Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research

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26469 articles
Proceedings Article

Organizational and Economic Aspects of Military Heritage Tourism in Primorsky Krai

V V Schur, Y Y Sergienko, A Y Kononov
The article outlines the basic concepts of the development of military heritage tourism. The paper states the role of military heritage tourism in the process of creation of cultural relations and international cooperation ties. The purpose of the work is to determine the theoretical foundations and...
Proceedings Article

Word-of-Mouth and Visit Intention in Cultural Tourism

Guanwen He, Pak Hou Che, Caleb Huanyong Chen, Allan KK Chan
Online reviews and word-of-mouth influence tourists’ decisions when they search information online before visiting a destination. This study investigates the impacts of different types of online reviews on visit intention. We conduct a case study on a cultural park in southern China and examine the impacts...
Proceedings Article

The New Approaches Toward Productiveness of Labor and Salaries Research on the Basis of the Blockchain Technology

A V Charnavalau, D N Baranov, Z V Charnavalava
the present article studies the economic processes in the framework of the economy of labour topical area. The purpose of the article is to introduce a new approach towards interpretation of the productiveness of labour concept, of quantitative methods for its measurement and of the extensive use of...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Community Participation on Ancient Village Tourism Development of China

Yanjun Liu
Ancient villages contain rich historical and cultural resources, which plays an important role in promoting the historical and cultural development of a country. The development of ancient village tourism is actually a kind of inheritance of history and culture of China, and also contributes to the local...
Proceedings Article

Impacts of Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) on China’s Banking System

Tong Zhang
With the progress of the Internet and big data technology, the format of the currency is transmitting from physical money to digital money. Countries in the world commence to research on the function of the digital currency and Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) is People Bank of China’s practice...
Proceedings Article

The Comparative Research on the Framework of Cultural Industrial Policy System Between China and Japan

Dong Tong
Japan is one of the countries with relatively perfect cultural industrial policy system in the world. Under the guidance of its strategy of building a nation through culture, the Japanese government has constructed a cultural industrial policy system to promote the development of cultural industry and...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis of China’s New Energy Vehicle Industry Policy

Jiahang He, Wanting Yin
In order to achieve carbon neutralization, energy conservation and carbon emission reduction have come into focus. In the process of striving to achieve carbon emissions, new energy vehicles have gradually become the key development industry for many countries around the world to achieve energy conservation...
Proceedings Article

Application of Transition Engineering Methodology to Energy Efficiency Development in the Brewery Company

A S Pavlova, M A Daniliuk, A S Pavlov
Most companies aimed at long-term sustainable development take full responsibility to reduce the environmental risks in order to guarantee environmental safety and social justice of the planet’s population. In accordance with circular economy principles, energy efficiency and energy saving are currently...
Proceedings Article

Inheritance and Development of National Traditional Sports Culture in the Context of Big Data -- Take TikTok as an example

Yang Li, Ting Yuan, Jingjing Chen
With the continuous progress of human society, information technology is also becoming more and more mature, and mobile Internet communication technology has been more popular. Big data is also born, and it is ubiquitous rooted in every aspect of human activities. It has changed people’s original living...
Proceedings Article

US vs. China Which Country Did a Better Job in Containing COVID-19?

Zhangsiwen Yue
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the deaths of hundreds and thousands, casting an unprecedented public health crisis that impacted government regulations, national economy, and the research and development of new technologies. As leading powers of the world, the United States and China put forth various...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of Determinants and Constraints of Fan and Participant Engagement in Sport Events

Xin He
Attendance at sporting events generates substantial income for sports venues and organizations, which benefits cities and regions economically. High attendance at sporting events generates revenue for sponsors. Despite this, the environment in which sports activities take place is becoming more and more...
Proceedings Article

Prospects of Organic Market Development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

N P Vasiliev, L I Danilova
This article discusses the prospects of organic market development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The key factors justifying the feasible nature of developing such a market in Yakutia are provided. Three perspectives for development of organic agriculture are considered. The main distinguishing...
Proceedings Article

Review of the Influence of Covid-19 on China’s Tourism

Yuqian Sun
At the end of 2019, COVID-19 with strong infectivity broke out in Wuhan, China, which caused a short but serious blow to China’s tourism industry. As a part of China’s economic development, tourism has maintained a state of continuous growth and has a good developing trend before the outbreak of the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Current Situation and Development of Tencent WeChat

Jing Lin
This study mainly analyzed how WeChat monopolies the social media market in China. Tencent used many marketing strategies to develop WeChat, for example, the Red Pocket function was cooperating with Chinese New Year to promote; and this also helped WeChat Pay to spread because the Red Pocket is Foot-in-the-door...
Proceedings Article

Application of the Decision Support System “DATA” for Regional Management

E E Averchenkova, E A Dergacheva
The Russian Federation was faced with a conscious need to make a breakthrough in technological development and in the field of information development of society and, in particular, artificial intelligence. It is discussed how effective digital public management will be, as well as the legal aspects...
Proceedings Article

Application of Blockchain Technology in Smart Tourism

Smart tourism comes into being with the development of information technology. With the help of modern science and technology, smart tourism can realize service wisdom, management wisdom and marketing wisdom, which can not only further improve the tourist experience, but also enhance the international...
Proceedings Article

E-commerce Price War Based on Game Theory

Yi Liu
In the increasingly complex competition among firms, price war often takes place between E-commerce firms. The reasons for a price war in the E-commerce industry are various. This paper uses the game theory method to discuss the formation of competition mode and further study the possibility of price...
Proceedings Article

Transatlantic Free Trade and Investment Partnership: Benefits and Effects for EEU

O Y Sokolova, N V Mityaeva, N G Ustinova, N P Timofeeva
Today Global economy is a very complicated multilevel system of interaction of the national economics, transnational corporations, international integration unions and associations. Negotiations on formation of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership are the most ambitious project in the sphere...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Integration Development of Rural Tourism and Traditional Sports in Keyi Village

Tang Yanhua
Under the implementation of the national rural revitalization strategy, the integration of rural tourism and traditional sports has become a hot topic. Rural tourism based on traditional sports has become a new tourism mode, which is both an opportunity and a challenge to the overall development of rural...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Relation Between Stake Size Effect and Fehr-Schmidt’s Parameters

Jiaming Fan
Stake Size Effect demonstrates the phenomenon that in Ultimatum Game, individuals have much lower rejection rates when facing the same proportion of offers but with higher stake sizes. This article relates the Stake Size Effect with the Fehr-Schmidt model, which is one of the most important models in...
Proceedings Article

Three Kinds of Ability for Teachers to Carry Out Military Physical Education Curriculum

Bai Shengjun, Wu Xiaonan, Li Meng
“Moral Education” is inevitable for Military physical education curriculum teachers to carry out ideological and political curriculum.In order to cultivate excellent ideological and political quality of the students, it is necessary for the teachers to integrate ideological and political education with...
Proceedings Article

Model of Investment of Small Enterprise in Industry

E Vetrova, A Kharlanov, L Lapochkina
The need for the development of small enterprises in Russia against the background of stagnation in this segment of the economy in recent years makes studying the problem of investment attractiveness of this market segment relevant to finding opportunities and prospects for the development of small business...
Proceedings Article

Financial Derivatives and Their Application in Enterprises

Wanying Huang, Xinrun Yao
With the opening of the financial market, the financial derivatives market has also encountered greater development opportunities. However, opportunities and challenges always coexist, so enterprises must use financial derivatives reasonably and correctly. This paper adopts the method of combining theoretical...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Development of Xiamen Sports Industry

Chenxiuping, Liaojianmei, Zhenghui
Using the methods of literature, mathematical statistics and expert interview, this paper studies the related problems of promoting the high-quality development of xiamen sports industry. The research shows that The sports manufacturing industry, sports service industry, sports facilities construction,...
Proceedings Article

For Web Software Company– A Micro Company But a Global Business

Ruiyi Li, Sun Yi
This paper mainly discusses the potential basis and feasible development direction of new Internet companies in the globalization age. For dealing with this, we first apply some business assessment statement to conduct various evaluations of the company and proposed a plan to compete directly in the...
Proceedings Article

A Survey of Rural Residents’ Travel Intention in Changsha and Its Promotion of Tourism Economic Development

Jing Huang
In a new pattern of development in which domestic and international double cycles reinforce each other, tourism has become a new growth point under the new normal. With the implementation of the rural revitalization policy, the income level of rural residents will increase. Daily life will also change...
Proceedings Article

Causes and Consequences for Russia of the First World War

S N Shkarubo
The article discusses the causes and consequences of the First World War for Russia. An unprecedented war has refuted the forecasts of politicians and the military regarding its short-term nature and demanded the mobilization of all the country’s internal forces for its implementation. The province provided...
Proceedings Article

Summary of Research on Urban Commercial Fitness Space from the Perspective of Space Justice

Yabo Li, Yanmei Deng, Zulong Li, Yuxi Fan
With the advancement of urbanization, the improvement of people’s living standard and people’s yearning for a better life, the residents’ fitness demand is unprecedentedly high. As a lifestyle derived from urbanization, fitness consumption has become an important topic in the research of space production,...
Proceedings Article

Corporate Investments: Essence and Effectiveness of Capital Use

A Brodunov, O Ivanova, K Bunevich, E Gavrilova, O Nazarenko
This paper considers the essence and specific features of corporate financial investment. It describes the pros and cons of financial investment. Insight is provided into the peculiarities of such investment, its drawbacks, and how it specifically works. Financial investment means deferring a fix amount...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Capital Structure

Based on Two Hypothetical Firms

Ziwei Wang, Yifei Huang
A corporate’s financing of its real investments has recently attracted considerable attention from academics who have proposed various theories. This paper firstly studies the Gordon growth model and the weighted average cost of capital formula with the empirical tests and the sensitivity analysis. Then,...
Proceedings Article

Application and Development of Big Data, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing in Tourism and Its Influence on Traditional Travel Agencies

Yanyan YANG
The organizational form and product form of the tourism industry determine the industrial characteristics that the tourism industry is highly dependent on information. In the past half century, information technology has been promoting the continuous improvement of the service quality and management...
Proceedings Article

Formation of Models for Funding of Political Parties in Europe

F Dolgikh, V Nitsevich, S Zaslavskiy, Z Usmanova, V Moiseev
The article discusses the factors that influenced the formation of models of financing political parties in Europe. Since the formation of the two types of political parties – cadre and mass – for the first the main source of funding were private donations, while for the second – entrance and membership...
Proceedings Article

Is There a Lipstick Effect in the Chinese Game Industry in the context of Big Data

Yuewei Shi
With the maturity of big data technology, traditional industries have accelerated the integration with big data, and many industries have undergone radical changes, so some traditional economics principles may become invalid. This paper mainly researches whether there is a lipstick effect in the current...
Proceedings Article

Staffing of Innovation Activities

L L Nadreeva, V V Melnitchnov, V A Abramov
The article covers a mechanism of involving personnel in the implementation of strategic plans of production processes innovation, the sources of formation of the regional system of personnel support of innovation. It justifies proposals for the use of multidisciplinary educational project teams (EPT)...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Chinese Aviation Industry Financial Problems and Suggestions During COVID-19 Pandemic—Take China Southern as an Example

Shaofeng Zhang
Due to the extensive blockade caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial situation of Chinese airlines has deteriorated. This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature research and case study. Through literature reading, this paper studies the development of the COVID-19 and the impact of the...
Proceedings Article

The Marketing Influence, Changes and Opportunities of China’s Tourism Industry under the Covid-19

Zhuoran Li
After the rapid outbreak of Covid-19 at an alarming rate, it has had a catastrophic and unprecedented impact on the tourism industry, and has also profoundly affected the marketing methods related to the tourism industry. This paper collates and explains the intuitive harm of covid-19 to the tourism...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Epidemic on Employment

Nan Nan (Nancy)
From 2019, COVID-19 has been sweeping the world at an extremely rapid pace. The disease is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2, which is highly contagious and transmitted in a variety of ways, such as saliva, sweat, and droplets. And the number of deaths and infections...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development Path of Ecological Sports Tourism in Southwest China from the Perspective of “Two Mountains Theory”

Guo Chunyi, Liu Jian
This paper summarizes the concept definition, reality reflection and development path of the existing research on eco-sports tourism development in southwest China by using the method of literature. Combining with the concept of “Two mountains theory” and based on the development of ecological sports...
Proceedings Article

AI-System of Stock Exchange Trading Robot for Financial Risk Hedging

N I Lomakin, I A Popov, A B Shohneh, M C Maramygin, A B Gorbunova
The article considered the theoretical basis for the calculation of financial risks, their hedging with the help of artificial intelligence. The article presents a neural network for the assessment of financial risk for atime sequence of VAR-methods with a view to mitigate it when engaging in stock exchange...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Countermeasures for the Development of “Non-destination Routes” of Chinese Homeport Cruise Products

You-Yu Dai, Fengshuai Du, Xiaonan Feng, Yicheng Liu, Huixin Wang
Chinese cruise tourism products are seriously homogeneous, which significantly limits the sustainability, healthy and rapid development of China’s cruise market. The study aims to provide planning suggestions for Chinese “non-destination route” cruise tourism products and increase the diversity of tourism...
Proceedings Article

Covid-19’S Effects on Inequality in The American Labor Market from Three Perspectives: Skill, Race, and Gender

Zichang Wang, Ethan Wong, Botao Liu, Zihan Liu
COVID-19 put the labor market in an unforeseen position because current technologies allow a portion of workers to work from home. In this paper, we will examine and speculate the changes of inequality in the labor market from the perspectives of skill, race, and gender before, during, and after the...
Proceedings Article

Spark-Based Big Data Processing: AI to Decide on Opening a SiU9 Contract Position

N I Lomakin, P D Kravcheny, M C Maramygin, A B Shohnech, I A Samorodova
This paper presents the theory behind using AI for big data processing. It considers an artificial neural network designed to make decisions whether to open a position on a SiU9 futures contract; to that end, Spark-based big data processing is applied. It is hypothesized and proven herein that the futures...
Proceedings Article

Research on Entrepreneurial Path and Entrepreneurial Growth of Athletes Based on Initial Resource Orientation

Fengbo Liang, Xiaopei GUO
The exploration of athletes’ entrepreneurial path is of great significance in alleviating employment pressure, solving the problem of athletes’ employment and promoting the development of sports. Entrepreneurial resources as a key factor in the choice of entrepreneurship path, few studied the entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article

Research on Cultural Tourism Resources Integration and Image Perception of Heyuan Hot Spring Tourist Destination Under the trend of industrial integration

Wu Xinlei
Under the trend of industrial integration, the tourism industry and other industries coexist and blend, reconstructing and achieving a win-win situation. In the post-epidemic era, hot spring tourism has been favored by tourists who value health and prefer to maintain good health due to its outstanding...
Proceedings Article

Evidential Significance of the Results of Operational Search Activities at the Stage of Criminal Case Initiation According to Russian Criminal Procedure Legislation

Y P Ryapolova
The article deals with studying the problematic issues related to the assessment of the evidential significance of the results of operational search activities obtained prior to the criminal case initiation and the admissibility of their use in criminal procedure evidence at the subsequent stages of...
Proceedings Article

Investment Sentiment in Finance Market

Han Chen, Liang Shan, Chenhui Wang
Investment emotions are a huge topic in investment finance. Investment emotions influence the entire investment process, from choices to decisions to returns. However, not everyone has a deep understanding of investment sentiment. This article provides detailed information on how to measure investment...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Conditions for China’s Tourism Industry to Become a Pillar Industry

Shan Dongfang
Based on the analysis of pillar industries, the concept and division criteria of pillar industries are defined. Pillar industries refer to those that meet the long-term strategic planning of a country or region, represent the new direction of future industrial sustainable development, closely integrate...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the System of Distance Education for Professional Retraining of Engineering Personnel in the Electronic Educational Environment of the University

N S Bodrug, A V Leyfa, O V Skripko
Current trends in engineering training methodology are based on the use of information technology. The perspective direction is application of remote forms of education in the electronic educational environment of higher education institution. The efficiency of additional professional education consists...
Proceedings Article

Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Leverage Ratio: Evidence in China

Yuxin Huang
In the context of the current unstable macroeconomic environment, we explored the impact of economic policy uncertainty on the corporate leverage ratio. The study found that economic policy uncertainty significantly reduces firm leverage ratios. This relationship holds significantly after a series of...
Proceedings Article

Meta-Subject Approach to Development of Educational Courses for Masters in STEM-Specialties

N A Klescheva, L G Statsenko, M V Bernavskaya, G P Turmov
This paper discusses the issues of meta-subject construction of “Special chapters of physics” course contents for masters in STEM-specialties. The main informative unit of the course – the term of physical world-image (PWI) – displaying coherence and correlation of humanitarian, science and technology...
Proceedings Article

Healthcare Problems in Modern Russia

V V Moiseev
The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaimed: “Everyone has the right to protection of health and medical care” (Article 41). The main law of the country declared free medical care in state and municipal health care institutions. However, the right of citizens to free medical care, especially...
Proceedings Article

Actuarial Research Based on Pension Insurance for Urban Residents in China

Bingchen Liu
In the context of the rapid development of social economy and the accelerating process of urbanization, the state and relevant departments have also put forward new tasks and requirements for the development of urban residents’ pension insurance. It is emphasized that it is necessary to link with reality...
Proceedings Article

Impacts on the Chinese Video Game Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yuping Dan
Due to the COVID-19, quarantine has been introduced as a policy to restrain the expansion of the pandemic in China. As the policy successfully controlled the pandemic, it also had adverse effects on the economy of China indicated by decreasing in the Chinese GDP by 6.8% in the first quarter Error! Reference...
Proceedings Article

Right to Work in Modern Russia

V V Moiseev, E E Novopavlovskaya, V F Nitsevich, V V Stroev
The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen the right to work. Article 37 of the Basic Law proclaims: “everyone has the right to freely dispose of his abilities to work, to choose his occupation and profession, forced labor is prohibited.” The list of labor rights defined by the...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Performance Form and Breakthrough Path of Current Interest Solidification in China

Baogui Xue, Zhizhen Liu
The main obstacle of deepening reform in the new era is the solidification of interests, so breaking through the solidification of interests has become the key to the success of deepening reform. At present, the solidification of interests in China is mainly manifested in the following aspects: the solidification...
Proceedings Article

Consumer Online Dispute Resolution

T S Korobeynikov
Online dispute resolution is the alternative dispute resolution using information and communication technologies. This mechanism contains a synthetic set of multifarious procedures, from automated decision-making to the independent contractor’s involvement, aimed at reaching an agreement between the...
Proceedings Article

The Labor Cost Management of Marine Engineering Project Based on Activity-Based Costing Method

Xiaoping Ma, Minyu Yan, Biao Yao
In view of the shortcomings in the labor cost management of marine projects, the feasibility of the integration of target cost method and activity-based cost method is analyzed. The target cost is decomposed step by step according to the product oriented job decomposition structure to form a top-down,...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Information Systems in Maintaining Interrelation between Marketing Activity and Quality Assurance Activity within the Company

E G Zhulina, N A Efremova, E S Dykman, Yu V Dulin, R R Samsonyan
Modern business conditions are characterized by the following principles: increased dynamism of the business environment, increased competition in the sales markets, changes in the requirements and needs of customers, the development of modern information and communication technologies in management...
Proceedings Article

Research on Pricing Strategy of High-speed Railway Based on Modeling: Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway as an Example

Jiaqi Chen, Yu Zhao
With the development of market economy, the competition of high-speed railway passenger transportation is becoming so fierce that it is urgent to explore new competitive strategies. This paper takes Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway as the research object and presents the passenger transport product...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Internal Public Audit on the Use of Public Resources

Z Igibayeva
This study focuses on the targeted use of public resources. Public authorities provide citizens with public resources for the proper targeted use of public resources. This paper analyzes the public auditees in accordance with the standards, common principles and approaches of the risk management system,...
Proceedings Article

The impact of corporate finance structure on firm value-Evidence from A-share listed companies in China’s manufacturing sector

Xianhui Deng, Taiyu Wang
Based on the data of A-share listed companies in China’s manufacturing industry from 2016-2020, this paper uses a panel data multiple regression models to conduct a study around the impact of different financing sources in the financing structure on corporate value and finds that the asset-liability...
Proceedings Article

Study on Establishment of Enterprise Financial Risk Assessment Model Based on Entropy Weight TOPSIS

Taiyu Wang, Xianhui Deng
More and more enterprises have realized the importance of financial risk management. Financial risk can lead to operational losses and reputational damage, but it can also bring potential benefits. If companies focus on expected risks, combining risk management with corporate strategies can better achieve...
Proceedings Article

Research on Consumption Psychology and Behavior of Online Shopping

Liu Yue, Zhang Zhenguo, Zhou Zichen
with the economic development and people’s higher material and spiritual needs for life, the popularity of the Internet makes online shopping an irreplaceable part of every family daily life.Compared with traditional shopping, online shopping has the advantages of being free from the constraints of time...
Proceedings Article

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Policy on Stock Volatility of Construction Materials

Yuanqiao Long
In recent years, China’s traditional manufacturing industry has been facing a situation of transformation, resulting in frequent fluctuations in its stock prices. As a representative of the traditional manufacturing industry, the stock prices of the Construction Materials industry are often linked with...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation on the Synergy Degree of Digital Finance and Regional Economic Development

Jiongcheng Lu, Xiangding Hou
To measure the level of coordinated development of digital finance and regional economy, understand the development trend of digital finance and regional economy. Based on the synergistic effect of digital finance and regional economic development, the study selects the 4 order parameters of the regional...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Residents’ Investments in the Digital Economy

Niu Ziyao, Huang Nuoxin
In order to address the problems of low returns on residents’ savings, few investment channels and uneven distribution of financial resources, this paper constructs a Probit model to discuss the impact of digital financial inclusion on residents’ investment decisions; and a Tobit model to discuss the...
Proceedings Article

The Innovative Development of News Dissemination in a Media Convergence Environment--Taking Kanghui VLOG as an Example

Liu Yudian, Li Chenhao, Guo Yixin
With the development of science and technology, the media industry is undergoing extensive and profound changes. In order to cater to the needs of the audience, traditional media are also exploring convergence along with its development, trying to present traditional news reports in a more lively and...
Proceedings Article

Measurement of China’s Financial Stress Index Based on AHM-EWM-GM (1, N)

Ying Ge, Chunli Dou
In recent years, the increasing uncertainty of China’s financial system, the gradual accumulation and dominance of financial risks covered by the rapid economic growth, the measurement of financial pressure, and the prevention of financial risks focus on deepening financial supervision. Based on the...
Proceedings Article

Simplification of Water Quality Classification in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Based on K-nearest Neighbor Algorithm

This paper repeated experiments for many times, and simplified the original five water quality categories into two categories, based on the samples of water quality monitoring in Beijing Tianjin Hebei Haihe River Basin. Based on water quality classification, the three most obvious variables of stratification:...