Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020)

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249 articles
Proceedings Article

Development of “Tayoga” Video to Improve Body Fitness and Sensitivity in Covid-19 Prevention

I Nengah Mariasa, Noordiana, Retnayu P. Sekti, Enie W. Handayani, Budi Dharmawanputra
Since the beginning of March 2020, the number of positive cases of the 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has continued to increase. Until Wednesday (1/4/2020), the number of positive cases of Covid-19 reached 1,677. There were 103 patients who were declared cured and 157 other patients died. Over the...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Achievement of Learning by Varying Academic Provenance

Ita F. Romadhoni, Dwi Kiristiastuti, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Any Sutiadiningsih, Nugrahani Astuti, Lucia T. Pangesthi, Sri Handajani, Niken Purwidiani, Suhartiningsih, Asrul Bahar
The difference in school origin often becomes a scapegoat when students fail in some study programs. Learning achievements decline, forcing students to drop out of school. So research needs to be done to analyze differences in student learning outcomes in the origin of schools. The design used for research...
Proceedings Article

Verbs Meaning Analysis of Hiku as Tagigo in Japanese

Jourike Jeane Runtuwarouw
Tagigo is a word that has more than one meaning, and each meaning is interlocked. Almost all word classes have tagigo, not with verbs hiku. The study was conducted to describe the meaning contained in verbs hiku and the relationship between the meanings of verbs hiku that are influenced by language style....
Proceedings Article

HIJAB SMEs: Women’s Cooperative Embryo as Media to Grow Eco-Feminism of Hijab Craftsmen in Gresik

Jun Surjanti, Tony S. Adji, Sanaji, Setya C. Wibawa
Gresik Hijab SMEs provably show their significance roles in business sustainability and local economy. Hijab considers as women’s fashion and most related parties in this industry are women. Accordingly, this situation leads to women’s role through gender point of view in entrepreneurship. This article...
Proceedings Article

Development of the “Si Tera” Word Card Game for Fun

Kisyani Laksono, Agusniar D. Savitri, Dadang Rhubido, Made Pramono, Indra H. Susanto, Raras Tyasnurita
The coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 in various countries, including Indonesia, made the government take several strategic steps that sought to break the chain of distribution. One of the things done is work from home (WFH) and learn from home (LFH). WFH and LFH certainly have an impact on the...
Proceedings Article

Students Exercise Patterns During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kunjung Ashadi, Imam Marsudi, Azizati Rochmania, Ika Jayadi, Fifit Y. Wulandari, Gigih Siantoro
The COVID-19 pandemic risks causing a decrease in individual physical activity. The research objective was to determine the patterns of physical activity of students while at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach and uses a Likert...
Proceedings Article

Development of Independent Homeschooling Model Primary School Division as the Impact of Covid 19

Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, Widya Nusantara, Rivo Nugroho, Putri Rachmadyanti, Ganes Gunansyah
Since the discovery of positive cases of the corona virus in Indonesia in early March 2020 until it broke out in a number of regions at this time, the Government has instructed them to carry out teaching and learning activities at home until an undetermined time to reduce the spread of the virus. Learning...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Soft Skill on Course of Textile By Online Learning

Ma’rifatun Nashikhah
Learning to handle in COVID-19 pandemics, one of them is learning used internet. Students have given the material with appropriate and supported by interesting tools. It is certainly going to various obstacles. One of the problem is student that have accepted material of learning. As education experts...
Proceedings Article

CIPP Model for Curriculum Evaluation of Biology Education

Ahmad Bashri, Muji Sri Prastiwi, Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati
The aim of this study to describe the results of evaluating the implementation of the curriculum in the Biology Education Study Program. This research is an observational study. Observations were made on Biology Education courses. The model used is CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product). Data collection...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of a Systematic Desensitization Strategy on Reduction of Nomophobia

Mochamad Nursalim, Estiningsih
Nomophobia is a fear experienced by someone when away from smartphones. If someone is confronted in a place that does not have an internet network or the battery runs out, then the tendency of behavior that is displayed can reduce one’s concentration level. Therefore, a systematic desensitization strategy...
Proceedings Article

Processing Music Rhythm Patterns as Body Accompaniment in an Effort to Increase Body Immunity Against Covid-19

Moh. Sarjoko, Dhani Kristiandri, Harpang Yudha Karyawanto, Warih Handayaningrum, Heri Murbiyantoro
Physical and spiritual health is one of the most important supporting factors in carrying out all daily activities to maintain body immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are various body movements that are adjusted to the most important supporting factor is music. Music is a sound that can provide...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment of the People Effected by Covid-19 Through GULIJAT Technical Training for Member of FBS Cleaning Service at Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Muhajir, Fera Ratyaningrum, Nunuk Giari Murwandani, Indah Chrysanti Angge, Eko Agus Basuki Oemar
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the FBS UNESA campus implemented Work from Home and Study from Home, which impacted on reduced working hours for campus cleaning service members. The impact, their income is also reduced and their free time is increased. On the other hand, the life needs are increasing and...
Proceedings Article

Framing Takarir Application: A Need Analysis

Mukhzamilah, Wiyli Yustanti, Kisyani Laksono, Suhartono, Alim Sumarno, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo
The COVID-19 pandemic has driven the use of online mode idea delivery or seminar, the so-called ‘webinar.’ Some of those events involve people around the world who speak different languages. In this way, the use of subtitles or takarir’subtitles’will enhance the audience’s understanding of the process...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Influential Factors on Capital Buffer in Indonesian Banks

Musdholifah, Muhammad Misbahul Chair, Yulita Wulandari
This study aimed at revealing the influence of Lag of Capital Buffer, Return on Equity, Non Performing Loans, Loans to Total Assets Ratio, and GDP Growth on Capital Buffer. 31 commercial banks registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange was chosen as the samples using purposive sampling technique. This study...
Proceedings Article

Gender Stereotype on Solo Putri Bridal Makeup Java Indonesia

Mutimmatul Faidah, Khofifah
Bride’s performance is the center of attention in panggih (The meeting of the bride and groom of the marriage ceremony) procession. Each detail of the makeup is a cultural symbol and full of meaning. Every region in Indonesia has a different and unique bridal makeup. This study aims to describe the look...
Proceedings Article

Developing Music for Unesa’s Aerobic Dance

Nur Ahmad Arief, Kunjung Ashadi, Nurhasan, Oce Wiriawan, Sapto Wibowo, Nurholis Rusdiyanto
Developing music is basically focused on melody and tempos, but there are many variations in the melody to maximize the sound produced. This research aims to design Unesa aerobic dance music accompaniment, analyze the process of developing music that is adapted to step, and develop and measure the quality...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Physical Activity and Fitness Among University Student

Nurhasan, Oce Wiriawan, Sapto Wibowo, Donny A. Kusuma, Arifah Kaharina
The high level of physical activity will support one’s physical fitness. Physical fitness is the main indicator that can predict physical abilities and health status. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical activity and physical fitness of university students. This research is...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning Improve Student Learning Outcomes and Sport Achievement of the State Senior High School for Sports Sidoarjo

Nurkholis, R Salamun, Mohammad Faruk
The State Senior High School for Sports (SMANOR) Sidoarjo is the only high school in East Java that has a special interest in sports achievements. Students in this school are interested for academic success and achievement success. Two things that are contradictory. It means that if academic success...
Proceedings Article

The Challenges of Batik Workers: A Case Studies at Gumelem Banjarnegara

Nurul Friskadewi, Setiadi
Women batik worker characteristics who live near poverty line, have difficulty meeting their needs limited access to skills development. Batik training, tools assistance and materials to colouring training still make them helpless. Batik training for them is a willingness to receive “wages” rather than...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Skills Lab in Improving the Essential Skills and Motor Compete of Students in Cosmetology Program

Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari, Arita Puspitorini, L Dewi
A skills lab is a learning method or form of learning that is used to jointly teach psychomotor skills (skills), knowledge, and affective (attitudes) using laboratory facilities. This study aims to examine how the role of the laboratory in assessing student competencies in terms of the profiles of students’...
Proceedings Article

The Establishment of Perceptions and Healthy Living Attitudes for Children Through Modern Fairytale Based on Covid-19

P. V. Asteria, B. Yulianto, Suyatno, S. Sodiq, B. Yohanes
This study presents a covid-19 fairytale with modern stories related to everyday experiences equipped with 2D animated videos. Animated videos and fairy tale books are arranged based on the characteristics of children as research subjects. The designated aim are perceptions and healthy attitudes in order...
Proceedings Article

Misticism in Tengger Mask Puppet Show to Strengthen Society’s Character in the Era of Information Technology Development (Industrial Revolution 4.0)

Haris Supratno, Resdianto Permata Raharjo, Aries Dwi Indrianti
The objectives of this study aims to find and describe: (1) the mysticism in Tengger mask puppet show associated with animism (2) the mysticism in Tengger mask puppet show related to dynamism (3) factors that cause Tengger mask puppet show to exist in the era of information technology development (Industrial...
Proceedings Article

Why Government Failed: A Reception Analysis Towards Large Scale Social Restriction in Indonesia

Putri aisyiyah rachma dewi, Awang dharmawan, Sjafiatul mardliyah, Agus prasetyawan, Yuni lestari
This study focuses on reception analysis of the Government’s message regarding the imposition of large-scale social restrictions (in bahasa Indonesia, it refers to Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or PSBB) in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The research location includes three cities in East Java Province,...
Proceedings Article

Learn From Home in The COVID-19 Pandemic

The New Difficulties

Putu Indra Christiawan, Ida Bagus Made Astawa, I Gede Astra Wesnawa
During the COVID-19 pandemic, learning from home was a new strategy implemented to ensure the teaching and learning process continued. Even though e-learning is accessible in universities, many academicians are not ready to implement it. This study aims to analyze the difficulties students face in implementing...
Proceedings Article

Urban Zoning Differentiation Between City and The Hinterland Area

Putu Indra Christiawan, I Gede Astra Wesnawa
Urban areas have a strong appeal to regional development. However, the limitations of urban areas push the development towards its hinterland. Urban sprawl has exacerbated in determining the morphological boundaries between rural and urban. This study aims to examine the urban zoning in Denpasar City...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Covid-19 Socialization Media on Social Media and Healthy Life Behavior in Surabaya

R.N. Bayu Aji, Syafiul Anam, Ahmad Bashri, Lutfi Saksono, Muhammad Farid Ilhamudin
This study measures the effectiveness of the use of social media in conducting education and information to the people of Surabaya relating to covid-19. This study takes the object of study on the activities of Surabaya people during the implementation of social restrictions. Media socialization has...
Proceedings Article

Agility and Balance Development Using Functional Training for Basketball Youth Athlete

Sapto Wibowo, Lucy Widya Fathir, Soetanto Hartono, Nining Widyah Kusnanik, Nurhasan, Heryanto Nur Muhammad
The authors note that functional training with 21 mins AMRAP can development of agility and balance for basketball youth athletes. This study involved 24 volunteers, aged 13-15 years, where two experimental groups were taken randomly, the treatment group [AMRAP (n=12)], [control (n=12)]. The AMRAP group...
Proceedings Article

“Between Us” Webseries Development as Covid-19 Anxiety Disorder Reduction Campaign

Puspita Sari Sukardani, Anam Miftakhul Huda, Gilang Gusti Aji, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, Mutiah
Accelerating the Management of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), the Government regulates the Implementation of Large Scale Social Restrictions established by the Minister of Health. Based on Presidential Decree number 11 year 2020 and PP no 21 year 2020 Universitas Negeri Surabaya needs to take a role...
Proceedings Article

Research Trend Among Students in Faculty of Sport Science

Setiyo Hartoto, Awang Firmansyah, Mochamad Purnomo, Anindya M. Sholikhah, Donny A. Kusuma, Bayu B. Prakoso
Research trend among students can be used as one of fundamental directions for the development of scientific disciplines within a faculty. This information is important to be fully understood by faculty members to help them establish policy and develop research roadmap for a certain period of time. This...
Proceedings Article

Assisting Learning From Home for Children: Developing the Video Tutorial for Parents

Siti Masitoh, Febrita Ardianingsih, Asri Wijiastuti, Siti Ina Savira, Sri Joeda Andajani
Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) began to grip the community, when the number of people who died has been increased since January 2020. Over time, the Minister of Education and Culture on March 24, 2020 issued a Circular on Education Policy in an Emergency for the Spread of Covid-19. In point (a),...
Proceedings Article

Performance Optimization of Village- Owned Enterprises Through Business Management Training

Sri Setyo Iriani, Anik Lestari Andjarwati, Sanaji, Zainur Rahman
Government regulations in improving the community welfare at the rural level are pursued by various strategies, one of which is through the establishment of Village-Owned Enterprises in each village. In the beginning of Village-Owned Enterprises (VOE) management by optimizing from village funds disbursed...
Proceedings Article

The Role of University in Empowerment of Clean Living for Anticipating the Spread of Covid-19 at East Java

Sri Setyo Iriani, Janet Trineke Manoy, Vega Candra Dinata, Irfa Ronaboyd
Various efforts have been made by people around the world to anticipating the spread of the Coronavirus Diseas 19 (Covid-19) which is now considered very dangerous and deadly in a very fast time. The Indonesian government has made prevention by conducting social distacing to PSBB (large-scale social...
Proceedings Article

Training on Making Flyers for Optimizing SMEs Product Marketing due to COVID 19 Impact

Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Ketut Prasetyo, Nuansa Bayu Segara
This training and mentoring program is carried out to empower SME entrepreneurs Bojonegoro is expected to design and make practical and attractive MSMs product flyers which are then marketed through the marketplace in online media. Optimization of online marketing as a result of COVID 19 which limits...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, and Digital Promotion on Online Purchasing Decisions in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Susanti, Han T. Hardini, Moh. D. Bahtiar
Covid-19 pandemic has a broad impact on the habits of the community, especially for students and housewives in fulfilling their needs. Government recommendations to comply with health protocols with social restrictions cause them to prefer shopping online. Some factors that are thought to influence online...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model Type Team Games Tournaments (TGT) and Learning Motivation on Student Learning Outcomes

Tamam Syaifuddin, Luthfiyah Nurlela, Sukma Perdana Prasetya
This study aims: (1) to examine differences in learning outcomes between students who implement cooperative learning models of team games tournaments (TGT) and direct teaching strategies (2) test differences in learning outcomes between students who have high motivation and low motivation, (3) test the...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Teenagers’ Community Identity

Case Study of a Local Cultural Festival in Taitung Country

Wang Shu-Kuan, Hsieh Wen-Ying
Firecrackers at the Master Han Dan” during Tait religious activities, and it is the event most attracting people around the world. People throw firecrackers toward the naked Master Han Dan in order to get rid of bad lock and celebrate for new lives. The man, decorated as the Master Han Dan, is almost...
Proceedings Article

Improving Life Skills and Community Income With Soap Entrepreneurs

Titik Taufikurohmah, Sari Edi Cahyaningrum, Warju
Soap is one of the cleaning agents used in everyday human life. Soap helps humans cleanse the body, clothes, and various tools from dirt, both oil and dust. The people of Sidokare village, Rejoso Nganjuk sub-district, are farmers who rely on family income from agriculture, especially shallots and rice....
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of the Traumatic Counseling Model for Reducing PTSD Symptoms in High School Students

Mochamad Nursalim, Titin Indah Pratiwi
The objective of this reseach is to evaluate the effectivity of the model to reduce PTSD Symstoms on high school students in Surabaya. An experiment research with pre—test and post—test to a control group is conducted. The subjects of this research are high school students who have traumatic experience....
Proceedings Article

Design Development of Infographics Content for Covid-19 Prevention Socialization

Vinda Maya Setianingrum, Anam Miftakhul Huda, Gilang Gusti Aji, Puspita Sari Sukardani, Muh Ariffudin Islam
The aim of this study is to find out how the series of Unesa Crisis Center (UCC) activities in presenting Covid-19 visual objects to the public, through infographics in Covid-19 alert socialization. Next, examine the public response to the infographic of Covid-19 alert socialization applied by Unesa...
Proceedings Article

Development of Video Tutorials on Making Paper-Based Literature Review to Improve Student Literacy Ability in the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

Warju, Nadi Suprapto, Neni Mariana, Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Mochammad Arif Al Ardha, Sudirman Rizki Ariyanto
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread in various countries. Especially in the education sector, COVID-19 has an impact on the implementation of learning that has changed from face-to-face to online. Besides, due to conditions that do not allow data collection in the field/laboratory, currently, many supervisors...
Proceedings Article

Study of Seger Family Strategy in Covid-19 Prevention Measures in Achieving Health Indicator Objectives of Sustainable Development Goals

Wijono, Abdul Hafidz, Mochamad Purnomo, Dony Ardy Kusuma, Dian Ayu Larasati
Starting from the city of Wuhan in China, the new type of corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) has spread to various countries in the world and has caused the outbreak of COVID-19 everywhere. On March 11, 2020, WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. There are 12,438 positive cases of the Corona virus (COVID-19) in 34...
Proceedings Article

Mental Health Condition During COVID-19 Pandemic in Trained and Non-Trained Adults

Yonny Herdyanto, Nurhasan, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Dita Agustia, Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Lucy Widya Fathir
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that becomes a global pandemic has set Indonesian government on high alert. This large-scale issue imposed enormous pressure on the government that leads to the issuance of nationwide distancing policy. The continuous spread of virus, quarantine, and stay-at-home...
Proceedings Article

Upcycling Training As Upcycle Community Skills Improvement Efforts

Ratna Suhartini, Firdita Istighfari
Upcycling training is held to provide knowledge and skills. Training is given at Trawas Trashion Carnival (TTC) because it requires knowledge and skills to do upcycling on clothing waste. Participants have no educational background or skills in fashion, so skills that are not required can make patterns...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment of Islamic Boarding School Students Based on the Local Potential in Indonesia

Mutimmatul Faidah, Arita Puspitorini, Fifi Putri Wijayanti, Moh. Thoriq Ilmi
This study aims at mapping the potential of Islamic boarding schools along with the students’ problems and planning the empowerment of the students. This study might benefit the students to live independently and further enrich the treasury of the empowerment model conducted in boarding schools. This...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Development and Transformation of Caregivers’ Work Values

Dynamic Changes of Nurse-Patient Relationship From Laboring, Nursing, and Caregiving

Wenjen Chiang, Mingchang Wu
The caregivers play a crucial role in maintaining the health and happiness of patients, typically losing their self-management abilities. This society should appreciate their work; people in the academic world should envision their work values as well as their inner mindsets in order to provide meaningful...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Transformational Leadership Manners and Attitudes of Leaders in Elite Communities of University and Polytechnic

Anitiyo Soelistiyono, Ming-Chang Wu
In transformational leadership, university and polytechnic department heads work to clarifying their manners, attitudes, self-views, and realistic behavior to the community. Then share it with their community, maintain it over the long term, and increase the motivation and team cooperation both from...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Life-Story and Mindsets of Successful Women Leaders in Educational Settings

Nisa Novia Avien Christy, Ming-Chang Wu
This qualitative study aims to identify the main factors facilitating career success in women who have successfully created change especially in educational settings. Using semi-structured open-ended interviews, we studied five women leaders came from universities and polytechnics in Indonesia. The researchers...
Proceedings Article

The Contributions of Culture-Shock to Open-Mindedness for International Students in Engineering and Social Science College in Taiwan

Radna Andi Wibowo, Ming-Chang Wu
This research purpose to figure out culture shock and recognize varied stressors that could affect culture shock between international scholars. The various coping strategies used by different cultures to cope with culture shock are also to be identified. A semi-structured interview pattern was used...
Proceedings Article

Influences of Skill, Knowledge, Attitude, and Morality on Job Achievement

Heri Sudarmaji, Arie Wardhono, Asto Buditjahjanto, Bambang Suprianto, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Eko Hariadi
Vocational education as one of the important role holders in preparing the workforce is demanded to be able to keep up with the changing and developing market demands. Vocational education is a part of national education system that has very strategic roles for forming skillful employees. However, in...