Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Coaching Pre-Service Teachers in Planning and Teaching English Online

Sitti Hadijah, Shalawati
Before the outbreak of Covid 19, the pre-service teachers at the university where my colleague and I are teaching used to have a two-month teaching training session at schools to expand their knowledge, skill, and experiences in teaching face-to-face in the physical classroom. However, in this 2020/2021...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics and Risk Management of School Sports Injury Accidents in Yunnan Province

Shunbi Mu, Aihua Zhang
The improvement of school sports laws and regulations is of great significance to the fair education of school sports and the realization of students’ sports rights. The methods of literature research, logical analysis and mathematical statistics were employed in this paper to analyse 22 legal judgments...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Image of China in Travel Literature From the Perspective of Post Colonialism-Through Maugham’s 《on the Chinese screen》 and Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s 《travel to China》

Jiang zhuohan
Maugham, a British writer, loves to travel. He traveled in China from 1919 to 1920 for nearly four months. He wrote “on the Chinese screen” to record what he saw, heard and felt in China, and describe the image of China in the hearts of foreigners. This paper analyzes the image of Chinese people and...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between PPKN Subjects and Increasing the Spirit of Nationalism of Indonesian Students in Saudi Arabia

A Masrukhin, H Sriyanto, M N Willyarto
This study aimed to obtain an overview of the relationship between Civics subjects with the spirit of nationalism of Indonesian students. This study used a qualitative and quantitative approach with the correlation study method. The research data were obtained through questionnaires and tests given to...
Proceedings Article

Challenges, Threats and Possibilities of National Education as a Driver for Innovative Development of Economy

Oksana Bondar-Pidhurska, Alla Glebova, Yevheniia Solovykh
The study aimed to substantiate the place and role of national education as a driver of innovative economic development, generalization of challenges, threats and opportunities for its development. At the same time, education as a subsystem of knowledge is included by us in the index of innovative development...
Proceedings Article

Problem Based-Learning: Method of Enhancing and Encouraging the Motivation of English Department Students at English Pragmatics Class

Ike Revita, Reschie Andriani, Farah Anindya Zalfikhe, Rovica Trioclarise
Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the teaching methods implemented at Universitas Andalas to achieve the objectives of teaching and accelerate the teaching and learning process. PBL is considered suitable to encourage students to be more active in the class. This article reports research on the...
Proceedings Article

Using Unit Test to Realize Automated Hinting and Grading in Student Programming

Zhiguo Zhang
In doing machine work, students may encounter problems or difficulties. It should be very helpful for students’ learning if students can get some hints or feedback immediately. We present in this paper a method that can automatically give students helpful guidance hints and judge and grade students’...
Proceedings Article

Europeanism in the Comprehension of F. Dostoevsky: The Antique Aspect

Anna Skoropadskaya
The article analyzes the understanding of Europeanism in F. Dostoevsky’s journalism. One of the central topics for the Russian writer - the contrast between Europe and Russia - is revealed by referring to the ancient tradition. Antiquity, which laid the foundations of European culture, becomes one of...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Zoom Cloud Meeting on Choir Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Lukas Gunawan Arga Rakasiwi, Anik Ghufron
This research based of the COVID-19 pandemic which makes choir activities must change the direct learning system into online learning. This study aims to describe online choir learning using Zoom Cloud Meeting based on the learning strategies and find out the role of Zoom Cloud Meeting on the self-regulated...
Proceedings Article

Green Supply Chain Management Performance Framework (Case Study in Defense Company in Indonesia)

Irayanti Adriant, Afferdhy Ariffien, Regita Ayu Pratiwi
Green supply chain management practices are now increasingly being applied in companies in Indonesia. Corporate responsibility for environmental issues is part of achieving the company’s sustainability. PT. X is a defense company, which one of its products is special vehicle. In each production process,...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Educational Videos to Deliver Topics in Japanese Sociolinguistics Course

Kadek Eva Krishna Adnyani, I Wayan Sadyana, Gede Satya Hermawan
The aim of this study was to develop appropriate educational videos for the Japanese Sociolinguistics Course and to analyze the feasibility level of educational videos for the Japanese Sociolinguistics Course in the Department of Education of Japanese Language Department, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha....
Proceedings Article

Gifted Education in ASEAN

Nor Laili, Novira Silmi Sabila, Vivi Mariesca Vibraena, Ahsan Romadhon Junaidi, Dimas Arif Dewantoro
Education for children with special needs does include not only studies of children with disabilities, but also children who have certain advantages over normal people. Where then these advantages become obstacles for children to grow and develop in the community. Special education for gifted and talented...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of School Principal in Improving the Performance Teachers of Nurul Hasanah Primary School Percut Sei Tuan

Marini Purba, Irwandy, Widansyah Lubis
The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the implementation of the managerial communication of the Principal of the Nurul Hasanah Tembung Private Primary School in Deli Serdang Regency in improving teacher performance. The subjects of the study were the principal, teachers, staff and the...
Proceedings Article

Language Used in the Science Test: Its Effects to Meranao Students Test Performance

Anabelie V. Valdez
Learning is infinite process of collecting information, knowledge and skills. However, many factors will influence and hindered effective learning process. One of these factors is the language use in the teaching-learning process, and the language use in the test. This study aimed to investigate the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Economic Management of Geological Exploration Units in the New Environment

Huidong Lei
Geological exploration can be classified into different categories such as mineral geological prospecting, hydrogeological prospecting, engineering geological prospecting, etc. According to different requirements of the market, the units will schedule the categories of geological prospecting reasonably....
Proceedings Article

The Potential of the Agile Technology Application in University Education

Natalya Ryazanova, Tatiana Dikova, Anna Semak
The research is devoted to analysing the transformation of the SPOD world (Steady, Predictable, Ordinary, Definite) into the VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) and defining the main features of the VUCA in the education system. The authors of the article consider the feasibility...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Social Attitudes of Middle School Students

Ainul Husna, Muh Farozin
This study discusses the development of students’ social attitudes in middle school. The development of student social attitudes is very important for the success of students in socializing at their school environment. The development of students’ social attitudes can also affect the student learning...
Proceedings Article

Fostering Decision-Making Skills Through Socio-Scientific Issues in the 2013 Curriculum

Dita Ardwiyanti, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo
Industry 4.0 has challenged 21st-century society through future employment and workforce trends shifting. Decision-making is one of the thinking skills urgently needed to achieve job success in this disruptive era. As the skills in choosing the best solution to the socio-scientific issues (SSI), decision-making...
Proceedings Article

Green Supply Chain for Better Future Hotel Business

I Ketut Astawa, I Ketut Budarma, Cokorda Istri Sri Widhari, I Gede Mudana
The purpose of this study is to analyze the integration of green hotels and green supply chain practices for better future hotel business. Data collected through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. This research uses pentagon magic theory of tourism development to analyze aspects of environmentally...
Proceedings Article

A Program for Lifelong Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Father Accompanies Early Childhood Learning from Home

Eko Sulistiono, Mustakim, Deti Nudiati
Lifelong education starts from the time in the womb to the end of life. Parents during the Covid-19 pandemic became the main educators at home. Parenting patterns, child learning assistance, and informal education in the family become real experiences, which must be lived by fathers, mothers and children...
Proceedings Article

Going on Without Hope—Lu Xun’s Perception and Struggle to Nihility in Wild Grass

Yuxuan Liu
Wild Grass was born in the period of political turmoil and Lu Xun’s family misfortune. The recurring word “nihility” in the book makes people speculate about its deep meaning. In fact, through the “nihility”, mental state of Lu Xun can also be glimpsed. Based on the background of the birth of Wild Grass,...
Proceedings Article

Crosby’s Nwantinti:

Intimacy Under the Negotiation of Cultural Identities

Jingyi Li
The American modern history does great help in getting Igbo culture involved. As an Igbo descent, Njideka Akunyili Crosby explores different cultural identifications which define her both as a Nigerian and a modern artist. Her work Nwantinti is one of the most representative works of her efforts to negotiate...
Proceedings Article

Aristotle’s “De Anima” - Theoretical Significance in Contemporary Cognitive Psychology

Zairong Huang
As an independent subject, modern cognitive science has completed a systematic experimental research on human perception and cognition system, and has given a scientific definition and process. At the same time, cognitive psychology has made an experimental summary on human’s specific psychological state...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Nutritional Status, Playing Activities, and Physical Fitness on the Motor Abilities of Children of Kubu Jambi Province

Gusril, Wiladi Rasyid
This research aims to find whether the effect of nutritional status (X1), playing activities (X2) and physical fitness (X3) on the motor abilities. The research method used Path analysis. The populations of this research were the ethnic children in Kubu, Meranti Regency, Jambi Province. Samples were...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration and Practice of 3D Printing Pen in Primary School Education

Jimin Chen, Shibo Xiang, Yanping Yuan, Yong Zeng
Drawing ability is the common among the kids in primary school. Usually they use the pen or pensile as a tool to draw the image. This can help the kids to form a basic knowledge about the 2D scene. With 3D printing pen the kids can not only learn knowledge but also construct the 3D models in their mind....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Japanese Online Open Courses for Vocational Undergraduates Based on Information Technology

Yinhua Lin
The development of information technology provides rich solutions for the methods and models of modern education in colleges and universities. Online learning and VR technology have been widely utilized for the construction of Japanese courses in vocational universities. These technologies provide students...
Proceedings Article

The Elementary Education Assessment and Learning Integrated 21st Century-Computational Thinking Skills in Mathematics: Global Design Stage

Hisyam Ihsan, Fajar Arwadi, Sutamrin Sutamrin
This research aims to obtain the assessment models/designs and learning at the basic level of education integrated with computational thinking in web-based mathematics lessons/computers. The method used is design-based research to gain insight into computational thinking and encourage computational thinking...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis of Group Effect and Individual Effect Under Negative Emotion

Zhaoyu Wang
Compared with individuals experiencing emotional events alone when individuals share the same emotional event with others and share the same emotion. When one points to the emotional state of the target, the individual’s emotional experience will be enhanced. We define this phenomenon as group. Amplification...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Model at Grade 7th of SMPN 7 Bulukumba

Asmaul Husna Rasyid, Nurwati Djam’an, Awi Dassa
This classroom action research aimed to improve mathematics learning outcomes and students’ responses by implementing the Reciprocal Teaching-Learning Model. There were 22 students of class VII B of SMPN 7 Bulukumba as participants. This research was conducted in two cycles, namely, cycle I and cycle...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Licensing on Tourism Business Activity in the Area of the Toba Lake

Alfon Octavianus Sitepu, Faisal Santiago, Ricky Purwanto
Establishment of Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy at national level and the Department of Tourism in each region, the Indonesian government has focused on tourism. Through Government Regulation on Spatial Planning of the National Park, the Indonesian government announced ten tourism sites in...
Proceedings Article

Leading from Home: Leadership Skills in Developing School Programs in the Digital Age and Covid 19 in Indonesia

Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Juharyanto, Sultoni, Maulana Amirul Adha, Maisyaroh, Rachmad Bagus Saputra
This study aimed to describe the principals’ skills in leading the school from home (LSFH) based on the digital age and Covid 19 pressure. This study was a qualitative approach, where data was collected naturally by using a google form, distance open-ended interview, and online forum group discussion...
Proceedings Article

Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report

Ence Surahman, Sulthoni, Ujang Nendra Pratama
The implementation of online learning requires online supervision and research to maintain the quality of the learning process. However, research on online learning observation protocols has not been widely reported. This study aimed to propose an online learning observation protocol that teachers, educational...
Proceedings Article

The Mobile Media Development in Learning

A Need Analysis

Kyaw Zay Ya, Rizki Hardian Sakti, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Muhammad Giatman, Nurhasan Syah, Mukhlidi Muskhir, Hansi Effendi
The purpose of this study is as follows. 2) limitations faced by teachers in this area when teaching materials on the basics of electricity and electronics; 3) Know what kind of educational materials to develop on the basics of electricity and electronics. In this study, the IDI model was used. The IDI...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Performance of Ludrukan Nom-noman Tjap Arek Soeroboio (LUNTAS) in the Legend of Sawung Kampret

Syina Dalila, Arif Hidajad
LUNTAS (Ludrukan Nom-Noman Tjap Arek Soerrobojo) is one of the groups that preserves ludruk by performing Ludrukan in order to be accepted by the community, especially millennials in Surabaya. The authors are interested in reviewing LUNTAS because of the uniqueness that stands out in LUNTAS compared...
Proceedings Article

The Position of the Child in the Juvenile Justice System

Leni Dwi Nurmala, Nevey Varida Ariani, Tinuk Dwi Cahyani
In the criminal justice system, the position of children in conflict with the law is very important, because children can be categorized as a vulnerable group and have the risk of their rights being violated by the parties involved in the juvenile criminal justice system. Legal protection must be given...
Proceedings Article

Memories of Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima: Traces Documented in Photographs Here Goes River

Xinhui Zhang
Practices of narrating culture memories based on various mediums is significant for the community’s sustainable development, also contributes to the formation of their historical knowledge. This paper will base on the concept of trace, and takes the narrating of culture memory of the atomic bombing in...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Cost Quality on Productivity of Iron Railing Products in Small and Medium Business in Palembang

(Impirical Study of Iron Railing Products in Palembang)

M. Thoyib, Riza Wahyudi, Firmansyah Firmansyah, Darul Amri
This study aims to determine and analyze the Effect of Quality Costs on Work Productivity in Small and Medium Enterprises in Palembang (Impirical Study of SME Iron Railing Products in Palembang City). With a sample of 120 SME respondents from the existing population, the sample was taken using purposive...
Proceedings Article

The Concept of Nationalism in the French Revolution and Its Possible Relationship with the Pillnitz Declaration

Chan Hau Ki, Anrui Li, Tianran Wangchen
The Pillnitz Declaration was a threat to the French Revolution and a threat to the nascent French nation, which inspired the nation to unite against other autocratic monarchies. The victory at the Battle of Valmy was the first victory of the French Revolutionary Army against the alliance of the feudal...
Proceedings Article

Application of Islamic Work Ethics and Employee Performance

Rini Lestari, Nurfahmiyati Nurfahmiyati, Magnaz Lestira Oktaroza, Asyifa Nur Azizah, Liliani Sumarni Pratiwi, M. Rafi Farandhi Lathifiana
This study is carried out on the background of the prevalence of fraud in Sharia banking institutions due to the poor application of Islamic work ethics evident from the prevalence of cases in which clients’ savings are embezzled and fictitious loans are given that cause loan rates to decrease and in...
Proceedings Article

Qanun Sharia Financial Institutions and Social Change Engineering Effort in Aceh Community

Luthfiyah Trini Hastuti, Pujiyono, Burhanudin Harahap
The birth of Qanun Number 11 of 2018 concerning Islamic Financial Institutions is a form of engineering social change for the Acehnese people. How the engineering process and what factors support and hinder the engineering of social change in Acehnese society is the main focus of this research. The process...
Proceedings Article

Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic: Efficiency and Prospects in Plasma Donors’ Perceptions

Artem Lytovchenko, Olena Muradyan, Dmytro Chumachenko
In connection with the continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the relevance of information promotion of anti-pandemic measures is becoming more urgent. Public opinion on these measures is mixed; there is an active movement of the so-called anti-vaxers. The article explores the possibility of involving...
Proceedings Article

Applying Blended Learning as an Effective Model for EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension

Abidin Pammu, Hamzah A. Machmoed, Ani Dyah Astuty, Sitti Sahraeny
As an alternative solution to resolve various reading comprehension problems in the EFL context, it is necessary to implement a blended learning model which combines both online and face to face teaching modes. This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of the blended learning model on students’...
Proceedings Article

Developing LMS Through Moodle in Teaching ‘Article Writing for Journal’ for Post Graduate Students

J. Priyanto Widodo, Joko Slamet
This study attempted to find out how much product development was required and how media such as Moodle for teaching ‘Article Writing for Journal’ at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo may have evolved. This study was based on the R&D design from Borg & Gall theory, which was subsequently adopted in the research....
Proceedings Article

Three-Year-Old Child Sentence Acquisition: Case Study on Rumaysha

Melia Sri Rahayu, Ermanto
This study aims to describe the sentence acquisition of three-year-old children: a case study on Rumaysha seen from sentences based on completeness of elements, namely complete sentences and incomplete sentences (ellipses, additions, sequences, and minors). This type of research is a qualitative research...
Proceedings Article

Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia

Afnita, Amril Amir, Farel Olva Zuve, Adhara Jasid, Dinda Annisa
The COVID-19 pandemic is a tragedy that grieves the entire population of the earth. All segments of human life on earth are disrupted, without exception education. Many countries decide to close schools ranging from elementary school to college, but this is only temporary. The learning process that was...
Proceedings Article

Are Boys More Verbally Creative?

Gender-Based Difference in Verbal Creativity in Adolescents

Susi Susanti, Zulmi Ramdani
As one of the important competencies in the 21st century, creativity becomes an asset for a teenager to grow and compete to become a superior generation. Gender differences are often seen as an important indicator in determining what interventions are appropriate to improve these competencies. This study...
Proceedings Article

The Contingent Factors on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Industry Sector

Tri Siwi Nugrahani, Dhanti Alif Kalandara, Pradita Nindya Aryandha
Several SMEs in DIY, especially those engaged in the industrial sector, went bankrupt due to the Covid-19 pandemic which had lasted for two years. One of the causes of SMEs going bankrupt is because they ignore the contingency or uncertainty factor that can affect organizational performance. This study...
Proceedings Article

Identifying Historical and Indigenous Potency of Padusan Village Mojokerto as a Humanities and Social Sciences Laboratory

Ronal Ridhoi, Nurlia A. D. Restanti, Joko Sayono
This paper aims to identify the historical sites and indigenous potencies in Padusan Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency. The identification results then become a reference for the development of a Humanities and Social Sciences Laboratory. By perusing some historical and ethnographic sources,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Teaching Effectiveness in Several Teaching Modes

Yinggao Zhou, Yong Jiao, Zhoushun Zheng
Teaching effectiveness is an important index to measure a successful class. It is the life of the classroom teaching. Based on the teaching investigation in the past two years, this paper analyzes the teaching effectiveness of several abnormal teaching modes one by one by revealing their teaching performance...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge Management on Bandung MSMEs in the Digital Era

Marheni Eka Saputri, Fitriani Nur Utami
In the present, many MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) are facing challenges in maintaining their businesses. The problem is, these MSME actors come from different backgrounds and knowledge, making it difficult to find qualified personnel during the Covid-19 pandemic when marketing targets...
Proceedings Article

Student Learning Motivation

Rifa Hidayah
This study aims to determine students’ learning motivation and identify problems of students who experience decreased motivation. This research is a case study using qualitative data analysis based on the phenomenological-interpretive paradigm of postpositivism. Data collection techniques in this study...
Proceedings Article

Conceptual Knowledge of Civic Education: In-depth Interviews at Primary School

Susilawati, Medita Ayu Wulandari, Siti Ruqoyah
This study investigates challenges primary school teachers encounter in civic education by focusing on students’ difficulties understanding the subject matter. Descriptive qualitative was used in this research to get a complete and in-depth view of students’ conceptual understanding and teachers’ difficulties...
Proceedings Article

Decoding City Branding Through Social Media: Overseas Student Perceptions of an Instagram Account

Ajeng Febilianingtyas, Poppy Febriana, Ferry Adhi Dharma, Kuziyev Umidjon Yandashalievich
Instagram can be used as a mass communication media that can reach a wide audience in the digital world, and Instagram users can be categorized as an active audience to play a role in giving meaning to various accounts, including the official account of Sparkling Surabaya (@surabayasparkling). The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Bottom Up Green Technology

Ola Olajide
This research paper delves into the transformative potential of green energy in developing regions like sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, contrasting it with the environmental consequences of the developed world’s reliance on fossil fuels. The primary objectives are to evaluate green energy’s potential to...
Proceedings Article

Sense of Place and Indigenous Wisdom: Exploring Cultural and Environmental Sustainable Practices in Ubud Palace, Bali

I Gusti Ayu Canny Utami, Freddy Hendrawan, Ramanda Dimas Surya Dinata
One of Bali’s most important cultural sites, Ubud Palace, is a platform for the preservation of both culture and the natural environment. This research intended to explore the significance of the Ubud Palace’s architecture, ceremonies, rituals, and community engagements in generating a profound sense...
Proceedings Article

Design of Village Land Multipurpose Model for Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas

Yusmanto Yusmanto, Asep Saepudin
The purpose of the study focuses on efforts to uncover how village land management can have an impact on the welfare of local village communities. The research method used through a qualitative approach and in data processing uses the NVivo12 Plus application. The number of respondents was 14 people...
Proceedings Article

Difficulties of Prospective Teachers in Proving Algebra Based on Understanding Concepts

Abdul Aziz, Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno
The purpose of this research is to identify and analyse the difficulties of proving prospective teachers in working on algebraic structure proofs. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive proof method. The subjects used were prospective teachers who had taken the Group material and were...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of Political Party System Towards Substantive Democracy in Indonesia

Achmad Hariri
In a democratic country, the existence of political parties is very important, especially as Indonesia adheres to a representative democratic system. The embodiment of democracy is the conduct of elections, elections are often called democratic parties, this is not excessive because basically, elections...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Ability in Solving TIMSS Problems through Realistic Mathematics Education

Asmaul Husna, Mailizar Mailizar, Elizar Elizar, Erni Maidiyah, Suryawati, Michelle Rivera Lacia
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150-250 words The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international-based assessment used to assess students’ mathematical skills. Previous TIMSS results showed the Indonesian students’ mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Practical Teaching Model as a Tool for Skills Development of Preschool Teachers in China: A Case Study of H University

Wenyu Song
Practical teaching has been regarded as important content in the teaching of modern colleges and universities. Practical teaching helps students fully transform the theoretical knowledge they learn in class into professional skills. This paper studies the influence of practical teaching on the vocational...
Proceedings Article

Impactful Changes: Analyzing the Employment (Amendment) Act 2022 on Employers and Employees in Malaysia

Siti Marshita Mahyut, Harvind Singh A/L Terlok Singh, Jivashini A. P. Ravi, Logeswari A. P. Yogalingam, Jeremy Russel Danker, Vishnu Darshan A/L Thiagarajan
The Employment (Amendment) Act 2022 has recently been passed, bringing significant changes to the Employment Act 1955 in Malaysia. This article provides an overview of the key amendments and their impact on employers and employees. Through an analysis of relevant laws and decided cases, it examines the...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Transparency in Forest and Land Rights: A Sub-Saharan African Perspective

Olayinka Olajide, Oloro Olumuyiwa Julius
The Paper explores the intricate dynamics surrounding the recognition of forest land rights in sub-Saharan Africa, emphasizing its uniqueness when compared to grassroots communities worldwide. Through the lens of modern-day anthropology research and the integration of advanced technologies, the study...
Proceedings Article

The Procedure for Submitting a Health Insurance Claim for Health Fund Solution Products at PT. XYZ

Asrori, Windri Nabila Safitri
Claims in insurance are a process where participants get their rights through a policy agreement. The submission of health claim insurance is carried out with a deal that has been agreed upon from the beginning. This study discusses filing a health insurance claim for Health Fund Solution products at...
Proceedings Article

Community-Based Tourism-Based Women Empowerment: a Qualitative Approach

Idris Idris, Aulia Herdiani, Khofifatu Rohmah Adi
This study aims to develop a conceptual model of women's empowerment based on community-based tourism in Bali. The Balinese women community has independence and excellence in developing tourism potential so as to support women's empowerment. Qualitative approach with ethnographic design in...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Relative Deprivation Theory with Social Identity Theory to Inequalities: Issue of Migrants in Biak, Papua

Novieta H Sari
Facing emerging-economic market, that shifting local culture to urban culture and civilisation. For some regions, such as Biak, Papua where the indigenous people still highly uphold the concepts of kinship and tribal. The diversity of human mobility and environmental change have emerged to resistance...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Ethics Courses in the System of Higher Education in Russia: Problems and Prospects

Vladimir Tsvyk, Irina Tsvyk
The article discusses the ethical and moral education of students in modern Russian high schools. The necessity of strengthening the educational component of the higher education system is noted. To solve the problem, we propose a more active incorporation of the ethical component into training which...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Social Stability Risk Assessment in China

Xiao-Min Wang, Miao-Ran Li
With the public interest and demand has been more and more diversified the traditional model of maintaining social stability has got into great troubles. Social stability risk assessment can reduce the occurrence of group events and maintain social harmony and stability. However, there are many problems...
Proceedings Article

Art Rehabilitation of Disabled People in Russian Federation

Alexander Yakoupov
Disabled people can also have their distinctive lives. In spite of their disabilities, many of them are firm in spirit and alway hold the hope for life. Art, as an life-saving straw, stirred up their hope for love. In Russia, the art rehabilitation of disabled people has been on the rise, thus provoked...
Proceedings Article

Decentralization and Vertical Control in China’s Government Controlled Firms

Yanfeng Jiang
China’s government controlled firms face two conflict tasks: For one thing, government should credibly delegate efficiency to firms to make them competitive. For the other, the government also needs to control the firms to achieve their political goals. We suggest one way in which the China’s government...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Mathematics Instruction Using Color Chips at Elementary School Based on Lesson Study

Fitrani Dwina, Riry Sriningsih
This research aims to develop the mathematics instruction using color chips at elementary school based on Lesson Study. This research was conducted at fifth grade of State Elementary School 23, Padang Timur. The development is adapted from Plomp's model. There are three phases of the development: preliminary...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of School-Based Management in The City of Padang Implementation of School-Based Management in Padang Indonesia

Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Yulianto Santoso
This study aims to explore the implementation of school-based management in the Junior Secondary schools in the city of Padang. More specifically, this study aims to compare: 1) autonomy, 2) collaboration, 3) stakeholder participation, 4) transparency, and 5) accountability of SBM in the Junior Secondary...
Proceedings Article

Reflection and Comparison of the Eastern and Western Aesthetics of Photography Composition

Bochen Zhang
The purpose of this paper is to study the different skills of photography composition by comparing the sino-western aesthetics. On the basis of sino-western culture, sino- western classical painting is taken as the comparative object to study the differences between all kinds of aesthetics. The method...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Novel Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm based on Fuzzy Sets and Rough Set Theory

Chen Liwei
In this paper, we conduct research on the novel weighted fuzzy clustering algorithm based on fuzzy sets and rough set theory. Due to the large scale of data, in order to improve the efficiency of the clustering, we can use the attribute selection and data sampling to reduce the data size. We combine...
Proceedings Article

Study on Effective Teaching of Higher Education

Min Zhu
The article explains effective teaching of higher education from source, purpose, significance, implementation approach. The goal of effective teaching of higher education is to facilitate college student with independent construction.
Proceedings Article

Responding to Students' Parents on National Examination Policy

Dr. Madehang, Nurlita Pertiwi
National Examination as public policy on education has been implemented by Indonesia government for several years. Debates about the national exam become a national issue that can obstruct the implementation of this policy. This study describes the responding of student's parents on national examination...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Countermeasures of Developing "Silk Road" Sports Tourism Resources in Yunnan

Peipei Yang
Through documentary methods, it is concluded that the routes of southern silk road are mainly composed of three main lines: the route to Burma and India; the water and land route to Vietnam; the Tea Horse Trade Route linking Nepal and India. The analysis on the present situation of "Silk Road" sport...
Proceedings Article

Participation of Y Generation in 2018 General Elections

Dede Sri Kartini, Mr Muradi, Neneng Yani Yuningsih
Choose a candidate in general election is a part of public participation in its lowest level. Participation in election for Y Generation whom born on the 80's and 90's is predicted low, as depicted by the earlier generations. By using literature research, this essay will focus on understanding the characters...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Song and Motion Learning Through the Model of Beyond Center Circles Time(Bcct) to Improve Early Childhood Creativity

Retno Tri Wulandari
The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of song and motion learning as well as to increase early childhood creativity through the model of Beyond Center Circles Time (BCCT). The research method that is used was a classroomaction research with a collaborative model while the subject...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Scientific Literate Society: Status and Challenges

Lilia Halim
Building a scientific society is a necessary prerequisite for Malaysia in its attempt to be a developed and modern society based on science and technology. A scientifically literate society entails citizens who are literate in science and technology, and are able to make rational and objective decisions...
Proceedings Article

Teaching of Professional Trainers at Vocational Colleges in Malaysia

Sukor Nordin Abdul, Razali Hassan, Azman Hasan
Professional in teaching development is a main thrust in human development. It is vital to the teaching development of individuals, communities and nations. The purpose of this paper is to introduce Teaching of Professional Trainers at Vocational Colleges in Malaysia. The teaching professional will include...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Studies of Tibetan Packaging of Handicraft Products

Xiang Zhaoying
Tibetan handicraft products are beautifully designed with meticulous workmanship, unique cultural patterns. Tibetan cultural handicraft product packaging is showing the cultural essence of the Tibetan people, culture and the arts and crafts are created between cultural factors and cultural relations....
Proceedings Article

The discussion on the combination of Number and Shape in the heuristic teaching of higher mathematics

Wenhao Xie, Xiaoqun Sun, Jinjin Liang, Xiaoyan Wang
Number and shape are the important research objects in the mathematical research. The method of combination of Number and Shape make the number and shape to produce the connection. Heuristic teaching is a kind of teaching thought that can guide students think positively step by step and learn actively...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Implementation for Undergraduate Teaching Work Management Systems of Universities in China

Shanshan Yan, Jingxian Ma, Lingling Wei
The undergraduate teaching work management system is the most important management system of universities. It can reflect scientific, standardized, systematic levels of universities management, as well as to establish the stable teaching order and provide guarantee to achieve the goal of the teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Bowling Game Can Introduce the Symbol of Numbers for Early Childhood

Achmadi Achmadi
Most parents put their children into the kindergarten in order to their children should know the symbol of numbers quickly, and they can write the number correctly. However, the parents majority are lose of this purpose. The often problems can be caused by the teacher's instruction and the child himself....
Proceedings Article

Rock Moisture Recognition by Combining AE with Musical-staff-inspired Model

Jingyu Jiang, Wei Zheng, Kai Tao
Mechanical properties of rocks change under hydrous condition, which easily causes instability and failure of rock, and triggers a disaster. Questions about determining the effect of moisture on the acoustic emission characteristics of rocks, and establishing an automatic identification model loom large...
Proceedings Article

Code Switching of Council Commands in Rising Force Games

Anas Putra Pamungkas
Code switching is a popular study under sociolinguistics. It deals with both spoken and written context. The interaction among people happens in both virtual and real world. This research focuses on the interaction happened in virtual world, or gaming world as its aims to unveil types of code-switching...
Proceedings Article

Spin-off and Social Funds’ Productivity of Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia

Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko, Nurodin Usman, Lilik Andriyani
Islamic banking Act in Indonesia requires to manage the financial funds and social funds simultaneously. In the case of spin-off Islamic Banks, the fund manager is separate from the parent company, including in managing social funds, e.g. zakah, infaq, and sadaqah. This study is going to investigate...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy of Internalizing Sense of Tone, Rhythm, and Harmony In Banyumas-Style Calung Teaching and Learning Process at State Vocational School 3 Banyumas

Reksada Belly Pradana, Suharto Suharto
The sense of tone, rhythm, and harmony can be nurtured by having students understood the basic concepts in a teaching and learning material. This sense nurturing is done by having students accustomed to it, in which we can make an analogue of how human being accustomed to speaking through their life...
Proceedings Article

Semantic Preference of Verb-Noun Collocation: Corpus-based analysis

Christiana Sidupa, Afdol Tharik Wastono
Todays semantic preference and semantic prosody are two notions that many scholars have been carefully studied in the field of corpus linguistics as corpora have become larger in size, and tools for extracting different lexical items for different purposes have been developed. The focus of this study...
Proceedings Article

Sharing Meal, Sharing Life together: An Anthropological Perspective on the Significance of Sharing Meal Ritual Based on the Religious Life

Nancy Novitra Souisa
The article examines the role and existence of sharing meal ritual. At least, so to speak, there are two functions of the ritual, i.e. on the one hand, as a cultural strategy to maintain social cohesion. On the other hand, it reflects differences within the community which potential for conflict. Differences...
Proceedings Article

Android-Based Game Puzzle Development as a Media for Introduction of Tourist Objects in Jepara Regency

Kusumodestoni R Hadapiningradja, Sucipto Adi
Jepara Regency is located in the northernmost end of Central Java Province. Jepara Regency also includes Karimunjawa Islands, which is located in Java Sea. The ground area is 1,004,189 km² with a coastline length of 72 km. Jepara Regency has many tourism places ranging from water tourism, cultural heritage,...
Proceedings Article


Anindita Budirahmayani, Khoirunurrofik
As Indonesian people have shifted their focus towards leisure activities, tourism has become a prospective sector for economic development in many regions of the country. This study analyses whether spillover of tourism growth occurs or not and the impact of the tourism sector on gross domestic regional...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Workshop on Implementation of Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-And-Create (RADEC) Learning Model on Pedagogic Competency of Elementary School Teachers

Wahyu Sopandi, Hany Handayani
It is important to improve teachers' pedagogic competence continuously. This study aims to investigate the impact of the workshop about the implementation of the Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-And Create (RADEC) learning model on elementary school teachers' pedagogical competence to implement the RADEC...
Proceedings Article

Study of Antioxidant Activity in Sinom Drinks From Breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis) Leaves

Mazarina Devi, Budi Wibowotomo, Soenar Soekopitojo, Desiana Merawati
Breadfruit leaves contain antioxidant including flavonoids and phenolics compound. This study aims to analyze the chemical characteristics (antioxidant capacity, phenolic and flavonoid content) of sinom drinks sourced from breadfruit leaves. The experimental design was employed by treatment of ratio...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Communication in Housewife Entrepreneurship

Wulan Trigartanti, Ike Junita Triwardhani
Housewives are currently required to have an entrepreneurial spirit to help improve the household economy while increasing their development of thought and quality of life, not just for themselves but for their families too. Some housewives choose to do home business in the informal sector to have the...
Proceedings Article

A Governance Model Study of Shimin Center in Japan and Educational House in Indonesia in the Basic of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Achmad Hufad, Dadang Yunus, Yanti Shantini
This study examines the governance model of community education units in two countries, namely the Shimin Center in Japan and the Educational House in Indonesia, particularly exploring the conceptual model and its implementation to support Education for Sustainable Development. This study aims to provide...
Proceedings Article

Motivation to Learn Independently through Blended Learning

Agus Purnomo, B. Kurniawan, N. Aristin
Blended learning combined with mobile learning is an effort to facilitate the limited space and time of study for students in seminar courses. This course has the purpose of learning achievement in the form of students able to identify problems, build a frame of mind, and design research methods that...
Proceedings Article

The Agility Contribution through Dribble (Basketball Ability) for Student of SMPN 4 Siak Hulu – Kampar

Safri Nuryadi, Zulrafli, Debby Indah
Contribution of ability in Dribble is necessary; As the observational and research is being done on the field incompetence dribbling ball gives chance to the rivals take the ball easily. Motivation and enthusiast on basketball become the reason why it need to doing for research. In this thesis, there...
Proceedings Article

Reinforcement of School-based Management in Indonesia

Hadiyanto Hadiyanto
More Experts of management acknowledge that school-based management (SBM) can spur all the potential to become a school that performs better in improving the quality of graduates, increasing the opportunity for local governments to participate in decision making, improving the quality of teachers who...
Proceedings Article

The Art of Revolution and Revolution in Art: Historiographical Aspect

Natalia Sipovskaya
The article focuses on the analysis of the relationship between radical political movements and “artistic riots” in Russia in the 1910s, that changed the world history and new art. The Proletkult activities and other cultural initiatives of the Soviet government are set as an example to trace the mechanics...