Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2020)

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78 articles
Proceedings Article

A Development of Storytelling in Teaching English Speaking at Junior High School

Rodi Hartono, Mukhaiyar, Rusdinal, Azwar Ananda
This research is conducted to motivate students’ speaking skill in English. The purpose of this research is to design a learning model namely ‘Storytelling’ to be used as a valid, practical, and effective model to teach English speaking skills at Junior High School (SMP) level. This research is a development...
Proceedings Article

Prototype Design Development of Meta-Inquiry Learning Model in Number Theory

Sinar Depi Harahap, Ahmad Fauzan, Ellizar, I Made Arnawa
Prototype design is to assess the basic stage of research evaluation. The evaluation used follows Tessmer’s evaluation steps. Aspects that are evaluated are in the form of RPS, SAP, development model books, student worksheets, lecturers’ books and number theory teaching materials. The evaluation results...
Proceedings Article

Honest Character Based on Minangkabau Culture in Education

Jusmawati, Rusdinal, Eri Barlian
This research examines and reveals the honest character based on Minangkabau culture in education. Minangkabau has a philosophy of life that adheres to customs and religion, as expressed in the customary expression “Adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah, syarak mangato adat mamakai, alam takambang...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Management Knowledge on Principal Performance and School Performance Quality in Senior High Schools West Sumatra

Hibban, Mukhaiyar, Rusdinal
This research is a quantitative study, describing how much management knowledge has influenced the performance of school principals and the quality of school performance in SMA Negeri Sumatra Barat. The research method was a survey with a quantitative approach. The data were analysed by using path analysis....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Principal Policy on Teachers’ Professional Commitments and Its Impact on Learning Effectiveness in Vocational Schools

Hanafi, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal, Hasdi Aimon
This study aims to build a model of causality that consists of a structural model and a measurement model in the form of a path diagram based on the theoretical justification of the principal’s policy variables, professional commitment, and learning effectiveness. The population of this study was 338...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Non-English Department Students’ Speaking Ability at Universitas Riau

Rukmaryadi, Muhammad Zaim, Desvalini Anwar
This descriptive study aimed to describe and analyze the speaking ability of non-English department students at Universitas Riau in the academic year 2016/2017. The study was also aimed to describe the activities done by the English lecturer in the process of teaching and learning and the students’ difficulties...
Proceedings Article

Validity of Networked-Based Inquiry Model to Improve 21st-Century Competencies of Students

Fuja Novitra, Festiyed, Yohandri
This study aims to reveal the validity level of Networked-based Inquiry model to develop 21st-century competencies of students on physics learning in senior high school. Networked-based Inquiry is a learning model that relies on digital technology to provide opportunities for students to carry out scientific...
Proceedings Article

Developing a Reading Learning Models Based on Think Pair Share

Suhaimi, Mukhaiyar, Muhammad Zaim, Azwar Ananda
This studies designed a version of coaching studying for State Islamic Collage EFL college students primarily based totally at the English curriculum on the English Department and the idea of the Think Pair Share Model so as to enhance the studying comprehension of the college students. What form of...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Work Motivation in Building Principals’ Work Performance and School Performance Quality in Senior High Schools West Sumatra

Hibban, Mukhaiyar, Rusdinal
This article describes the results of quantitative research on the importance of work motivation on the principals’ work performance and the school performance quality at SMA Negeri Sumatra Barat. The research applied direct survey as a research method. The data is processed using path analysis. This...
Proceedings Article

Multifactor Influences on Student’s Learning Motivation

Study on the Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program at Higher Education in Padang

M. Nursi, Azwar Ananda, Mukhaiyar, Mudjiran
Symptoms of the tendency to weaken the learning motivation of students in general and students of the Pacasila and Citizenship Education Study Program (PPKn) in particular make us concerned, because they have the potential to adversely affect their studies and optimize their functional assignments as...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Students’ Point of View Regarding to Writing Skill at English Education Section of IAIN Bukittinggi

Absharini Kardena, Hermawati Syarif, Muhammad Zaim, Hamzah
Writing skill has been widely known among students as one of challenging skills in English. It is categorized challenging since writing involves many aspects, such as grammar, vocabulary, spelling, cohesion, content, organization of ideas and the L1 interference. This research aims to explore students’...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Perceptions on the Effects of R Language in Improving ICT Literacy

Rahma Wahyu, Sinollah, M A Rudhito, H P Suryawan
R is the S language paid software (S-PLUS) to process and present the data into the form of graphs, and data analysis. R has a complete and reliable feature. The legal liability factor is no longer a concern in its use for free. To improve their knowledge, an Interactive learning media must gained by...
Proceedings Article

Development of Entrepreneurship Module for Improving Santri Self-Fulfillment of Gontor 3 Modern Islamic Boarding School, East Java

Reza Fahmi, Firman, Mukhaiyar, Mudjiran
The development of this research is on the needs analysis of the entrepreneurship-learning module based. At Modern Islamic Boarding School of Gontor 3, Darul Ma’rifat and the students’ Self-Fulfillment and conceptual and theoretical studies can strengthen the developed module. The research subjects were...
Proceedings Article

Reflection of Leadership Organization Communication

Rahima Zakia, Sufyarma Marsidin, Rusdinal, Gusril
Communication has a function as the adhesive and heart of an organization. Rift of the relation between the leader, lecturer, employee, and university students mostly caused by communication factors. Ineffective communication resulting in low efficiency and effectiveness of leadership work. Most of the...
Proceedings Article

Development of Early Childhood Creativity Through Fine Arts Education

Minda Sari, Ardipal, Budi Wirman
This article reveals the process of creativity towards early childhood in the field of fine arts conducted in the middle of the family. To understand the problem, in this case, research was conducted using qualitative approach methods. The data is collected using observations, conducting interviews with...
Proceedings Article

WEB-Based e-Personal Counseling (e-PC) Model to Reduce Anxiety Dealing Wth National Examination

Khairul Amri, Mudjiran, Yeni Karneli
Due to rapid development of information and technology in this industrial era, relationship between counselors and clients do not occur only through face-to-face interaction but also through virtual medium like e-Personal Counseling (e-PC). The e-PC can facilitate counselors and their clients to discuss...
Proceedings Article

The Practice of “5 S” in the Effort to Develop Early Childhood Prosocial Behavior

Setiawati, Jamaris, Rusdinal
The low prosocial problems of early childhood in the playing arena of public play facilities are the background of this research. The aim of this research is to develop a model in the prosocial development of children through the practice of “5 S” (smiles, greetings, courtesies, politeness) by parents...
Proceedings Article

Developing A Character Learning Model of Local Wisdom Values “Tau Jalan Nan Ampek” at Senior High School

Alfian Jamrah, Sufyarma Marsidin, Azwar Ananda, Afriva Khaidir
This research aims to determine how the implementation of character education models is implemented at senior high schools in Batusangkar. The design can be applied to students in senior high schools and determine the Effectiveness of the implementation of character education models of Local wisdom “Tau...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Student’s Numerical Reasoning by Using Mathematics Cognition-Based Mathematical Textbook Development at Elementary Schools

Ahmad Fauzan, Elita Zusti Jamaan, Inge Schwank
The results of a preliminary study in 2019 showed that there were still many high-grade elementary school (S.D.) students who did not master arithmetic operations. In general, the elementary school students studied also did not have good numerical reasoning skills, even though they had studied mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Developing A Lesson Plan of Elchotectim Model Based on Blended Learning for Teaching Mathematics at Primary Schools

Melva Zainil, Ahmad Fauzan, Lufri
The background of this research was the need for a blended learning-based Elchotectim model for PSTE students to develop a lesson plan in mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to develop a lesson plan using a blended learning-based Elchotectim for PSTE students in mathematics learning....
Proceedings Article

Gender Education in the Family: From Islamic Perspective

Hermawati, Azwar Ananda, Rusdinal, Eri Barlian
This study aims to analyze gender education from the Islamic religious perspective of the family. Proponents of gender issues generally understand that men and women are equal and equal in any case. So that today it is no longer strange to hear news about events that carry this issue, such as men marrying...
Proceedings Article

Early Childhood Character Education Based on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Keppi Sukesi, Elly Malihah, Viena Rusmiati Hasanah, Lilis Widaningsih, Eti Setiawati, Ammik Kisriyani, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, Iwan Nurhadi, Jedda Ayu Inggrida
The aims of the present study are threefold: (1) portray the parenting style in early childhood in the families, (2) analyze gender issues in early childhood education in villages, in lower and upper-class communities, and (3) formulate a model of early childhood education with a gender perspective and...
Proceedings Article

The Acceptance of Mobile-Based Learning in Learning Quran for Higher Education

Khadijah, Nizwardi Jalinus, Jalius Jama
The purpose of this study was to determine the acceptance of mobile-based learning in Al-Qur’an learning. The research method used was quantitative research. Data were obtained through a questionnaire given to students of Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Based on the results of the...
Proceedings Article

Folklore: Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Medium to Strengthen the Character of the Nation

Wahyuni Mulia Helmi, WS Hasanuddin, Harris Effendi Thahar, Yasnur Asri
Folklore, especially legends with lawlessness theme, is still transmitted from generation to generation by people who live in Minangkabau cultural surrounding. This leads us to an assumption that there are character education values which characterize Minangkabau ethnic group which is believed to be...
Proceedings Article

Monitoring and Evaluating Online Learning Using Online Media

Meini Sondang Sumbawati, Hariyati, Unit Three Kartini, Wahyu Sukartiningsih, Alfiantin Noor Azhiimah, Khusnul Khotimah
Covid-19 pandemic has wide range impact in many fields including education. Schools and colleges have no other choice but to carry out online learning (teaching and learning process is conducted remotely) as replacement of conventional, face to face learning. The variety of online media and the competence...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Madrasah Supervision Managerial in Pasaman Regency

Sermal, Yanuar Kiram, Buchori Nurdin, Rusdinal, Ahmad Kosasih
The objective of this study is to describe the results of the implementation of madrasah supervision managerial in Pasaman Regency. It uses research and development (R&D) design with Borg and Gall model, aimed at producing certain products and testing the effectiveness of these products. The results...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Mathematics Lesson Plan for Primary School Teacher Education Students

Melva Zainil, Ahmad Fauzan, Lufri
The background of this research was the need to know the pedagogical competence of primary school teacher education students in making a lesson plan for mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability and the errors in mathematics lesson plans written by PSTE students....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Practicality of the PjBL Model for Biology Lectures

Ibnu Hajar, Lufri, Ahmad Fauzan
Research and development have been carried out to find the practicality of the PjBL model for Biology courses developed in the Riau Islamic University (UIR) Biology education program. This study uses the R&D method with the Plomp model (2013). As the trial subject is a 5th-semester student of the...
Proceedings Article

A Local Instructional Theory to Learn the Concept of Test Criteria in Hypothesis Testing Based on Realistic Mathematics Education

Syafriandi, A Fauzan, Lufri, Armiati
Determining the test criteria in hypothesis testing is a stage to determine whether the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected. In order for students to understand the concept of test criteria properly, it is necessary to design a learning trajectory that can facilitate students to reinvent the concept...
Proceedings Article

Problem Based-Learning Model Development and Giving Reward to Improve Conceptual Understanding and Problem Solving Ability of the Students at IAIN

Mariam Nasution, I Made Arnawa, Ali Amran, Edwin Musdi
This is the preliminary research about the development of problem-based learning model and the reward giving on elementary linear algebra courses at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. This research applied descriptive qualitative approach. Then, the data were analyzed by using the models of Miles and Huberman’s type...
Proceedings Article

A Model of Family Education in Developing Prosocial of the Children Using Playing Ground in Public Facilities

Setiawati, Jamaris, Rusdinal
The low level of prosocial behavior of children in public facilities is the background for the implementation of this study, which is thought to be related to parental factors. The aims of this research to show the description of the implementation of family education in children’s prosocial development...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Academic Supervision, School Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Achievement Motivation on Teachers’ Performance at Junior High Schools

Japemar, Rusdinal, Ahmad Fauzan
This studies is stimulated by regarding the unsatisfactory overall performance of the teacher, that it is necessary to have a look at the elements which could affect the teacher’s performance to growth. The objectives of this research to attain the information on the impact of supervisors’ educational...
Proceedings Article

The Validation of the Instrument for Developing a Competency-Based Training Model for Academic Supervision

Erpidawati, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Sufyarma Marsidin, Yahya
School supervisors have an important role in improving the quality of education in schools, especially in carrying out academic supervision activities related to improving the learning process. The results of the school supervisor competency test conducted by the Directorate of Education Personnel at...
Proceedings Article

Management of the Madrasah Principal to Get “A” Accreditation in MTSN 1 Sijunjung

Aprizal Ahmad, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal
This study aims to describe madrasah’s principal’s management to get accreditation A at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Sijunjung. This study’s results are an in-depth description of madrasah principals’ management to get accreditation at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Sijunjung. This research is a field...
Proceedings Article

Comparison Study on Using Language;

Critical Discourse Perspective on the Direct Government Cash Assistance During Pandemic Covid-19 on the News of and

Tuti Herlina, Atmazaki
This study aims to explain the using of language on vocabulary and grammar in mass media texts can present certain realities. The use of vocabulary and grammar is a point of attention in analyzing the news text of the case of direct cash assistance that occurred in the two Wali Nagari offices in Pesisir...
Proceedings Article

Cyberbullying in the Digital Age: A Common Social Phenomenon

Rafsel Tas’adi, Mudjiran, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Azwar Ananda
Bullying, defined as the violence of any kind including verbal intimidation, frequently occurs in the school environment around the world and is most often seen among young people aged 11-13, or more broadly among middle school students. Bullying does not only occur among younger and older students,...
Proceedings Article

Developing an E-Book Based on the Murshid Model for Learning Al-Qur’an in UIN Imam Bonjol, Padang

Khadijah, Niswardi Jalinus, Jalius Jama
Islamic Religious Education (PAI) students in Islamic State University (UIN) of Imam Bonjol, Padang are prospective educators in Islamic religious education. To be qualified educators in that discipline, their ability in reading Al-Qur’an must be above average. However, based on the test conducted, only...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Self-Efficacy and School Stress Symptoms at Private Elementary School Muallimin

Reza Fahmi, Firman, Mukhaiyar, Mudjiran
This study aims to determine the relationship between students’ self-efficacy with school stress symptoms at Private Elementary School Muallimin Kenagarian Tabek Nagari Talang Babungo, Kota Solok, West Sumatera, Indonesia. This research employs quantitative method. The population of the study was 100...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Media for Early Childhood Based on the Mechatronics System

Rita Kurnia, Mahdum, Azriyenni, Piki Setri Pernantah
Learning media can be used as tools or intermediaries to help early childhood play and receive understanding of new concepts. Mechatronic-based learning media has a role in improving early childhood literacy skills. This learning media development aims to produce an innovative early childhood learning...
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Entrepreneurial Interest of the Students in Universitas Negeri Padang

M. Arifin, Azwar Ananda, Khairani
The purpose of this study is to observe the influence of entrepreneurship knowledge toward entrepreneurial interest of the students at Universitas Negeri Padang. This study used path analysis method with relationship pattern between variables depicted in the “path diagram” with “structural equation”...
Proceedings Article

Creative Media to Introduction Thayyibah Sentence in Early Childhood Education

Zulvia Trinova, A. Muri Yusuf, Jamaris Jamna
The golden age in early childhood education is a potential period in introducing various concepts, including introducing the Thayyibah sentence. Educators are currently introducing the concept of numbers in counting, letters in reading, and geometry in spatial form, but it is not optimal to introduce...
Proceedings Article

Delivery Pattern of Character Values in the Legend Group Themed of Lawlessness Folklore in the Minangkabau Nation Society

Wahyuni Mulia Helmi, WS Hasanuddin, Harris Effendi Thahar, Yasnur Asri
Intangible cultural heritage is a cultural wealth that contributes to the process of instilling good character values. These cultural properties can be used in planting, development, and strengthening of character values contextually by the characteristics of the nation’s culture. Folklore is an intangible...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of the Honest Character of the Orphanage and Its Implications for Strengthening Character Education

Jusmawati, Rusdinal, Eri Barlian
This study aims to explore the honest character of orphanage children and its implications for strengthening character education. The exploratory approach is carried out to identify the honest character values of foster children in the orphanage and their implications for strengthening character education...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Interactive Project Based E-Module in Visual Program Course

Yeka Hendriyani, Ambiyar, Sukardi, Hansi Effendi
The purpose of this study was to produce learning media in the form of project-based interactive e-modules and to find out the feasibility of the media based on expert testing. The development of this learning media is based on the unavailability of innovative teaching materials in the Visual Programming...
Proceedings Article

Development of Actuarial E-Learning Based on Android Applications

Suherman, Ahmad Fauzan, Yerizon
Nowadays, the rapid development of technology into mobile phones has changed the lifestyle for humans. In addition, being a country that became a mobile phone users, Indonesia is also noted as a country with high internet usage. But this is not in line with the utilization of the use of mobile phones,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Satisfaction Using Learning Management System on the Competencies of Digital Talent Scholarship Thematic Academy Participants

Yan Andriariza Ambhita Sukma, Qur’ani Dewi Kusumawardani, Feki Pangestu Wijaya
The development of information and communication technology facilitates learning even in the pandemic era through integrated online learning. Online learning is primarily determined by the Learning Management System model (LMS). LMS was developed to obtain optimal, effective, and efficient learning benefits....
Proceedings Article

Utilization of the Lectora Inspire Application in Early Childhood Education

Zulvia Trinova, A. Muri Yusuf, Jamaris Jamna
Early childhoods still have a lot of empty spaces in their brain. Introduction and supply of optimal contents are very essential as the basis for self-development process in the future. In relation with learning activity, there are various components which can be used by teachers. One of them is learning...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Creativity, Social Interaction, and Enterprise Motivation of Students in Universitas Negeri Padang

M. Arifin, Azwar Ananda, Khairani
Entrepreneurship will appear when an individual dare to develop new businesses and ideas, while entrepreneurship includes all functions, activities and actions related to the acquisition and creation of business organizations. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between the influence...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning in Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom

Eka Sustri Harida, Jufrizal, Hermawati Syarif, Ratmanida
Flipped-classroom learning is a kind of blended learning mostly used in the teaching and learning process in the Covid-19 and Post Covid-19 Era. This article is to investigate the students’ perception of online learning, including flipped classroom learning. The research is a descriptive study. The questionnaire...
Proceedings Article

Improving Teacher’s Pedagogic Competence in Preparing Lesson Plan Through Academic Supervision

Japemar, Rusdinal, Ahmad Fauzan
This study aims to reveal and determine the improvement of teacher pedagogical competence in preparing lesson plans through academic supervision in SMP Kota Pariaman. This type of research is School Action Research (PTS), which consists of two cycles, where each cycle consists of; planning, action, reflection,...
Proceedings Article

Learning Strategies to Improve Computational Thinking in Problem Solving

Rosita, Ekohariadi, Lilik Anifah, Tri Rijanto, Munoto, Luthfiyah Nurlaela
Computational thinking is an ability needed to face technological advancement and today’s complex development. In the 21st century, through computational thinking students are guided to have critical, creative, communicative thinking skills and be able to collaborate in problem solving. With the right...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Ethnomathematics at Rumah Gadang Minangkabau to Design Mathematics Learning Based on RME in Junior High Schools

Ahmad Fauzan, Fridgo Tasman, Rozi Fitriza
In the Rumah Gadang Minangkabau architecture, various aspects of Ethnomathematics can be raised as real and exciting mathematics learning topics. These aspects have not been well explored and documented. This study aims (1) to explore the mathematical ideas contained in the construction and design process...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Math’s Learning Materials Based on Cognitive Conflict for the Students at Junior High Schools

Silvia Rahayu, Ahmad Fauzan
Students often experience confusion in determining whether the solution or reason he presents is a right or wrong solution. Individual awareness of conflicting information that impacts the concept of the cognitive structure itself is called cognitive conflict. Based on these problems, through this study,...
Proceedings Article

Opportunities and Challenges of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang as College of Islamic Gender Responsive in Higher Education

Hermawati, Azwar Ananda, Rusdinal, Eri Barlian
This study aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges of the Islamic State University Imam Bonjol as a Gender Responsive Islamic Religious College in higher education. It is hoped that the large number of PTKI in Indonesia can play an important role in responding to gender issues. However, most...
Proceedings Article

Developing a Coastal Community Empowerment Conceptual Model Through Environmental Entrepreneurship at Informal Education in Pariaman

Sofiawati, Eri Barlian, Agus Irianto, Bustari Muchtar
This research was initiated by the fact of the lack of coastal community empowerment conceptual model to develop the potential resources of their life. The aim of this study was to discover the conceptual model of coastal community empowerment through environmental entrepreneurship at informal education...
Proceedings Article

The Practicality of Mathematics Learning Model Based on RME and Literacy in Junior High School

Rusdi, I Made Arnawa, Ahmad Fauzan, Lufri
This study aims to determine the practicality of the Mathematics Learning Model Based on Realistic Mathematics Education and Literacy (MLB-RMEL Model) in facilitating the attainment of mathematics literacy of 8th grade students in junior high school. The study was focused on the field test phase in 3...
Proceedings Article

The Practicality of Principal’s Performance Appraisal Model

Zulkifli, Sufyarma Marsidin, Rusdinal, Mudjiran
Their performance in carrying out tasks judges the success of the principals in leading a school. A relevant model on the performance appraisal of principals is required to carry out principals’ performance appraisal in a professional manner. This study aims to describe the practicality of using the...
Proceedings Article

Administrative Leadership Managerial Competencies in Higher Educations (Study on Planning Aspect)

Lusi Susanti, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Yasri, Hadiyanto
institutions as seen from the ability to plan. This research is descriptive quantitative. The study population consisted of all university administrative leaders. The study population consisted of all Kasubang, amounting to 25 people. This study uses total sampling, but when the research data collection...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Leadership Effectiveness at University

Rahima Zakia, Sufyarma Marsidin, Rusdinal, Gusril
Leaders have a central position in an organization; even may assume the organization failed because of ineffective leadership. This cause not only applies to some companies but also universities. Universities have their uniqueness with two dimension organ, they are administrative and academics function...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Leadership on Teacher’s Performance in Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Aprizal Ahmad, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal
This study aims to see the influence of the headmaster’s leadership on teacher performance. The method used in this research is ex post facto causal research because the purpose of this study is to reveal a causal relationship between the research variables. This research was conducted at Madrasah Tsanawiyah...
Proceedings Article

Transcendence of Students’ Cognitive Abilities in Drawing Through Environmental Theme at Multicultural Primary Schools

Zariul Antosa, Yanuar Kiram, Gusril, Firman
Images are expressions expressed in the form of strokes that resemble visual objects. Images are produced through appreciation of specific signs that characterize the object. The choice of shape to be used as an image object is influenced by the knowledge of the object. Experience, observation, the ability...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using Video on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Silvia Sismona
This reseach aimed to realize the impact of the usage of video closer to college students’ vocabulary mastery at grade VII SMPN four Batang Anai. This reseach became the form of experimental studies through the usage of factorial layout 2x2. The populace of this studies became the scholars at grade VII...
Proceedings Article

Hypothetical Learning Trajectory for First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Yarman, Ahmad Fauzan, Armiati, Lufri
This research is a design research with the aim of designing student learning trajectories in first-order ordinary differential equations learning. There are three phases to be carried out in design research, namely the Preliminary Phase; Prototyping Phase; and Assessment Phase. However, the focus of...
Proceedings Article

Development of Colour Knowledge Learning Media in Beauty Design Courses Department of Makeup and Beauty

Siska Miga Dewi, Merita Yanita
This study aims to develop learning media in beauty design courses that can help students understand the concept of beauty design material regarding colour knowledge so that students can mix and match colours appropriately and correctly. The learning media model will be designed using the Macromedia...
Proceedings Article

Development of Outbound Learning Models to Improve Students’ Caring Characters on the Social Environment

Baiq Mahyatun, Neviyarni, Herman Nirwana, Afriva Khaidir
This research is based on the phenomenon of students’ low awareness of the social environment around them. This study aimed to develop an outbound learning model to improve students’ caring character for the social environment. This research is the Mix Method using the Research & Development approach....
Proceedings Article

Meta Analysis: The Effectiveness of Learning Media Based on Virtual Simulation in Technical Vocational Education

Akrimullah Mubai, M Giatman, Usmeldi, Fahmi Rizal, Hansi Effendi, Mukhlidi Muskhir, Arwizet Karudin
This studies objectives to speak about the effectiveness of digital simulation-primarily based totally gaining knowledge of media in vocational training engineering. This observe makes use of a meta-evaluation technique with secondary statistics types. Data received withinside the shape of post-take...
Proceedings Article

Management of Learning From Home Program in Kindergarten

Sitti Rahmaniar Abubakar, Nanang Sahriana, Ahid Hidayat, Dorce Banne Pabunga, Afifah Nur Hidayah
The problem in this research is how the management of learning from the home program is during the Covid-19 pandemic at TK Bahari Poleang Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi. The research objective was to describe the management at TK Bahari Poleang Bombana in the home program’s learning during the Covid-19...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Directed – Project Based Learning Model in Improving the Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students at Junior High School

Tri Pratiwi, Sufyarma Marsidin, Hermawati Syarif, Yahya
This study aimed to test the effectiveness of the Directed – Project Based Learning (DPjBL) Model to improve students’ learning outcomes. The research design used was a quasi-experimental form of the non-equivalent control group. The population in this study consisted of class VIII students at SMP N...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Online Scientific Publication Training Approach for Teacher’s Professional Competence Development at Religious Training Centre in Padang

Agusrida, Atmazaki, R Syahrul, Ermanto
Scientific publication training for teachers is one of the priority training activities at the Religious Training Center (BDK) in the Padang program. It relates this to the need for teachers to fulfill the demands of professional development for promotion and the position in question. It transferred...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of ICT-Based Contextual Mathematics Learning on Students’ Problem-Solving Ability

S Salmaini, Ahmad Fauzan, I Made Arnawa, Darmansyah, Wahyu Widada
Mathematics is a topic in excessive school that is difficult to understand. The contextual teaching and learning (CTL) model assisted by Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can overcome this. The purpose of this research was to determine students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities through...
Proceedings Article

Character Education Values of Attributes in Maulid Process in Sei Sariak Region VII Koto Pariaman

Jupriani, Mukhayar, Agusti Efi
The celebration Mawlid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is a religious and cultural ceremony carried out by all Muslim communities. Each region according to its habits performs in various ways and rituals, in West Sumatra, especially in the Kec.VII Koto Sei Sariak Padang Pariaman. This study aims to: (1)....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Mathematics Representation Abilities Based on Prior Knowledge and Learning Styles

Amelya Sri Emina, Ahmad Fauzan, Ali Asmar
Mathematical Representation Ability is one of the mathematical capabilities that ought to be mastered via college students’ means. The cause of this look is to research the mathematical illustration capacity in phrases of the preliminary capabilities and studying patterns possessed via way of means of...
Proceedings Article

University Students’ Perception on Android Based Text-book in Calculus

Rahma Wahyu, Candra Pradhana
With the emergence of the internet, e-mastering has more and more more emerge as the promising answer that maintains to develop day after day. Considering college college students’ belief in the direction of e-mastering is critical in a success improvement of e-mastering in better education, on account...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors Affecting Teachers’ Productivity

Anisah, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal
Teacher work productivity has an essential and strategic role in realizing quality education. Therefore, severe and continuous efforts are needed to improve it. This article aims to analyze teacher work productivity and the factors that influence it. This article’s writing is based on a literature study...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Integrated Science to Improve Students’ New Literacy Skills in Cooperative Learning

Sucia Rahmiwati, Festiyed, Ratnawulan
Natural science is a science that provides important information related to natural phenomena, matter and energy. Learning science in the new literacy era requires students to master; data literacy, technological literacy and human literacy, which means that students are able to develop the ability to...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Students’ Self Confidence Entrepreneurship Based on Minangkabau Culture in UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Zuwirda, Firman, A. Muri Yusuf, Gusril
Self-confidence is one aspect of personality that functions to encourage individuals to achieve the success that is formed through the learning process in their interactions with the environment. When the Minang community entrepreneurship must have self-confidence in business for a one fax tor determinant...
Proceedings Article

A Managerial Supervision Model in the Design Process for Madrasah Supervisors in Pasaman Regency

Sermal, Yanuar Kiram, Buchori Nurdin
The research objective in this study was to describe the results of the implementation of the managerial supervision model carried out by madrasah supervisors in the Pasaman Regency. The research method is the research and development (R&D) model of Borg and Gall to produce specific products and...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Augmented Reality-Based Learning Media Application on Student’s Interests and Learning Outcomes of Science Subject at Elementary Schools

Ali Fakhrudin, Arief Kuswidyanarko
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of Augmented Reality-based learning media on students’ interests and learning outcomes in elementary schools in Palembang. The research was conducted utilizing a Quasi-Experimental design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. This study’s...