Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE 2020)
130 articles
Proceedings Article
Multimode Learning with Higher Order Thinking Skills in Pandemic Covid-19 Era
Yuli Arti, Jaslin Ikhsan
The study is conducted to know the influence of multimode learning with higher order thinking skills in the pandemic covid-19 era. As we know that the learning system is moved from offline to online learning in the pandemic covid-19 era, every teacher is also required to prepare the online learning....
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Perspective on Integration of Traditional Games as Media Science Learning in Junior High School
Dwi Lestari Handayani, Jumadi
The study aims to determine science teachers’ perspective on traditional games, on the integration of traditional games as media science learning, and relevant traditional games as media in science learning. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The population is 12 public and private junior...
Proceedings Article
Developing an Online Mobile Based Diagnostic Instrument to Identify Science Misconceptions for Junior High School Students
Puji Rahayu, Supahar, Nurhasanah, Djuniar Rahmatunnisa Haristy
This research aimed to develop a test instrument in identifying misconceptions of three tier skills in junior high school science learning. This study used instrument development model by Mardapi. The data method used a three tier misconception diagnostic test via Google Form. The research was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Awareness Towards COVID-19 Among Junior High School Student: A Questionnaire Based Survey
Mira Pratiwi, Pujianto, Sri Atun
Indonesia now against catastrophic events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stringent preventive measures are one of the critical successes to control COVID-19 transmission. The level of public awareness influences adherence to preventive measures. This study investigated the level of awareness among junior...
Proceedings Article
Pandemic Era, Education Support Technology: The Potential for Augmented Reality in Science Learning
Hana Puspitasari, I Gusti Putu Suryadarma, Pujianto
Currently, all sectors of life are limited, working from home to schooling from home due to the spread of the coronavirus or covid-19. Many victims have died due to contracting this virus. Therefore, all activities that create crowds are tightened and reduced, all students from elementary level to college...
Proceedings Article
Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) Learning Media on Lens Experiment Simulation
Devi Puspitasari, Supahar, Khoirul Huda, Wahyu Anggraini Pramusinta
Practical-based learning during the Covid 19 pandemic was not optimal. Therefore, researchers developed science media for distance learning by harness virtual laboratories in applications that run computers. The purpose of the research are: (1) to specify the validity of the VL-IPA; (2) to specify the...
Proceedings Article
Profile About Initial Soft Skills Understanding of Pre-Service Science Teachers’
Nedia Erlini, Insih Wilujeng, Susilawati, Muchtar Haryanto Panjaitan, Djuniar Rahmatunnisa Haristy
Pre-service science teachers’ understanding of soft skills is very important. Soft skills are skills closely related to intrapersonal abilities that determines the success of individuals in conducting their profession as teachers. This study aims to find out the initial profile of pre-service science...
Proceedings Article
A Quantitative Analysis of Indonesian Junior High School Science Textbooks for Scientific Literacy Themes
Adinda Regiliani Agustin, Supahar
Textbooks have been used as learning tools to convey more information to students. The selected textbooks are used to support student and teacher textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze aspects of scientific literacy...
Proceedings Article
Need Analysis of Science E-book Based on Tri Pusat Pendidikan (Three Center of Education) Approach for Junior High School Students
Wahyu Anggraini Pramusinta, I Gusti Putu Suryadarma, Ikfi Nuril Khoiriza, Devi Puspitasari
Learning media in the form of e-books have not been widely used, even though e-books have many benefits in supporting education. The aim of this study is to determine the needs for teaching materials in the form of a science e-book with Tri Pusat Pendidikan approach for junior high school students. This...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Environmental Literacy Understanding in Science Learning: A Preliminary Study
Muchtar Haryanto Panjaitan, Nurfina Aznam, Pujianto, Nedia Erlini, Aza Ayu Din Illahaqi
This study examines the initial profile of students’ understanding of environmental literacy. Descriptive research with a survey method of junior high school students in Central Java which focuses on the initial profile of environmental literacy understanding which includes aspects of understanding environmental...
Proceedings Article
Science Learning and Environment: Analysis of Student’s Scientific Literacy Based on Indonesia’s Waste Problem
Ikfi Khoiriza, Tien Aminatun, Wahyu Pramusinta, Adha Hujatulatif
The purpose of the study to analyzes 7th junior high school student’s scientific literacy about Indonesia’s waste problem. The study used survey research. The subject of the study was students of 7th-grade junior high school by using random sampling. The instrument was arranged based on the scientific...
Proceedings Article
Interactive E-book in Local Potention-Integrated Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning During COVID-19 Distruption to Recovery: A Content Analysis
Rika Nuryani Suwarno, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, Yustar Afif Priambodo, Khoirul Huda, Hindun Hidayatun Nai’mah
Some competencies of students for 21th century era required such as critical thinking, scientific culture, and making best decision for problems solving on their daily life. Students’s competencies in Indonesia still low and need to improved. Now because of the pandemic period, students are limited to...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Matter in Junior High School Science Learning in Yogyakarta Special Region
Ratminingsih, Agung Wijaya Subiantoro
This study aims to determine the need for mangrove ecosystem matter in teaching science at junior high schools in Yogyakarta. This study uses a survey method. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, interviews, and observations in the Baros mangrove ecosystems. Besides, literature studies...
Proceedings Article
Advancing Students’ Environmental Sustainability Awareness Through Science Mobile Learning: A Literature Review
Aza Ayu Din Illahaqi, Heru Nurcahyo, Muchtar Haryanto Panjaitan
Environmental Sustainability Awareness (ESA) should be built since early because it is a very important component to support Sustainable Development (SD). Educators have been made various attempts to improve student’s ESA such as using different learning models, methods, and media or teaching materials...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Improving Collaboration Skill in Confront an Earthquake with Mitigation Learning: A Content Analysis
Septiana Sandra Saputri, Tien Aminatun
Collaboration skill is the most important skill in the 21st century for academic success and career of the learner. The implementation of collaboration skills in the school can be done by dividing tasks fairly, motivating group members to be responsible for their duties, and using to their socialize...
Proceedings Article
Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students’ Based Local Potentian of Making Kempul/Gong Reyog Ponorogo
Aisyah Nurul Janah, Pujianto
The purpose of this study was to determine the critical thinking skills of junior high school students based on local potential about making Kempul/gong Reyog. The study used a survey method with a purposive sampling technique for sampling. The research subjects were 103 students from Junior High School...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Scientific Literacy in Student’s Junior High School 1 Kesamben with Local Wisdom
Ririn Elviana, Dadan Rosana, Maya Izzatus Shofa, Andyta Ma’rifatul Usnia
This study aims to determine the profile of scientific literacy in student’s Junior High School1 Kesamben with local wisdom. This research was quantitative descriptive research. This research was conducted at Junior High School 1 Kesamben. The sample used was random sampling, which was class VIII students...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge and Attitude of Junior High School Students Towards Hydrometeorological Disaster Preparedness: A Case Study in Cirebon City, Province of West Java
Mega Indah Puspita Sari, Mohammad Abdul Khafid, Jumadi
Indonesia is a country of geological conditions located on three active tectonic plates that are almost entirely vulnerable to natural disasters. One of the cities with a high risk of disaster is Cirebon city. An individual’s ability to cope with disasters is directly proportional to the level of preparedness...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills in STEM-Based Science Learning Through Project Assignments
Binar Ayu Dewanti, Agus Santoso, Kiki Septaria
Critical thinking skills are one of the 21st century learning skills that students must have, considering that the rapid development of science and technology causes more problems that arise in everyday life. Critical thinking skills are related to skills in using various reasons in various situations,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Android-Based Learning Media on Student Cognitive Levels in Sports Physiology
Mohd. Adrizal, Iskandar, Muhammad Ilham
In the current of education research, android-based learning media has been popular and becomes a trend. In Sports Physiology learning process, students have difficulty in acquiring the knowledge since it contains very complex materials. In addition, conventional learning method also becomes one of the...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the Improvement of Student’s Academic and Non-Academic Achievement
W. Banu Oka Sutresna, Wiwik Wijayanti
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of peer tutoring learning in improving the academic and non-academic achievement of students of SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the effectiveness of the peer tutor learning model, (2) the methods...
Proceedings Article
Improving Learning Motivation and the Ability to Organism Categorize with Think Pair Share Learning Model
Ayel Robbul Barokah, Setya Raharja
The purpose of This study to create an effective learning model about organisms categorized to foster motivation and improved students’ abilities in the learning process on organism things classification material through the application of the Think Pair and Share type learning model. This research was...
Proceedings Article
Online Science Learning Implementation During the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP N 1 Singorojo
Ardhya Handayani, Amat Jaedun, Ernita Apriani
The purpose of this research aims to analyse the implementation of online science learning during a pandemic in SMP N 1 Singorojo. This research is quantitative experimental research. The sample of this research consisted of 89 students of VII grade and a teacher. The sample was selected using a random...
Proceedings Article
Group Investigation to Improve Science at Primary School
Heni Septia Saputri, Heri Retnowati, Ali Mustadi, Wilis Putri Hapsari
This study aims to improve science learning through the Investigation Group learning method in grade VB SDN Gedongkiwo, Kec. Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta. This type of research is a Classroom Action Reasearh which is carried out in two cycles. The action is carried out in six stages, namely; 1) selecting...
Proceedings Article
Level of Preparedness of Grade XII High School Students in Facing Disaster
Nurvianti, Bambang Syaeful Hadi, Rizal
Most of the territories in Indonesia are very vulnerable to natural disasters so that attempts are needed to minimize the various threats posed. Preparedness is the safety key in facing the threat of disaster. This research aims to analyze the level of preparedness of high school grade XII students to...
Proceedings Article
A Literature Review of Human, Organization, Technology (HOT) – Fit Evaluation Model
Wilis Putri Hapsari, Umar Abdul Labib, Haryanto Haryanto, Dhamar Widya Safitri
An evaluation model that is used to evaluate the electronic service system came to prominence a decade ago with the appearance of Yusof 2007 article on Human, Organization, Technology (HOT) and Net Benefit specifically on health informatic systems. Since that time, the approach has attracted many researchers...
Proceedings Article
The Role of ICT Literacy Opinion on ICT Self-Efficacy and AR Opinion on Teacher Education Students
Astian Artiningsih, Paidi, Insih Wilujeng
This study is a descriptive quantitative research. Research is conducted to show teacher education students perception about ict literacy opinion for ict self-efficacy and augmented reality opinion. Data collected through a questionnaire which a questionnaire purposed to measure perception about ict...
Proceedings Article
Developing Science Education Game Based on Internet of Things (IoT): Materials and Methods Overview
Arsy Husnanda, Jaslin Ikhsan
Making education media particular serious game for learning science based on technology trend need more notice and discussion. So that, the aim of this article was discuss what we need to develop education game engage IoT ecosystem. This research method is content analyse which analyse some research...
Proceedings Article
Augmented Reality Based Media for Learning Biology During the Covid -19 Pandemic: Student Admission
Umar Abdul Labib, Agung Wijaya Subiantoro, Wilis Putri Hapsari
The advancement of digital technology in Industry 4.0 requires the ability to take advantage of technology as a whole and completely. Smart device technology which has many advanced features has been widely used in Indonesia, namely smartphones and is dominated by students. This technology tends not...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Tutor Strategies in Pandemic Era: A Systematic Review
Nurfina Aznam, Riki Perdana, Jumadi Jumadi, Heru Nurcahyo, Yusman Wiyatmo
The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Tutor Strategies in the Pandemic Era from Higher Education in Indonesia. A systematic literature review was conducted from July 2020 until November 2020. This study includes a literature review of relevant research...