Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Construction of Cost and Schedule Equilibrium Control Model for Communication Base Stations Project

Guoqing Dang
With the increasing number of project construction, the shortening of engineering period and the continuous improvement of quality requirements have promoted the advanced experience of project management in the construction of network. The construction quality of base station and the construction period...
Proceedings Article

The Teaching Innovation and Research of Object-Oriented Program Design based on C++

Bigeng Zheng, Heng Wang, Quanxin Zheng
Nowadays,"Emphasis on practice rather than theory"is a common phenomenon in higher engineering college, so the urging for double-qualified teacher in higher engineering college is put forward. On the premise of clearing the connotation of "double-qualified", putting forward the training ways and measures...
Proceedings Article

Research and practice on teaching reform in course design of analog electronic technology

Heng Wang, Quanxin Zheng
Analog electronic technology course design is the important practical link of "analog electronic technology" course. It plays the irreplaceable role in the realization of professional training goal for automation, mechanical and electrical integration. Through the implementation of the course design,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence Mechanism of Relationship Governance on Coordination Capability and Performance of Port Coal Supply Chain

Beibei Sha, Bin Yang
This paper takes 63 port coal transportation enterprises in the Pearl-Xijiang River Basin as the research object, and tries to establish the structural equation Model (SEM) of the relationship between the inter-firm relationship management and the supply chain performance of the coal supply chain coordination...
Proceedings Article

Research on adding print file layout and layout rule

Jiangchun Li
In the process of adding printed and altered documents, the margins, line spacing, word spacing, and parallelism of printed documents are usually the main points of inspection. However, how to change the layout features during the process of adding and modifying needs further discussion. This article...
Proceedings Article

Case study of STEM education in the family

Mei Yan
To vigorously promote the STEM education in the background of international science education, the STEM education in the family education to promote the application process of several representative cases, using the basic theory and methods of science education, learning content and learning process...
Proceedings Article

Ager's theory of alienated consumption and Its Realistic Enlightenment

Guobao Jiang
In recent years, the ecological Marx doctrine represented by Ben Ager has gradually emerged, and has gradually become one of the most influential Western schools of Marx. Ager lobbied for the capitalist consumption point of view, criticizing the ecological damage, and the "alienation of consumption"...
Proceedings Article

[WITHDRAWN] Study of Consumer Behavior under E-commerce Model

XXX XXX, Ying Zhang, Rui Wang, Miaomiao Zhao, Min Deng, Chenfeng Ma, Meiling Huang, Lu Cao, Yanhua Peng, Yuting Zhang, Jie Cao
The rapid development of the Internet and the rapid spread of information technology accelerate the process of economic information and economic globalization, competition has changed the traditional business model. More and more enterprises are developing an online retail business. E-commerce model,...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on Autonomy Principle in Law of the Application of Law for Foreign Civil Relations

Yitong Wang
The principle of party autonomy was first proposed by Dumoulin, a French scholar in 16th century, and gradually evolved into the basic principles in the field of foreign contracts. Later, with the advancing of legislation technology in nations, the principle of party autonomy is penetrating into other...
Proceedings Article

The Study on the Audience's "Micro Mentality" under Micro Era for the Affect of National Traditional Art

Duanwu Shang
In recent years, the micro era network behavior is more and more concerned by sociologists and psychologists, a large number of studies have shown that micro-network era acts as a network in the new process of the unique behavior, it is important for the psychological development of the individual role....
Proceedings Article

On Tong and Huo in the Practice of Health Qigong

Wu Xu
The Chinese term Tong and Huo are two important indivisible elements in Chinese Health Qigong. The term Tong is the body of Tao, which refers to the smoothness, fluency and coherence of the movements, breath, mind, spirit and the whole body and also the unity of heaven, mankind and nature, etc.. The...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Fusion of Tourism and Cultural Industries

Meng Su
Tourism is an association between the development of strong industry, the tourism industry as the main tourist attraction and tourism product development the merits or not is one of the key factors that influence the development of their industry, and the cultural and creative industries with its high...
Proceedings Article

Research on Urban Ecological Landscape Design

Wenrui Zhang
Urban ecosystems are human beings in the transformation and adaptation to the natural environment in the process of urban residents and the surrounding environment interaction set up artificial ecosystem is Nature - Economy - Society complex systems. Cities occupy a certain geographic space, it has a...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Establishment of Financial Internal Control System of Science Institutions

Junji Zhang, Jian Feng
With the growing strength of China's economy, the state also increased the financial institutions capital investment, but also the reform of the financial management system, however, under the old system of management institutions, due to the lack of internal control methods and awareness of risk management,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on E-Commerce Site Business Model

Ying Zhang, Chenfeng Ma, Jianing Zhang, Lu Cao, Yefei Yuan
Development of electronic commerce is gradually affecting business operations, paper studies through e-commerce site operators to establish innovative business website system, adjust management, formation of enterprise information systems link, promote enterprise departments work closely together through...
Proceedings Article

Research on Agricultural Industrial Structure Optimization and Town Development in "Thirteen Five" Period

Lisha Ma, Yangyang Li
"Thirteen Five" period is in the process of China's modernization drive critical period, but the prospect of "Thirteen Five" period, China's economic and social development is faced with complex domestic and international environment test. With the deepening of scientific and technological innovation,...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Path of Enhancing Students' Legal Awareness and Faith in Ideological and Political Theory Course

Yu He, Guangtang Pan
College students bears the great trust of nation and the historic mission of promoting the development of Chinese legal system and democracy, the strength of its legal awareness and concepts will directly influenced the implementation of the rule of law and the realization of national construction goals....
Proceedings Article

Research on Rhetoric Art of Japanese Waka

Yaling Li
Japanese Waka is a language of the art forms with national characteristics. In the thousand years of the development process, in terms of form, rhyme and rhetoric, it formed its own unique artistic style. And songs in these art forms and techniques of decorating, become colorful art treasures. However,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Affect of Earthquake Disaster Publish Schedule on Earthquake Relief

Bin Yang
The timely Published of earthquake is reflected in the face of national disaster emergency rescue capabilities. In this paper, the use of the death toll reported time as a measure to evaluate the earthquake rescue capability. Combined with China's actual situation, analyze the aspects and factors influencing...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Formation Mechanism of Energy Prices

Haiwen Long
Research on energy price formation mechanism both in theory and in practice are in constant development. The one hand, new technologies and new patterns of behavior appears to make energy in the production process needs to process more information. The role of different kinds of information in the energy...
Proceedings Article

Path Selection of Fishing Village from Perspective of Ecological Civilization - Empirical Analysis Based On Hainan Province

Shuning Chen, Yuye Wei
Under the background of the marine ecological environment changes and the upgrading of the National Oceanic strategic positioning, the positioning and development path of marine fishing villages need to re-architecture. Based on the perspective of ecological civilization, this paper obtains information...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Role of Cultural and Creative Industries on the Development of Contemporary Design

Wei Bi
As today's creative industry buzzword frequently appears on various media, because of its excellent performance in economic growth and expansion of employment and other aspects of attention of the world, countries have begun to develop creative industry and its research, from theory into practice industry,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Application of Games in Pre-School Music Education

Shan Hao
With the progress and development of society, people recognize the value of arts education in the deepening of early childhood music education is increasingly subject to people's attention. 3-6 years old children in a particular age, their psychological and physiological are in its infancy, very imperfect...
Proceedings Article

Exploration on Intercultural Communicative Competence Promotion of Vocational International Cooperative Education of Nonverbal Students

Ran Li
Develop students' intercultural communicative competence has attracted widespread understanding of the education sector and it has become one of the main objectives of foreign language teaching. Intercultural competence covers emotional, three basic levels of knowledge and behavior, as a cross-cultural...
Proceedings Article

Status and Challenges of Equity Crowdfunding Development

Xiuping Li
As an organic part of the multi-level capital market, equity crowdfunding enriches the capital market level, provides possibility for multi-level financial services, promotes "public entrepreneurship and innovation", and improves financial ecological of innovation and entrepreneurship. The rapid development...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Folk Dance

Hui Liu
Folk dance is the working people of a nation or region homemade acted mass dance events, and is an important manifestation of the wisdom of local cultural traditions, customs and spirit of the people, it has been referred to as "ñ Dance." Important part of the intangible heritage of folk dance, are common...
Proceedings Article

On Innovative Education Mode of Ideological and Political Theories Course of Universities

Chong Wang
As an important subject in university education, ideological and political theories course helps to improve humanism accomplishment of colleges' students and human spirit of colleges. With teaching practices, an innovative, sustainable and overall education mode come into being gradually by accumulating...
Proceedings Article

Artistic Thinking of Oil Painting Element in the Film Creation-Research on Oil Painting Performance in the Animated Film

Hanying Jiang, Xianfei Liang
No matter it is style, composition, color and texture element, traditional painting has a unique performance charm, and the reference of traditional painting forms and style may make animation creation rise to a higher level. If animation creation can combine traditional art essence and new science and...
Proceedings Article

Innovation of Time-saving Model of Aged Service in Community

Jingwei Zhao, Xiaoyang He, Chengwei Chu
At present, China's problem of population aging is increasingly serious. But the services of traditional family care and social institutions have their own drawbacks. Time-saving aged service in community can fully compensate for the lack of old-age home modeland mobilize the community human resources,...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Contextual of Advertising Language

Kaiyan Wan
Context Since first proposed in 1923 by the famous anthropologist Malinowski has become a lot of research in the field of a very important and indispensable concept. Context The importance lies in the close relationship between it and the meaning of the works, the expression was to convey the meaning...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Innovation of Party Building Work in Colleges and Universities Based on the Internet

Wenming Yu
With the continuous development of the network information society and deepening reform of higher education, party building work in colleges and universities is facing new opportunities and challenges. Based on the author' working and teaching experience for many years, this paper analyzes practical...
Proceedings Article

(WITHDRAWN) Literature Review of International Service Trade Barriers

Yanping Zhao
This article review the selection of service trade barriers, quantitative method, the estimation method and the economic impact modeling of the barriers eliminating. Exploring the barriers index construction, the influence of the economic growth of the benefits and costs,when eliminate service trade...
Proceedings Article

Research on Purchase Order Allocation under Uncertainty of Supply

Li Yan
Supply uncertainty has a significant impact on the overall supply chain. In this paper, we study the supply chain model of one producer and two suppliers, and establish the expected cost function of the producer and supplier. The change of the total cost of procurement supply chain and the optimal order...
Proceedings Article

Cross - shareholding Analysis of China 's Listed Companies by Sector based on Social Network Perspective

Huifang Fei, Canzhong Yao
Taking the cross shareholdings(CSH) A-share firms from Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2006 to 2014 as research samples, this study constructs corporate network and industrial network of CSH from the perspective of social network. QAP analysis is used to explore the influence factors of industry...
Proceedings Article

A Case Study on the Spatial Panel Data Model : Factors of China Marine Economy Development

Mianmian Hong
Entering the 21st century, China's marine economy has been experiencing rapid development, and the spatial structure of coastal city's marine economy has also changed significantly. This paper, introducing the term "geospatial", chooses a selection of index, with consideration of spatial effects, regarding...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Innovative Teaching System and Mode for Mechanical Principle Course Facing Ability Target of International Engineering Education

Yong Yang, Jing-liang Jiang, De-xiang Wang, Xia Jin
Aiming at the exist teaching problems of mechanical principle course, facing ability target of international engineering education, a further exploration and practice of teaching reform for mechanical principle course are carried out. The effective constructions are obtained in the following aspects:...
Proceedings Article

Big Data and the Development of Regional Economy

Aoyun Chen
Big data has promoted the integration of Internet and industrial innovation, and further promotes traditional industrial upgrading and the emergence of emerging industry, has resulting in a huge social and economic impact. This paper demonstrate the mechanism of industrial structure optimization promoted...
Proceedings Article

Design and Development of Computer Aided Teaching Software for Mechanical Principle Course

Yong Yang, Jing-liang Jiang, Xia Jin, Xin-fu Liu
For the current teaching of mechanical principle course, there is a lack of a set of applicative software which is helpful to carry out the design and optimization of mechanical products. To solve this problem, according to the actual requirements of mechanism analysis and project design during teaching,...
Proceedings Article

Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Industrial Overcapacity in Chinese Provinces

Pan Wu
In recent years, excess production capacity has been plagued by China's economic development, especially under the background of the new normal, excess capacity in the short term and long term will cause certain negative influence to our country economy, destroy the healthy development of the industrial...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Internal Control of Guarantee Company

Liuyang Fu
Guarantee companies, as emerging non-bank financial entities under the international economic development, are recognized as a high-risk industry. As a platform for financing guarantee company, Guarantee companies connect firms and banks.It has a far-reaching impact on social and economic development,...
Proceedings Article

The Research on Innovation-Driven Paths of High-tech Zone Under the New Normal in China

Xiang Fei, Qinghao Bu
Talent aggregation of high level is good for high-tech zone of one country's economic pattern to achieve new dynamics of innovation-driven development, and then to push forward regional industrial restructure and economic transformation and upgrading. From that, how to recognize the driving force of...
Proceedings Article

Land Urbanization Level of Core Cities in the Silk Road Economic Belt

Zhe Li, Dangchen Sui
With the construction and development of the Silk Road Economic Belt, it is of great significance to analyze the land urbanization level of cities along the route. This paper established a new evaluation system, consisting of 11 indexes from 6 aspects, to measure the land urbanization level of 71 core...
Proceedings Article

English Teaching Contests and Professional Development of English Teachers in Independent Colleges---- An Empirical Study Based on C College

Xinyan Feng
Teacher professional development is an important aspect of teachers' team construction. With arise and development of national college English teaching contests, their great potential to promote the professional development of college English teachers gradually becomes a consensus. With C College as...
Proceedings Article

The Thinking of Campus Football Under the Haze Fog weather

Yanhong Li, YunQi Yan
Since the development of campus football, series of activities have been carried out all over the country and have achieved certain results. As the haze fog weather seriously affected campus football, we should take certain measures in face of haze fog weather so that the campus football activities will...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Research of Merger and Acquisition Performance on China's Media Industry Listed Company

Xiuling Zou
In recent years, under the strong support of national policy, there was a wave of mergers and acquisitions in China's media industry listed companies. Mergers and acquisitions, however, are of good quantity is not equal to be of good quality and m&a get real improvement whether the performance of the...
Proceedings Article

Study on Design Culture of Proto-porcelain Pot with Two Lugs of The Western Han Dynasty

Mingyu Liu
The proto-porcelain pot with two lugs of the Western Han Dynasty was excavated in 1963 at Che jiabao of north suburb of Xi' An City, and which is collected in Shanxi History Museum. The pot with two lugs is proto-porcelain, and which has the transitional characteristics from pottery to porcelain. There...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Animation Major Reform in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Mode of Integration of Production and Education

Wei-guo Zhang, Lai-quan Liu, Zan-hong Cai
School-enterprise cooperation is the basis of the reform and development of animation major in high vocational colleges, and production and education integration is an important guarantee to improve the quality of education.Animation major in high vocational colleges should hold the great standard of...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Quality and Efficiency of Economic Development in Guangdong Province

Yu Mu
Since the reform and opening up, China's national economy has maintained a rapid growth, GDP is increasing rapidly. But economic development are not only refers to the expansion of total economic output, but also in the promotion of qualitative aspects. Therefore, how to assess the quality of economic...
Proceedings Article

Literature Review: Development and Effect Evaluation of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Yang Lu
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one mechanism that can bring significant economic and social benefits, can solve climate and environmental problems by market means, and it is also a win-win mechanism for cooperation between developed and developing countries. This paper will classify the related...
Proceedings Article

On Quality Cultivation & Career Development of College Students

Tingyan Bi, Binlu Feng, Chenming Wei
The condition of college students' quality and career has been concerned by all sectors of society. How to promote the college students' quality and make the guidance of their career development better, need implement the relevant policies conscientiously and improve the working mechanism through comprehensive...
Proceedings Article

Mining Residents' Response to Rare Earth Mining And Environmental Protection

Jing-hong Lu, Ze-bin Wu
This document investigated mining residents' response to the relationship between rare earth mining and environmental protection. Research shows that the vast majority of the interviewees consider that the rare earth mining will have a serious impact on the local ecological environment and the relationships...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Sino-Russia-Magnolia Trade Cooperation Potential: Based on the Perspective of Trade Gravity Model

Qian Shen
This paper sets the three bilateral trade flows (1999-2014) as the basis of analysis and adds trade system arrangement policy variable within the classical trade gravity model. It also constructs the panel data model of three bilateral trade between China,Russia and Mongolia. The empirical results show...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of online Shopping Fakes from the Perspective of Information Asymmetry

Kunzhuo Song
Nowadays, the online shopping market is very influential.To bring consumers convenient at the same time, there are many hidden dangers, from come out so far, has been a problem of fake online shopping market but around the ridge, like a raging fire double eleven, every year to refresh a new record, but...
Proceedings Article

Engine Dismounting and Operation Test Bench Design Based on Practice Ability Training

Wen-bing Yan
Based on corolla 1ZR electronic-controlled engine, design and research were made on the engine test bench with dismounting and operation function. The equipment can be used in operation teaching area of the auto repair industry or automotive related majors in vocational school. The bench includes the...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting the Economic Development and Urbanization of Mountain Area--Taking Yunnan Provinces as an Example

Renqu Tian, Zisheng Yang
Urbanization of mountain area is an important part of a country's economic development. This paper use a data set of province-level per capita gross domestic product and socio-economic data, as well as statistical methods panel OLS to explore the determinants of growth at the district level in 2009 and...
Proceedings Article

Practice and Research of Flipped Classroom in the Teaching of Mechanical specialty in Independent College

Songping Chen
With the concept of "student - centered" and the flexible teaching and learning methods, the flipped classroom is being favored by more and more educators which focus on students' individualized and comprehensive development. Based on the present situation of mechanical specialty in independent college,...
Proceedings Article

Advice on Construction of Literature Resources

Zhuqun Li
In the library of the new approved normal four-year university, how to deal with the change of direction of running a college, of function and the structure of the subject construction, etc. is very important. The writer surveyed some libraries in the university famous in economics major and looked into...
Proceedings Article

Self-service Reference and Consultation Mode of University Library Based on Micro Video and New Media

Enting Kang, Xiaolan Zhou
According to the needs of the reader's personalized consultation, a self-help reference and consultation system is constructed based on micro-video courses and new media methods. The system consists of "micro-video Q & A classroom", resource navigation, Advisory website, QQ group and other real-time...
Proceedings Article

Higher Vocational Education Project Curriculum Practice

Tiejun Chen
Vocational training objectives of the teaching system is to train modern professional skilled personnel to adapt to the rapid development of modern technology. University teaching system should be compatible with the use of modern teaching methods to develop and produce closely related to teaching. Some...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Promoting Effect of the Mode of Industrial Technology Research Institute on Technology Transfer

Hongyu Li
The global economy has entered a new economic era with innovation as the first driving factor, and the acceleration of innovation resources has become a global trend. Technology transfer is the essence of innovation globalization. Compared with developed countries, China's current technology transfer...
Proceedings Article

China's Service Trade and Service Industry Growth - An Empirical Analysis from the Aspect of Factor Intensity

Ke Xuan
China's service industry has grown rapidly since 1997, and meanwhile the service imports and exports also increased at a great speed, indicating a link between China's service trade and service industry GDP. This paper separates services into three categories by factor intensity and conducts an empirical...
Proceedings Article

Industry Competition, Stability of Contracts and Audit Quality

Pu-yi Zhu
Usually, industry competition helps to improve audit quality, but on what types of competition in the industry enterprise audit quality promotion is unclear. This paper attempts to analyze the enterprises according to the state of operation, so as to analyze how the industry competition affects the stability...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Negative Effects Brought by Internet Economy under New Economic Normality

Huiqing Wang
Under the background of the new economic normality, internet has been infiltrating through each industry, which promotes the appearance and development of internet economy. The developing internet economy has dramatically positive effects on transforming domestic traditional industry as well as upgrading...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Impact of Chinese Hierarchical Culture on Chinese Enterprises' Investment Decision

Zhiyuan Zhang
Economic can be seen as the outer form of a nation's development whereas culture is the inner driver of a nation. The culture will shape and affect the person's preferences and ideas. According to the Upper Echelon theory, as the main decision maker, senior executive team's preferences and behavior will...
Proceedings Article

Research on a Novel Teaching Model of Business Translation Based on BYOD

Na Zhai
With the constructivist learning theory, Dewey's teaching philosophy of "learning by doing" and "lifelong learning" as the theoretical basis, BYOD-based new teaching mode of business translation can meet the needs of mobile learning, realize the cooperation of real teaching and the virtual classroom...
Proceedings Article

The Study of the Application of SNA in the Core Personality Words of Chinese New College Students

Ying Wu, Xing Jin
Social network analysis (SNA) is one of the research methods of sociology, social construction is the main way to analyze the relationship between the social structure element, to analyze the global network and the individual network for the whole effect. Personality is an important research field of...
Proceedings Article

Research on Risk Management of International Convention and Exhibition Industry

Zhiming Mo
The rapid development of the economy and the further opening up to the outside world, as well as the country in the industrial structure adjustment continued to force, the exhibition industry ushered in the development of the spring. Every industry in the process of rapid development will encounter problems,...
Proceedings Article

A Brief Discussion on the English Translation of "Jiediqi"

Wei Shen
"Jiediqi" belongs to the northern dialect, has long been used among the folk people. In recent years, with the popularity of social networking in the country, it is now widely used in all fields of society. But there is no corresponding entry of "Jiediqi" in the traditional authoritative dictionaries,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Psychological Factors and Guidance Countermeasures of College Students' Using Behaviors of Social Network

Feifei Sun
With the development of Internet technology and popularization of mobile terminals, the Internet across time and space has changed people's lifestyle gradually. Social network is the mobile terminal network application favored by college students. It brings not only the convenience but also some disadvantages...
Proceedings Article

Constructing China 's Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare(ISEW)

Lei Tang
China is in a critical period of comprehensively building a well-off society. How to make economic development to benefit the public and improve people's livelihood has become one of the main tasks of social construction in China. Therefore, The construction of China's index of sustainable economic welfare...
Proceedings Article

The New Direction of University Library Service in the MOOC Environment

Xiu-li Li
This paper mainly chooses sixty normal university libraries and the needs about guokr students of three provinces in Northeast China as the research object, investigates the library to provide services for teachers and students are more innovative, somewhat different in mooc environment, to understand...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on Factors that Affect University Teacher Job Satisfaction In Beijing

Xing Luo
This study explores factors that affect university teacher job satisfaction in Beijing. A quantitative approach was applied among 123 teachers of Beijing International Studies University. The result indicate that there are 3 main factors that affect teacher job satisfaction in Beijing, including working...
Proceedings Article

Thinking and Practice of Undergraduate Teaching Reform of East China Jiaotong University for the Development Strategy of "China made 2025"

Diqing Wan, Zhuming Li, Shuting Ye, Yinglin Hu
"China made 2025" development strategy requires a lot of talent support, undergraduate education is the backbone of the basic strength and talent structure of China's higher education.Based on this background, this paper takes East China Jiaotong University as an example, with "China made 2025" development...
Proceedings Article

Appropriation Cost, Government Expenditure and Income Disparity

Qianqin Chen, Jiayu Wen
This article investigates how appropriation cost and government expenditure would affect on income disparity from empirical aspects. Empirically, we use corruption perceptions indices and Gini coefficients of 129 countries or regions to estimate appropriation cost and income disparity respectively, and...
Proceedings Article

Guangdong Export-Oriented Economic Development Research

Biao Xiong
Ever since practicing the policy of reformation and opening, the economic development of Guangdong province has roughly experienced the three stages: the take-off stage (1979-1991),the accelerating development stage (1992-2002) and the scientific development stage (2003-now). Guangdong Province has made...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Modes, Paths and Countermeasures of the Integrative Development of Guangzhou Internet and Cultural Industry

Weisha Cai, Bin Gu, Xingbiao Wang
With the development of Internet and cultural industry, Guangzhou formed three modes of the integrative development. According to the modes, the paper puts forward three paths of the integrative development of Guangzhou Internet and cultural industry, and three countermeasures combining with the paths,...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Innovation of Logistics Enterprise under the "Internet +" era

Yulin Xia, Yan Zhang
With the rise of the Internet, especially the popularity of mobile Internet, internet technology is changing quickly, so logistics enterprises are facing increasingly fierce market competition. The way that logistics enterprises put themselves in the internet thinking, which is used to guide the marketing...
Proceedings Article

Effective Ways to Implement Japanese Teaching in Colleges and Universities under the New Situation

Hui Zhang, Liangdong Xiao
At present, many colleges and universities in the elective courses are arranged in a second foreign language, such as Japanese, Chinese and so on, but most of the school's second foreign language teaching there are short teaching time, teaching materials are not uniform, low degree of attention, This...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Legal Countermeasures of Intellectual Property Rights of Chinese Digital TV

Liangdong Xiao
With the development of science and technology, digital TV has become the core content of China's media industry, but affected by many factors, resulting in China's Intellectual property rights of digital TV has a lot of problems, hindered the development of digital TV. How to strengthen the protection...
Proceedings Article

Social psychological characteristics and regional cultural identity of male drug addicts:A Case Study of Southern shandong

Hairong Zhu, Jinpeng Yan
In this study, 64 cases of forced isolation drug addicts conducted a general survey, a number of Minnesota Personality Test (MMPI). The results showed that male drug addicts in Southern shandong region generally had low cultural level;Family economic situation was in general;Divorce rate was higher;...
Proceedings Article

The Structural Imbalance of China 's Banking Currency Mismatch

Yuan Li
Since the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism in 2005, the currency mismatch in the banking industry makes the change of exchange rate an important factor affecting the banking operation. This paper analyzes the currency mismatch of 16 listed banks in China, and points out that there are...
Proceedings Article

Media literacy education in colleges and universities: The status quo and the development way of thinking

Yu Tang, Yang Hu
This paper analyzes the present situation of media literacy education in university and expounds the importance of media literacy education, aiming at the development of media literacy education in colleges and universities conducted in-depth research, combined with the study, puts forward several development...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Establishment of Heyuan Wisdom Tourism System

Zhi Zhu
The core service object of wisdom tourism system is the tourists, and tourism large data centers is the basis of the construction. This paper expounds the connotation of wisdom tourism, the architecture of it, and then analyzes the development of Heyuan wisdom tourism, finally puts forward the countermeasures...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Ultrasonic Application in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Yunshen Zhang
With the continuous development and progress of science and technology in China, chemical and chemical industry has made remarkable achievements in recent years, the ultrasonic technology used in chemical and chemical work, research progress has also been a breakthrough achievement. In this paper, combined...
Proceedings Article

Dialogue, Reflection and Transcendence: on the Practicality and Academic Nature of Marx Doctrine

Ling Lin
Marxism theory education has academic and practical, this article embarks from the academic and practical, the Marxist ideology in the construction of our country, existing problems were discussed, and on this basis, put forward views, reveals some of Marxism philosophy research to ponder and must solve...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Reform of Industrial Automation based on Engineering Education Certification

Ping Xin, Hongtao Mi
With the development of education, society and economy, the certification of engineering education has become a necessity. In order to meet the needs of the transformation and upgrading of industries and the promotion of new industry found that engineering education needs to adjust the traditional curriculum...
Proceedings Article

The American Way of Family Education in Boyhood and the Enlightenment to China

Yan Liu
Richard Stuart Linklateris an American independent film director and scenarist. It takes almost 12 years for him to make a feature film called Boyhood, which mainly talks about a little boy Mason's growth experiences from 6 to 18 years old. Throughout the film, American parents' educational methods to...
Proceedings Article

Application of Grey Comprehensive Entropy Weight Clustering Method in Performance Evaluation of Banks

Yuyang Jie, Fenyi Dong
The performance of commercial banks not only affects their own development, but also relates to the operation of the national macro economy. Through the analysis of the banking business. From the four aspects of profitability, management ability, growth and development ability and the security of bank...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation Index System and Model of Engineering Quality for Engineering Students

Xin-liang Cao, Hong-xia Yang, Jian-xin Li
In order to meet China Engineering Education Accreditation, and comprehensively improve the quality of engineering students, the tower Index System is explored. And Engineering Students' engineering Qualities and the appropriate evaluation model is established based on AHP. As an example by electronic...
Proceedings Article

Study of Cruise Practice English Classroom Teaching Based on the ESP Needs Analysis Theory

Zhen Yang
The development of science and technology drives the development of the cruise industry. Many foreign cruise companies begin to enter the Chinese market, which result in a shortage of cruise crew. English is the basic language cruise crew need to master, but also the important requirement of measuring...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Sources and Information Collection and Metric Model of Software Requirements Change

Yuqing Yan, Weijun Sun, Zhong Ming, Zhenhua Zhang
The sources of requirements change should firstly be identified in the process of managing requirements, while the collection of information and the measurement of change activities should be conducted by methodology. This paper firstly reviewed the state of the arts of identifying and classifying requirements...
Proceedings Article

Evolution Game Analysis of Information Sharing Behavior between Supply Chain Members

Kan Yang, Shuangliang Tian, Xiahong Cai, Susu Jiao
In this paper, we use the idea and method of evolutionary game to construct the asymmetric game problem information sharing in Stackelberg model, which is dominated by the manufacturer.The results show that the dynamic evolution of the system is not stable. The success or failure of information sharing...
Proceedings Article

Research on VaR Computing System of Commercial Banks Based on Accurate Scenario Data

Yingliang Wu, Yuan Huang, Jiongen Xiao
Basing on scene analysis and VaR calculation, this paper discussed system architecture of scenario calculation and accurate data's importance of system model from the view of system theory. We also discussed several kinds of data errors and their processing methods to avoid the error of data. Then we...
Proceedings Article

Measurement of the Economic Benefit of Urban Rail Transit Station Under the Mode of Comprehensive Development

Chenlin Han
As the end of 2015, there are 25 cities having finished urban rail transit construction in China, and the total length is 3293 kilometers. There are 40 cities building the urban rail transit, and the length will be more than 4000 kilometers. It is estimated that the total investment of urban rail transit...
Proceedings Article

Reputation Mechanism in Multiphase Game to Control the Moral Hazard of Aging Service Supplier

Zhiyong Zhang, Haiping Wu, Yongqiang Shi
Aging service supply chain is a new trend of aging service development. In the supply chain, aging service Integrator and aging service supplier create a principal-agent relationship, which usually leads to moral hazard problem. This paper studies the problem of controlling Aging Service Supplier to...
Proceedings Article

On Current Situation and Development Prospect of the journalism & mass communication education

Xiaojing Zhang
This document demonstrates that current situation and development prospect of the journalism & mass communication education. There are three essential issues in present journalism & mass communication education to confront: the balance between theory and practice, discipline identity, globalization influence....
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Analysis of the income Gap between Industries in Hebei Province

Mengnan Wang
First of all, from the perspective of the descriptive statistics, the study is based on relevant statistical data and evaluates the income gap between industries in Hebei province in terms of extremum difference, extremum ratio, Theil index and so on. Then, the relationship between the income gap between...
Proceedings Article

Research Summary on the Investment Loan Linkage Business Model of Commercial Bank

Qian Chen, Mu Zhang
In order to further study the investment loan linkage business of commercial banks, this paper reviews the theories and empirical literatures of commercial banks carry out the investment loan linkage business in the field of venture capital in recent years. Summarized the main motivations and advantages...
Proceedings Article

A new Pattern of CDIO Engineering Education and Application in Mechanical Principle Course

Yong Yang, Jingliang Jiang, Dexiang Wang, Xia Jin
As a practice pattern of current international higher engineering education, CDIO has brought significant changes to and impacts on engineering education, which has the remarkable effect on cultivating the abilities of integrative design, innovative practice and team collaboration. But so far, the CDIO...
Proceedings Article

The Industrial Transfer and Industrial Agglomeration in the Process of the Integration in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

Mingyao Wang, Qiong Tong
As the third largest urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, Beijing Tianjin Hebei region is in a very important strategic position in China. In order to ease Beijing non capital function,solve Beijing urban diseases,optimize the core function of the capital and make...