Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

The Application of Han Feizi's Thought to Enterprise Management

Min Qiu
Han Feizi is the representative and integrator of the pre-Qin legalist ideology, advocating the rule of law. His thoughts can be summarized as "law", "art" and "potential". Han Feizi's thought has great significance of practicability and reference to modern enterprise management. This article will discuss...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction

Chih Huang, Tienyu Huang
This paper aims to explore the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment and to verify the mediating effect of job satisfaction on their relationship. The authors find the following conclusions through quantitative research. First, spiritual inspiration and idealization...
Proceedings Article

A brief analysis of Characteristics and word formation of English vocabulary in science and technology

Xu Zhang, Yue Zhang
This paper analyzes the technical English (EST) vocabulary has three main features: technical terms, semi-technical terms and non- technical terms; In modern English, there are 3 main types of English words: base, derivative and compound; A method of English for science and technology: derivation, conversion,...
Proceedings Article

Last Kilometer Distribution Pattern Analysis of Electricity Supplier Logistics in Chinese Mainland

Qian Peng
In recent years, some of these electric logistics companies andresearchersof related organizations at home and abroad, have been doinga lot of workonproblems the Last Kilometer distributionof electricity supplier logistics exists, and have obtained corresponding study achievements. Among them, the application...
Proceedings Article

The Common Problems and Countermeasures in the Standardization Construction of Examination Center

Yifeng Xu, Mei Huang, Fang Liu
The National Outline for Medium and Long Term Educational Reform and Development makes a comprehensive planning for the reform and development of national education standardized test center. Based on the author's work experience, this paper first explained the characteristics of the examination center,...
Proceedings Article

The Process of Japanese Compound Word Formation

Sherly F. Lensun, Susanti Aror, Amelia Sompotan
The process of forming a Japanese word is called gokeisei. Gokeisei consists of 4 kinds, namely haseigo (派生語), karikomi or shouryaku (刈り込み· 省略), toujigo (頭字語) and fukugougo/gouseigo (複合語· 合成語). This study aims to identify changes in phonemes in the process of gouseigo formation. In this study, the data...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on the Performance of Ideological and Political Responsibilities and Evaluation of Computer Teachers in Colleges and Universities

Fei Wang, Xu Yu
With the development of the new era, the development of computer and Internet information industry is gradually favored by all fields. Colleges and universities need to evaluate and develop the duties of poetry and politics performed by computer teachers. The software engineering course, carrying out...
Proceedings Article

Reflection on Practice Teaching Reform of College Visual Communication Design

Lifu Liu
This paper will discuss the practice teaching of visual communication design of industrial design specialty in-depth based on the actual situation of visual communication design course teaching in our school and the teachers' working experience. By analyzing and reflection on the current teaching situation...
Proceedings Article

Strategic Initiative of the Higher Education Organization Development in the Modern Conditions of Digital Economy

Evgeny Savvateev, Yulia Romanova, Larissa Tsvetlyuk
The paper is devoted to the issues of strategic planning and strategic management of a higher education organization in the modern conditions of digital economy based on the introduction and use of digital technologies. The globalization of education and its practical orientation due to the extent that...
Proceedings Article

Assess the Relationship Between People’s Big Five Figures and Their Parents and Parenting Styles

Keyu Zhang
Parenting style represents a psychological construct that typifies the standard strategies used by parents in raising their children. It is known that the Big Five Traits (BFT) indicate individual characteristics and differences, therefore, the research aimed to assess the relationship between adolescents’...
Proceedings Article

Evolution of Fan Culture Under the Influence of Audience Labour in Context of Attention Economy

Yuting Liu, Xinyun Luo, Wentao Yan
Changes in multimedia technology and production have instead made fandom a major form of consuming in the previous few decades and fans are considered as an excessively obsessive subset of the audience. An abundance of burgeoning shows in China’s entertainment industry have emerged in an endless stream...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Music in Sleep Therapy Amongst the Elderly

Shuai Peng
Various sleep patterns are experienced by persons in quite varied age groups. The reality that one receives overwhelming items as they expand over time makes the fact that the sleep habits might be disturbed. With the aged, the loss of sleep is a regular issue and the part that pharmacological therapy...
Proceedings Article

Water Holding Capacity of Karst Valley Soil in Gunungsewu Karst Landscape, Indonesia

Eko Budiyanto, Nugroho Hari Purnomo, Muzayanah, Aida Kurniawati, Muhammad Alfaruqi, Nova Kamelia Syazwana
The eastern Gunungsewu karst landscape generally has characteristics that are vulnerable to environmental degradation problems. Soil is one of the natural elements that can be a protector against the potential threat of degradation. Water holding capacity is an important factor that must be considered...
Proceedings Article

Study on Evaluation Criteria of Chinese Comic Dialogues and Sketches Based on Principles of Discourse Construction

Hongmei Tang, Jun Zhang
Chinese Comic Dialogues and sketches(CCDS for short) now play very important roles in people’s spiritual lives. Aiming at the phenomenon that some sketches are popular and welcome at home yet questioned abroad, this article analyzes, gives the criteria of Chinese Comic Dialogues and sketches based on...
Proceedings Article

Study On the Operation Mechanism of Chinese Private Express Industry

Yanni Li, Yun Lin, Zaibo Wang, Baichao Gong, Yanling Tang
With the development of Chinese economy, China express industry comes to enjoy a boom. Due to the E-commerce, the traditional China Post can’t meet the needs of all the customers’ needs. However, Chinese private express which is comparatively in a small scaled has faced many problems. This paper analyzes...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Collaborative Education Mode of Government, Industry, Enterprise and School for the Financial Management Major

Jian Li
In the context of the "new normal" of China's economy and the transformation of old and new drivers in Shandong province, the state has vigorously developed inclusive finance to boost economic development, and the transformation of old and new drivers into modern financial service industry in Shandong...
Proceedings Article

Policy Suggestions on the Transformation and Development of Local Undergraduate Colleges and Universities

Na Li
The transformation and development of local universities is the basic requirement of the society for the training of talents in higher education. Through the discussion of the problems in the development of local undergraduate colleges, the paper puts forward policy proposals for transformation and development:...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Feasibility of The Appropriate Technology Investment and Green Supply Chain Management Planning on Moringa Products

Andre Dwijanto Witjaksono, Erina Rahmadyanti, Diah Wulandari
Moringa, especially moringa flour, is a featured product in Sumenep, Madura. To possibly enter global market, technological investment support and managerial improvements are strongly required. One of which is by implementing Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). This study aims to analyze the feasibility...
Proceedings Article

The application on EIP-CDIO cultivating model in the course of electronic electrical design classes

Jinfeng Li, Huanle Zhu, Wenjie Zhang
With the continuous development of today's education career and the changing of social demand for talents, the traditional teaching mode has been difficult to meet the needs of enterprises and society. So, the training mode of college students is faced with huge reform. We need to end the traditional...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Position, Function and Load Material Regulations of the Rector and Senate Regulation Based on Law Number 12 Year 2011 Concerning Establishment of Legislation

Lusy Andriani, Yuniarto Wiryo Nugroho, Muhammad Aldy Firdaus, Kholidah Kholidah
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has been amended 4 (four) times, but still contains juridical problems in it. The problem that most often occurs is related to the overlapping of existing rules. Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation as amended by Law Number...
Proceedings Article

OBE-based Design Thinking Model for Computer-aided Design Courses

Baoyi Zhang, Xiaolu Xu, Hanxuan Liu
This paper explores the integration of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and design thinking in CAD courses for product design education. OBE provides a framework to cultivate students’ design thinking and innovation skills, ensuring their preparedness for future careers. The proposed OBE-based Design Thinking...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development of Bilingual Broadcasting and Hosting under the Background of Globalization

Wei Deng
Globalization is increasingly developed. Economy, policy and culture have joined in the process of globalization, and the media sector is no exception. Globalization and internationalization have become the general trend. The new and diversified communication form is essential in order to keep up with...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Past Parental Rude Behavior and Individual Low Self-Esteem in Adults

Lailsapat Hanampi, Sitawaty Tjiptorini
This study aims to empirically examine the relationship between abusive behavior carried out by parents in the past with low self-esteem of individuals in adulthood. The sample of this study used 144 respondents with criteria for adults aged 20-30 years from various regions, especially in the Greater...
Proceedings Article

Philosophical Reflection on the Connection Between Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization in China

Zeqin Huang
Marxism does not deny the alienation phenomenon in every stage and process of socialist construction, but the difference between breadth and depth. On the occasion of the formal opening of rural revitalization, it is the center of current work to scientifically analyze the realistic expression of alienation...
Proceedings Article

Study on and Practice of "Project-based" Studio Tutorial System

Ran Han, Shaolin Xu
The "Project-based" studio tutorial system is a comprehensive professional training system that uses the design studio as platform and integrates curriculum, classroom and practice teaching. In the system, tutors provide supervising assistance, students are the main subjects of the learning, and the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Effective Approaches to Cultivate College Music Major Talents in the Education Perspective of Teacher

Haibin Zhang
Culture Music professionals Teachers has been the subject of education are concerned, the new curriculum there how the training in music education professionals, the purpose is to develop of Music Education professional talent, we are on the College Music Major Talents on the issue of culture, many aspects...
Proceedings Article

Research on Venture Service System of Resource-Exhausted Cities

Huiping Feng, Min Zeng
With the natural resources are of the brink of exhaustion, resource-exhausted cities facing economic growth stagnated, employment pressure surge, shortage of financial resources, living difficulties, the ecological damage to the environment and other issues at varying degrees. Among them, the fundamental...
Proceedings Article

Punden Berundak of Pura Penulisan Supporting the Bali Tourism Industry

I Gede Mugi Raharja
After the Covid-19 Pandemics began to decline and Bali became the venue for the G20 Summit, the Bali tourism industry has bounced back from adversity. One of the attractions that support Bali tourism is the Pura Penulisan in Kintamani. Pura Penulisan is an ancient relic with the peculiarity of its architectural...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Exposure to Phthalate Plasticizers in Food on Obesity

Honglin Yi
Phthalate (PAEs) is an environmental pollutant and can enter the human body through respiratory tract inhalation, skin contact, and food intake. As one of the food plasticizers, PAEs are seriously harming human health. They migrate into the food and enter the human body through the food packaging materials...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Research on Kintsukuroi Craft in Modern Jewelry Design

Wenjun Yan
As a restoration technique, the Kintsukuroi craft technique not only has the function of restoring artifacts, but also serves as a secondary creation with both artistic qualities. As a derivative technique of traditional lacquer art, it contains unique Eastern aesthetics and cultural connotations. The...
Proceedings Article

Thailand’s Strategic Choice to Participate in Regional Cooperation of ASEAN Community

Zhiyuan Ren, Shanshan Bao
This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the expectation of regional integration construction in the first ten years of ASEAN community. In this stage, Thailand’s strategic choice of participating in ASEAN community’s regional cooperation in politics, security, economy, society and culture presents...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Effect of Immersion Experience on the Communication Effect of Intangible Heritage Culture: A Case Study of Nanjing Yunjin Museum

Hongyan Dong, Man Yuan
In order to promote the integration of cultural tourism and improve the effect of museum tourism products on the dissemination of intangible heritage culture, this paper conducted a survey and research using Nanjing Yunjin Museum as a case study. After collecting data through questionnaires, SPSS 23.0...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Major Psychological Problems and Their Causes in Love from the Perspective of Social Psychology

Deyu Zhang
Love, an intimate relationship in human society, has a special psychological meaning for everyone and enables each individual to get a sense of belonging, self-worth and the spiritual needs of love and being loved. Most of the current papers are focused on the educational level of the orientation and...
Proceedings Article

The research of green residential investment project decision making

Hao Cheng, Lei Yu, ZhiMing Hu
People pay more attention to the green house recently, but the study of green building investment project decision-making is not enough. Considering the interaction between the attributes, Shapley function is used to determine the attribute weights, the integrated value is calculated using IG-IVIFHSA...
Proceedings Article

The Course Design of Android Location Service

Jihong Cheng, Zhen Wang, Xiuli Tan
Location service is a special function in the Android OS, LBS app is an import field in the mobile application development. Using Baidu map SDK as a tool, the Android location service teaching course which comply with the Model-Driven teaching method in pursuit of teaching process repeatability, operability...
Proceedings Article

On the efficiency of Self-efficacy and reflective study of Learning Mechanism

Yanling Tang
Learning is cognitive process of knowledge study, especially foreign languages, but some factors can influence the efficiency of learning in many ways. This paper puts forward that self-efficacy and reflective study should be the main impact on learning mechanism, so how to find the proper ways to stimulate...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Influence Factors of Mental Health of Rural Impoverished Students in Non-governmental Undergraduate University Taking Non-governmental Colleges and Universities in the Northwest as an Example

Bo Wu, Heyong Shen, Yancui Zhang
Rural college students in private undergraduate universities accounts for a relatively high proportion among poor students. Taking a university in the west as an example, such proportion reaches 70% of poor students and 18.75% of the total students in the school. From wide view, the mental health status...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Causes and Solutions to Mass Incidents in Universities

Fei Fang
The frequent occurrence of mass incidents in universities could severely affect the work order and normal life of students and faculties. This paper analyzes the psychological features of participants, which include catharsis, bigotry, self-actualization, fluke mind and spectator's perspective in the...
Proceedings Article

Introspection on the Rural Land Contractual Management Right Investment

Lin Zhang
The Rural Land Contractual Management Right Investment is a new way of farmland circulation. It helps enterprises to become the main body of agricultural operation, and helps capital open the way into agriculture. Based on the experience of foreign countries and the adverse consequences of the investment...
Proceedings Article

Bullfighting Activities in Spain and Its Prohibition

Xingzhen Lin
Parties of bullfights are very popular in Spain, as well as in other bullfighting countries. The present work introduces the history of bullfighting and reveals the importance of this activity in Spain from the cultural and industrial perspective. In addition, it examines the current situation of bullfighting...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Application of Maker Education in the Cultivation of Educational Technology Major

Qian Yan
This paper discusses the concept of Maker Education, expounds the education theory in the application of Education Technology Major, from the content of the Information Technology and the education method, process and evaluation and explores the role transformation between teacher and student. Maker...
Proceedings Article

Research on Sustainable Utilization of Major Sports Venues After Competition

Enhuizi Wu, Ni Dai, Jiankang Zhang
How to effectively develop and utilize major sports venues after the event is an important challenge at present. This paper uses the case study method, fieldwork interview method and other research methods, combined with the experience and inspiration of the post-competition utilization of stadiums in...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Personality Differences and Development of Student in Physical Education

Mingyue Zhu
Through in-depth implementation of the strategy of priority to talent development, to build up China to a powerful country by talents, to take the talent development and structural reform as the first step for the reform of personnel system reform and to push the policy innovation, which is one of the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Learning Model of Civic Education Based on Multicultural Education to Build Indonesian Identity for Young Generation in Surabaya

Rr. Nanik Setyowati, Ms Sarmini
Globalization opens the way for the entry of foreign values and cultures that can be a threat to the identity of the Indonesian nation, especially for the younger generation. Multicultural based Pancasila education is important for young people to strengthen Indonesian identity. This study aims to analyze...
Proceedings Article

Precision Medicine: Neuropsychodynamic Psychiatry Model of Major Depressive Disorder

Huang Yaqi
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most extensive types of psychiatric disorders. It refers to various symptoms and considerable rates of relapse, where episodes rarely resolve completely even with intensive psychiatric care. There has been growing concern over the ineffectiveness in treating...
Proceedings Article

On Approaches and Teaching of British and American Literature Reading

Yapeng Song
Through the elaboration of British and American literature reading, this paper discusses the problems students may meet while reading, the correct reading and teaching approaches of British and American literature. While discussing the reading approaches, the author tells us the importance of reading...
Proceedings Article

Female Gender Construction Under the Effect of Consumerist Culture

Qingyue Wei
onsumerist culture is now playing an increasingly significant role in the female gender construction. It is born out of the existing gender system in society, and in turn reinforces and maintains the existing system. Women lose their subjectivity in it, and the solidification of gender construction causes...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Family Communication Patterns with Spiritual Intelligence in Adolescents

Khinasih Noerwoto, Sitawaty Tjiptorini
Spiritual intelligence must be possessed by every Adolescents. Adolescents with good spiritual intelligence will be able to solve problems, and are able to make correct and positive decisions. One of the factors that can affect spiritual intelligence in adolescents is the communication factor of the...
Proceedings Article

Study on Teaching of College English Translation based on Translation Ethics

Lihong Zhang
In the English study, more and more emphasis on English language translation capabilities. Almost all the major, almost opened the English translation teaching. However, the effect is unsatisfactory. English translation is not only the pursuit of fluent language, semantic logic is reasonable and it is...
Proceedings Article

Modern Industrial Products Color Research and Art Design

Liaoliao Ji, Yilei Liu
Industrial product design is kind of creative activity of mankind through practice arising and the purpose is to change their living conditions and living conditions, strengthen practical function and aesthetic value of the product, complete the product design under the guidance of aesthetic principles...
Proceedings Article

Evolutionary Game and Sustainable Development of Environmental Pollution Control in Erhai Lake Basin

Shengbo Xiong, Li Zhang
With the acceleration of urbanization, industrialization and agricultural modernization, the rapid development of tourism, the increase of population and the further development of economy and society has caused the environment of Erhai Lake Basin to face a severe test. Based on evolutionary game theory,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Consumer Finance on the Second Child Needs of the Family

Xiaowei Zhou, Fang Liu
Consumer finance is an important research field in economics and finance. With the implementation of two-child policy in China, consumer finance plays a more and more important role in the allocation of personal or family resources. The development of consumer finance has become an important factor in...
Proceedings Article

The design of “Internet +” teaching platform in colleges and universities based on teaching big data

Ping Zhou, Yong Gu, Peishun Wang
With the development and application of new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, internet of things, and artificial intelligence, digital information technology has played a huge role in supporting and promoting economic and social development. At the same time, it also drives profound changes...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Word Formation Processes in “Captain Marvel” Movie

Sarah Kamagi, Cynthia Maria Siwi, Christina Devita Rantung
This research aims at analyzing the word formation processes used in “Captain Marvel” Movie. It was conducted not only to identify the types of word formation but also to reveal the processes of word formation occured in “Captain Marvel” movie. In conducting the research used qualitative method combine...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of the Application of Nudge Theory in Real World

Yiheng Huang
Under the background of the economic downturn brought by COVID-19 pandemic, the research is carried out after the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in order to investigate the application of nudge theory, which is the method of changing consumer spending habits through the various method except for legislation...
Proceedings Article

An Experimental Study of the Application of Cooperation Learning Teaching Mode in Optional Basketball Course

Guohua Shao
Compared with the traditional cramming teaching method, the cooperation learning teaching mode is so different, for it is a new attempt to carry out the current PE teaching reform. This paper adopts the documentary and experimental method to study the application of cooperation learning teaching mode...
Proceedings Article

Study on Spatial Distribution Feature of Industry Population of Taiyuan from 1990

Jie Zhao, Chuandong Wang
There are a dozen of resource-based cities in China, which had been positioned as the prosperity ground of the heavy industry in the early days. With the improvement of the whole country's socio-economic level, the gradual expansion of the city, the upgrading of the secondary industry, these industrial...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Human Rights Protection and State Obligations Against the Copyright System in the Internet Age

Jianming Du
In the era of knowledge economy, copyright not only has strong economic attributes, but also has strong human rights implications. The advent of the Internet era not only requires the state to resolutely fulfill people’s human rights protection obligations, but also to guarantee the change and transformation...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation Strategy Ecoprint Fashion Business by Applying Web-Based Bespoke Tailoring Application: Case Study on “Daun Efek

R. A. Sista Paramita, Imami Arum Tri Rahayu, Tias Andarini Indarwati, Muh. Ariffudin Islam, Riska Dhenabayu, Dhita Ayu Permata Sari
Covid-19 has made changes to the Fashion business run by SMEs. Efforts to stay in business, not only focused on green product innovation but also on being able to carry out digital transformation as a response to the changes of business environment after the pandemic. Daun Efek, engaged in men’s clothes,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Elementary School Lesson Plans

Nindy Arum Setyo Widodo, Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati
Backgrounds: The purpose of this study was to analyze the lesson plan in terms of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Methods: This study used a qualitative approach with a content analysis method. The data used were two samples of lesson plans. The data collection technique was...
Proceedings Article

Research on Training System for Professional Development of Foreign Teachers in Universities

Jinghua Ma
Scientific training system for foreign teachers in universities is important guarantee to promote development of foreign teachers in universities and improve the quality of higher education. Use documentary method and investigation method to reveal problems existing in training for foreign teachers in...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable inventory model with trade credit under carbon emission reduction investment

Juanjuan Qin
This paper discusses that the sustainable trade credit and inventory policy, with demand related to credit period and consumer environment sensitivity, under the carbon cap-and-trade regulation and tax regulation. And the firms make efforts to reduce the carbon emissions. The optimal credit period, order...
Proceedings Article

Legal Standing of Criminal Confiscation Against General Confiscation Based on Indonesian Bankruptcy Procedural Law

Ramadhana Anindyajati Bachry
Formulation of the problem in this study is what is the legal standing of the Criminal Confiscation against the General Confiscation in bankruptcy? And what is the Criminal Confiscation mechanism in the aspect of evidenciary based on the Indonesian Bankruptcy Procedural Law? As well as and what is the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Determination of Fundamental Breach of Article 25 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods-----Analysis of “Sinochem International (Singapore) Ltd. v. ThyssenKrupp Metallurgical Products Ltd. International Contract for Sale and Purchase of Goods”

Yiwen Zhu
“Sinochem International (Singapore) Ltd. v. ThyssenKrupp Metallurgical Products Ltd. International Contract for Sale and Purchase of Goods” is the guidance case No.107 of the 21st batch of guidance cases issued by the Supreme People's Court of China on February 25, 2019. In this article, the main...
Proceedings Article

Forming the Antecedent Variable System Framework of Organizational Creativity from Five Perspectives

Zonghan Yue
Organizational creativity has always been the focus of enterprise and organization research. With the increasingly complex market environment, the realization of organizational creativity has become very important. Since there is no systematic review on the factors affecting organizational creativity,...
Proceedings Article

The Poaching and Rebirth of Childhood Memories Under the New Media Platform-Taking the Presentation of “Boonie Bears” in the New Media as an Example

Lei Su
The significance of childhood animation in new media has been amplified through user adaptation and reconstruction. On the one hand, this paper uses the concept of “text poacher” by Henry Jenkins to analyze the background and significance of the reconstruction of the original text by fans of “Boonie...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Family Background on Urban and Rural Laborers' Employment Opportunities

Ran Gao
This paper focuses on the perspective of urban and rural employment opportunities and the urban-rural wage inequality caused by family background according to the statistics of Henan Province in 2014. According to the calculation, the factors that urban residents and their fathers engaging in high-wage...
Proceedings Article

From the Road to the Arena: The Role of Kampung Anak Negeri for Street Children

Ms Sarmini, Sri Sukartiningsih
Street children are a serious problem in Surabaya. Loss of educational rights, involved in crime, promiscuity and susceptible to drugs. The study aims to find a role of Kampung Anak Negeri for the transformation process towards normal life. This case study research uses Talcott Parson's functional structural...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on the Social Value of Information Technology Curriculum under the Background of Post Figurative Culture

Zhigang Zhang
The influence of post figurative culture is more obvious in the information society. The information of basic education in China from the hardware construction to start, gradually promote the software construction, the development of information technology education mode of the whole process of Western...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Abusive Behavior on Insecurity of Early-Adult Female Victims

Putri Apriliani, Sitawaty Tjiptorini
Abusive behavior in a relationship is an act of violence committed by the perpetrator to the victim, both physically and psychologically. This study aims to examine the abusive behavior of female victims in early adulthood, which affects feelings of insecurity (insecurity) due to the treatment of abusive...
Proceedings Article

Opportunities and Obstacles in the Development of Sustainable Marine Tourism Case Study: Busung Village, Central Teupah District, Simeulue

Agatha Debby Reiza Macella, Agus Pratama, Veni Nella Syahputri, Nellis Mardhiah, Nodi Marefanda
Simeulue District. Simelue is an island in the middle of the Indonesian Ocean which has amazing marine tourism potential. One of the coastal villages in Simeulue is Busung Village which has Busung Beach tourism. Busung Beach Tourism still has deficiencies, namely such as poor waste management, the assumption...
Proceedings Article

Research on Logistics Cost Accounting Staff Personnel Cultivation Standards

Xiuli Tan, Bayi Guan, Zhanli Shang
With the continuous development of the Internet finance, the personnel cultivation standards are being spawned intensive development by logistics ecology and financial ecology. The competition of modern logistics is embodied in three characteristics: channels, cost and service. The role of a cost accounting...
Proceedings Article

Study on Plastic Arts of Jintan Paper-carving

Lei Zhang
Jintan is always cultural atmosphere, Paper - carving is Chinese folk arts and crafts in a field of brilliant flowers. This paper describes the Zhu Xiaokun, Yan zhuoning, Sub Rongcaicai, Yang Zhao and other groups 4 Paper - carving everyone's creative techniques and work style characteristics. A selection...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Web Art Design in the Perspective of Aesthetic

Yilei Liu, Liaoliao Ji
Web design is a comprehensive design, its scope is very broad, good web design in addition to considering the excellence contents but the content should also reasonably effective visual layout. Beauty is the basic elements of any web page and the web page information not only to meet the needs of users,...
Proceedings Article

Talking about the Importance of Social Security to Human Capital

Dangchen Sui, Xingchen Liu
The social security environment is an important factor restricting human capital. In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have conducted a lot of research on the relationship between social security and human capital. This paper summarizes the literature on the relationship between social security,...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Traditional Family Motto in the Moral Cultivation of Contemporary Youth

Yufeng Jiang
The family motto contains abundant moral educational thought, its role in contemporary moral cultivation for the youth is mainly reflected as: the motto of patriotic virtues cultivates the youth to love their country, the motto of the spirit of aspiration cultivates the youth to set up their goals, the...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Operation of Digital Full-Link Model of Major Sports Events

Tengchihao Shan, Xiaowei Gao, Yanran Jin, Jiankang Zhang
Based on the precision and standardization brought by digital technology, this message adopts a global perspective to control Major sports events in a macroscopic way, and tries to solve the problems of the backward traditional operation mode of Major sports events and low management efficiency. On the...
Proceedings Article

China’s “Ban on Korean Culture” and Research of Chinese People’s Shifting Attitudes Towards Korean Cultural Contents

Liu Yang, Tang Zhili
We pay attention to the influence of Chinese people’s attitudes towards Korean culture contents and information after China’s Ban on Korea. The research results verify the relationship between Chinese cultural contents experience and Korean cultural contents attitude. At the same time, this paper examines...
Proceedings Article

Exploratory Research on the Evaluation Scale of Track and Field Coach's Ability

Ye He
The purpose of this paper is to develop a evaluation scale of track and field coach's ability. This paper uses the literature review method to initially draft 32 articles of the scale according to the standard procedure. 326 track and field coaches of different levels were tested by a pre-test scale....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development and Innovation of Chinese Cultural Brands in the Internet Economy

Liran Wang
The development of network technology and the popularity of the Internet have led to the rapid development of the Internet economy around the world. At present, the Chinese market has also formed a new market structure dominated by the Internet, information and high technology, which has brought new...
Proceedings Article

Excellent Smart Growth Metric for Cities

Haoxin Tian
Smart growth is an approach to development that encourages a mix of building types and uses, diverse housing and transportation options, development within existing neighborhoods, and community engagement. In this paper, a metric is defined to measure the success of smart growth of a city. By arranging...
Proceedings Article

‘Digital Going to the Countryside’: A Visual Analysis of China’s Digital-Enabled Rural Governance Research

Jing Yan, Gongjing Gao
Rural governance is an important part of the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity, and it is also a key link to realize rural revitalization. In recent years, with the rapid development and popularization of digital technology, digitally empowered rural governance has become...
Proceedings Article

Study on the driving force of the formation of multi-ethnic settlement in Dadu River Basin, Ganzi Prefecture

Hai Xiao, Mingjie Li, Xinxi Yang, Yuan Li, Yihan Duan
In the long history of China, clan and blood ties are the foundation to maintain the growth and development of a settlement, as well as the bond to breed collective consciousness. The Dadu River basin in Ganzi Prefecture has formed many multi-ethnic settlements composed of Han, Tibetan, Yi and other...
Proceedings Article

A Country Profile of the Role of English in Kenya

Liang Chu
The development of world English has become a hot issue that draws an increasing attention from the researchers. How should we deal with the relationship between the UK English—the so-called internal English and the English used in non-native countries—the so called world English. How does the world...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Influencing Factors of Pedestrian-Vehicle Accident Reconstruction Based on Pc-Crash

Zhen Li, Haibo Huang, Dan Li, Pingfei Li
In this paper, 12 parameters of pedestrian-vehicle accident reconstruction in Software Pc-crash were analyzed and a model of pedestrian-vehicle collision was modeled. The distance between the last position of vehicle and pedestrian is used as evaluation index. The weights of 12 parameters were acquired...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Overall Teaching Quality System of Medical Building Universities Based on TQC

Chune Liang, Bo Liang, Xue Zhou, Yueli Xiang, Miaojing Li, Xuemei Li
TQC teaching of medical universities which aims at the teaching goal is a process of systematical analysis and overall control to various internal and external factors affecting the quality of classroom by establishing QC teams of all levels and applying the thinking mode, method and means of TQC. This...
Proceedings Article

How to Put An End to" Media Trial "in Legal News Report

Jing Su
in today's society, media for constant speculation, resulting in a lot of people questioned the impartiality of the judiciary, in fact, trial by media like a double-edged sword, make good use of do for people to justice, with good will to the society bring endless disasters. For such embarrassing Bureau,...
Proceedings Article

The Reach of Curriculum Reform of "Fuel Feeding and Electronic Control System of Diesel Engine" Based on Working Process

Yan Cheng, Zhizhong Liu
"The Fuel Feeding and Electronic Control System of Diesel Engine" is one of core curriculums of Automobile Detection and Maintenance Specialty. In view of the problems in traditional teaching of Diesel Engine, we design reasonably 7 teaching circumstances, teaching methods and the evaluation mode of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Business Management and Personnel Incentive Theory

Yuxi Han
The 21st century is the competition for talent, human capital is the most important capital. In the knowledge economy era, the traditional advantages of natural resources will gradually be replaced by intelligence. Knowledge, science and technology will become the decisive factor in economic development,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Inheritance and Development of the Folktales of Baoan People

Lan Zhuo
The folktales of Baoan people have unique ethnic characteristics, national thinking and national values. It is an indispensable part of the Chinese minority literature. In this paper, through the field investigation of Baoan community, the author has went to the grass roots to collect folk stories and...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Construction and Application of Online Open Course Resources in Local Colleges and Universities

HuiYu Nie
The construction of online open course resources has injected new vitality into the development of educational information. The online open course construction department of local colleges and universities in Jilin Province has just started. The article analyzes the reasons for the lag of local colleges...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Management Control System in Non-Financial Performance

Yanti, Tubagus Ismail, Imam Abu Hanifah, Munawar Muchlish
The study aims to examine and analyze the role of management control system in non-financial performance. It is a quantitative study with primary data processing using SPSS 22. The population of this study was MSMEs in Karawang Regency totaling 45 samples. Sources of data in this study were the distribution...
Proceedings Article

Prediction of Attitudes Towards Infidelity among Married Individuals Based on Marital Satisfaction and Grateful Disposition

Haifa Nafisa, Yudiana Ratnasari
Infidelity is an action that can threaten the safety and security of the family, so it needs to be prevented. However, existing data shows that individual attitudes towards infidelity have changed. In some countries, there has been a decline in attitudes that are more permissive and tolerant of infidelity....
Proceedings Article

Influencing Factors of Social Workers’ Involvement in Elderly Care: Experience from East and West

Mingxin Hong
Despite the fact that there is no more comprehensive social elderly model available, the discussion over pension systems has not died down completely. The purpose of this study is to analyse the factors of social workers’ involvement in elderly care in a global context. This paper could deepen the understanding...
Proceedings Article

Deixis of Nusantara Bertutur Children’s Fairy Tales in Kompas Newspaper and Its Implications for Indonesian Language Learning

Nita Awalia Astuti Fatimah, Dini Restiyanti Pratiwi, Gallant Karunia Assidik, Yakub Nasucha
The use of deixis can be used in all aspects of life, including Nusantara Bertutur children’s fairy tales in Kompas Newspaper. The study aims to: describe the deixis forms in Nusantara Bertutur children’s fairy tales in Kompas newspaper; and (2) describe the deixis implication for learning Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Research on Teaching Methods of Clothing Structure Design under the Transformation and Upgrading Development Mode

Shufen Qiu
Under the promotion of the transformation and upgrading development mode, the relevant fashion institutes need to boost the comprehensive reform of education and teaching in depth and steadily. Clothing structure design is one of primary courses in fashion art design, so the transformation and upgrading...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Security of Physical Education and Training

Ling Han
Sports training sports teaching physical education or sports essential items, also sports the most important aspect of their sport has a profound practical interpretation "and security is a more important factor in thinking, Sports training should strengthen the security awareness training, to avoid...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice on the Talent Cultivation System in Integration of Industry and Education of Logistics Management

Chengna Wang, Dan Liu
In order to adapt to industrial transformation and upgrading and settle the imbalance between supply and demand of talents, based on the exploration and practice on the cultivation system of talents of integration of industry and education and proceeding from the problems existing in the current talent...
Proceedings Article

Klithih: Invisible Crime by Teenagers

Ms Sarmini, Nining Kurniyatuti, Sri Sukartiningsih
Klitih is a form of juvenile delinquency by fighting, throwing stones, injuring and even killing victims in Yogyakarta. Various attempts have been made by the government, educational institutions and the police to overcome them. This paper discusses the strategy of Geng Klithih in avoiding police capture....
Proceedings Article

Academic Influence Analysis of Highly Cited Paper on Research on “Female Images in Yuan Dynasty Miscellaneous Drama” Based on Citespace

Ziqi Mao
Based on Citespace and literature measurement software and using visual analysis technology, this paper takes the literature on the research field of female images in Yuan Dynasty Miscellaneous Drama in CNKI journals from 1994 to 2023 as the research object. This paper focuses on the authors, institutions,...