Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020)

775 authors
Pradoko, A. M. Susilo
Philosophy of the Musical Instrument “Klengkopak” of the Dayak Deah Tribe
Prakoso, Bayu B.
Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Teachers Based on Physical Activity and Body Mass Index
Prakoso, Bayu B.
Android - Based Sport Board Games for Intellectual Disabilities
Prakoso, Bayu B.
Research Trend Among Students in Faculty of Sport Science
Pramono, Bayu Agung
Need-Assessment of Physical Activity as an Effort to Increase Immunity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Pramono, Made
Development of Vocabulary Using Ladder Snake Game
Pramono, Made
Composing Sentences Skill Using Word Card Games “Si Tera”
Pramono, Made
Development of Language-Games Snakes and Ladders for Fun
Pramono, Made
Development of the “Si Tera” Word Card Game for Fun
Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
Training on Making Flyers for Optimizing SMEs Product Marketing due to COVID 19 Impact
Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type Team Games Tournaments (TGT) and Learning Motivation on Student Learning Outcomes
Prasetya, Sukma Perdana
Development of Video Tutorials on Making Paper-Based Literature Review to Improve Student Literacy Ability in the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
Prasetyo, Ketut
Training on Making Flyers for Optimizing SMEs Product Marketing due to COVID 19 Impact
Prastiwi, Muji Sri
CIPP Model for Curriculum Evaluation of Biology Education
Prastyo, Ahmad Bayu
Framing Takarir Application: A Need Analysis
Pratama, Hendi
Building Hoax Resistant Generation at Higher Education Institution
Pratama, Ian Puja
Self-Regulated Learning Skill to Improve Students’ Writing Competence for Junior High School
Pratita, Ina I.
Product Development of Innovative Arts Learning Based on Local Wisdom With Copper Metal Basis
Pratiwi, Titin Indah
Effectiveness of the Traumatic Counseling Model for Reducing PTSD Symptoms in High School Students
Priambodo, Anung
Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Teachers Based on Physical Activity and Body Mass Index
Pribadi, Farid
Indoglish in Social Media Platforms and Its Significance as a National Language Planning Material
Prihatin, Yulianah
Effectiveness of KWLA (Know, What, Learned, Affect) Strategy in Improving the Ability of Reading
Pritasari, Octaverina Kecvara
The Role of Skills Lab in Improving the Essential Skills and Motor Compete of Students in Cosmetology Program
Priyanto, Yatim
Community Learning Center Management to Improve the Quantity Service of Non Formal Education
Pujosusanto, Ari
Analysis of Student Translation Results (Indonesian - German) in Auszug Thesis 2019
Pukky Tetralian, B.N
Aplimath Result of Validity Media Based Android at Courses of Calculus 1
Purbaningrum, Endang
Mind Map as a Writing Exercise Method for Deaf Learners
Purbaningrum, Endang
Deaf Digital Technology Uses: A Demography Survey in East Java Indonesia
Purnomo, Aris Rudi
Representation of Information Literacy Skills Interpreted From GPA and Gender: A Study of Prospective Science Education Teachers
Purnomo, Mochamad
Need-Assessment of Physical Activity as an Effort to Increase Immunity During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Purnomo, Mochamad
Research Trend Among Students in Faculty of Sport Science
Purnomo, Mochamad
Study of Seger Family Strategy in Covid-19 Prevention Measures in Achieving Health Indicator Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals
Purnomo, Nugroho
Organizational Effectiveness in Helping Affected Communities Covid-19
Purwadi, Didiek
Perception of Civil Engineering Students Towards the Effectiveness of Virtual Learning Implementation During Covid-19 Pandemic
Purwaningsih, Sri M.
Social Construction of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Increasing the Body’s Immunity to Prevent COVID 19 Through Cultivation Practice in East Java
Purwanto, Agung
Development of Mobile Learning Based on Socio Technology Approaches in Reduction and Oxidation
Purwati, Oikurema
The Use of Humor in Teaching Listening
Purwati, Oikurema
Is it a Must to be on Campus to Learn? Best Practice of Teaching and Learning Process in Higher Education Through Online Courses During Covid-19 Pandemic
Purwidiani, Niken
Evaluation of Learning on Curriculum Development in the Vocational Study Program
Purwidiani, Niken
Differences in Achievement of Learning by Varying Academic Provenance
Purwoko, Budi
Improving the Interpersonal Communication Skill Through Classical Guidance
Purwoko, Budi
Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Improve Student Self-Compassion
Purwoko, Budi
Online Counselling Website for Student Psychological Assistance in Learning From Home
Pusparini, Ririn
Learning Journal: A Tool to Help Students Grasp the Course Content
Pusparini, Ririn
The Profile of Elementary School English Teachers’ Competence in Surabaya
Puspasari, Afrin
Using the Heroes Puppets as the Learning Media for Elementary School Students
Puspitawati, Rinie Pratiwi
CIPP Model for Curriculum Evaluation of Biology Education
Puspitorini, Arita
The Role of Skills Lab in Improving the Essential Skills and Motor Compete of Students in Cosmetology Program
Puspitorini, Arita
Empowerment of Islamic Boarding School Students Based on the Local Potential in Indonesia
Putra, Ricky Eka
Rasch and Classical Test Theory Validation of Automated Assessment Tool for Measuring Students’ Creativity in Computer Programming
Putri, Ariensa Gita Pralistyo
Mind Map as a Writing Exercise Method for Deaf Learners
Putri, Larasati N.
Authorial Voice on Hijab Discourse in Singapore: Discursive Reading on the Reputed International Journal Article
Putri, Yuana Anike
Learning Collaboration Music as Implementation of the Learning Concept of Learning
Putri Aisyiah, RD
Development of Emotion Management Model for Parents Worker on Facing “Study from Home”
Qodriani, Laila U.
“Drop your ‘Hello!’ here!”: Investigating the Language Variation Used in Online Classroom for Tertiary Level in Indonesia
Qoiriah, Anita
Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Using E-Commerce Application
Rachmadyanti, Putri
How to Integrate Batik Kenanga as a Learning Resource for Integrated Learning at Elementary School
Rachmadyanti, Putri
Parenting Role: Parents’ Education Level and Children’s Life Skill Development
Rachmadyanti, Putri
Development of Independent Homeschooling Model Primary School Division as the Impact of Covid 19
Rafida, Veni
Explorative Study of Online Learning on Salesmanship Course in Covid-19 Pandemic
Rafli, Zaenal
Improving Critical Thinking Skill of Elementary School Students Through Brain Based Learning
Rahaju, Tjitjik
Improving the Community Economy in the New Normal Era Through the Application of Rebahan
Raharjo, Resdianto Permata
Misticism in Tengger Mask Puppet Show to Strengthen Society’s Character in the Era of Information Technology Development (Industrial Revolution 4.0)
Rahayu, Eko W.
Mang-tèmang the Traditional Event of the Madurese People as a Blessing Ceremony
Rahma, Annisa Lazuardi
The Implementation of the Cultural Exception Concept on the French Cinema Development and the Complexion of its Domestic Movie Theater Industry
Rahman, Yunanfathur
Analysis of Student Translation Results (Indonesian - German) in Auszug Thesis 2019
Rahman, Yunanfathur
Supporting the Availability of the Basic Needs of Lidah Wetan Society Affected by Covid 19
Rahman, Zainur
Performance Optimization of Village- Owned Enterprises Through Business Management Training
Rahmawati, Arfita
Mapping the Favorite Online Learning Application and Method During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Rahmawati, Ika
Development of Water Cycle Comic Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Rahmawati, Vivi
How to Integrate Batik Kenanga as a Learning Resource for Integrated Learning at Elementary School
Rahmi, Alendra Y.
Gender-Responsive Analysis Through Non-Formal Education
Rakhmawati, Deny Efita Nur
Hybridity in Constructing Indonesian Muslimah’s Identity in Digital Space
Rakhmawati, Nur I. S.
Father’s Multiple Role to Growing Independence of Children at the Pandemic Covid-19
Rakhmawati, Nur I.S.
Developing Children’s Early Numeracy Skill Through Traditional Game “Dragon Snakes”
Ramadhani, Nugrahardi
Designing WhatsApp Stickers With Madurese Cultural Identity as a Visual Communication Media to Raise Awareness of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Rani, Karina C.
Collaborative Entrepreneurship and Group Commitment as a Strategy for Survival in the Pandemic Covid 19: A Case Study of SMEs in Bogo Village - Bojonegoro Regency- East Java
Ratyaningrum, Fera
Learning From Home Video Tutorial for Computer Graphic Courses
Ratyaningrum, Fera
Children’s Education Through Artistic-Aesthetic Negotiations in Batik Motifs Making at “Untukmu Si Kecil” Foundation Jember Indonesia
Ratyaningrum, Fera
Empowerment of the People Effected by Covid-19 Through GULIJAT Technical Training for Member of FBS Cleaning Service at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Renfei, Xiao
The Error Analysis of Narrative Text on Mandarin Discourse
Rengganis, Ririe
Form and Theme in Merindu Kampus: A Reflection Note About Pandemic Covid-19 by Indonesian Language and Literature Students
Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi
EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Reflections on Student Teaching
Retnowati, Endah
Using Worked Examples During Geometry Instructions
Reza, Muhammad
A Stress Immunity System of Covid-19 Through Academic Stress
Rhubido, Dadang
Development of Vocabulary Using Ladder Snake Game
Rhubido, Dadang
Composing Sentences Skill Using Word Card Games “Si Tera”
Rhubido, Dadang
Development of Language-Games Snakes and Ladders for Fun
Rhubido, Dadang
Development of the “Si Tera” Word Card Game for Fun
Rianto, Edy
Deaf Digital Technology Uses: A Demography Survey in East Java Indonesia
Ricahyono, Sigit
Intercultural Place e-Branding (IPB) of Travel Agent Websites in Special Region of Yogyakarta
Ridwan, Agus
Development of Poster as Media for the Beginner Students in Writing Class of German Department
Rifai, Moch.
Design and Implementation of Self-Test Learning Application to Increase Competence
Rifa’i, Mochammad
Influence of College Accreditation Rank, Cumulative Achievement Index, and Field Interest on Training Result in the Training Credit System
Rifqi, Ainur
How to Make Online Learning Effective and Enjoyable? Using Google Classroom With Video and Learning Management One Day Active Learning
Rijanto, Tri
The Concept Model of Implementing a 4-Year Fashion Design Vocational School Curriculum
Riswanto, Dody
Effectiveness of Behavioral Contract Counseling in Improving Student Psychological Strength
Riyanto, Yatim
Developing Educational Game Tools of JUMOFAN (Fantasy Jumanji Modification) to Enhance the Begining Literacy Ability to the Children of 4–5 Years Old
Rizal, Agus
Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Improve Student Self-Compassion
Rochmania, Azizati
Students Exercise Patterns During the COVID-19 Pandemic