Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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81396 articles
Proceedings Article

Application of Electronic Commerce in International Trade

Ting Zhang
As a new business mode of operation of electronic data exchange as the main content, e-commerce to break time and space constraints! Accelerated business cycles and efficient use of limited resources, reduce costs, increase profits, enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises. Thus, e-commerce...
Proceedings Article

Assessing the Competitive Performance of National and International Higher Education Institutions

Vladislav Spitsin, Ekaterina Vorobyeva, Inna Krakovetskaya, Georgiy Osokin
The paper analyzes the available approaches to the evaluation of international competitiveness of higher education institutions based on contemporary world rankings. We discuss university performance indices and outcome indicators such as ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities), THE (Times Higher...
Proceedings Article

Research on New Urbanization in Jilin Province

Yinghua Yu
Urbanization is the process accompanied by the development of industrialization and non-agricultural industries to urban agglomeration. It can effectively promote the development of industrialization as well as agricultural modernization. Concept of new urbanization emphasizes on human-centered principle...
Proceedings Article

Russia Amid Contemporary Global Challenges

Elena Blagireva
The paper reviews the Russian economy's competitiveness amid global challenges, its strengths and weaknesses, and defines the key instruments ensuring sustainability of the economic growth and significant rise in the social living standards in the country. The quality factors of the economic upturn,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Distributed Energy Trading Patterns in Inner Mongolia Under the new electricity reform

Ming Zeng, Hui Zou, Qiannan Fan
At present, the development of distributed energy in Inner Mongolia is at the forefront of China, and the policies that government issued play an important role on this. However, in the context of the new electricity reform, much more trading mechanism problems of distributed energy appears. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

The Progress of Construction of compiling technology course based on different methods

Na Wang, ShiMing Zhang
In our former work, we propose a new construction of compiling technology course which divides compiler into two levels: compiler technology and compiler theory. In order to meet the requirement of both two levels, we make a large amount of time to research for the valid experiments. With our practice,...
Proceedings Article

The Design and Development of General Interface Program for Embedded System

Qi Min, Cheng Gong, Xu Yue-lei, Li Ke
With the rapid development of embedded industry, embedded products emerge in endlessly, which brings great convenience for people's life. But there is no suitable development kit for interface design, the standardization and code reusability are poor. Therefore, based on the message-driven mechanism...
Proceedings Article

Modern Educational Environment: The Impact of Globalization

Yury N. Moseykin, Natalia S. Sakharchuk
The impact of globalization on educational activities in general and on universities in particular is analyzed in this paper. At the same time the two most important aspects of manifestations of globalization in the educational environment are considered, namely toughening competition among national...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Effect of Public R&D Subsidies on R&D Investment Expenditure of Technological Innovation Enterprises

Ailing Li
As the product attribute of R&D investment, enterprises are lack of the enthusiasm of R&D investment. Public R&D subsidies may reduce the cost of R&D investment, and promote R&D investment of enterprises. However public R&D also has the extrusive effect to the R&D investment of enterprises. This paper...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Landscape Plant Culture and Utilization Strategy in Heilongjiang Major Minority Areas

Fengli Yu
Based on the analysis of the relationship between garden, plant and culture and the origin of plant culture of major ethnic minorities in Heilongjiang Province, this paper makes a preliminary study on the application of plants to several major ethnic minorities in ideology. And then we elaborated the...
Proceedings Article

Women's Literature of Biedermeier : Annette Droste - Hulshoff and Bozena Nemcova (formulation of the problem )

Tatiana Anikina
In the literature of some countries the transition from romanticism to realism occurred in the period of Biedermeier. The term "Slavonic Biedermeier" causes a lot of discussion. Czech author Bozena Nemcova can be called a Biedermeier writer. Her works are characterized by the same features as the works...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Role of Urban Culture in Urban Sculpture Creation

Hongwu Li
Urban culture is the soul, symbol and essence of a city. It can fully demonstrate the connotation and history of a city. Urban sculptures are signs of a city, record development culture, integrate the history, culture and stories in a special form and are of certain significance. They not only enrich...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction and Application of the Biochemistry Curriculum System in Local Universities

Lusha Ji, Shangjing Guo
Combining the construction and application of biochemistry curriculum system in local universities, we summarize the significance, construction goals and implementation plan to construct the biochemistry online open curriculum in local colleges and universities. Our research will provide reference for...
Proceedings Article

The Political Misunderstanding and Its Countermeasures on Urban planning and Construction - A Case Study of Ordos City Kang Bashi District

Chaowen Ji
In Ordos City, Kang Bashi District of Western Area, the objectives of urban planning are too big that public buildings is asked to be seeking large and novelty, Public resources are seriously wasted and other misunderstandings of "making political achievements" are also obviously. An urgent improvement...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Intervals Sorting Method Based on close degree

Er-dun Bai, Yu-e Bao
Against the selection of best option, the sorting of programs and other issues, we discuss the sorting issue of interval numbers based on close degree. Then we prose a sorting method of interval numbers based on close degree. Though an example, we verify the rationality and effectiveness of the sorting...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Equity Compensation System of Venture Entrepreneurs

Pingping Liu
There are asymmetric information and moral hazard problems between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. In order to effectively reduce these problems caused by uncertainty, the paper analysis on the entrepreneur’s equity compensation system. It concretes from the following three aspects: entrepreneur’s...
Proceedings Article

Research on Consumption Psychology and Consumption Behaviors in the Mobile Internet Era

Yu Cao
The integration of the mobile communication technology and the Internet technology leads the human into a new era of mobile internet. With the rapid develop of electronic commerce in the mobile internet era, the consumption psychology and consumption behaviors also transform quickly. This paper firstly...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application Mode of Mobile Learning in English Education Based on 4G Technology

Chunyan Yu
Based on the mobile 4G technology, this paper proposes a new kind of micro English education learning mobile platform with the help of the mobile phone terminal and the Android system. Micro learning platform is flexible and open structure, and this platform can quickly apply to the mobile terminal....
Proceedings Article

Implications of the Flipped Classroom on College English Teaching under the Background of Reform

Wei Liu
College English as a public foundation course in college, involving a wide range of students, has a high impact on college students. The continuous improvement of College English teaching is the need to comprehensively enhance the quality of higher education. Over the years, facing the reform of College...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Developmental Trend and Orientation of Marketing under the Internet and Multimedia Era

Yuanning Shi
This paper conducts research on the developmental trend and the orientation of marketing under the Internet and multimedia era. Network enables the commodity information to transfer to the consumers in the form of more efficient and convenient platform of social media has become a brand promotion. But...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Customer Experience upon Brand Loyalty of B2C Website

Yi Yang, Yao Cai
In order to enhance customer's brand loyalty of B2C website and improve customer's repeat purchase rate in the website, this research based on the perspective of customer's online shopping experience. To conclude the influencing factors of consumer's brand loyalty to B2C website: website experience,...
Proceedings Article

Awareness and Practices on Solid Waste Management among College Students in Mindanao State University Maigo School of Arts and Trades

Margarita C. Paghasian
Every educational institution is mandated by law to educate the public on the theories and practices on solid waste management. To achieve effective and sustainable implementation of the proper waste management practices, awareness with participation is the key to be involved in the Solid Waste Management...
Proceedings Article

Perindo: The emergence of The Business Party in Indonesia

Ahmad Zaki Fadlur Rohman, Laode Machdani Afala
This paper tries to explain the phenomenon of the latest political party model development in Indonesia. During this time, the study of the party model is often based on social cleavage and electoral orientation. But, ahead of the 2019 election, there emerges a new Perindo party whose the root of formation...
Proceedings Article

The Reform Research on Practical Teaching System of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering Based on CDIO

Qiaohuan Wang, Chunfeng He, Dongliang Wang, Chaoming Li
Practical teaching plays a very important role in training the applied talents of hydrology and water resources engineering (or called hydrological major) in East China University of Technology. Facing the current problems of the traditional practical teaching system, the main problems are analyzed in...
Proceedings Article

"Flipped Classroom" Teaching Design of the Course of "New Technology of Apparel Digitalization"

Haibo Zhang, Xiaomeng Zhang
As a new network teaching mode, "Flipped Classroom" is increasing attracted attention. This paper took the postgraduate courses section of " New Technology of Apparel Digitalization " as an example, and made a preliminary study on how to carry out "Flipped Classroom" by referring to the "double main...
Proceedings Article

Peculiarities of Teaching Aesthetics to Students with Hearing Disabilities and to Hearing-impaired Students

Natalia Didenko
The work reviews the specifics of teaching aesthetics to students with hearing disabilities and to the hearing impaired students of the Arts and Theatrical Department of the Russian State Specialized Academy of Fine Arts (RGSAI). The goal of the course is to develop students' imaginative and logical...
Proceedings Article

Development of the Referral Vocational High Schools based on the Students Quantity and Networking Road Maps in Malang Raya

Ewit Irniyah, Amat Mukhadis, Tri Atmadji.S
This study aims to reveal and describe the development of referral SMK based on the road map of the student's quantity and networking in Malang Raya. The population in this study was 11 schools then using Proportional random sampling technique with Slovin formula obtained 5 schools, each school representing...
Proceedings Article

The Theory and Practice of EDA Curriculum: a Preliminary Exploration of the Blending Teaching Model

Li Ce, Zhang Xiu, Li Yu, Ma Shiwei
In the information age, the rapid development of new economy urgently needs the support of new engineering talents. The traditional classroom is boring. However, the theory and practice are often separate in two different places. And it makes college students lack of motivation and sense of achievement....
Proceedings Article

The Dilemma and Outlet for the Development of College Students Sport Association

Xin Li, Jingjing Guan
With the national emphasis on university sports, sports associations of university student are increasing. The university sports has played an increasingly important role in the enriching campus culture, promoting the healthy development of university students, creating a harmonious campus and cultivating...
Proceedings Article

Motivation And Entrepreneurs Training For Tinggi Raja Society Of Asahan Regency

Tengku Syarifah, Umar M. Maya Putra
This paper is a concept of management training in motivation and entrepreneurship in the Tinggi Raja Society of Asahan Regency. Through this program, it is expected that Tinggi Raja Society knows the importance of motivation and entrepreneurship in improving community empowerment. The method that will...
Proceedings Article

Architecture of the South of Russia in the National Culture and the National Space

Andrey Bokov
The article analyzes the historical and cultural background of South Russia's special architectural and artistic image formation. Natural and climatic conditions of the southern Russian sub-region are unique and have identified its architecture and place in mind and culture. The South is a treasure,...
Proceedings Article

Students' Mental Health Education Situation and Ways of implementation

Liu Xiuyan
The University should establish a mental health curriculum guide as the main channel for the school-based counseling center positions. Moreover, students are work force for the main routine psychological education and college students' psychological community mental health education is to supplement...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Network Platform Establishment of Scientific Archives Management

Deming Fan, Yang Zuo, Yuxin Tian
With the widespread use of computer and network technology, informatization has become an irresistible trend. There are some methods of updating the management of scientific archives in college, for purpose to improve the openness to scientific archives and promote information sharing, provide the roundly,...
Proceedings Article

Study on Reform of Accounting Education Mode of Higher Vocational Schools Based on Training in High-caliber Professional Accountants

Shiye Yuan, Yi Lou
Along with the changes in global economic landscape and acceleration of knowledge update cycle, different disciplines become interrelated and economic entity is diversified. Accounting and social economy is closely connected, since accounting talents playing a vital role on healthy development of the...
Proceedings Article

Phenomenon behind why the high school graduates blindly choose a major: a qualitative research based on the 132 recollections of prose in choosing a major

Dai Xian, Xie Jinyu, Sung Liang-Yi
Choosing major results from College Entrance Examination is vital for high school graduates. It may not only affect the learning direction in subsequent four years but also affects their future career choices. But we found that students and parents are always perplexed, blind, or even follow the trend...
Proceedings Article

Competitiveness Increase of the Russian Regions and the New Silk Way

Elena Blagireva
This article covers economic, industrial, and the social and cultural specifics of the transport, energy, and telecommunication infrastructure systems of different directions during the construction of the global economical circle called The New Silk Way. The issues of the creation of a wide-scale industry...
Proceedings Article

Modern Paradigms in Education under Social and Cultural Challenges

Maksim Kochetkov
This paper will study the social and cultural changes in the society which could demand the adequate transformations of the higher school. There are justified main characteristics of the spiritual and creative paradigm suggested for all the levels of education. By doing so, there are proven statements...
Proceedings Article

Research on the application of network public opinion in government crisis management

Zhigang Li, Hongqi Chen
In today's society with the rapid development of network information, network public opinion development plays a more and more important role in crisis events, in the government crisis management also gradually learn to use the public opinion of network to carry on the control and treatment. But now...
Proceedings Article

Research on the cooperation mechanism between higher vocational education and enterprise

Xiao Hui Luo
The significance of the implementation of the existing mode of school enterprise cooperation, and insufficient analysis, pointed out the challenges in school enterprise cooperation problems, and then puts forward the solving method of school enterprise cooperation problems: through the establishment...
Proceedings Article

Study on the "Task-Oriented" Teaching Reform of Vocational Pharmaceutical Marketing Courses

Quanli Wu
The pharmaceutical marketing course is one of the most important contents to realize the objective of professional talents cultivation in medicines and drugs, and the course construction has been generally concerned by all colleges. However, due to the late starting of the course construction and the...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Assessment Development on Quadrilateral Topic on 7th Grade Of Student

Eva Juliandita, Wahyudi Putra
The purpose of this research is to develop a cognitive assessment in the topic of quadrilateral on 7th Grade Junior High School student based on the Revised Taxonomy Bloom. This is a development research which aims to produce an instrument to measure the validity and effectiveness of this assessment....
Proceedings Article

Research and Comprehensive Evaluation College Coaching Legends

Xue Yang
This paper studies the problem of who are the top five coaches in the world. We choose the Winning rate, the Contribution rate and the cycle of the honors to evaluate each coach, then we select the time from 1913 to 2013 to be a century. After standardizing the metrics by using the Coefficient of Variation...
Proceedings Article

Research on the characteristics and emotional expression of musical literature

Yabing Wang
Musical literature belongs to a new research category which refer to the combination of music and literature. Either the perspective or the literary, the expression of music literature which is to fall in the emotional effect eventually, music literature is expressed through the emotion ultimately. The...
Proceedings Article

Internalizing Values of Character Education

M Tajudin Zuhri, M. Tajudin Zuhri, Uus Ruswandi, Agus Sofwan, Asep Mahpudin, Lili Wahyudi
One solution to resolve the identity crisis for the young generation of Indonesia in the era of globalization is character education. The extraction of original character education from Indonesia has been widely tested and studied. This study aims to determine the value of character education as local...
Proceedings Article

The Commodification of Disaster in Telkomsel TVC “Menjadi Relawan Yang Terbaik” Version

Altobeli Lobodally
Each part of mass media nowadays has become a field to take a profit. It is also included a human tragedy, disaster. Disaster is a high profit drama. The heroic drama to release from the death, it is a tribute for the capitalist as a dominant class. In order to give information about huge disaster and...
Proceedings Article

Xi'an Headquarters Economic Research

Hao Jianhua, Ma Tong, Dan Zhang
The headquarters economy is of great significance to promote the economic development of Xi'an. Based on the analysis of the economic status of Xi'an headquarters, this paper proposes that the existing headquarters enterprises in Xi'an are generally small, the multinational corporations headquarters...
Proceedings Article

Empowering and Developing The Local Potency Through Thematic Village in Semarang

Mr. Ngabiyanto, Martien Herna Susanti, Mr. Setiajid
Thematic village, in which the community actively involved in developing the local potency, is a solution to address the poverty as the main problems of the society who needs environmental improvement and settlement infrastructure. The study aims to examine the implementation of the thematic village...
Proceedings Article

Application of Body Function Training in Latin Dance Training

Yang Pan
Latin dance is a very popular sports event. It has officially become one of the sports events of the Asian Games, which has attracted more and more countries and people attention. At present, the relevant experts and professional athletes are also studying Latin dance more and more deeply. They continue...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Atmospheric Elements on The Overall Guest Impression: The Case of Lobbies in Three Star Hotels in Bandung City

Dicky Angga Triana, Dicky Angga Triana, A.H. Galih Kusumah, Sri Marhanah
This study aims to analyze the influence of lobby atmosphere elements on the overall impression of guests who come to three-star hotels in Bandung City. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The data was taken using a questionnaire and the sampling technique used was purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article

Constructing Conception of Ancient Chinese Building Group Space

Xiaofei Chen, Ling Zhao
The traditional ancient Chinese building group is composed of individual buildings laid in accordance with the azimuth, orientation, axis and hierarchical order. The plane features of the group space are characterized by axis extension, multi-path expansion, and layer-by-layer progression; the three-dimensional...
Proceedings Article

People-oriented is a New Leap in the Theory of All-Round Human Development

Jing Li
The all-round and free development of human beings is the subject for which Marx and Engels struggled all his life in theoretical exploration and practice, and it is a never-ending process. "People-oriented" is the Sinicization of the Marxist theory of all-round and free development of man, and is the...
Proceedings Article

Smart Classroom: An Improved Smart Learning Paradigm for College Education

Feifan Shen, Lingjian Ye, Xiushui Ma, Weihong Zhong
Smart learning strategies have proved to be effective for college education with the development of smart devices. However, most smart learning strategies pay extreme attentions to smart devices and ignore the in-classroom feedback of students. As a result, college students sometimes regard smart leaning...
Proceedings Article

The Mediating Role of Self-differentiation in the Relationship between College Students' Cell Phone Dependence and Family Function

Lu-Ying NIU
Purposes To explore the relationship between college students' family function, self-differentiation and mobile phone dependence. Methods Using convenient sampling, 430 undergraduates were selected from a college in Wuhan City. Questionnaires using Mobile Phone Dependency Index (MPAI), Family Function...
Proceedings Article

Equivalence and Untranslatability in English Translations of UUD Negara Republik Indonesia 1945

Frans Sayogie, Moh Supardi
This paper studies equivalence and untranslatability in English Translation of UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUDNRI 1945) translated by Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) and UNESCO. The aims of the study are to examine the both translations in levels of translation equivalence...
Proceedings Article

The Changes and Sustainability of Alek Batonjong Tradition in Customary Marriages in Nagari Solok Kubuang Tigo Baleh

Muhammad Fajar Hidayat, Agusti Efi, Yeni Idrus
This study analized the changes and sustainabillity of marriage system of tradition custom for local villagers of Solok Kubuang Tigo Baleh called Alek Batonjong. The study was conducted in subdistrict of IX Korong and KTK of Solok regency. The purposes of the study were to describe the continuity and...
Proceedings Article

Incorporating entrepreneurship education into curriculum: case studies from the University of Surabaya, Indonesia and Tokai University, Japan

Adi Prasetyo Tedjakusuma, Joniarto Parung, Jun Kumamoto
One of the happening topics discussed in various seminars, workshops and even echoed by the government is creating new entrepreneurs, especially from university graduates. The problem is even business schools are not focused on equipping students with entrepreneurial knowledge and skills. This problem...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Culture Sharing Characteristic Transformation, Organizational Climate, and Empowerment on Motivation to Realize Society Participation in the Organization (A case study of Ciapus Village in Banjaran District)

Cultural shift gives impact on human source development problems in the organization as well as in the village in accordance to face global competition, thus human resources with good quality and local-based professionals in Indonesia are required. Organizational culture sharing characteristic transformation,...
Proceedings Article

Methodology of Neo-inductivism: Critical Analysis

Sergey Lebedev
The main principles of the methodology of neo-inductivism are analyzed — the core of the philosophy of science of logical positivism. The main difference between neo-inductivism and Bacon-Mill classical inductivism is the new understanding of the main function of induction as a cognition method. In classical...
Proceedings Article

Communication techniques in mass media discourse

Irena V. Aleshchanova, Natalia A. Frolova, Marina R. Zheltukhina
This article examines factual and fictional characteristics of media texts and means of their expression in narrative genres of mass media discourse. Russian newspaper articles make the material of research. The interpretive analysis of textual information, definitional, descriptive and comparative,...
Proceedings Article

Improving Professional Competence for Teachers

Mezzayu Pramatarindya, Sukidjo Sukidjo
Professional competence includes four component of the teachers’ professional competence in Indonesia. the professional competence is the ability of mastering the learning materials that can guide students to achieve the standard of competence, ruled by the National Education Standards of Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

A Study of Cohesion in Simultaneous Interpreting

Yangqiong Lin
Cohesion in simultaneous interpreting is the semantic relation between two or more elements in an interpreted text on the grammatical, lexical and phonological levels. It is an influential factor in SI for the audience’s comprehension and gratification. This thesis attempts to apply cohesion theory in...
Proceedings Article

Necessity of Critical Thinking in Solving Vital Problems

E. Barbashina, M. Mazurova
The ability to think while using critical thinking skills is one of basic requirements imposed on the modern man. Contemporary Russia lacks the sustained tradition of critical thinking, and the understanding of its significance in the professional, educational and personally relevant spheres has not...
Proceedings Article

Preliminary Exploration on the Internationalized School-running Strategies of Higher Vocational Colleges in the Context of the "Belt and Road Initiative" — Taking Speciality Group of Automobile Intelligent Manufacturing as an Example

Qing-song Zhu, Rui-can Hao, Jing Wang
The purpose of the paper is to explore the internationalization strategy of Higher Vocational Colleges under the background of "one belt and one road". By taking the opportunity of promoting the national strategies, combining school-running characteristics, professional resource superiority and taking...
Proceedings Article

Study on Livable City Construction from the Perspective of Eco-aesthetics

Yuxuan Dai
With the development of economy, the process of urbanization in our country is accelerating, and the model of city is expanding. Livable city is a human settlement facing the future harmonious society. The connotation of livable city is rich. With the development of society and the change of human needs,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Barrier-free Design of House Environment

Hui Wang, Houping Deng
With the improvement of living standard, people pay more and more attention to the quality of life, especially home safety and comfort for families with elderly, disabled and minors, the requirements for all aspects of household design are very high. It leads to the design of a barrier-free home environment...
Proceedings Article

Three Questions Confronted in Review Evaluation for Universities

Yaogang Li, Yaocheng Luo, Feixiang Zhang, Jingliang Chen
The paper mainly deals with three questions confronted in review evaluation for universities: how to understand review evaluation, how to implementcarry out self-evaluation, and how to prepareface it. Scientific understanding of review evaluation is expounded in terms of evolution of evaluation models...
Proceedings Article

Bilingual Education for Ethnic Koreans in China

Junshu Jin, Mingxia Gao
Bilingual education for Chinese minority nationalities is an organic and important part of Chinese national education. As a part of China’s ethnic minority education, bilingual education for ethnic Koreans becomes more and more important because the demand for the talents mastering different languages...
Proceedings Article

Research on Chongqing Higher Education Financial Expenditure Performance

Honglei Zhang, Fengyu Wang, Zhenbo Zang
This paper has studied and analyzed the performance of fiscal expenditure on higher education in Chongqing Municipality. The relevant data in 2009~2016 are selected to analyze the operation performance of higher education in Chongqing Municipality from the human capital input and fiscal investment, using...
Proceedings Article

The study on China civil aviation manufacturing industry’s development Strategy facing international industrial transfer

Liping Zhu, Li Zhang, Jiani Zhao
This paper analyzes the characteristics of world civil aviation manufacturing industry and the present situation of the international transfer, on this basis, the influence of international transfer on China's civil aviation manufacturing industry is discussed. And it also discusses the global civil...
Proceedings Article

Design and Research of Campus E-commerce System Based on B/S

Jinhuan Wang, Yan Li
Internet life has become an indispensable part of people, and the e-commerce model has greatly changed the way people live their lives. However, the application of e-commerce in the campus field is not enough. Aiming at current problems and actual needs of the campus, this paper proposes the design and...
Proceedings Article

Construction of New Petroleum Engineering Curriculum in the Context of Emerging Engineering Education: An Example from Xi'an Shiyou University

Xianlin Ma, Yifei Liu, Desheng Zhou, Wenbing Cai
This paper first review the current petroleum engineering curriculum of Xi'an Shiyou University, and examines its adequacy to deal with technological advances in petroleum industry and emerging engineering education needs. Changes to the curriculum structures and contents are presented.
Proceedings Article

Law Enforcement Optimalisation on Pop Up Advertisement in Internet

R. Arum Prastyanti, Wijiyanto
There are many forms of advertising on the internet. An agreement between the advertisers and advertisers typically includes the types of ads and host sites that will show their ads Just like Pop-up ads are displayed in a variety of shapes and sizes, typically on a scale that scaled down the browser...
Proceedings Article

Multilingualism in Memoir Discourse: Language Creativity and Didactics of Multilingualism

Alexander Polikarpov, Elena Polikarpova, Irina Lomakina, Stanislav Kozhevnikov
The problems of implementing individual multilingualism in language creativity are studied in the paper. They are based on two works written by the émigré writer Yevgeny Gagarin. They were published in German under the pseudonym of Andrei Rusinov in 1936 in Germany. The goal is to study the types and...
Proceedings Article

Poverty Commodification On The Mikrofon Pelunas Utang Indosiar Chanel

Sri Rahayu
Indonesian people 96% have the habit of watching television in their daily lives (Nilsen, July 27 2018). Indosiar is a private television in Indonesia which has a reality show program "Mikrofon Pelunas Utang", a program that provides an opportunity for auditioners who pass the selection to be repaid....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Communication Effectiveness of Rubber Farmers in Riau Province, Indonesia

R Yulida, Rosnita, Y Andriani, M Ikhwan
Communion is an important part of the development process. Therefore effective communication is needed to achieve development goals. Rubber is the second leading commodity from Riau Province, after oil palm, and most rubber commodities are managed by independent rubber pattern farmers. The success of...
Proceedings Article

Study on Foreign Dependencies of East Asian Countries under the Global Value Chain System

Qiwei Zhu, Jun Jin
From the perspective of global value chain, this paper divides the East Asian region’s dependencies in the global production division network into “upstream dependencies” and “final demand dependencies” according to Koopman’s GVC decomposition principle. We use OECD database to build two index systems...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Young Indonesian Citizenship in the Digital Era

Runik Machfiroh, Sapriya Sapriya, Kokom Komalasari
The digital era has brought cultural changes, especially for young Indonesian citizens. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the characteristics of young Indonesian citizens in the digital era. The method used in this research is a descriptive quantitative approach. The data collection...
Proceedings Article

Personally Oriented Model of Education in Conditions of Informatization

Irina Nazarova, Olga Khalutornykh
Due to the development of information technology, the traditional understanding of higher and professional education, as receiving a some amount of knowledge through the teaching of classical humanitarian and natural science disciplines, is clearly incomplete. Today, the basis of education should be...
Proceedings Article

Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures

Ms Mirnawati, Eviani Damastuti, Laela Nurfina, Rohmah Ageng Mursita, Dewi Eka Kusumastuti
Voluntary presence is an effort to help students with special needs in learning. In addition, mentoring activities carried out by volunteers are certainly not an easy task. Therefore, this study aims to examine various problems faced by volunteers in terms of cooperation with lecturers, attitudes of...
Proceedings Article

The Role of TPQ (Educational Garden of Qur'an) on Children's Mental Development Toward Civil Society (Madani Society)

Ana Andriani, Badarudin Badarudin, Agung Nugroho
Globalization gives birth to advanced science and technology products that on the one hand can facilitate the work and fulfillment of human needs, but on the other hand can cause adverse effects. This condition occurs because of cultural shock (cultural shock) which resulted in ethical erosion, moral...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Contextual Inquiry-Based Students Worksheet to Enhance Higher Order Thinking Skills for the Topic of Water Microbiology

Yusnita Anwar Nasution, Hasruddin, Tumiur Gultom
The aim of this study was to find out students’ higher order thinking skills after the implementation of a contextual inquiry-based student worksheet occurred. This study was conducted by applying a quasi-experimental method for the students of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Medan. Samples were...
Proceedings Article

The Character of Love to the Country in the Novel '5 cm'

Ahsani Taqwiem
The fading of the love feeling to the country will cause various problems such as the development of radical ideas that lead to the disintegration of the nation. As a pluralistic nation, Indonesia needs communion and unity to continue developing into a strong and large country. If the love of the country...
Proceedings Article

Unravel Entrepreneurial Mindset in Indonesian Higher Education Institutions

Dorojatun Prihandono, Sri Utami
The word of Entrepreneurial in higher education institution relates to characteristics of social system involving elements in universities such as departments, research centres, faculties and any collaboration with other parties. Entrepreneurial is a concept in which it is highly related to institution-building...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Evaluation of the Beijing Metro Project Financing Reforms

Haibin Zhao, Bingjie Ren, Ting Wang
The construction and operation of a metro system are costly, and the sustainable development of a metro system is difficult using government funding alone, particularly for developing countries. The main source for metro system financing in China is, currently, government budget and bank debt. Many cities...
Proceedings Article

Theory and Practice of Simulation Experiment Teaching about the Electronic Sand Table in Enterprise

Yuanbing Liu, WenbinLiu Liu
Taking the experimental taching of the Electronic Sand Table for the Management of Information Management Specialty in Hunan University of Arts and Science as an example, the necessity and practical significance of the Electronic Sand Table experiment teaching is analyzed in the course of Enterprise...
Proceedings Article

The Reception of the Indian Thought by the Culture and Art of Europe of the 20th Century

Ludmila Kryshtop, Ruzana Pskhu
The interest to the Indian spiritual heritage has been increasing since Europe has opened India at the Age of Early Enlightenment. In the Indian way of thinking, the thinkers used to see a source for renovation of the European spiritual culture. The ideas of the Indian world view give European culture...
Proceedings Article

The Course Reform of Digital Signal Processing for Engineering Education

Guo Luo, Lihua Huang, Xiaohong Zhan, Jiesheng Ye
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a widely used subject in the application of engineering. However, in undergraduate teaching process, the derivation of mathematical formula and its physical meaning are outside of students’ faculties of sense. For the beginners, mathematical concepts are hard for them...
Proceedings Article

The Duality Conception on Ngaju Dayak Thoughts in Central Kalimantan

Imam Qalyubi
This paper attempts to reveal the duality conception in NgajuDayak culture in Central Kalimantan. The duality or in another discipline such as linguistics refers to binary opposition. The emergence of the duality terms initially refers to cosmological system, thatis the universe has a dichotomous dimension....
Proceedings Article

Study on the Lantern Culture of the Hakka Ancestral Land Ninghua

Tao Zhang
As an intangible cultural heritage, the Ning-Hua Hakka lanterns represented by high ceiling lamps have unique research value and significance. In this paper, a thorough investigation including lanterns of Hakka culturewas carried out. It traces the origin of the Hundred Brid High Shed Light in Huai plateau...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Reform and Practice of ERP Course Based on OBE-TC Concept

Xiaoyu Wang, Qian Wang, Di Wu
Based on the concepts of OBE and TOPCARES-CDIO, Dalian Neusoft University of Information proposed the concept of OBE-TC education and teaching reform, aimed at the integration education through knowledge, ability and attitude of the students to cultivate talents with high quality. According to the OBE-TC...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Training Program Design of Interdisciplinary Engineering Talents Based on Outcome Based Education - Take intelligent manufacturing system engineering major as an example

Wenjuan Zhang, Keqi Xiong, Ying Yu, Yifei Yang
To meet the requirements of interdisciplinary and compound talents from the new industrial revolution, China's higher engineering education is reforming towards new model. Taking the new major named "intelligent manufacturing system engineering" as an example, basing on outcome-based education model,...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Improve Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes Using 4-D Model

Chandra Anugerah Putra
This research is aimed to (1) find out the students’ learning activity in languages Indonesia using learning model 4-D on the students of class IV Primary School 5 Panarung Palangka Raya in academic year 2016/2017, and to (2) improvement of learning outcomes of languages Indonesia using learning model...
Proceedings Article

A Discussion on Xi Jinping’s Talks on Young People’s Ideals and Beliefs

Ding Shao, Yifang Sun
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important talks on young people's ideals and beliefs on different important occasions, which has formed the Xi Jinping’s young people ideals and beliefs with rich content, profound...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Application Value of Full Seamless Service in Rehabilitation Area of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chunxiao Ren, GuoWu Cao
Objective: To explore the application effect of full seamless service in rehabilitation area of traditional Chinese medicine. Methods: The patients were divided into two groups according to the standard of admission time in the rehabilitation area of traditional Chinese medicine in our hospital. They...
Proceedings Article

Computer Mediated Communication in E- Marketing of Indonesia University Education

Heni Nuraeni Zaenudin
The interaction between the communicator (the seller) and the communicant (the consumer) is represented in the form of textually message. Non- verbal message constitues facial expression, gesture, and voice intonation. The emotion symbols found in the textual message are usually used to complete textually...
Proceedings Article

The Formation of Professional Music Education in the System of Academic Traditions in Yeniseisk Province

Evgenya Tsareva, Maria Chikhacheva
The case study presented in the article analyzes unpublished archive materials and scientific papers to investigate the role that music education has played in the formation of regional system of academic traditions in Yeniseisk Province. The authors examine professional music education establishing...
Proceedings Article

Marxism Modernization and Sinicization

Wuxun Su
This article is the outline of my book "Marxism Modernization and Sinicization" as the document for consultation and cooperative purpose. In the book three aspects of the Marxism modernization are point out: 1, the development of human society has changed from the spontaneous development into the consciousness...
Proceedings Article

Research on Relationship between Academic Research and Equipment Support in Military

Xuedong Xue, Xude Cheng, Yuan Zheng, Wei Liu, Yingbing Chen
Academic research is not only one of the basic functions of college education, but also an important way to improve the quality of teaching and cultivate high-quality new military talents. It is also an important part of national and military scientific research system. Strengthening academic research...
Proceedings Article

Authorizing Indonesia Diversity through the Inheritance of Multiculturalism Values Based on Local Wisdom of Maluku People

Agustinus Ufie
The reality of Indonesia diversity as a nation, today, enters momentum which is very worrying. Various social phenomena in society such as violence, conflict, terrorism, up to the chaotic of national politic (sectarian politic), etc. continually occur in the midst of our national life. These empirical...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Experience Dynamics of Students with Glossophobia through Narrative Counseling as seen from Gender: A Qualitative Study

Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati, Imam Ariffudin, Mulawarman Mulawarman
Psychological experience can lead to the fear of speech anxiety (glossophobia). A number of studies explain that 75% people in the world have suffered glossophobia. The studies also revealed that, compared with men, women have higher tendency to experience glossophobia. The aim of the present study was...