Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

The Phenomenon of De-radicalization in Al Hidayah Boarding School, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Husnul Isa Harahap, Ms T. Irmayani
The phenomenon of de-radicalization is a rare attempt in the study of terrorism. This is because institutions that specifically do so are still minimal, especially in educational institutions such as boarding school. In the case of Indonesia, Al Hidayah boarding school is the first in Indonesia to educate...
Proceedings Article

Muslim Personal Law And Gender Equality Concerns In India

Personal laws are mired with controversies on questions of gender equality. In India, where each community is governed by its own sets of personal laws, Muslim Personal Law, especially, is perceived to further gender inequality. This paper analyses such gender inequality concerns about the Muslim personal...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization (SECI) Through EDMODO Application to Improve Student Group's Learning Outcomes

Agustian Prasetya, Kamang Taroreh
The purpose of this study is to implement SECI through ED-MODO in classroom learning as well as to improve student group's learning outcomes in terms of their cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. This study utilized an application program named EDMODO as an assisting media in the process of...
Proceedings Article

Psychological and Pedagogical Support of the Educational Process in the Conditions of Informatization of Education

Gennady Kiselev, Albina Chervova
The paper is devoted to topical issues of professional activity of psychological and pedagogical education specialists in the informational educational space. This includes the peculiarities of psycho-pedagogical support of the educational process in the conditions of informatization of education. The...
Proceedings Article

Thoughts and Research on Tax Planning of Colleges and Universities in the New Era

Xianpeng Yuan, Shaohua Wang
With the deepening of University reform, the business of University-run industry, scientific research, training, logistics and so on has gradually stepped out of the school door to the society, and the proportion of tax revenue in University income is increasing. Taxation in Colleges and universities...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Strategies of International Propagation of Chinese Filial Piety Culture Against the Strategic Background of “Belt & Road” Initiative

Xiying Fan
Chinese filial piety is the core content of Chinese culture. It reflects the Chinese people’s way of thinking and values, and conveys the beautiful feelings of the Chinese people. Therefore, the international propagation of Chinese filial piety is an important part of the international communication...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Internet Financial Report

Fatkhatul Khusniah, Mega Mayasari
The development of technology is more effective in helping users including for companies in doing financial reporting. IFR is a voluntary disclosure of financial statement which measured using IFR Index. Practice of IFR make transparency of financial statement disclosures. The purpose of this study to...
Proceedings Article

A Re-Turn to Place-based Practice of the Arts for Lifelong Learning and Creativity

Diane Butler
Every day we face familiar and new situations that require us to make a choice about the direction one wants to take. But, if one does not know where one is coming from or needs to go, too many turns can lead to disorientation. These days, we also face the predicament of choosing whether to make a decision...
Proceedings Article

The Leadership of Pancasila in Education: Foundation for Strengthening Student Characters in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

Hasan Argadinata, Imam Gunawan
The industrial revolution is currently entering an increasingly advanced era with the support of internet use and digitalization. The 4.0 industrial revolution that is currently developing changes the records of all fields, including the world of education. The incessant flow of information that occurs...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Function in Class: A Literature Review

Abida Abida Ferindistika Putri, Abida Ferindistika Putri, Hana Andriningrum, Siti Khusnul Rofiah, Imam Gunawan
In order to increase the role of the teacher in the teaching-learning process and student learning outcomes, the teacher is expected to be able to create an effective learning environment and be able to manage the classroom. Because class is a learning environment and is an aspect of the school environment...
Proceedings Article

Powerpoint as Educative Media to Optimize Internalization of Hindu Education

I Putu Suarnaya
This study aimed at: (1) making instructional design with power point as IT-based educative media to optimize internalization of Hindu education; (2) trying out the instructional design with power point as IT-based educative media to optimize internalization of Hindu education; (3) using SWOT analysis...
Proceedings Article

New Mode of Football Teaching in Colleges and Universities Under the Background of the Internet

Wei Xu
With the advent of the Internet era, people’s lives have undergone great changes. Teaching under the background of the Internet has had a strong impact on traditional teaching content, teaching mode and evaluation standard. In a new teaching context, football teaching in colleges and universities presents...
Proceedings Article

Corporate Social Responsibility Analysis as an Alternative Source of Regional Development Financing

Poni Sukaesih Kurniati, Suryanto
The purpose of this study is to analyze the sources of development funding originating from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds from both private companies and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. CSR funds are funds that are set aside from profits earned by the company....
Proceedings Article

Mechanism for Stimulating the Development of Tourist and Recreational Potential of the Republic of Crimea

Tatiana Anopchenko, Roman Revunov, Anton Murzin
The existing system of exploitation of natural resources is irrational, which provokes a permanent regression of the resource potential of the Republic of Crimea. The study examined the legal and organizational and economic prerequisites for the development of the tourist and recreational potential of...
Proceedings Article

Features of the Kefir Production Technology Using Whole Wheat of Green Buckwheat Flour

Mikhail Schetinin, Zoja Khodyreva, Olga Musina, Elena Schetinina
The need to create a new fermented milk product with the addition of gluten-free flour is scientifically substantiated. The main raw materials for production were cow milk of varying fat content; Whole wheat flour of green buckwheat that has undergone heat treatment was selected as a plant component....
Proceedings Article

The Role of National Character Building in History Learning as a Preventive Control of Violence Case Among Students

Oktavia Prastyaningrum, Supardi
Brawl (tawuran), or mass street fighting involving students or gang of students, turns as significantly high violence cases among students in Indonesia. Reflecting the case of students’ brawl still becoming education issues, this paper is aimed to comprehensively elucidate the significance of national...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Competency and Compensation on Performance of Full-Time Employees in Parahyangan Catholic University Bandung

Sedarmayanti Sedarmayanti, Teni Listiani, Edah Jubaedah, Veronica A. Khristiningrum
The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of competency and compensation on performance of full time employees in Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR). The method of this research is explanatory. Sample chosen for this research is using proportionate stratified random sampling method and...
Proceedings Article

Translating China’s Public Signs into Good English: A Perspective of Linguistic Landscape

Guonian Wang, Min Jiang
As part of linguistic landscape, English public signs play a significant role in promoting international communication for a city and boosting its overall image to tourists from home and abroad. Various monolingual (English) and bilingual (Chinese and English) signs in China, however, are found to be...
Proceedings Article

The Course of Phonetics of Russian Language in Sanya University

Elena S. Mikitchenko, Marina V. Borovikova
The formation and development of linguistic competence in the process of the aspect-based studying of Russian language is inextricably connected with studying of Russian phonetics and intonation. Phonetic skills are the basis for the formation, development and improvement of skills and knowledge in all...
Proceedings Article

Reactualization of Al-Farabi’s Philosophy

Nunu Burhanuddin, Ghilmanul Wasath
The intellectual heritage of Abu Nasr Al-Fârabî’ (870-950 AD) just received public recognition in Muslim world in the last fifty years and has not sufficiently been exploited within scientific studies and inquiries. For more than one millennium, Al-Fârabî was forgotten since some of his works were not...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Physical and Psychological Training Models to Improve Football Performance

Asep Angga Permadi
Sports Coaching is an activity or method that is useful for developing skills and abilities and increasing the capacity of human resources (HR). One way to achieve excellent physical condition is to do physical training that requires skills and awareness in sports. Football requires technical, tactical...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influence on the Quality of Management Accounting Information System and Its Impacts on Good Corporate Governance Implementation

Rini Lestari, Diamonalisa Sofianty, Ririn Sri Kuntorini
Poor implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in sharia banking institutions resulted in many obstacles, such as the low Quality of the Management Accounting Information System (QMAIS) at the institution. Weak human resources, poor organizational culture and the absence of external environment...
Proceedings Article

e-Happiness Using RStudio Programming Language

Bagus Sumargo, Irsyad Hasari, Siti Rohmah Rohimah
The measurement of happiness that has existed so far is only describing the macro conditions of people’s happiness. This study offers a product in the form of an assessment of happiness of a household (individual) Until now there has been no making of e-happiness assisted by the RStudio programming language....
Proceedings Article

Overview to the Research on Codes of Professional Ethics for Librarians of China and United States

Xiaoli Hou
The political revolution in France and the industrial revolution in Great Britain and the United States shifted the course of history around the North Atlantic. Comparably, the transformation of cultural metamorphosis and social structure are more extensive and substantial. The library is the outcome...
Proceedings Article

Research on Historical Value of Tuken · Lobsang Choekyi Nyima Biography*

Xiaoyuan Zhang
The Biography of Tuken · Lobsang Choekyi Nyima is a classic work of Tibetan Buddhist monks in the Qing Dynasty. The author of this biography is a disciple of the hero of biography from generation to generation. Based on his personal experience in the contact with Tuken · Lobsang Choekyi Nyima, or personally...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Punch Lines in TV Comedies of High and Low Context Culture

Chunyan Zhang
In the last two decades, there have been quite a many of successful cases of American TV comedies which have made great hits in China. Apart from the development of internet technology and its popularity as well as convenience among common people, verbal language in TV comedies contributes significantly...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study on the Difference of HTP Painting Psychology Test Among the New Students of Han and Tibetan Universities

Xu Hua, Liu Qi Yu, De Ji Yu Zhen
The HTP test is mainly used to assess the relationship between the characters and the environment, and can explore personality traits, interpersonal characteristics, self-cognition and their emotional state. This study analyzed the psychological state of han and tibetan freshmen through htp test, aiming...
Proceedings Article

Symbolism in Three Version Cinderella Stories, an Analysis of Representation (Katharine Pyle, Charles Perrault, and Disney)

Wahju Kusumajanti, Arinda Anggana Raras, Zulidyana Dwi Rusnalasari
Cinderella is one of the most remarkable short stories of all ages. Cinderella was the best-known fairy tale and probably the best-liked in every region in the world. This study tries to analyze the three versions of Cinderella stories written by Katharine Pyle, Charles Perrault, and the animation movie...
Proceedings Article

A Balanced Embedded Elder Care Model: A Case Study on the Family Elderly Care Beds in T Community of Nanjing

Family Elderly Care Beds is an innovative elder care service to cope with the aging population in Nanjing, China. It directly embeds the various modern aging equipment and kinds of service resources into the house, so that the elderly can enjoy professional, personalized and convenient services without...
Proceedings Article

Symbolic Leadership in the Organizational Culture in the Context of Transformation

Dina Aslamazishvili, Valentina Ignatova, Anastasiya Smirnaya
Put to their definitions in substitution ‘leadership’, ‘strategy’, and ‘culture’ sound almost as the same concepts. One may easily interchange them and get the same understanding directions. Regardless to the sameness and disadvantages of their definitions, these super popular terms obviously engine...
Proceedings Article

The Possibility of Chinese Characters Becoming Universal Characters From the Perspective of the Development and Function of Chinese Characters

Zhang Ling, Chen Lina, Pan Yingdian
Chinese characters are not only the symbolic system of recording Chinese, but also the cultural link of national unity. Chinese characters cannot be assimilated in the ocean of letter characters, on the one hand, due to the barrier of geographical environment, Chinese characters have long enough space...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Character Education Model in Early Childhood Education Based on Minangkabau Local Culture: Randai

Nurlaila Tussubha, Hadiyanto
The crisis of character is closely related to the crisis of cultures. The most appropriate character education should be given at an early age, because this golden age will later determine the adulthood. The early age is called as the golden age because this is the time when a child’s brain develops...
Proceedings Article

Do Farmers Higher Benefit and Value Added from Collective Marketing? (The Case of Coffee Marketing in Lampung Province Indonesia)

Irmayani Noer, Sri Handayani, Cholid Fatih
The global economy and the paradoxical phenomenon of coffee caused by asymmetry information between producers and consumers, so that the market is not enough to be a price controller. The phenonema requires a solid institutional role at the producer level to cope with market imperfections. This paper...
Proceedings Article

The Implications of Press Regulation Towards the Citizen Journalism Phenomenon in Indonesia

Agustania Amalia Firda
This research will discuss citizen journalism which is currently expanding in Indonesia and also criticism related to the Press Law No. 40 of 1999 and the Journalistic Code of Ethics, the contents of which is not relevant with the technology growth, thus making several aspects of society related to the...
Proceedings Article

Personal Information Security as a Global Problem

Vladimir A. Tsvyk, Irina V. Tsvyk
The article is devoted to the analysis of security problems in the modern world. The authors consider the nature and essence of information, analyze the concept of information security in a wide and narrow sense. It is noted that the practice of implementing information technologies without linking with...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Family Planning Programs in Minahasa Regency

Abdul Rahman Dilapanga, Jeane Mantiri
The problem in this research is the Evaluation of Family Planning Programs in Minahasa Regency. The Family Planning Program is a national development program in the field of the population that contributes to the control of population growth through birth control and restrictions as well as improving...
Proceedings Article

Individual Approach in Improving the Compliance of the Learning Process of Children With Special Needs in Autism in SLB Asuhan Kasih, Kupang City

Abdul Syahril Muh, MBK Megawati
Children with autism have severe developmental disorders or neurobiological factors that are widespread and can occur in children in the first three years of life. An individual approach can be used by the teacher as a solution to improve the compliance of learning processes for students with autism...
Proceedings Article

SWOT Analysis on Sony’s PlayStation Under COVID-19

Yannan Niu
Since the beginning of 2020, the new crown epidemic has been a global problem. Many industries have been severely affected by the pandemic. Depending on the company’s response and the strategy adopted by the entire industry, the impact of the epidemic on the industry can be negative or positive. It is...
Proceedings Article

Providing Conditions for Creative Personality Development in the Russian Federation

Elena Blagireva
The present article outlines the approaches to ensuing active engagement in the cultural life and harmonious personality development of people with disabilities as strategic resource for the socio-economic development of the country. The author emphasizes the role of society in accumulating cultural...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Analysis of the Development Level of Rural Social Security in Sichuan Province

Ziwei Zheng, Shubin Jin
Driven by the poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategy, the development of rural social security in Sichuan Province has been improved in recent years. The purpose of this study is to find out how the level of rural social security development in Sichuan Province ranks nationally, and the...
Proceedings Article

Laboratory Information Management System Design for Food Practice Course Education

Wu Dan, Cheng Huan, Li Yang, Wu xiaoqin, Chen Shiguo, Chen Qihe, Liu Donghong
Laboratory is the most important components in university. Its modernization and informatization are the important construction contents for standardization. With the acceleration of teaching reform in universities, a consensus has been reached on laboratory opening and resource sharing. Therefore, an...
Proceedings Article

A Philosophical Orientation: Judges Decision for Good Faith Land Sale and Purchase Cases in Indonesia

Albertus Usada, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Lego Karjoko
This paper aims to find out the basic orientation of the judges in adjudicating good faith in land sale and purchase cases as a “ratio decidendi” in their decisions. The reason and consideration related to the context of the flow of legal discovery as a framework or paradigm of the Judges from the Judge’s...
Proceedings Article

Migration and Adaptation of the Loksado Dayak Tribe (Historical Study of Dayak Loksado Community in Pelantingan Village)

Heri Susanto, Helmi Akmal, Fathurrahman
Migration that occurs in the Loksado Dayak community is a process of gradual migration that has occurred for more than a decade. The Loksado Dayak tribe lives by relying on forest products, the main forest products of which the Dayak people sell are rice, cinnamon, rubber, and candlenut. Historically,...
Proceedings Article

A Critical Policy Analysis of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Indonesia

Desvi Wahyuni, Rudiyanto
Education is a basic right of citizens that shall be fulfilled by the state. Thus, as the embodiment of the fulfilment of the citizens’ rights, the state creates policies that are applicable to all components of the society regarding education. For early childhood education (ECE), in particular, the...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Analysis of Regional Economic Development Level in Fujian Province Based on PCA

Wangzi Xu
Fujian, a coastal province which lies in southeast China, has already become the indispensable part of the economic boost of China due to its high-quality development of the market economy. However, differences still exist in the aspect of regional economic growth. According to this assumption, this...
Proceedings Article

How Store Image Affect Satisfaction and Loyalty

A Structural Model for Traditional Market

Moh Farid Najib
The quality of traditional market services is less competitive when compared to modern markets. The condition occurs because traditional retail is perceived as a slum, chaotic, muddy, dirty, and lack of facilities such as limited parking area, smelly and dirty trash cans, hallways, narrow and so on Store...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Iron Tablets Consumption in Pregnant Women to Ferritin Levels in Ilir Timur I Palembang

Romlah, Anjelina Puspita Sari
Since pregnant women who lack iron can cause iron deficiency anemia, this incidence must be prevented seriously. Based on the WHO data, the total population of anemia worldwide was 83.2% of 114 countries, while for Southeast Asia, it was 97.8%. Anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia ranked fourth with...
Proceedings Article

The Research on the Dependence of State Exam Results on Contextual Data of the Districts of Voronezh Oblast

Ruslan Chudinsky, Alexander Volodin, Anatoliy Bykanov, Vasily Malev
The research in the field of education quality indicates that contextual data, e.g. family factors, its socio-economic status, the academic resources of the family, the teaching staff, etc. have an impact on school students’ academic achievements. The present article focuses on studying the dependence...
Proceedings Article

Developing Parenting Programs for Young Mothers as Preventive Stunting Efforts in Bangkalan, Madura

Eka Oktavianingsih, Siti Fadjryana Fitroh
The problem of stunting in children currently becomes a hot issue in Madura. It could be occured because many young mothers still do not realize the importance of nutrients in food and they consume foods that are just filling. This study aims to: (1) conduct preliminary studies and find the needs from...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Implementation of Automatic Text Summarization in Online Learning Setting

Agus Wedi, Saida Ulfa, Ashar Pakkawaru, Rex Bringula
Automatic text summatization is a technique of text mining which is a field of natural language processing. It summarizes a long text file or document automatically into several sentences without losing its essence. The use of automatic text summarization in the online learning context has not been widely...
Proceedings Article

Disaster Information Literacy During Covid-19 Pandemic at a Christian School in Disaster-Prone Area

Petrus Ana Andung, Leonard Lobo, Silvania S. E Mandaru
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province in Indonesia, is susceptible to the threat of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, drought, whirlwinds, and fires. This means that all districts in the province are categorized as a disaster-prone area. The results of the preliminary study...
Proceedings Article

The Pandemic and the Notion of Duties and Responsibilities Under Human Rights

Farid Sufian Shuaib
During the current COVID-19 pandemic, State authorities prescribe public health measures to reduce the risk or the rate of infection in the community. Such measures impose restrictions on the freedom of movement and how the public conduct their business such as the lock down order, physical distancing,...
Proceedings Article

Focusing on Ability Training of 3D Measuring and Modeling Experiment Teaching Reformation for Engineering Equipment

Weijun Chu, Xiaohui He
In the light of 3D measuring and modeling experiment teaching reformation for engineering equipment in our school, this paper puts forward that the experimental teaching reform needs to project quality and skill training as the foundation, combined with the characteristic of use and maintenance of engineering...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Health Education and Environmental Hygiene Practices in Overcoming Children Diarrhea: What Does Healthcare Professionals Need to Know?

Chairun Nasirin
Health services are essential in improving the quality of children’s health during the growth period, where the child always interacts with the environment so that there is exposure to either virus or bacterial diseases that can cause diarrhea. Meanwhile, health problems in the child are indeed not separate...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Technology According to Christian Faith in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Fransiskus Irwan Widjaja, Fredik Melkias Boiliu
This paper attempts to include the use of technology according to the Christian faith in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, which is directly proportional to the growth and the level of human needs for survival. Also, the rapid advancements observed at this time are in the aspect of information and...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Model of Zonation System Policy in Admission of New Junior High Schools Students in Bandung Regency

Koko Enang, Bambang Heru Purwanto, Rully Indrawan
Inequality in education quality still transpires in several regions in Indonesia, one of them is in Bandung Regency where the obvious rift in the quality of education remains. One intention to reform and equalize the quality of education is the implementation of the zoning system to the proceeding of...
Proceedings Article

Cultivation of Ethical Tolerance as a Moderate Islamic Education Paradigm at Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia

Badarussyamsi, Ermawati, Abdul Latif
This research aims to study the practice of religious tolerance cultivation in Islamic educational institutions. Four major Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia were selected as model schools having implemented tolerance in various areas of student life. The strategies for ethical tolerance cultivation...
Proceedings Article

Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes in the Context of Symbolism

Andrey Konovalov, Liudmila Mikheeva, Yulia Gushchina
The present article focuses on the artistic culture of the Silver Age and the remarkable creative atmosphere of Russia at the turn of the 20th century characterized by the synthesis of arts: drama, opera, ballet, and scenography. A key figure of the period was Sergei Diaghilev, the editor and publisher...
Proceedings Article

Counseling Based on Andragogy Via WhatsApp to Reduce Students’ Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic

Adnan Fadkhurosi, Rosita Endang Kusmaryani
This study is an analysis of andragogy-based counseling via WhatsApp to reduce anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to analyze the implications of andragogy-based counseling via WhatsApp to reduce anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach which...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Development Path of Urban-rural Economic Integration from the Perspective of Inclusive Green Development: A Case Study of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan Region in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River

Lei Lei, Xiaojun Yang, Qin Liu, Qun Cao, Shen Li
As an important economic phenomenon in the process of national development, urban-rural economic integration is an inevitable product of the development of productivity to a certain stage and an important link in promoting high-quality regional economic development. Taking the middle reaches of the Yellow...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Project-Based Learning Using Online Virtual Lab Media in the Interfacing and Peripheral Course

Ratna Aisuwarya
The Interface and Peripheral course is one of the Computer Systems Study Program elective courses. This particular course, related to the computer architecture field area, is offered in the sixth semester for two credits. This study aims to analyze the differences in students’ creativity before and after...
Proceedings Article

Development of Biology Learning Comic Based on The Tidung Tribe’s Gasab Philosophy

(an Ethnoecological Perspective of Yadu Usuk Folklore Study)

Alfi Suciyati, Fadhlan Muchlas Abrori
Environmental attitude needs to be instilled in every student. One of the effective ways is to integrate it into the local culture. Every folklore in the culture of the tribes in Indonesia always has a message or advice in it. The Tidung tribe is one of the tribes that has folklore in which advice to...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Study of the Ideological and Political Theories Teaching in the Floriculture Course Based on the Online Course Platform

Jing Wu, Zenghui Hu, Kezhong Zhang, Yazhou Zhao
“Ideological and political theories teaching in all courses” refers to the integration of moral education into the courses, which emphasizes the organic combination of knowledge transfer and value guidance. It is an inevitable choice for higher education to realize the whole process and all-round education....
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Reasons of Academic Burnout Among Chinese Adolescents

Yanting Ma
Academic burnout is investigated by scholars and has been found to have negative influences on students’ mental health. This paper is going to outline the possible reasons for academic burnout using literature review from both internal and external perspectives. Internal reasons include: the effect of...
Proceedings Article

Three Methods of Online Learning in Studying Law for Students’ Critical Thinking: Which One is More Effective?

Agustinus Tampubolon, Margi Wahono, Pat Kurniati, Matang Matang, Wachid P
The pandemic condition for online learning of Civics Education created not only a challenge for students but also for teachers, material dealing with law for students in Senior High School was considered difficult because it contained only theory and concepts. This caused students to tend to be less...
Proceedings Article

The Latent Structure of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) Among Older Adults in China

To-Han Chang, Fang Hua Jhang
Little attention is paid to the factorial structure of (the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, CES-D) among Chinese older adults. This study examined the latent structure of the short-form and full scale CES-D in older adults in China. A sample of 3770 older adults aged over 65 was...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Influence of China’s Fiscal Policy on the Urban and Rural Income Gap

Li PENG, Qingxian YANG
Fiscal policy is usually a common means to narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents in China.Therefore, this paper uses multiple linear regression to choose the seven popular measures of fiscal policy to explore how it will affect on the urban and rural income gap.The conclusion concluded...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration into the Planning of Foreign Language Education in Guangxi Ethnic Areas in the Context of “the Belt and Road Initiative”

Hui Chen, Xianze Wu
In the context of “The Belt and Road Initiative”, in order to conduct language communication smoothly with other countries and build an international gateway to ASEAN, Guangxi ethnic areas need to implement the following foreign language education programs: 1. Foreign language courses should be set up...
Proceedings Article

Psychometric Properties of the Indonesian Version Students Well-Being Scale

A Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Concurrent Validity

Kadek Suranata, Itsar Bolo Rangka, I Putu Agus Apriliana, Ifdil Ifdil, Wayan Eka Paramartha, I Ketut Dharsana
This study aims at evaluating the psychometric properties the Indonesian version of the student well-being scale. This research involved 444 high school students in Bali Province, Indonesia during the period from April to May 2019. The original psychometric well-being (SWB) scale was first published...
Proceedings Article

Validation of Setting and Design of Multi-Stage Testing (MST) to Portray Students’ Achievement on Reading Literacy in AKMI 2021

Wahyu Widhiarso, Ali Ridho
This study identifies the appropriateness design in measuring student abilities through multi-stage testing (MST) in the AKMI program. This study is a follow up of the previous study which carried out the calibration process of the items after the try-out process. Items that meet the qualifications are...
Proceedings Article

Sigulai: One of Minority Language in Simeulue Island

Ratri Candrasari, Harinawati, Teuku Kemal Fasya
This article describes the Sigulai language, one of the minority languages on the island of Simeleu. Simeulue Island is a district in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. This province has several speech community groups including the Acehnese language which is still strong because it has the widest speech...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Writing Errors Made by the First Semester Students of Management Program at ITB Widya Gama Lumajang

Achmad Kifi
Grammar obviously has the main role in learning a foreign language because it is the way to construct the sentences correctly. It seems that the grammar is quite difficult to learn because of the differences of rule system between the first language (Indonesian) and the second one (English). It is used...
Proceedings Article

Asphaleia as a Digitruth

Constructing Ethical Virtue of doing Theology in Digital Literacy Era

Harls Evan R. Siahaan, Eben Munthe, Grace M. Clara, Johanes Waldes Hasugian, Alfons R. Tampenawas
Doing theology in the era of information disclosure and freedom of sharing, which is supported by technological advances, has caused a disruption, besides positive benefits for the church. Unfortunately, the negative behavior of sharing information online also affects the way many Christians in doing...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Social Media as a Communication Tool in Introducing the Advantages of a Higher Education

Agustinus Purna Irawan, Eddy Supriyatna, Miharni Miharni, Keni Keni, Paula T. Anggarina
The development of a private university is determined by the number of students studying at the university. The advantages of higher education need to be introduced and promoted to prospective students and the wider community, so that they are understood and become an attraction for prospective students....
Proceedings Article

Construction of Risk Identification and Assessment Index System of Logistics Park Construction Project

He Qi
Logistics park construction is a is a large investment. Due to its long payback period, it is a high risk project. It has lots of possible impact factors. The construction errors will cause large range, long time and irreparable losses to the enterprise and the society. Therefore, it is of great practical...
Proceedings Article

Diagnosis and Prevention of Lymphocyst

Lingling Liu, Shouguo Huang
Lymphocyst is one of the most common complications following pelvic lymphadenectomy in gynecological malignancies. Lymphocyst is mostly asymptomatic. But when it grows large, the pressure symptoms such as urinary tract obstruction and venous thrombosis of the lower limbs will have a great effect on the...
Proceedings Article

Chinese Balance of Payment: Disequilibrium and the Influences?

Xuezhen Kang, Chengwen Kang
After 21st century, the continuous disequilibrium of Chinese balance of payments (BOP) has become a significant issue faced by Chinese macro-economic development. As can be revealed by the research, Chinese BOP was relatively stable and balanced from 1982 to 1993; from 1994 to 2011, it remained continuous...
Proceedings Article

Granger Causality Test Analysis Spillover Effects on SFTZ to Ningbo Economic Growth

Yue Guo, Jiake Yuan, Yuqi Pan, Tailai Guo
Setting up Shanghai free trade zone (SFTZ) opened a new era opening to the outside, which was also the booster of accelerating China's participation in the world economy. SFTZ have done many institutional innovation, and have brought great influence to the surrounding cities. As the important port city...
Proceedings Article

Self and Other in the Communicative Space of the Global World

Olga Chistyakova
The author presents the philosophical analysis of Self–Other relationship in intercultural and interreligious communications in the globalizing world. Special attention is paid to the semantic clarification of the processes of alienation and simultaneous mutual influence, strangification in a dichotomous...
Proceedings Article

Between Ordine and Capriccio. Gothic Architecture in the Theatre of the Enlightenment

Anna Korndorf
The perception and rethinking of the "dark Middle Ages" in the period of Enlightenment largely determined the interpretation of the present, and expectations for the future. That was why the appearance of Gothic images and motifs on the theatre stage was not just another phase in the history of art and...
Proceedings Article

Design of Values Education in School For Adolescents

Mr. Suyatno, Mr. Jumintono, Dholina Inang Pambudi, Asih Mardati
The growth and development of values in the students themselves need to be planned, deliberate, and facilitated through education. The ongoing values education tends to ignore the uniqueness of each student. Evidently, the 18 character values developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture are top-down,...
Proceedings Article

Irony Explanation Mechanism under Cognitive Perspective

Meixian Bai
This paper tries to apply conceptual integration theory to study and explore irony on the basis of psychological space. It is found in example analysis that, “four-space” model fails to fully reasonably explain cognitive process of irony meaning, because irony effect is not based on similarity of relevant...
Proceedings Article

Soliloquy - Subjective Intent Expression in Painting

JinHua Cheng
People often soliloquize unconsciously, while such unconscious speech reflects people’s inner word truly and also the dialogue between oneself and his soul – self-ask, self-answer, self-affirm, self-suspect, self-console and self-inspect before communication with the outer world. It is required to fully...
Proceedings Article

SOC estimation based on LPV-Kalman considering coulometric conversion

Weiming Sun, Yanping Zheng, Xincan Wang
C/3 discharging rate has been used to define battery nominal capacity in Chinese national standard. According to definition of the battery state of charge by the United States Advanced Battery Consortium, this article proposes that the capacity in different charging or discharging current should be unified...
Proceedings Article

A Model of Trait and Factor Career Counseling to Enhance Students' Career Maturity State Vocational Schools in Bandung

The purpose of this study is to produce a trait and factor career counseling model to increase students' career maturity. This research method uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative (mexed methods design) include the type of exploratory mixed methods. The model of this research is a research...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization

Adhi Prasetio, Ratih Huryati, Arif Prasetio Prasetio, Rolyana Ferina, Maylanny Christin
Organizational learning is affected by knowledge sharing. This paper seeks to add to the research on the role of social capital in promoting knowledge sharing among employees in Social Networking Sites. We examined the in?uence of SNSs usage on social capital that has 3 dimensions: structural (social...
Proceedings Article

Leader Negotiating Style in Learning Organizations : A Qualitative Study of Teacher Education Institutes in Malaysia

Mohmad Yazam Sharif, Shahrizal Badlishah
The aim of this paper is to show some findings on the leader negotiating styles among institutional managers in Malaysia. The managers selected were from Malaysia' s Teacher Education Institutes (TEIs). TEIs are under the jurisdiction of Malaysia' s Ministry of Education. Some years ago, these institutes...
Proceedings Article

Ten roles of teachers in Computer Assisted English Writing

Yiqun Xu
With the development of the times, the traditional teacher's single "control" role has been unable to meet the current needs of the development of education. Only acts as a lot of roles, to become a qualified teacher. This article describes the various roles of teachers, its role as well as the different...
Proceedings Article

The Dilemma and Development of Farmers' Professional Cooperative Economic Organization in the Perspective of Rural Social Ecology

Xueqi Xu
From the perspective of social ecology, this paper examines the two alternative paths that farmer professional cooperatives packaging the rural capital and local farmers' specialized cooperatives in the current farmer professional cooperative economic organizations. This paper points out the dynamic...
Proceedings Article

Approaches to School Supervision in Indonesian Context

Ahmad, Marah Doli Nasution
The aim of this paper is to explore some approaches of supervision that can be done by the principal of School in Indonesia and hopefully the approach can be applied in their own school. A literature review was used as a methodology in writing this paper.There are three approaches that can be applied...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Present Situation and Countermeasures of Pension Service Industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

Mei-Qi Feng, Cui-You Yao, Yan-Hong Yang, Yong-Gang Zhang
The aging population in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is currently accelerating sharply and in the stage of rapid development, then the development of pension services industry problem comes out. Although the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration process continues to promote, there are still many problems...
Proceedings Article

Autonomy in English Learning and Academic Success: a Case Study

Huijuan Xue
This paper analyses how Qian utilises English learning strategies and improves learning efficiency to achieve academic success through autonomous learning based on a case study. The purpose of this study is to understand the correlation between her motivation, strategy, autonomous learning and academic...
Proceedings Article

Application of group counseling of college students for their positive growth based on positive psychology

Dou Quanli
It is found through studies that group counseling with positive psychology plays a great role in promoting positive growth of college students, effectively relieving bad mood and psychological problems of college students, and boosting their optimistic emotion and satisfaction with life. This paper is...
Proceedings Article

The best mood environment design for Shang-pool Arcadia

Fei Jiang, Peter Appleton, Yingjie Yu
This is an ongoing research project between Art and Science faculties of Liverpool John Moores and Shanghai Universities. The collaboration centers around the creation of interactive and telematics non-verbal situations of meeting and cooperation. This suited the developing relationship between collaborating...
Proceedings Article

Teaching of Lexical Chunks in English Listening Class for College Students

Xirong Ai
Listening is one of the most important language skills and recently it has received more and more attention. However, of all the basic language skills, college students still find that listening skill is the most difficult to acquire. And this obstacle greatly affects students’ interest and success of...
Proceedings Article

"One Multi Wing" Mode, The Private Colleges And Universities With Graduate Training Qualifications How To Improve Undergraduate

Jingfeng He, Guangzhen Zhang
This thesis is to study how to improve the quality of undergraduate education in private colleges and Universities under the "one multi wing" mode. Paper from the students' quality, teachers team construction, subject construction, training programs, such as the replacement of the credit started to study,...
Proceedings Article

Researching L2 Strategic Competence-Conceptualization, Mechanism, and Teachability

Yuan Cheng
Strategic competence as a crucial component in the construct of communicative competence has been widely recognized. Previous studies mostly focused on distinguishing, defining and advancing CS taxonomies. However, few studies were concerned with the underlying approaches to the defining of CS and with...
Proceedings Article

Prediction of City Saturated Load Based on Combined Logistic Model

Jing-min Wang, Jie Zhang
Accurate load forecasting is the prerequisite for efficient resources distribution among the power supply, power grid and the users. Based on traditional logistic model, data accumulated generating method and grade differential format are used to design the logistic of grade difference format. In the...
Proceedings Article

Understanding and Visualization of the Uniform Continuity of Functions

Ljubica Dikovic
The formal definition of the concept of continuity, due to its dynamic essence, is perfectly suited to visual representation by software tools. This paper presents the classical teaching approach supported by GeoGebra, for teaching and learning very specific and subtle criteria which distinguish concept...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Way to the Development of Low Carbon Agriculture in Henan Province

Peng Li, Yahong Liang
The development of low carbon agriculture is the development direction of future agriculture. Henan province is agricultural big province, significance of low carbon agriculture development is great, but there are some difficulties, such as agricultural waste of resources, low level of mechanization...