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Characteristics of Network Literature Reading by Teenager

Changmin Wang
In the 21st century, the network literature reading has become the main reading way of Chinese teenagers. But network literature has extensive contents and rich resources, which will bring mental pollution to teenagers while satisfying their interest and spiritual demand. As a result, the network literature...
Proceedings Article

An Overview of the Causes and Countermeasures of Academic Misconduct in Colleges and Universities

Yanni Li, Yuyi Li
The research on academic misconduct is conducive to the correct guidance and reasonable management and control of the current academic research behaviors that frequently resort to fraud and seek quick success, so as to create a positive and clean scientific research environment. The relevant domestic...
Proceedings Article

An Exploration of Communicative Translation Strategies for Chinese Political Metaphors

Yuhong Huang, Ting Liao
This paper analyzes how political metaphors can be manipulated by translators in order to preserve the flavor of source texts as well as achieve intended communicative effects from the perspective of Communicative Translation Theory. Through categorizing metaphors in The Governance of China and taking...
Proceedings Article

Research on BIM Technology Application in the Whole Process Cost Management of PPP Project*

Jiangchao Chen
China’s economic development has entered into a new normal, and the effectiveness of fixed asset investment needs extensive and in-depth participation of social capital. In this context, PPP project has been vigorously developed. Due to the large number of participants in PPP projects, this kind of decentralized...
Proceedings Article

Six Years Struggling with Bulimia Nervosa: A Case Study

Sherly Sherly, Naomi Soetikno
An eating disorder is a serious condition that negatively impacts our health, emotions, and daily functioning. Eating disorders pose a significant risk to physical health and have a negative impact on an individual’s daily functioning (eg, functioning in school, work, or social relationships), and are...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Mechanism of Government Support for Sci-Tech Finance from the Perspective of Resource Allocation—A Case Study of Guangdong Province

Dawei Li, Yifan Wang, Ying Pan
The development of sci-tech finance is inseparable from government support. The government may play a more critical role than the market, especially in the initial stage. This paper first reviews the research literature related to sci-tech finance and resource allocation during the transformation of...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Necessity of Rural Education in Central and Western China

Yichi Chen
China’s rural education has achieved certain results, but it still has many shortcomings compared with urban education. The economic and social conditions of remote villages determine that their educational development cannot be synchronized with coastal cities such as Shanghai, and their educational...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Research on FDI Introduction Effects on Carbon Emissions the in Jiangsu Province on the Background of Demonstration Zone of South Jiangsu

Ming Yan, Ze Tian
The construction of South Jiangsu modernization demonstration area bring an opportunity to build an ecological civilization of Jiangsu, while more reflected in the constraints of environmental system. Based on the system analysis of the introduction of FDI carbon of scale, structure, regulation and technology...
Proceedings Article

Research on Development Direction of College English Teaching and ESP

Liailun Chen
As English proficiency continue to improve of high school graduates, as well as society's high-quality demand is increasing for compound talents to, college English teaching curriculum is facing the problems of development direction. The importance of ESP teaching in college English teaching has got...
Proceedings Article

Research on Exercise Intervention on Health Promotion of the Elderly

Jing Bao, Shanping Chen, Liping Liu
The aging population has become an important social issue facing all countries in the world. How to increase the physical health status of the elderly through economic and effective means of exercise so that early prevent chronic diseases in the elderly. While improving the body function and life quality...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of The Physical Carrying Capacity of Ria Kenjeran Tourism Area Surabaya City

Agus Sutedjo, Sri Murtini
The tourist area of Ria Kenjeran in Surabaya has seen an increase in the number of visitors year on year. The increase will affect both physical and nonphysical environmental conditions. Efforts are needed to mitigate negative impacts so that Ria Kenjeran can sustainably limit visitors to its carrying...
Proceedings Article

Variation of the Health Ecolexicon on Covid-19 News in Indonesian Mass Media

Khusnul Khotimah, Maria Mintowati, Zulaikha Abdullah
One of the positive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on linguistics is the emergence of a new ecolexicon. Ecolexicon, these variations arise because of the depiction of the situation during the pandemic that enriches the Indonesian language. The richness of a language is reflected in the variety of its...
Proceedings Article

Environmental and Financial Performance of Publicly Traded Indonesian Companies

Ratna Wulaningrum, Venti Eka Satya, Amiril Azizah, Dwi Yana Amalia Sari Fala
The company not only focuses on achieving maximum profit but also pays attention to its contribution to society and the environment. The issue of environmental preservation has long been a concern of the government, the community and environmental observers, therefore indirectly in its business activities...
Proceedings Article

Application of PDCA Management Theory in Railway Maintenance

Jianhong Mao
Implementation of railway maintenance job could not only greatly improve the service life of the railway, but is of great significance to the safety of railway transportation. In the article, combined with the basic connotation of PDCA cycle management, we propose some strategies to improve the efficiency...
Proceedings Article

Studies on the Financial and Economic Effects and Improving Measures of China's Transformation from Business Tax to VAT

Yun Li
The business tax is a kind of tax collected by total business turnover derived from the provision of taxable services, the transfer of intangible assets and the sale of immovable property in China, while the value-added tax (VAT) is a kind of turnover tax levied on the increase in the value of goods...
Proceedings Article

Research on Behavioral Characteristics of the Health Club Group Exercise Participation Population in Xianning City

Yameng Li, Shuangjun Li
With lifelong fitness and sports science slogans started, people are increasingly concerned about their own health problems. Forms of exercise fitness group gymnastics loved by the masses, paper Xianning club members for the study, based on survey data population group Exercises basic features and behavioral...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of a Country's Sustainable Development

Zhanxi Zhang
We build the GA-BP Neural Network Model to evaluate the sustainability of the country. First we select nine indexes from natural resources, economic strength, human resources and social living environment in total, establish the index system for sustainable development and validate its completeness and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Yunnan Higher Education Reform Based on Industrial Value Chain The Example of Trade Economics Major in Yunnan College of Business Management

Sujun Shao
The current re-industrialization policies in developed countries have led to the restructuring of the global industrial value chain; the China-inspired One Belt and One Road Initiative has realized regional industrial transformation and upgrading through international capacity cooperation, and reconstructed...
Proceedings Article

I still Feel Abnormal: Self Recovery after being Sexually Abused

Ms Sarmini, Wiwit Maharesti
Sexual abuse towards children may cause psychological, physical, and social trauma. This study focuses on self-recovery attempts of victims after being sexually abused. Phenomenology design referring to Creswell perspective as knife analysis was utilized. The data were obtained by doing an in-depth interview...
Proceedings Article

Reflections on the Protection and Inheritance of Local Culture in the Process of Urbanization

Yongbin Zhou
The new urbanization should have cultural connotation and humanistic spirit, rather than simply seeking spatial expansion and scale expansion. Urbanization process, in particular, should pay attention to the cultural heritage of the city. As a result of utilitarianism, cultural protection awareness is...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Cultivation of Professional Command Ability of Officer Students in Military Colleges

Weiqi Sun, Li Li, Kaifeng Zou, Xutao Cai, Xingxiang Guo, Yan Cao
Starting from the necessity of cultivating the professional command ability of officer students in military colleges and universities, this paper first introduces the connotation of professional command ability, analyzes its basic composition and training requirements, and finally puts forward the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Development of Medical Care Combined Service in S District

Wendi Liu, Wenjing Zhang
The study investigates the development of integrated medical and nursing services in District S, aiming to improve elderly quality of life, reduce burdens on families and society, and promote the advancement of elderly services. The research examines the current state of service institutions, contents,...
Proceedings Article

Training of Students' Comprehensive Ability through Calligraphy Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Shoucun Li
The students' ability training through calligraphy teaching in universities is presented mainly as follows: Training of appreciation ability that stresses on communication between students and teachers and first gets a clear picture about what the students are thinking in study. Training of the observation...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Employability of College Graduates from the Perspective of Employers Based on a Questionnaire Survey for Campus Recruitment Orgnizations in Jilin Province

Yanming Li, Li Xiang
Based on a series of studies on employment ability at China and abroad, this paper compiles a survey questionnaire for the employment status of college students in Jilin Province in 2017, and conducted a survey in 392 employer units. The survey results show that different types of employers have different...
Proceedings Article

Study on Tourism Upgrade of Ancient Villages in Foshan City Based on Eco-Museum Theory: Taking Fengjian Ancient Village in Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City as an Example*

Chunshu Liang, Xuyuan Chen
Foshan has always been attaching great importance to the revitalization and upgrade of ancient villages. However, the revitalized ancient villages have the problem of insufficient vitality. Developing tourism in ancient villages is an important way to enhance the vitality of the ancient village and increase...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Current Status and Solutions of Global Refugee Problems

Yahan Yang
Nowadays, due to some internal conflicts such as political and economic problems, and especially religional conflicts and intervention by other great powers, wars and racial oppression have occured and even lead to a large number of citizens turing to be refugees, and finally here comes global refugee...
Proceedings Article

Practical research on teaching reform of media majors based on the concept of “Curriculum Ideological and Political Education”

Changhua He, Mengyao Yu, Yajie Tang, Yuhan Deng
This study examines the impact of teaching reform in media majors using the new media operation and management course as a case study, based on the educational concept of “Curriculum Ideological and Political Education”. The study included undergraduate students majoring in web and new media from the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Primary School Computerized Random School Assignment Policy in Ningbo

Xiyu Song
In order to ensure educational equity, reduce the pressure of compulsory education, and effectively guarantee overall educational equity, the state has introduced a lottery policy, which is a computerized random assignment to determine the secondary schools that students within a district attend. The...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Factors Which Influence Consumers' Willingness to Pay for the Pork Traceability System Based on RFID Technology

Yuanqiang Lian, Junfu Liu
Traceability can be considered a key factor in agriculture-food sector. Based on the survey data of Yangzhou consumers, analyze the consumers' cognition of pork traceability system by descriptive statistics, and use regression analysis model to extract the main factors of influence customers' willingness...
Proceedings Article

Reform of Physical Talents Training of College Students Party Members

Mi Zhou
Our Physical education offers professional sports for nearly 20 years, but is still in its infancy, there are many immature places. Current construction of sports relies mainly on the leapfrog development of mass sports, sports professionals is to promote the development of mass sports backbone, so to...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Influence of Social Ideological Trends on College Students' Ideological Quality

Na An
In recent years, social ideological trends have shown sporadic and fragmentary, perceptual and daily life, mutual penetration and mutual development. The social ideological trends have had a double influence on the development of college students' ideological quality. In view of the negative influence...
Proceedings Article

An Overview of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Fengning Deng, Liuqing Ding, Chris Chenghao Liao
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder that seriously impairs mental health and affects an individual’s life. This review aims to provide an overview of NPD. This article summarizes the etiology, subtypes and psychotherapy of narcissistic personality disorder. In the results...
Proceedings Article

The Teacher-Student Relationship in Han Yu’s On Teachers and Its Educational Significance

Xiaohui Li, Changun Park
Recently, there are unfortunate episodes between teachers and students. We could see an endless number of reports about related extreme events caused by deterioration of teacher-student relationship. The purpose of present study is to analyze the teacher-student relationship in On Teachers (Shi Shuo)...
Proceedings Article

College Students’ Online Self-Disclosure during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Need for Relatedness, Passing Time, and Gender

Wahyu Rahardjo, Mardianti Mardianti
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people, including college students, to hold back and reduce various offline activities and social relations. The use of social media is one of way out to keep college students open and connected with many people. This study aims to reveal the effect of the need for...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Curriculum Ideology and Politics Education in Engineering Majors

Min Huang, Shuaihui Wang, Jingyang Wang
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has held several national conferences on ideological and political work in colleges and universities, emphasizing the importance of curriculum ideological and political work. However, there are still a lot of problems in the development...
Proceedings Article

Research on Professional View of Higher Vocational College Students

Haiyan Liu, Liansheng Yang
Vocational education is an important part of national educational system and human resource development. The Party Central Committee and the State Council take vocational education as important foundation of economic and social development and strategic focus of education. However, some higher vocational...
Proceedings Article

Smart Growth, Better Life

Yun Li
This paper describes an index-system to measure the success of smart growth of a city. Smart Growth Theory has the three-E's goal of Economic prosperity, social Equity and Environmental sustainability and ten principles concerning sustainable development. Firstly, I refered to a large number of reference...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Relations between Financial and Economic In Chinese Economic Development

Shuo Ai
Currently there are some negative tendencies of financial irrational development exist in some areas of China and cause a lot of harm. In this paper we put forward four strategic initiatives to deal with relations between financial and economic problems in China's economic development, namely: a clear...
Proceedings Article

Design thinking: a Fruitful Concept for Strategic Enterprise Management

Jia Jiao, Rong Zhang
In order to achieve a breakthrough innovation and obtain the leading position of market, design thinking is an important strategic concept for strategic enterprise management. In this paper, it analyzes the characteristics and value assessment of design thinking. Through research on the reason why strategic...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Training of Junior Medical Students as Standardized Patients

Yan Zhang, Xu Wang, Ping He
Standardized patients (SP) are more and more widely used in teaching. In the teaching, junior medical students are introduced as standardized patients, giving full play to the advantages of junior medical students and improving the deficiency. Taking the junior medical students as standardized patients...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Solidarity as Social Networks News from the Digital Newspaper: Transitivity Perspective

Darsita Suparno, Santje Iroth
This article discusses the news of solidarity, partnership, and culture uploaded through the North Sulawesi digital newspaper platform which is read by the public. The purpose of this study is to identify events, and actions that indicate solidarity, partnership, and culture. The research method used...
Proceedings Article

To explore ways to protect the inheritance and development of Yunnan Yunnan art

Jin Feng
Yunnan is one of the Yunnan Province Han Opera. It not only reflects the Yunnan local culture development history, but also reflects the crowd around the aesthetic taste and wisdom of life, however the development history of today, Yunnan is facing the plight of the inheritance and development of. A...
Proceedings Article

Between Curiosity and Love: The Meaning of Premarital Sexual Behavior for Students in Malang City

Ms Sarmini, Agung Dwi Bahtiar El Rizaq
Sexual behavior is considered as contemporary activities and become part of adolescence lifestyle. The substance of this study is reveals the meaning of sexual behavior in the students of university perspective. The research design used was interpretive by referring to George H. Mead's symbolic interactionism...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on Practical Teaching of Radio and TV Directing in the Background of University Transformation

Xiaolei Wang
The application of undergraduate colleges is the focus of the transformation and development of colleges and universities. It is necessary to realize the goal of transformation and development, and to cultivate the talents and talents needed by the society. Practical teaching plays a decisive role in...
Proceedings Article

Reflection on the Implementation of the Policy of Directional Normal University Students in Hunan Province

Hanxiang Mo, Yaling Wang, Kexin Yu, Siyang Yu
In recent years, rural education has become the focus of attention of the whole society. The government of Hunan provincee in China has put forward a policy of directional teacher-training students to improve local rural education in accordance with the national direction. This research is based on two...
Proceedings Article

Precise poverty alleviation of employment of poor college studentsinspiration

Wu Zhang
The problem of employment of poor college students is the focus of current society. This paper analyzed the present situation of higher vocational graduates employment for poverty, elaborated to precise poverty reduction as the breakthrough point, conscientiously do good job recognition and employment...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Trends of Talent Cultivation in America and the Enlightenment

Yanling Liu
In recent years, talents training achievements in Chinese universities are obvious, but also exists many disadvantages. In front of the premise of these deficiencies, learn from other countries on the fruitful experience of university personnel training is particularly important and valuable. America's...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures in Machine Translation

Jingyuan Xie, Chunyan Ma
Computer translation is an interactive translation of natural languages by means of computer devices. Both cultural and linguistic differences have proved some problems existed for the traditional translation. Therefore, the automatic English to Chinese translation system by means of corpus may be an...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Impact of Vocational Skills Training on Women’s Non-Agricultural Employment under the Background of Rural Revitalization Empirical Analysis Based on CLDS (2018)

Yating Sun, Gongjing Gao
The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy promotes the rural economy to gradually move towards a high-quality development path. The overall revitalization of the rural industrial system requires the transfer of rural labor from the agricultural sector to the secondary and tertiary industries,...
Proceedings Article

Improving Marketing Performance in Construction Companies as a Significant Impact from Value Co-Creation and Business Process Agility

Redi Nusantara, Vincent Didiek Wiet Aryanto, Yohan Wismantoro
The research aims to improve marketing performance as a substantial and positive influence on the relationship between value co-creation and business process agility in Central Java contracting companies. The research approach involved quantitative data collection by sending questionnaires in printed...
Proceedings Article

The Challenges Faced by Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities in the Network News Era and Its Countermeasures

Yue Zhang, Yangyan Li
Nowadays, ushering in the network news era, young college students have broad vision, strong personal consciousness, self-confidence and openness. But at the same time, since their values have not been fully formed, their knowledge system has not been completed, and their behaviors and ways of thinking...
Proceedings Article

Provincial Capital Bias and Economic Growth

Meng Wang, Jiahui Xu
A provincial capital has an important influence on the development of regional economy as the focus of one province in China. Studying the panel data of 19 provinces from 2000 to 2016, we find there exists provincial capital bias that the ratio of the provincial capital’s population in a province is...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence and Development Path of New Media Culture Industry on National Competitiveness

Chunying Gong
Improving national competitiveness is a new competitive strategy adopted by all countries in the stage of in-depth development of economic globalization. The influence of new media culture industry on national competitiveness is as follows: the development of new media culture industry is the promotion...
Proceedings Article

Jakarta Ethnic Language in Higher Education: Sociolinguistic Study in Central Java and Its Relevance to Indonesian Language Learning

Novi Listiyani, Gallant Karunia Assidik, Agus Budi Wahyudi, Andi Haris Prabawa, Joko Santoso
This study aims to describe the form of the language of the Jakarta ethnic community in Central Java, describe the functions of the Jakarta language based on the social domain and describe the barriers that occur to Jakarta students in Central Java. This research used a descriptive approach method which...
Proceedings Article

The Reflection of Maslow's Hierarchy Needs Theory in English Writing Teaching Circumstance

Xiao Wang
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review. It is an important theory in the development of humanistic psychology. This thesis is try to provide the new interpretation of this theory in the...
Proceedings Article

Lhasa land development planning based on Smart Growth Theory and UGB Theory

Zhuoqian Li
Sustainable urban development is a multi-factor comprehensive decision-making. With the rapid progress of urbanization process over the world,problems like continuing urban sprawl , the loss of farmland are still troubling countries that are in the procedure of implementing urbanization. Smart Growth...
Proceedings Article

Study and Analysis of Various Violin Playing Schools

Rui Zhang, Hui Hui Ji
The violin is one of the bowed string instruments. It was mainly used to be as a kind of music accompaniment for the dancers and songs, or a separate performance at the earliest. Later, violin playing also showed a variety of forms, more colorful, and different styles of violin performance art appeared...
Proceedings Article

Cost risk management of key chain in engineering construction project

Yunna Wu, Chunyu Mao
In the process of construction project, it is always appearing that some budget overruns and abuse problems about costs happen, which mainly due to the overall planning and prediction of cost risk for project managers is not science or unreasonable. Based on the characteristics of the chain effect of...
Proceedings Article

Modeling and Analysis of Warehousing Business Process Based on Petri Net

Ziyi Ren, Xiang Xie
Taking the finished product warehouse of precision casting enterprise as the research object, the traditional warehouse business process is investigated and analyzed, and the warehouse business process model based on Petri net is established. The reachability tree method is used to analyze the network...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Problems of School Digital Management During the Epidemic

Botian Yuan
The sudden school closures during the epidemic disrupted the progress of education. As one of the public health control methods to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, large-scale school closures have brought unprecedented challenges to the school education system. The school provides education...
Proceedings Article

The Progress of the TV Series with the Help of News

Haiyue Liu
Contemporarily, TV series experience a flourishing growth. Based on information retrieval and literature analysis, the research was to examine the development of the recent Chinese TV series industry with the help of new media. News reports, journal papers, and other research papers related to the topic...
Proceedings Article

Research on Chongqing as a ‘Historical and Cultural City’ in Short Videos: Taking TikTok Platform as an Example

Yu Yang
The city image is an important symbol for a city’s external promotion. With the arrival of the short video era, Chongqing has become a popular city on the Internet, but it is also one of the second batch of national historical and cultural cities approved by the State Council. The city image of a Historical...
Proceedings Article

Development efficiency Evaluation of Power Project Based on Total Social Cost and Super-efficiency DEA

Jinchao Li, Yuwei Xiang
In order to evaluate the development efficiency of different types of power projects, combined with the characters of power projects, the evaluation index system of power generation efficiency decided by input indicators and output indicators. The model based on super-efficiency data envelopment analysis...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Psychology Capital Towards Culinary Entrepreneurship Competency of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Jabodetabek

Ellyra Oktavianda Legi, Puti Archianti Widiasih
The presence about MSMEs or Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises can encourage the economy country’s in Indonesia. As we know in the last 2019, until now there has been an outbreak about the spreading Corona virus disease-19 (COVID-19) which caused a decreased economy Indonesia. To establish a business...
Proceedings Article

The combination of national music elements and western composition techniques in Liu Xiaogeng's Piano Works--In the piano works "Sani fantasy"

Xianying Zhou
Liu xiaogeng is Yunnan Province is well-known local composer, Yunnan minority music culture and art elements was selected in all of his works theme elements, reflecting the strong wind of Yunnan ethnic music and highlight their unique artistic style. Among them, piano works "Sani Fantasia" is Liu xiaogeng...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Factors that Restrict the Development of Intermediate Business of Commercial Banks in China

Dong Tan
China's marketization of interest rate to promote has increased the risk of bank. Traditional business is restricted. Under this background, the banking intermediary business needs continuous innovation, increase the income of bank. But in general, the starting point of the intermediate business of commercial...
Proceedings Article

Construction of College Students Business Platform under the Age of Internet +

Li Zhang
With the advent of social economy, the development of technology and the age of the Internet+, it provides an unprecedented opportunity for business students. National Human Resources and Social Security also provides business students many preferential policies, in the "Internet +" background, entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Community Evironment on Multi-ethnic Embedded Community -- Taking Shuhan Street Community in Chengdu as an Example

Xiaoqing He
Multi-ethnic embedded community is an important path for all nationalities to interact and communicate in China, this paper will take Shuhan street community in Chengdu as an example, will analysis the impact of community environment on the development of multi-ethnic embedded community, also some advises...
Proceedings Article

I Treat My Body For My Customer Satisfaction

Ms Sarmini, Ulin Nadiroh, Sutoyo Budiharto
Body has an important meaning for commercial sex workers (CSWs). The body becomes the main capital to attract and attract customers. Having a beautiful and awake body is a special attraction to maintain existence in the world of prostitution. The focus of this study describes the pattern of body care...
Proceedings Article

Worker’s Menstruation Leave in the Patriarchy Domination

Sanggam Magda Lasmaria Siahaan
The existence of female workers in the industrial sector is inevitable according to the increasing family needs which are compared to the insufficient production source in the agrarian society, besides, a situation which hopes for an economic improvement from a husband or a man cannot be maintained anymore....
Proceedings Article

Great Powers Can Disagree: Similarities and Differences

Yu Yang
Since Russia launched a surprise attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, whether Russia’s military actions violated international law has become a hot issue in the international community. Under the same international law, countries around the world also reacted completely differently to Russia’s actions....
Proceedings Article

Research on Innovative Development Strategy of Netflix

Xiaoyu Deng, Liangliang Chen
In the 21st century, with the rapid development of the global economy, the reflection and discussion of enterprise self-development strategy has become an indispensable part of enterprise value shaping. The development strategy of the enterprise has more important significance for the operation and growth...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration to the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Cultivation Path of the Application-oriented Institutes from the Perspective of General Education

Hui Xie
Deepening the innovative and entrepreneurial education reform of higher institutions is an innovative development strategy of the nation, an urgent need to upgrade economic system, and an important measure to promote a higher-quality employment of college graduates. General education is the hotspot of...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Second Creation of Erhu Art Performance

Hui Hui Ji, Rui Zhang
musical notes written on the paper can be converted into actual musical melodies by the performers when they have read the scores of the first-stage creation, and this process of artistic creation is so-called the recreation or second creation of music art which is seen as the essential characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Research on Improving College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ability Against the Background of "the Belt and Road"

Hao Wu, Qi Shang
Innovation and entrepreneurship is the driving force for the rise of a country, rejuvenation of a nation and development of a society and is an effective way to get out of economic development predicament and solve employment problem. Cultivating innovative entrepreneurial talents and improving the innovation...
Proceedings Article

New Situation of Global Climate Governance and China’s National Program in Response to Climate Change in Post-Paris Agreement

Qian He
After signing the Paris Agreement, Global Climate Governance is in a New Situation of the world. For China, What's important is how they grab those chances under the New Situation of global climate governance, combination of global climate governance system and domestic low-carbon development strategy...