Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

The Socio-Economic Impact of Dam Construction

Ade Sadikin Akhyadi, Oong Komar, Dadang Yunus Lutfiansyah
The national development encouraged by the government through the establishment of community infrastructure determines the rate of growth of the economy of society, including the construction of reservoirs, although spawned a wide range of new social problems. Construction of reservoirs interpreted as...
Proceedings Article

Research on Functions and Techniques of Special Sound in Guzheng Performance

Shanxia Peng
Guzheng is a treasure of Chinese national musical instruments. Special sound in Guzheng performance is the essence of the Guzheng art. This paper firstly gives the basic concepts of Guzheng performance and special sound, and then points out the important role of special sound effects and it’s techniques...
Proceedings Article

Capacity Building for Biological Experiment Gardens through Campus Intellectual Product Business Development Program (PPUPIK)

Dr. Adnan, Mr. Hamka, Sitti Saenab, Nani Kurnia, Akhmad Faqih Dzulkarnaen, Syamsul Bahri Hs
Biological experiment garden is one of the work units in the Biology Department FMIPA UNM which functions to support the implementation of lectures, especially the practicum of various courses that are relevant for students majoring in biology. Through the Campus Intellectual Product Business Development...
Proceedings Article

Modeling Event Networks for Different-Age Communities in the International Educational Space

M.S. Yakushkina, M.R. Ilakavichus, N.I. Amburtseva
The relevance of the study is due to the emergence in the educational process in the Commonwealth countries of a new subject – different-age communities, i.e. the prospect of organizing event networks that allow every citizen to master the traditional and innovative social experience. The subject of...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic control of functional condition as prevention’s technology of mental disadaptation transport’s workers

Irina Barannik, Svetlana Belyaeva
The algorithm of parameters calculation of two psycho-diagnostic systems is presented in the article. The aim is to compare the results of research on the dynamic control of functional condition of transport’s workers, the calculation of the individual average indication and individual norms that must...
Proceedings Article

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Malaysia: Policy, Program and Evaluation

Siti Eshah Mokshein
In education, sustainable development (SD) targets and indicators have been clearly stated in SDG4. Malaysia’s commitment to promoting SD is evident from the integration of SD indicators in the national policy frameworks, including the National Education Blueprints since the 1970s. This paper discusses...
Proceedings Article

Senior High School Student’s Written Communication Skills Taught by Using ELPSA Learning Design on The Subject of Chemical Basic Laws

Ratna Kusumawardhani, Dewi Lismana, Muflihah, Sukemi
The aims of this study were to analyze the senior high school student’s written communication skills on the subject of chemical basic laws taught by using ELPSA (Experiences, Language, Picture, Symbols, and Application) learning design. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative. Subject of...
Proceedings Article

Low technological innovation and industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of access to finance in the informal sector

Alhassan Tijani Forgor
What is the role of the business environment in the promoting or restraining growth, technological innovation of firms, and industrialization in an economy? Literature (both past and recent) points to a number of obstacles such as poor regulation and taxation, poor regulation on property rights, inefficient...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Contribution of Entrepreneurial Insights and Industrial Work Practices to Work Readiness by Student Graduates in Vocational High Schools

Khusnul Qotimah, Ismet Basuki, Supari Muslim
Vocational high schools are expected to prepare students to be productive people, able to work independently in accordance with their expertise competencies. The mission of the vocational high school is to prepare prospective skilled workers and mid-level professionals in their fields. But the reality...
Proceedings Article

Research on Measures of Advancing Shaanxi Healthy Village Construction under the Background of “Healthy China” Strategy

Yongzhen Shen
On the basis of discussing the significance of constructing healthy village and analyzing its current status in Shaanxi Province, this paper puts forward suggestions, including basis principles that healthy village shall adhere to, clarifying responsibilities of related departments, strengthening people’s...
Proceedings Article

Relationship among School Atmosphere, Self-esteem and Loneliness of Left-behind Children

Chang Wei, Zhirong Huang
The school atmosphere questionnaire, self-esteem questionnaire and loneliness questionnaire were used to investigate 547 left-behind children to explore the relation among school atmosphere, self-esteem and loneliness of left-behind children. The results showed that the perceived teacher support and...
Proceedings Article

Model-Based AUD Arts Music Education Efforts to Develop Sense as Motor

Dewi Suryati Budiwati
Model-based education music Arts AUD Efforts to Develop Sensitivity as motor skills, backed by empirical experience of music teachers who have not had a taste of the musical sensibility to develop a basic ability in processing by aesthetic and physical muscles and motor neurons in the integrated arts-based...
Proceedings Article

Anxiety About Aging: Cultural Value Masyarakat Toraja

Lusy Asa Akhrani, Grace Eka
This study has been made with the purpose to find out the relationship between cultural values and anxiety about aging. The subjects of this study were Toraja people of middle age groups (40-60 years) and late adults (60 years and over) who were still performing the Ma 'Nene' or Ma 'Ta' Da 'ritual totaling...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of Students' Soft Skill Development Program at Universitas Garut with Quadruple Helix Concept and System Model

Ikeu Kania, Erna Rustiana, Gugun Geusan Akbar, Mutiana Budiman, Aceng Ulumudin, Dini Turipanam Alamanda
Lack of students’ soft skill development in building interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship is a problem that occurs at Universitas Garut. This study aimed to evaluate students’ soft skill development in order to facing the era of globalization. The research method used was qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Lexical Error of Russian Translation of Chinese Linguistic Landscape

Guojiang Qi, Ping Yin, Di Liu
This paper explores the lexical errors of Russian translation of Chinese linguistic landscape from the perspective of language, including semantic errors, collocation errors, word order errors, lexical redundancy, cultural word errors, rigid translation, and illegible and rhetorically incorrect proper...
Proceedings Article

Research on Railway Logistics Resources Optimization Theory

Chengxia Dai, Zhifeng Zhao
In the increasingly competitive logistics market, it is very important to scientifically, effectively and objectively evaluate the validity of integration optimization of the railway logistics resources and the core of logistics enterprises. Supported by the multidisciplinary theory, based on the method...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Language Learning Difficulties: A Linguistic Perspective

Abdulkhaleq Ali Ahmed Al-Rawafi, Syihabuddin
Learning Indonesian language at Al-Syifa Boarding School by Indonesian Students who have been lived and studied abroad, (Indonesian Back Home Students) IBHSs, is a crucial problem. The purpose of this study was a threefold: (a) to explore difficulties in learning Indonesian language by students in the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Undergraduate Key Course Construction and Practice for Equipment Purchasing Management

Zhongyi Cai, Huachun Xiang, Yuhui Wang, Lili Wang
Based on the construction experience of the undergraduate course in equipment purchasing management of Air Force Engineering University, which is "General Quality Characteristics and Management of Equipment", the current situation of the course was analyzed, and the teaching objectives and orientation,...
Proceedings Article

Features of Special Prevention Measures of Extremist Crimes in the Republic of Tajikistan

Nozim Abdullaev, Valijon Abdukhamitov
The paper considers the features of special prevention measures of extremist crimes in the Republic of Tajikistan and presents the analysis of domestic and foreign studies concerning this matter. The problem of extremist criminal law standards is lack of the uniform approach to special prevention measures...
Proceedings Article

Education in China as a Topic of Russian Scientific Discourse

Besarion Meskhi, Svetlana Ponomareva, Olga Fedotova
The article analyzes the activity of researchers in the field of education in China. The dissertations performed in the years 2002 – 2017 in Russia are considered. A thematic classification of dissertations was carried out taking into account the current passports of the specialty of scientific workers....
Proceedings Article

Research on Big Data Application in the field of shipping operation and management

Zhu Liu, Jiu-wu Yao
In order to comprehensively master big data application in the field of operation and management of marine transportation in China and promote much deeper integration between technology and industry, this paper conducts an analysis on big data application types, generation, collection, method exploration...
Proceedings Article

The Representation of Intolerance Practices In Cyber Space

Nusa Lukman, Malahayati
Tribal, custom, race, and religion issues appear to be often played by some individuals. The issues that often arise can spur latent conflict because of the diversity in Indonesia. The chance of the latent conflict is aggravated by the freedom of information’s access  due to the rapid progress of communication’s...
Proceedings Article

Research on Industry-University-Research Collaborative Innovation in Big Data Industry

Zhao Wang, Mengjie Wang, Wenqiang Bao
The 19th National Congress report emphasizes that the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy needs to be promoted further. The powerful combination of big data and industrial synergy innovation has become an important measure to enhance China's scientific...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating Equal Education Certification for Indonesian are Not Finish Formal Education by Using CIPP Model

Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah, Ahmad Sofyan, Hasyim Asy’ari
Paket C is government program aims to providing equal education certification for Indonesian who are not able to finish their formal education. The evaluating Paket C program using CIPP model; Context, Input, Process, and Product dimension with a qualitative approach. The evaluation findings on the context...
Proceedings Article

Research on Countermeasures to the Reform and Development of Physical Education in Ordinary Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Scientific Fitness

Hao Wang
With the continuous progress and development of social economy, people's living standards and quality of life have been greatly improved and progressed, and people have become more and more concerned about health. The traditional fitness methods no longer meet people's needs. Scientific fitness has emerged....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Conception, Practice and Enlightenment of Global Citizenship Education

Rui Qi, Fangming Zou
This paper aims to make a systematic study of Global Citizenship Education to achieve some experience or enlightenment from it. In particular, the study in this topic has become increasingly meaningful since President Xi Jinping put forward the idea of "promoting the construction of a Community with...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Practice of Collaborative Education Platform for Civil Engineering Professionals in Local Universities

Zai-bo Li, Tu-sheng He, Yong-ping Zhang
The basic current situation and existing problems of the practical teaching of civil engineering major in local universities were analyzed in this paper. At the same time, the Shaoguan University’s recent reform experience of the civil engineering specialty in practical teaching was introduced, and the...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Classifying Style of Teachers & State of Students' Learning based on K12 Online Education

Tuanji Gong, Xuefeng Zheng
In recent years, online education has been advancing significantly. However there is a major challenge how to evaluate style of teachers and state of student learning. In this paper, we propose a novel method that combines speaker diarization, speaker recognition, feature selection to classify style...
Proceedings Article

Between Light and Shadow: Analysis of the Unique Charm of Hand-Shadow Style Animation

Shuzeng Li, Bing Liu, Xuefang He
Hand-shadows and animations are closely linked, from the initial “handcraft” performance. To the digital hand-shadow animation produced by using the modern technology animation has become a new manifestation of hand-shadow art. Hand-shadow animation has its own unique style in narrative literariness...
Proceedings Article

Case Study: Summative Assessment Design, Commentary and Feedback

Sihong Wang
This case study project follows the English-speaking learning process of a student named Lee, a senior student studies at Dalian Polytechnic University. The tutee has already received classes that last for 12 weeks, and each class is two hours. The paper focuses on introducing the basic information,...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Training System of Innovative Type Technical and Skilled Talents in Higher Vocational Education under Made-in-China 2025

Wanzhong Qin
To build a great modern socialist country and realize national rejuvenation, “Made-in-China 2025” plan points out the direction, and the corresponding reforms are urgently needed for higher vocational education which training a large number of innovative type technical and skilled talents. This article...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Women’s Image on Newspaper Advertisement in Japanese Colonial Era: A Historical Multi-Modality Study

Arifin Suryo Nugroho, Saefurrohman
This research was aimed to know what did Japanese colonial perspective of Indonesian women, the involvement of Indonesian women in public especially in Japanese colonial press, and also to know Indonesian women’s important on newspaper advertisement in Japanese Colonial. This research was using some...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Reform of Communication Principles Course Based on Python

Fangni Chen, Weiwei Qiu
In view of the current teaching situation of information and communication engineering specialties, the existing problems in the course of Communication Principles are analyzed, this paper puts forward the teaching reform for Communication Principles course based on Python for the first time. The reform...
Proceedings Article

Features of the economic development of border regions

A S Troshin, S V Kupriyanov, I S Sandu
Placement of productive forces (taking into account both the economic feasibility and security of the country) is one of the problems of the regional economy. Due to different circumstances, the implementation of these requirements cannot be achieved at the same time. Thus, the choice is necessary to...
Proceedings Article

Preventing Terrorists’ Misuse of Charitable Foundations: A Situational Crime Prevention Approach

Garnadi Walanda, Muhamad Syauqillah
This paper emphasizes the necessity of a strategy to prevent the misuse of charitable foundations for terrorist financing. Our preliminary assessment focuses on cases involving the misuse of charitable funds and charitable foundations around the globe. Following an introduction to the situational crime...
Proceedings Article

Strategy Study on Primary School English Game Teaching

Yong Wang
English games teaching in Primary School integrates teacher’s morals, education notions and teaching skills into students’ activities. In game teaching, students and teachers are dual subjects in the process of interaction and mutual promotion. In preparing lessons, teachers should consider students’...
Proceedings Article

Can Local Law Prevent Polygamy? A Case of Local Law Implementation in Bali

I Ketut Sukadana, Ni Made Sukaryati Karma, Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti
The purpose of this research is to describe the regulation of prohibition of polygamy for society as regulated in Balinese custom law that is awig-awig. The method used is empirical with the interview technique to the head of traditional village. The results show that marriage arrangements in awig-awig...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of College Counselors in the New Era

Limin Lu
In recent years, the scale of enrollment in Chinese universities has continued to increase, and the tasks faced by ideological and political work for college students and related management work have become more onerous. The social environment and situation in the new era have put forward newer requirements...
Proceedings Article

Principles and the Understanding of Service Innovation in Design Education

Ahmad Zuhairi
In the rapid development of technology, South East Asia countries always have the opportunity to experience new products and services. New design ideas, principles and methods for service innovation and design will change designers’ value in education and creative industries that are suitable for the...
Proceedings Article

Features of Buddhist Methodology of Human Self-knowledge

Anatoly B. Stol, Airat Y. Zaripov, Victor N. Bondarenko, Alexander V. Bondarenko, Gafur G. Salihov
The foundation of Buddhism, based on classic texts of the Pali Canon in the Satipatthana Sutta, is one of the most interesting and profound ways of self-knowledge among the various ways. Researching someone's “self-perception” is more existentially phenomenological in nature. With this approach, a person...
Proceedings Article

Media Literacy in Extracurricular Activities of Journalism to Strengthen Civic Education

Yenik Wahyuningsih, Erny Roesminingsih, Sri Setyowati
In the 21st century, the millennial generation is the multicultural society. They need space to actualize the value of nation’s character in implementing civic education. Extracurricular activities of journalism can help them develop balanced interest and talent with media literacy program. This research...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Differentiation Characteristics of Tourism Development Quality of Urban Agglomeration in the central of Yunnan

Anle Liu, Yanmei Wang, Chengyue Yang, Qingzhong Ming
In order to explore the characteristics of tourism development stage and its spatial differentiation characteristics in the urban agglomerations of central Yunnan(UACY), the standard deviation, weighted coefficient of variation, Herfindahl index, entropy method and AcrGIS10.0 software were used to analyze...
Proceedings Article

Mikhail Larionov and Roger Fry: to the History of Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes in England in Late 1910s

Ekaterina Vyazova
The following article deals with how Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes enterprise was perceived in England after the First World War, with a focus on ballets choreographed by Leonide Massine and designed by Mikhail Larionov. Larionov’s collage Homage to Roger Fry (1919, Victoria & Albert Museum, London)...
Proceedings Article

Ethnic Tolerance Among Students in Malaysian Public Universities

Zulkernain Nur Farahana, Wan Husin Wan Norhasniah
The main objective of this study is to determine the level of ethnic tolerance among students in Malaysian public universities. The study involved 378 respondents from three public research universities and represented by three major ethnics, the Malays, Chinese and Indians. The research utilized quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Humanitarian Measurement of International Relations Between Russia and Ecuador

Аlla Borzova, Xavier Medina Gonzalez Vinicio
The article analyzes the relationship between the Republic of Ecuador and the Russian Federation in the humanitarian and cultural sphere. The main attention is paid to the educational sphere. The article tracks a process of establishing partnerships between representatives of the higher education system...
Proceedings Article

Does IFRS Adoption Enhance the Accounting Comparability of Emerging Market?

Tri Lestari
The purpose of this study is to examine the comparability level of accounting information for Indonesian firms before and after accounting standards change during IFRS convergence in this country. This study compares the periods before and after significant revisions of the accounting standards, by examining...
Proceedings Article

How to Cultivate Students’ Humanity in English Teaching-Taking Advanced English Course as an Example

Xun Bu
Influenced by traditional exam-oriented education, English teaching tends to be more utilitarian, and its humanity and critical thinking are neglected. In view of this phenomenon, this paper explores how to cultivate humanistic spirit in English teaching through literature review, English teaching practice...
Proceedings Article

Information and Communication Technology in Indonesian Elementary Schools in Remote Areas

Ferril Irham Muzaki, Achmad Supriyanto
The purpose of this study is to measure the achievement of IT-based learning in remote areas. The approach in this research uses ethnographic research with interview-based participatory observation method. The result of this research are: (1) the process of identity development and development process,...
Proceedings Article

Developing Cooperative Learning Model through Teaching Materials for Prospective Indonesian Teachers

Trinil Dwi Turistiani, Prima Vidya Asteria
The results of observation and discussion with teachers indicate that the practice of learning cooperative model-based Indonesian language has not been optimal. One of the causes is that the available cooperative learning books are dominated in emphasis on facts and concepts. As prospective Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Creativity and Ability Effort towards the Successful Efforts of Fashion Designer

Ratna Suhartini, Ekohariadi Ekohariadi
In running a business in the field of fashion, it takes creativity and ability effort. This research aims to know the influence of creativity against the success of the effort, influence the ability of the effort towards the success of the effort, influence creativity against the success of the effort. The...
Proceedings Article

2. Javanese Leadership Encountering Global Culture

Prof. Pawito
The study deals with Javanese traditional leadership. As global culture penetrates nearly all aspects of social life including leadership, it could be stipulated that the cultural values of Javanese traditional leadership need to be negotiated with global values of leadership especially those derived...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Researchers’ Ethics Using Practical Classroom Training for Marketing Students, Faculty of Management Science, Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Panitsupa Thampramuan
Every students studying marketing research for marketing decision should develop a research ethics by practicing to achieve the goal. The student will be a good market researcher with ethics and morals suitable for being a qualified researcher in the future.This research was aimed to develop researchers’...
Proceedings Article

Research on Strategies of Intensive Development of Circulation Industry in China in the"13th Five Year Plan"Period

Sijing He
Development Planning of Domestic Trading Circulation Industry in the "13th Five Year" Period is issued in November of 2015. It points out that the intensive development is the direction of the circulation industry. This paper analyses the opportunities and challenges of the intensive development of the...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Teachers' Lesson Plan Through Behavioural Objectives Theory

Intan Septia Latifa
A lesson plan is a necessary product of lesson study, where teachers have the authority to formulate their statements. However, further investigation is necessary to ensure the criteria of lesson plan making are fulfilled. Therefore, this study is objected to analyze teachers' lesson plan through behavioural...
Proceedings Article

Sentiment Analysis based on Specific Dictionary and Sentence Analysis

Xinyue Wang, Cheng Ding, Wenxi Zheng, Min Wu
Objective or negative. In this work, we apply a simple method to adapt a general purpose polarity lexicon to a specific domain. We propose and evaluate new features to be used in a word polarity based approach to sentiment classification. We consider different aspects of sentences, such as length, purity...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Speaking through SCAS Model to Arouse Students' Patriotism

Nowadays,many latent perils such as communism, radical ideology, and separatist movement can threaten the unity of Indonesia. Bhakti (2016) argues that the unity of Indonesia is in a disarray condition. Futhermore, other experts say that this condition happens because of the patriotism in the student's...
Proceedings Article

Students' Perspectives towards Self-Directed Learning out of Classroom

Silmy Arizatul Humaira', Ismi Ajeng Hurriyah
One of the critical issues in Indonesia is the limited time allotment to study in the classroom, therefore, learning out of the classroom is possible to create effective learning. Due to the limited amount of time in class, the learners are encouraged to be responsible for their own learning and learning...
Proceedings Article

Research and Practice on Convergence and Promotion of Learning Group and Knowledge Management

Xiao-dong Zheng, Han-hui Hu
The paper first studies the convergence of learning groups and knowledge management, pointing out that learning is process of knowledge production, and the existent knowledge has influence on future learning. The relationship between Learning and knowledge is interlaced and promoted. As the similarities...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures in the System of Life-long Education with Chinese Characteristics

Hefei Li, Shengguang Yan
China is in the period of social transformation. The construction process of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization is bound to have a profound impact on the construction of life-long education system and the construction of learning society. Different parts...
Proceedings Article

Development Research:The Role of Supply Chain Management on Increasing the Company's Productivity

Hana Catur Wahyuni, Wiwik Sumarmi
Productivity is a major indicator of company development. Various efforts are done by the company in order to improve the productivity of the company, one of which is the implementation of supply chain management. In its implementation, the management of supply chain management is implemented by the...
Proceedings Article

Research On Chinese Enterprises' Investment In Uzbekistan Transportation Industry

Yang Gao
Although Uzbekistan's investment environment is not perfect, but recently the situation has changed, especially in the foreign policy of the government of Uzbekistan to develop and implement the laws and the introduction of foreign capital to improve the environment plays an important role. This paper...
Proceedings Article

Intention to Complain in Costumer Who Receives Candies As Change

Ilham Awaluddin, Elvita Bellani, Muhammad Tamar
There is an absurd phenomenon in Indonesia where change that should be given to consumer is replaced to candies. This behavior violates government regulation regarding consumer rights. However, only some of costumers complain of this situation, while others do not. This situation raise question of why...
Proceedings Article


Mochammad Amin Alamsjah
Economic development, low carbon development, green economy, millennium development goals (MDGs), blue economy and sustainable development goals (SDGs) became strategies to develop human resources, health, carrying capacity for environment, income per capita, competency, skills, and eradicate poverty....
Proceedings Article

On the Development Approach to Wenzhou Internet Literature Industry

Gaojie Jin
It requires to melt with other industries for Internet literature if it is developed as industry. Internet literature can be better promoted by analyzing the relevant industries, such as media industry, science and technology industry, film and television animation industry, game industry, garment industry,...
Proceedings Article

Information Security and Future Trend Analysis Based on Computer Network Environment

Haoyuan Jin
Based on the personal information security, this paper introduces some major security risks, precautionary measures and coping methods in computer networks, as well as the forecast of the future trend of computer network security. At the end, it also introduces the original intention of writing this...
Proceedings Article

Cultural sustainability and kindship mode of production AMIDST global economy

Levita Duhaylungsod
Global capitalism made possible the expansion of economic processes that spread to all parts of the world and transformed many regions into economic areas reigned by the principle of free market. ASEAN integration facilitated such process in the region and as a consequence political and state boundaries...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing the Island Province Policy on Poverty Alleviation in Maluku Province

Yayan Satyakti, Eksa Pamungkas, Irlan Adiatma Rum, Estro Sihaloho, Jacobus D. Rijoly
This paper investigates the effects of island province policy based on Law No. 23 Year 2014 on Regional Autonomy particularly in article No. 27. It is stated that the island province has additional jurisdiction to manage maritime cadastral zone up to 12 miles from the coastline. To measure its influence,...
Proceedings Article

Functional Literacy Skills And Problem Solving Skills In Culinary Vocational School

Nunung Nurjanah, Sonhadji Sonhadji, Waras Kamdi, Luthfiyah Nurlaela
Culinary work is related to services that require adequate interpersonal skills. Vocational Culinary School level operators must have high technical skills, intermediate interpersonal, and low concept. The purpose of this study aims to analyze the skills of vocational aspects of functional literacy and...
Proceedings Article

On the Key Points in the Construction of Education and Self-education Classroom System

Zhimin Lei
China's Outline of National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Education Reform and Development pointed out that it is necessary to "take educating people as the fundamental requirement of educational work." In the teaching reform of ideological and political theory in western Chinese universities, Sichuan...
Proceedings Article

Business Model Analysis of the Third-Party Platform of Electric Vehicle Charging Pile

Yu Tong
Game theory is used to analyze the business model of electric vehicle third-party platform, analyze the strategic choices of the three parties under the cooperation mode of three business models, and put forward Suggestions for the results.
Proceedings Article

Tipology Ecotourism Based On Community; A Case On Manado Gulf Area

Felly Warouw, Donal Ratu
Ecotourism is one of the pillars of sustainable tourism that has contributed significantly to development. Ecotourism must be planned according to the criteria for sustainable development standards. The achievement of sustainable ecotourism development criteria is determined by the role of community...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Devices Through Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Communication and Self-Efficacy Skills Students at Integrated Islamic Middle School Nurul 'Azizi Medan

Sri Ramadhani, Sahat Saragih, Amin Fauzi
This study aims to describe: 1) the validity of device-oriented learning models based on the developed model, 2) learning devices oriented to the development of learning problem models, 3) the effectiveness of device-oriented learning developed problem-based learning models, 4) improved communication...
Proceedings Article

Transitions of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Malaysian Parents’ Perspectives

Nik Nadia Nik Nazri, Leela Koran
Problem Statement: Research has shown limited opportunities for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) once childcare services end. With a number of studies previously highlighting the prevalence of autism in children among the Asian population and the interventions undertaken that follow these...
Proceedings Article

The Anatomy of Informed Consent that Provides Legal Protection for every Party

Agus Yuda Hernoko, Ghansham Anand, Antonius Gunawan Dharmadji, Chesa Ramadhan
A doctor-patient relationship relies on two kinds of basic individual rights; right of self-determination and right to healthcare. These basic rights derive from patients’ rights to get information about their medical condition. This study discusses the importance of informed consent for any parties...
Proceedings Article

Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 with Sufistic Transpersonal Psychology

This article is a literature review that contains a perspective of Sufistic transpersonal psychology in dealing with industrial revolution 4.0. It consists of an explanation of the 4.0 industrial revolution and its impact on the education field. Transpersonal psychology is presented as an approach that...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Token Economy in Improving Adaptive Daily Living for Children with Intellectual Disability

Ayu Dwi Noviyanti, Iding Tarsidi, Rahayu Ginintasasi, Rizki Setiaji Mutaqin
Parents have a strategic role in optimizing children’s abilities. Children with intellectual disability have limitations in Adaptive Daily Living (ADL) abilities. ADL is an important abilities possessed by everyone to be able to live independently. Children who lack in ADL abilities will need the help...
Proceedings Article

Aceh and Nias in Several Reviews of Literature in Indonesian National Newspapers

BW Nurhadi, Kusmarwanti, Dian Swandayani
This article aims to describe the review of Indonesian literary works with Aceh and Nias ethnic background in national newspapers. The object of this research article is a literature review article in five national newspapers: Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia, Koran Sindo, and Koran Tempo for the past...
Proceedings Article

Topological Methods for the Analysis of Applications

Yumiao Lei
Topological Data Analysis(TDA) is a rapidly developing data analysis field in recent years. It provides topological and geometric methods to obtain the relevant features of high-dimensional data. This paper introduces the related mathematical principles of Persistent Homology, Mapper, Hausdorff Distance...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Reward and Physical Environment at Higher Education Toward Motivation of Work

Lustani Samosir
This research aimed to find out the effect of reward and physical environment of higher education toward the lecturers motivation to work, with hypotheses: there is a positive and significant effect of reward and physical environment toward the motivation of lecturers. Using quantitative approach method,...
Proceedings Article

Cultivating Respect for Religious Diversity: A Case Study of Civic Education in Manado

Erica M. Larson, Sjamsi Pasandaran, Deitje Katuuk
Civic education is often aptly considered an important arena for cultivating the character of youth and instilling the importance of respect for fellow citizens. To address a growing concern regarding religious intolerance, civic education programs in Indonesia have increasingly stressed material about...
Proceedings Article

Affix Ma-, La-, Na- in The Dengka Dialect

Efron Erwin Yohanis Loe
The research aims to examine the function and grammatical meaning of affix ma-, la-, na- found in the Dengka dialect. The study used a descriptive qualitative method and utilized the morphological theory by Katamba (1993). This theory was used to identify derivational affixes in the Dengka dialect, particularly...
Proceedings Article

English for University Graduate Employability: Students and Employers’ Voices

Akhyar Rido
Currently, English has taken a more significant role in all domains of life and is always associated with globalization and industrialization. In Indonesia, the growing importance of English has created new purposes and needs for learning English mainly by university students. This also calls for a shift...
Proceedings Article

Dimension of Village Expenditure in Development Sector

Rita Martini, Zulkifli Zulkifli, Sukmini Hartati, Endah Widyastuti
A study of village revenue and village expenditure in the development sector is needed to analyze the effect on villages in Lahat District. Secondary data are in the form of APBDes Realization Reports from the Community and Village Empowerment Service. Village revenue affects village expenditure in development....
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Resilience of Young Successful Entrepreneur

Paramita Pramesti, Wiwik Juwarini Prihastiwi
In running a business, entrepreneurs need to maintain consistency and business continuity. Unfortunately, the number of successful young entrepreneurs in Indonesia compared to those who are unsuccessful is still very small. This study aims to find out the process and factors that construct the entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article

Learning Interest on Student Centered Learning Approach in Disruptive Era

Jeane Marie Tulung, Mercy W. K. Waney, Yunita Sumakul
Student Centered Learning is one of learning approaches focused on students. The aim of this study was to describe and explain student learning interest using student-centered learning approach. This study was a qualitative research with descriptive case study method. Data was collected from observations,...
Proceedings Article

Relapse Rate and Associated Factors Among Participants of Drug Detoxification-Rehabilitation Program in Indonesia: A Retrospective Study

Jubir, Hizir Sofyan, Fauziah, Bianca Marella, Marthoenis
This study aims to determine the relapse rate and associated factors among residents attending a drug rehabilitation program in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The study subjects consisted of 49 program residents who used drugs before admission to the program, and 49 families or caregivers. The median of age...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection for Children Victims of Rape Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia

Herry Liyus
This scientific article discusses the Legal Protection of Children Victims of Rape Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Malaysia, the research method used in this study is to use normative (doctrinal) research methods. In this scientific article discusses legal protection for child victims of rape...
Proceedings Article

Teaching English for Young Learners by Using Arduino

Rengganis Siwi Amumpuni, Dian Ratnaningtyas Afifah, P Ihtiari
The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of Arduino in teaching English for young learners, the advantages and disadvantages of Arduino in teaching English for young learners. Arduino is an open-source hardware prototyping platform that can be used to create programming based projects....
Proceedings Article

Research on Countermeasures of Mental Health Education Based on Personality Deviation of Secondary Vocational Students

Zirui Zhang, Liqin Yu
Personality deviation is a bad state of personality development, manifested as developmental psychological problems, adaptive psychological problems, personality disorders psychological problems. Secondary vocational students are susceptible to personality deviation because of their education types and...
Proceedings Article

Portrayal of Women in Khatt-e-Marmuz by Fehmida Riaz and Chahtain Kesi by Razia Butt

Zarnab Rana, Sarah Shahed
Women representation in Urdu fiction writing presents variety of women issues in Pakistan. These fiction writings are highly influenced by society, religion, patriarchy and culture. This research is conducted to highlight women portrayal by two female writers of Urdu. One is Fehmida Riaz and the other...
Proceedings Article

Hybrid Records Management in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia

Naila Rahma, Nina Mayesti
The rapid development of technology over the past few decades has impacted many different sectors, including records management. This can be seen from the many studies that have been conducted on the topic of electronic records management. This paper focuses on how Indonesia’s Ministry of Maritime Affairs...
Proceedings Article

Creative Problem Solving Training to Enhance Students Problem Solving Skills on Career Issues

Wenny Arie Puji Susanti, Tamsil Muis, Endang Pudjiastuti Sartinah
This study aims to describe the application of creative problem solving to improve career problem solving skills and describe improvement in career problem solving skills with creative problem solving for grades nine students in Public Junior High School. Research conducted using the type of Counseling...
Proceedings Article

Improving Local Community Knowledge and Skills in Homestay Management

Hendri Azwar, Sukma Yudistira, Eval Edmizal
Nagari Tabek Panjang is one of Nagari (local government), which has several attractions located in Kecamatan Baso, Kabupaten Agam. One of them is the Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah attraction. This attraction lacks tourist facilities for lodging in the form of Homestay. This can be developed by utilizing local...
Proceedings Article

Community Service: Processing Data Statistically

Diah Oga Nusantari, Deni Nasir Ahmad, Ihwan Zulkarnain
Statistics is a part of mathematics that discusses data processing. An institution needs statistics to process and manage data so that information can be conveyed clearly. Technological developments make calculations easier with applications. This article describes the utilization of statistics for institutions...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Legal Framework for International Arbitration Practices in Indonesia

Flora P. Kalalo, Kathleen C. Pontoh
In the era of The Fourth (4.0) Industrial Revolution, cutting edge technology has made no boundaries between countries in international trade. Nowadays, the engagement between people can easily be done by touching screen. Nevertheless, it has potential to cause legal problems, that is why the resolution...
Proceedings Article

Modern Challenges and the Outline of the Future of Architecture

Eskander Baitenov
Space parameters of architecture (morphological level) have substantial impact on the life quality. The diagram on the architectural evolution that covers periods from the ancient times up to now, is offered for your consideration. As per the diagram there have been three subsequent architectural dominants:...
Proceedings Article

Simulation of Crop Insurance Premium With Poisson Process and Exponential Distribution; Case Study on Rice Farming in Village of Sukaratu-East Java

Primadina Hasanah, Muhammad Azka, Novita Lestari Payung
Agricultural sector is important for human life. However, this sector is threatened by various risks that leads to crop failure and harm for food supply of society. Crop insurance will provide protection against economic losses. This research conducted to develop crop insurance design using sample data...
Proceedings Article

Regional Development in the Context as the Role of the House of Regional Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI)

H. Abustan, Otom Mustomi
The 1998 reformation marks a new milestone in the journey of Indonesian state administration as The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has undergone fundamental changes by four times. The third amendment to the 1945 Constitution has mandated a new state institution or upper house namely the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Cultivating Friendly Values of College Students

Xuewen Huang
Friendliness is a great virtue with which people can be friendly and express goodwill. The friendly values have been embraced in the socialist core values and valued highly by the whole society after the eighteenth National People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China. It’s the effective way to...
Proceedings Article

Anticancer Pre–Screening of Sansevieria masoniana C. Using Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay

A. L. Mawardi, A. R. S. Siregar, Elfrida
A lot of detrimental side effects on cancer treatment, causing lately, the focus of cancer treatment now shifted toward natural products such as medical plants. Sansevieria masoniana C are medical plants which have a high antioxidant content. This study aimed to evaluate the anticancer potential of Sansevieria...